President's Report by Kaye Hotsenpiller

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Published Monthly
Altrusa International, Inc.
Of Montrose, Colorado
PO Box 3184
Montrose, CO. 81402-3184 President’s Report
Betty Lundgren
Editor & Publisher
by Kaye Hotsenpiller
970 252-3610 Wow! What a whirlwind summer and back to school season!
Kaye Hotsenpiller—President Altrusa has been busy and it will only get busier. 16 members, one husband, and one son com- pleted highway clean up. We are signed up to clean our mile of highway two times per year. What
970 249-7929 a nice way to give back to our community and talk one on one with a few of the members.
The ASTRA after hour’s event was held at Altrusa Park. We thankfully avoided the rain from the
Diane Winger—
previous evening. Altrusans’ helped by providing food, appetizers, and Joyce Loss’ wonderful cake.
President Elect
2 potential ASTRA girls were in attendance. The event competed with sports and cheerleading
practice so we did not get as much participation as we had hoped. We played a toilet paper game
970 765-8885
as well as a rock, paper, scissors face off. Congratulations Sandra Tyler as being the Rock, Paper,
Linda Riba— Scissors champion! Speaking of ASTRA, the board is encouraging ASTRA to be more visible
First Vice President within our own Altrusa Club. The ASTRA chairs will be given time at our monthly Business Meet- ing to discuss what the school club is up to. They would also like to have more members on their
970 240-5489 committee to be positive role models for these future leaders. I have asked that they let us know
the next time that there is a flocking so that more Altrusa members can be a part of this very valu-
Ginny Spaven—
able tradition.
Second Vice President Susan Woody and Jeanne Kuchynka cut 208 buddy bags and 416 straps for the bags. In September,
970 964-4379 Altrusans sewed the bags together. The bags will be placed at the Community Dental Clinic, Medi-
cal Mission, Tri County Resources, and the school based health clinics. These businesses will give
Lorie Bollig—Secretary the kids the bags to keep them busy as their parents are being treated.
970 249-6823 The four club social was held at David Magnum’s house in Delta on September 22nd. It was a
great time to eat and socialize with the Montrose, Delta, Palisade, and Grand Junction Clubs. A
Janis Marcha—Treasurer
time of celebration for Delta Clubs’ 25th Anniversary.
970 249-6101 November 19th is our Holiday Festival. The committee will be working hard between now and
then to plan the food, decorations, and festivities for the festival. Please remember that this is a big
Allison Nadel—Treasurer Elect fundraiser and we need as many hands as possible to ensure its success. We need members to help with making food, serving food, decorating, selling tickets at the door, cleaning up the bank after-
970 240-3091 wards, mingling, and enjoying the evening.
Roberta Hoey—Past President October 23rd is Make a Difference Day. Please begin to think of ideas for what we can do as a club to Make a Difference in our community around Literacy.
970 249-3873
Martha Dusio—
970 249-7469 Page 2 & 3 August Business Meeting Minutes
Lita Sargent—Director Page 4 & 5 ASTRA Update, Pot of Gold & Nut Sale Fundraisers, & Parliamentary Presentation
970 417-1145 Page 6 & 7 October Birthdays, Governor Ida Bender’s Visit & New Service
Hour Summary Procedures
Page 8 & 9 2010 Brainstorming Meeting Recap

Club Business Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2010
President Kaye Hotsenpiller called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm. A quorum was present
as evidenced by Attachment A. Kaye thanked Linda Riba for presiding over the last club
and board meeting.

Guests/Member News/Brags:
Carolee Hawkins introduced her daughter Blake
Diane Winger just returned from a six day hiking trip
Judy Copeland is now with Keller-Williams Real Estate
Alice Vest updated the club on Mary Watt condition – she is currently undergoing
chemotherapy treatment
Diane Winger announced that new yearbook inserts are available or if replacement
binders are needed they are available for purchase

Dates to Remember:
8/17/2010 is ASTRA After Hours at Altrusa Park from 5:30 – 7:30
8/24/2010 Governor Ida Bender will be visiting our club
8/18/2010 Susan Woody and Jeanne Kuchynka will be cutting Buddy Bags and there will be an upcoming
sewing session with volunteers needed

Secretary Report:
The minutes of the July 20, 2010 meeting were approved as presented.
Correspondence included Thank You notes from Habitat for Humanity, Hospice and Palliative Care of
Western Colorado and Jan Sullivan on behalf of her daughter Nikki for a scholarship received.

Treasurer’s Report:
Janis Marcha presented the Treasurer’s Report and Financials for July 2010. She clarified that Anniversary
Party will be amended to reflect invoices to be generated for members who RSVP’d but did not attend. The
financials will be filed as presented.

