Poka Yoke or Error Proofing

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Poka Yoke or Error Proofing

Poka Yoke / Error Proofing / Mistake Proofing -

What It Is

Poke Yoke or mistake proofing means taking steps to ensure errors or abnormalities can't

It can involve using checklists, quality checks, part or tool design, machine modification,
setting tolerance limits and so forth.

There are three types of Poka Yoke:

1 - Contact type:

The use of shape, dimensions or other physical properties to detect the contact or non-contact
of a particular feature. 6 sigma training

E.g. Things only fitting one way

2 - Constant number type:

If a fixed number of actions or movements are not made an error sign is triggered.

eg: completing data entry fields when taking an order

3 Performance sequence type ensures steps are performed In the right order

eg, the use of a checklist for pre-flight checks or completing forms In a logical way.

Poka yokes are either:

. Shut out type

- so preventing an error being made.

. Attention type

- highlighting that an error has been made.

'Shut-out' is clearly preferable to 'Attention' as it prevents waste and doesn't rely on the error
signal being noticed.

The ideal Poka Yokes are:

simple and easy to implement

specific to the need

developed by every employee

The three golden rules of Poka Yoke:

Everyday examples of Poka Yoke:

To enhance the understanding of Error Proofing, it is important to understand the difference
between a defect and an error We can use the cause and effect diagram to identify the the
errors that cause defects to occur.

An error is any deviation from a specified manufacturing process.

Errors can be made by machines or people and can be caused by errors that occurred

All defects are created by errors.

This means that if errors can be prevented, no defects will be created.

By using Error Proofing, the errors that cause defects are located and eliminated.

Error Proofing should be continuously used to locate and prevent new errors.

Here is an example of a completed cause and effect diagram, once the possible causes (errors)
are identified, the most likely errors can be counter measured through various error proofing
The 10 most common types of errors:

Error proofing can only affect the errors which potentially cause defects not all errors cause

Here is a list of the 10 most common errors which EP is designed to correct or eliminate:

1.Processing omissions: Leaving out one or more process steps.

2. Processing errors: Process operation not performed according to the standard work

3. Error in setting up the workpiece: Using the wrong tooling or setting machine adjustments
in correctly for the current product.

4. Missing parts: Not all parts included in the assembly, welding, or other processes.

5. Improper part/ item: Wrong part installed in assembly.

6. Processing wrong workpiece: Wrong part machined.

7. Operations errors: Carrying out an operation incorrectly; having the incorrect revision of a
standard process or specification sheet.

8. Adjustment, measurement, dimension errors: Errors in machine adjustments, testing

measurements or dimensions of a part coming in from a supplier.

9. Errors in equipment maintenance or repair: Defects caused by incorrect repairs or

component replacement.
10. Error in preparation of blades, jigs, or tools: Damaged blades, poorly designed jigs, or
wrong tools.

How to use Poka Yoke

1. Identify the operation or process that needs to be mistake proofed (target areas where there
are high numbers of errors or where even single errors are very costly).

2. Use the 5 Whys or cause and effect analysis to get to the root of the problem.

3. Decide whether to use a shut-out or attention type method (there may be technical or
financial reasons why you have to go for the latter) to tackle the problem.

4. Decide whether a contact, constant number or sequence method is best (this will hinge on
the nature and purpose of the activities).

5. Design an appropriate poka yoke.

6. Test it to see if it works (try to avoid large expense before you have completed this step -
use mock ups or make-do's).

7. Once you have a working method then ensure you have the right tools/checklists/software,
etc for it to work consistently and correctly.

8. Train everyone to use it.

9. After it has been in operation for a while (the time period will depend on the frequency of
the activity) review performance to ensure errors have been eliminated.

Take whatever steps are needed to improve on what you have done.

How it helps

By taking steps to make it impossible to make mistakes, waste is prevented and processes run
more smoothly.

Enforces operational procedures or sequences

. Ensures quality at the source instead of quality after the fact.

What is Poka-Yoke?

Poka-Yoke is a process improvement designed to prevent a specific defect from occurring. It

is a process improvement system that prevents personal injury, promotes job safety and
prevents faulty products and machine damage. Poka-yokes are mechanisms used to mistake
proof an entire process. Ideally, poka-yokes ensure that proper conditions exist before actually
executing a process step, preventing defects from occurring in the first place. Where this is
not possible, poka-yokes perform a detective function, eliminating defects in the process as
early as possible.

Many people think of poka-yokes as limit switches, optical inspection systems, guide pins or
automatic shutoffs that should be implemented by the engineering department. This is a very
narrow view. These mechanisms can be electrical, mechanical, procedural, visual, human or
any other form that prevents incorrect execution of a process step. Poka-yokes also can be
implemented in areas other than production such as sales, order entry, purchasing or product
development where the cost of mistakes is much higher than on the shop floor. The reality is
that defect prevention, or defect detection and removal, has widespread applications in most

Mistake: The execution of a prohibited action, the failure to correctly perform a required
action or the misinterpretation of information essential to the correct execution of an action.

