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Common Business Unit

BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work

Assessment Task (1 of 2)

Student Name: XXXXXX

Student Number: XXXXXX

Assessment Number: 30783B/01

1. Environmental and health and safety regulation

Provide examples for at least 4 types of regulation.

Type of An example of this kind


International Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992

agreements about the

Australian national Environment Protection and Biodiversity

law related to the Conservation Act 1999 (Australian Government
environment Department of the Environment and Energy, 2018)

State based law Victoria:

related to the
environment Environment Protection Act 1970 (Environment
Protection Authority Victoria, 2017)


Environmental Trust Act 1998 (NSW Office of

Environment and Heritage, 2018)

South Australia:

Environment Protection Act 1993 (EPA South

Australia, 2018)

Western Australia:

Environmental Protection Act 1986 (Government of

Western Australia Environmental Protection
Authority, 2018).

Australian Capital Territory:

Environment Protection Act 1997 (ACT

Government Environment, Planning and
Sustainable Development Directorate -
Environment, 2018)

Northern Territory:

Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority

Act 2012 (Northern Territory Legislation 2013)

Your state agency NSW:

that ensures
compliance with the Environmental Trust Act 1998 (NSW Office of
environmental law Environment and Heritage, 2018)

An example of a local City of Melbourne: Environment Local Law 2009

council environmental (Melbourne City Council, 2009)
by-law that affects
your home or

2. Complying with new policy

a. List four things that Brad can to do to comply with the new policy.

Brad should do the following four things to comply with the new environmental policy:

1. Currently the company washes its car every week. By complying with the new
policy of minimising natural resource consumption, the company should wash
the cars whenever needed and try and cover them after hours so as they do
not get dirty very often.

2. The company uses the water for washing vehicles from the town’s water
supply. Therefore they should make sure that their water usage (which will be
more than the surrounding residential area) does not affect the usage of the
local community.

3. Since, Brad is unaware of the product being used to wash the cars, he might
not know how much the environment is being affected in the manufacturing of
that product. He is now obliged to find and use products that are safer for the
environment and do the least damage to it.

4. Some of the cars operating under Brad are old and were purchased 16 to 20
years ago. The problem with old cars is that they require more work and the
type of petrol and diesel needed is also very harmful. Brad should make sure
that these cars are not being used now because first, they already have a lot of
vans working everyday and second, old cars were not made environmentally

b. Where can Brad find out information about being compliant with current water use

Brad can find the information about current water use regulations on Melbourne Water
Website (Melbourne Water, 2018).

3. An incident

a. Write down three things Mary needs to do to complete her ‘Duty of Care’ to the
environment at her place of work according to the “Environmental duty of care and
reporting incidents procedure”.

According to Mary’s Duty of Care, she should:

● Immediately ring to the office manager
● Fill out the environmental incident report form
● Send/give it to the office manager

b. Note: For this question, you are required to submit an audio recording.

Hello Sir,
There has been an urgent issue at the new car park extension. A drum has fallen off
from the pallet and is now getting mixed up with the stream on water caused by the
rain. The chemical in the drum is spreading out rapidly. I am afraid that it can cause
some serious hazard. Please look into it ASAP.

c. Write down two things that managers should do.

Upon reporting the incident, Managers should:

● Verify the extent and degree of the environmental occurrence
● Advise the reporter of the findings

d. Write down two things that Mary could do if nothing is done by management.

If the management fails to do anything, Mary should:

● Inform the state Environmental Protection Agency (EP Agency) about the
● Reach out to the managers again

4. Organisational plans

a. Write down the operational objectives that relate to water use.

● Use rainwater tanks to collect water

● Use grey water
● Do not use town water to water plants

b. If this increase in water use continues, will the Wollongong store be able to meet the
performance targets under the environmental operational objective? Why not?

No, because according to the store’s performance target, they needs to reduce water
usage by 10% per year.

c. What can Jade do as a manager to make sure the store decreases their town water

As a manager, Jade could make sure that:

● All employees undertake environmental training for sustainable practices
● There are performance targets set for the ones who meet environmental targets

d. Wollongong’s water is supplied by Lake Avon and managed by Sydney Water. Check
the Sydney Water website. Is the employee complying with current water
restrictions? If not, what rule is the employee breaking?

Following are the rules being broken by the employee:

● Not using water from a rainwater tank
● Watering in the middle of the day (Sydney Water, 2018)

e. What should the employee be using instead of the main town water supply?

The employee should be using rainwater tanks to water the plants. He should also be
watering before 10am or after 4pm.


ACT Government Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate -

Environment. (2018). Legislation, policies and guidelines. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. (2018). Legislation.

Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Environment Protection Authority Victoria. (2017). Acts administered by EPA. Retrieved May 25,
2018, from

EPA South Australia. (2018). Legislation. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Government of Western Australia Environmental Protection Authority. (2018). Legislation.

Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Melbourne City Council. (2009). Environmental Local Law. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Melbourne Water. (2018). Melbourne Water. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Northern Territory Legislation. (2013). ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT. Retrieved May

25, 2018, from

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. (2018). Legislation. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

Sydney Water. (2018). Water Wise Rules. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from

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