Alice Vest presented Foundation Financial Statements for July 2010.

Committee Reports:
PROGRAMS – Diane Winger
8/24 International Relations and Holiday Festival Committee Reports
8/31 Joyce Loss – Neighborhood Watch
9/7 Debbie Risto, Altrusa Int’l of Grand Junction -- Haiti Project
9/28 Literacy Committee Report


There was not any activity for New Applications, Resignations or requests for Leave of Absence. The Club’s current
membership is at 86 including 2 emeritus and 3 members on Leave of Absence

SERVICE – Ginny Spaven

Montrose Fire Protection District “Fire Pup” educational program. $200 MOTION BY THE COMMIT-
Eating Disorder Support Group for a program to be incorporated into the Montrose County School Dis-

Business Meeting Minutes (continued)

SERVICE (continued)
All Points Transit for the purchase of a para-transit vehicle. Discussion included James stating he felt they have
already purchased all the planned vehicles; Lorie wanting to reiterate that this is a pledge for future purchase
and no $$ awarded if there is not a vehicle purchase; James questioning the need for additional vehicles.
Black Canyon Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Event. The committee is not recommending any funding
at this time but would like to encourage members to attend the event or donate auction items, etc. Lorie is
going to coordinate a wine/chocolate basket and will take ideas, items from other club members to include.

ASTRA – Carol Parker

The ASTRA chair, co-chair and advisors would like the club to consider the following items:
Include ASTRA in Committee Reports at the business meetings.
Designate a Committee Program Day for ASTRA the same as other service committees to report to the club
That the club have an informal understanding that the ASTRA Committee dedicates a lot of time and that these
members Service Requirement is met.


Supplies are available to sew turbans if anyone is interested.

PROGRAMS – Diane reminded the club that Internal Program space is available.


Conference is next year in Montrose May 5-7, 2010. Subcommittee chairs to date consist of the following: Becky
Wolford – Finance; Marianne Cross – Registration; Diane Winger – Electronic Communications; Susan Woody –
Fun Night. Chairpersons are still needed for Hospitality, etc. and she encouraged anyone interested to please let
her know.

Old Business:
The Club Audit Report has been postponed until September
Survey Action Plan – Linda Riba to address some of the Membership issues.

New Business:
Youth Appreciation Day August 21, 2010 – Members are encouraged to sign up directly if they want to partici-
The Foundation Board has approved the transfer of Undesignated Reserves to balance the Service Budget
Yearbook – the printing costs are $32.18 over budget
Delta 25th Anniversary to be celebrated at the Four-Club Social held annually in September. Our club is donating
$50 to International Foundation Grants Committee in their name as a congratulatory gift
ASTRA will be hosting a table at Main in Motion on August 19 in front of Wells Fargo Bank as a fundraiser.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lorie Bollig, Secretary

Answers to the Parliamentary Quiz

Answers to the quiz: 11-I, 12-F, 13-E, 14-G, 15-C, 16-B, 17-D, 18-A, 19-H, 20-I

ASTRA Update
On August 17, several new and current ASTRA members and their mothers gathered for the
3rd Annual ASTRA After Hours. New members got the chance to learn more about ASTRA
and the planned community service projects for the upcoming school year. Altrusa members
also joined in on the fun mingling with the girls and playing a Fan Club version of Rock Pa-
per Scissors. The group got to know one another with a toilet paper game where you were
required to tell something about yourself with each square of toilet paper you grabbed. We
want to send a big thank you to the Altrusa members who provided some yummy appetizers,
and as always “Thank You” to Joyce Loss for baking a delicious cake!!! Lori Michaels


Registration and Food Prep Volunteers—beginning at 7:45 in the morning. Help support this annual
fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness, Treatment and Educational Programs in our Community!
Please sign up at the next meeting you attend.

Members are encouraged to tell their friends, neighbors and family members about this new
fundraiser! Carolyn Otero will be collecting the items at meetings between October 5 and
November 9. Please place your donation inside a zipped baggie along with a scrap of paper
with your name (and the donor's name, if a friend is the actual donor).

From Nuts to New Zealand!
Volunteer Chair Needed for Nut Sale Fundraiser
Our club has decided to sell nuts to help pay
expenses for members who want to attend the 2013
Altrusa International Convention in New Zealand.
I need someone to take the lead in this project.

Duties would include: Ordering nuts, selling them at

club meetings, organizing the Basement Boutique op-

Please let me know as soon as possible because we

would like to have sales going on during the upcom-
ing holiday season.

First come, first serve...Thanks!!!

Kaye Hotsenpiller—249-7929

Martha’s Parliamentary Presentation…

Match each item in Column A with the appropriate term from Column B. Answers will be included in the
next newsletter.