Poka-Yoke (Mistake/Error Proofing): The use of process or design features to prevent the
manufacture of nonconforming product.

Error Proofing Triangle

Physical Error proofing: involves installing components such as Enlarge this picture
fixtures or sensors to eliminate conditions that may lead to an error.

Operational Error proofing: involves making modifications or

installing devices that reinforce the correct procedure sequence.

Philosophical Error proofing: involves identifying situations that cause defects and doing
something about it—empowerment of workforce.

Approaches to Error Proofing

Prevention: Prevents errors from creating defects.

Detection: Detects defects and immediately initiates corrective action to prevent multiple
defects from forming.

Definition of a Defect: A defect is the result of any deviation from product specifications that
may lead to customer dissatisfaction.

To classify as a defect:
1. The product has deviated from manufacturing or design specifications.
2. The product does not meet internal and/or external customer expectations.
Definition of an Error: An error is any deviation from a specified manufacturing process.
There can be an error without a defect, but there cannot be a defect without an error.

Error proofing as it is understood and practiced today is an outgrowth of the quality

movement, specifically the Zero Defects initiative. It is a team-based, plant-floor
improvement strategy that focuses on production processes and operations. Error proofing
aims to prevent errors and deviations from standards of all types that can impact quality,
safety, manufacturing costs and customer satisfaction.

Zero Defects System

Enlarge this picture Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) application into
Error Proofing—Design/Process FMEA

A design FMEA is an analytical technique used by product or process

designers as a means to ensure that, to the extent possible, potential
failure modes and their associated causes have been considered and addressed. The design
must be improved based on the results of the FMEA study. All the design and possible error
proofing should be identified during the development of Design Failure Mode Effects
Analysis (DFMEA) and integrated into design.

All the manufacturing and process issues are prioritized to help identify opportunities for
greatest impact for customer and return for investment. The most common tool used to
identify and prioritize the issues is Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA). The
process FMEA method is used by the cross-functional team approach to answer all process-
related questions and to quantify the results in the form of Risk Priority Number (RPN). The
PFMEA tool helps the team to ask the key question to identify and implement the proper error
proofing to improve the process.
Error Proofing Techniques

Design For Manufacturability (DFM): Techniques in designs that Enlarge this picture
cannot be incorrectly manufactured or assembled. This technique also
can be used to simplify the design and, therefore, reduce its cost for

Poka-Yoke System: Set-up devices or inspection techniques that ensure setup is done
correctly; for example, produce 100% good parts from the first piece on.

Design Stage: Best opportunity to impact quality and cost.

Why Use Error Proofing?

Competitive Advantage: In a global market the cost of quality is part of the competitive
advantage. It costs far less to prevent defects from occurring in the first place than to catch
them later through inspection and have to rework or repair them.

Knowledgeable Workers: When every employee understands the principles of error

proofing, work teams can see more easily how defects are generated and can then effectively
eliminate them. They can participate in the design and improvement of parts processing and
assembly operations in order to prevent defects from occurring. These methods can be
employed in the office as well to eliminate errors in paper processes.

Predictability: If machines (manual or robotic) include error-proofing devices, then there is

assurance that the end product will be defect free. This eliminates inspection and rework
operations, as well as scrap.

Reduced Variation: Error Proofing devices also ensure that subassembly and assemblies are
exactly the same. There will be little chance of part-to-part variation if the machines are
designed or modified to prevent errors and their resulting defects. Human error is natural. But
sometimes when errors can be traced back to the operator’s interaction with the process, there
is a tendency to blame the operator. But the root cause of the error is usually failure to account
for the possibility of human errors or omissions—by people who design machinery, layouts or
operating procedures. Error proofing can correct this.
Errors are Inevitable

Important facts to realize about human error are:

Errors are inevitable, a part of human nature. Few workers make errors intentionally;
most strive to prevent errors. Error proofing alters the work environment to reduce the
opportunity for human errors.

When incorporating error proofing into the work environment, understanding human
limits is essential. These limits include:

Vision: People vary in ability to distinguish details, colors or adjust vision to lighting.

Hearing: Individual upper and lower thresholds of hearing change when background
noise is added.

Repetition Ability: Muscular efficiency and mental tracking decrease as rates of

repetition increase.
Six Sigma and Error Proofing: In a DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control)
project, this step is usually performed in the Control phase to prevent a specific defect from
occurring. It is next to impossible to reach Six Sigma and lean implementation without
applying error-proofing concepts.

Tech Tips

 Poka-yoke is a process improvement designed to prevent a specific defect from occurring.

 Poka-yoke works by making a process mistake and error proof.

 In a lean Six Sigma deployment using DMAIC, poka-yoke will be implemented in the
control phase of the project.

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