Column A Column B
11. Debate A. Single official gathering
12. Executive session B. More than half of votes cast
13. Incidental motions C. Introduces business to the assembly
14. Lay on the Table D. Unorganized group
15. Main Motion E. Deal with questions of procedure
16. Majority vote F. Proceedings are secret
17. Mass meeting G. Set main motion aside temporarily
18. Meeting H. Written record of the proceedings
19. Minutes I. Discussion of merits of pending question
20. Motion J. Formal proposal to take action

Answers are located on page 3 of this newsletter.

Reprinted with permission of:
National Association of Parliamentarians®
213 S Main Street
Independence, MO 64050-3808
"" ""

Credit where credit is due...
During her recent visit to our club, Governor Ida Bender (shown at right) expressed concerns
that we are under-reporting our service hours, based on her knowledge of our club’s many pro-
jects, and our large membership. To help us remember to report all of our service hours, we are
going to start requesting that our members turn in their service hour summaries monthly, while
our participation in projects is still fresh in our minds.

Diane Winger will be emailing a form near the end of each month to all members who use mail,
and will provide several printed forms at meetings as well. Each member is asked to return the
completed form monthly, no later than the 15th of the following month. Forms may be emailed
( or given to Sandra Tyler, who will be compiling the information.

Altrusa Club of Montrose has earned the “Distinguished Club Award” for 17 consecutive years – that’s also the number of
years the award has been in existence! One important criteria for earning this award is a report of the many hours of service
our members provide. We also need to include the number of hours and number of members participating when we submit
a project for a District or International award, so these numbers are important.

There are 3 categories of hours that should be reported using the form shown at right:
Altrusa Service Hours & Fundraising Hours—Include service projects, fundraisers (except internal), and activities sanc-
tioned by Altrusa (e. g. Trivia Bowl team). Count time spent in planning (preparing for & attending committee meetings,
phone time, computer time, e-mail correspondence time, etc.), preparation, execution and evaluation of fundraisers and ser-
vice projects. Include Foundation Board meeting time.

Membership Service Hours—Include service such as writing articles and/or producing the newsletter and website, internal
fundraisers, leadership training workshops (including travel time to and from), representation at Conference (including travel
time to and from, time spent networking with others, attending conference sessions), grant writing, etc. Remember to in-
clude computer time, phone time, travel time, networking time, and the like. Include Club Board meeting time.

Other Volunteer Hours—Include participation in non-Altrusa community service activities, volunteer work in hospitals,
schools, libraries, not-for-profit organizations, and activities such as mentoring, tutoring, etc. Remember to include network-
ing time, phone time, travel time to and from, computer time.

Watch for the monthly emails from Diane, and please return your monthly service hour report to Sandra in a timely manner.


The Courtesy Committee thought it would be nice to include a Happy Birthday wish in the newsletter each
month for the members with birthdays coming up in the following month. That way, in case you (or they) miss
a meeting, you can share birthday wishes personally!
October Birthdays:

Carol Watson October 2

Kylee Smith October 7
Sandra Tyler October 9
Donna Herman October 11
Lynda Wareham October 11
Dorinda Elder October 21

Service Hour Summary Form

Altrusa Brainstorming Ideas
Here are Some Ideas from August meeting
These are some ideas to get you started thinking for some fresh projects, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities Think
about them and see if you’re inspired. Other suggestions are welcome!

1. Collaboration with Pediatric Associates / Reach Out and Read
- Provide money for purchase of developmentally appropriate books handed out to children age birth through five
at well child appointments.
- Solicit volunteer readers (Altrusans) to read in the waiting room while children are waiting for appointments.
2. Season’s Readings
- Solicit feedback from recipients/agency.
- Elicit more help for ribbon tying.
3. Training for reading to children.
4. Bi-lingual homework club collaboration with after school and / or Boys and Girls Club.
5. Make “Literacy” the theme for the spring luncheon. Decorate tables around a book, then donate books afterward.
6. Provide a beginning library for students at Passage Charter School.
7. Providing literacy information and a book of nursery rhymes for every baby born in Montrose County.
1. Continue to support the recycling program with the middle schools and expand it, i.e. visit land fill, visit sewage
treatment plant
2. Support a recycling program in one elementary school-set up bins for recycling, have teachers present info, have
students save items for a week and bring in, etc.
3. Research a national designation of being a "bike friendly community" by sponsoring Driver/Rider (DR) safety pro-
grams on what drivers an bikers should be doing on the road for safety for both.
4. Investigate the safe-wide "walking school bus" program in which students within walking distance of all grade
schools can meet at specific corners and walk the rest of the way to school in safety in numbers.
International Relations
1. Partner with Grand Junction Altrusa for their Haiti Project which funds the medical supplies that a nurse
(acquaintance of GJ Altrusan) and her medical team (who continue to make trips to Haiti) use to treat those in
need. A one-on-one effort that assures funds donated get to those targeted! This was the award-winning project
for GJ at conference.
Other Projects
1. Gleaning fields for food bank. Neighborhood gardens donate extra produce to food bank.
2. Neighborhood Watch involvement.
3. Altrusa sponsorship of Colona School Project.
4. Pillows for soldiers - orthopedic pillows with stitched message
5. Signage for historic town of Lujare/ Black Canyon Turnoff/ Gunnison Tunnel
6. Club donate funds to Foundation
7. Help with purchase and training for defibrillation machines in community.
8. Concentrate on more local projects.
1. Spring Luncheon possible additions—
- Decorate hats and auction them off (like the Ouray/Weehawken Event)
- “Hats off to Literacy” – give $ to Literacy Committee
- Maybe make this part of the Lawn Party/Wine Tasting Event (see below)?


Fundraising (continued)
Spring Luncheon (continued)
- Add Friday night event for viewing of tables.
- Gear evening toward spouses/men and serve/taste beers accompanied by appropriate appetizers.
- Auction of “men” stuff (tools, sporting goods, etc.)
- Also add a raffle (would need license) with cash prize 50/50 between winner & Altrusa
2. Restaurant benefits
- Applebees, Chili’s and Wendy’s all said that they will set aside date/time for Altrusa and give a percentage of prof-
its to our group.
- Try Red Barn, Coldstone Creamery and A & W too. I believe they have done it for other groups too. (Betty
3. Gather gold scraps THIS NEW FUNDRAISER IS UNDERWAY—Bring gold to meetings until Nov. 9th!
- With gold prices at $1200 per ounce, ask for donations from Club members, local jewelers, friends, family and
community members. 10, 14 & 18 carat gold collected and sent to refining company for cash.
4. Roller Derby – get a group started in Montrose
- Kylee’s family does Roller Derby and she thinks it could be good here to have our own team.
Habitat does an exhibition already. Maybe partner with them to get a Western Slope/Montrose group going.
Sponsor them and take some profits from exhibitions, competitions, etc.
5. Wine tasting/Beer Tasting/Culinary Event (garden party/lawn party resurrected)
- Perhaps replace the golf tournament since pretty much EVERY non-profit does a tournament and we are all com-
peting against each other. Similar event done in the past, but ended up being a lot of work for only a few members
so was replaced. Resurrect it with a different format? Restaurant participants or title sponsors (Damiano’s, Stone
House, Camp Robber, etc.)
- Invite community members. Partner with All Points Transit for transportation.
- Do it at Cerise Park – Add music?
- Make it a “Little Black Dress” party– Wear a fancy black dress, $10 donation for admissions and combine a wine
tasting and art show. (There is a Little Black Dress winery/vineyard with excellent wine!)
- Partner with “Women Who Wine” group perhaps (Kendra Morrow organizes) or local liquor store?
6. Jewelry Sale at local events
- Utilizing our display racks and left-over jewelry from conference plus new donations
- Ask for jewelry donations from community members (ad/announcement in paper, at other service clubs, etc.)
- Could set up display racks at Holiday Festival, Main in Motion, Farmer’s Market, etc. to sell.
- Could incorporate the “reuse” component for Earth Day project.
7. Fun Run/Walk
- Make it similar to Bosom Buddies but do it in the spring and focus on Lifeline
- Include children’s activities (very short walk or even a “stroller walk” for new parents; have kids decorate pendants
representing Lifeline pendants)
- Make it a multi-generational event.
8. Pet Talent Show and Dog Parade
- Admission fee at door to raise funds
- Get Petco as major funding/presenting sponsor (they may already do these with other non-profits in other towns
and we could emulate)
- Hold at Friendship Hall and make a family community event (summer or fall instead of golf tournament).
- Include pet services (breeders, trainers, pet sitters, etc.) and equipment “EXPO” – booth rentals for income.
- Include a “special pet tricks” and other talent in show – small entry fee.
- Have a dog walking parade (costumes or theme perhaps?) - have people purchase tickets to vote for their favorite
pet (an alternative way to make money).
- Partner with Animal Shelter as a partial fundraiser for them.
9. Antique Road Show
- Hire an expert appraiser to come to Montrose & charge per item for professional appraisal
10.Sell nuts year-round for Members to off-set conference/convention fees. THIS FUNDRAISER IS UNDERWAY.
We’re looking for an Altrusan to chair this project. Let Kaye know if you are interested.

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