30 Sentences With Past Simple - To Be

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3 – THE 30 SENTENCES ON THE COLOURED SHEETS (already matched in


1. Where ________ you yesterday, at 4 pm? (ex. 8, page 124 – More 1)

2. I _________ at home, yesterday, at 4 pm.

3. _________ he late at school, last Monday?

4. He ______________(Negative) late at school, last Monday.

5. Where ___________ you last week?

6. Last week, I ___________ at the seaside with my parents.

7. What ___________ the weather like, the day before yesterday?

8. The weather was fine, the day before ______________.

9. What __________ the weather like, three days ago?

10.Three days __________ , the weather was very bad.

11. Was your sister ill, ______________ year?

12.My sister ______________ (Negative) ill, last year.

13.Where ___________ you yesterday evening?

14.Yesterday evening, I _______________ at the theatre.

15.Where ____________ they, three years ago?

16.Three years _____________, they were in France.

17.Where _____________ your grandparents between 1980 and 1984?
18.My grandparents ____________ in England, between 1980 and 1984.

19.Where ___________she from 6 am to 9 pm?

20.She _____________ at home, from 6 am to 9 pm.

21.Where ____________ you this morning? (now it is evening)

22.This morning, we ____________ at the office.

23.Why _____________you late at school, yesterday?

24.I ____________________ (Negative) late at school yesterday, I _________
(Affirmative) late at school, a week ago.

25.Where were they, four days __________?

26.They ____________ at the seaside, four days ago.

27.When __________he very busy?

28.He _____________ very busy last month.

29.Where ____________your sister last summer?

30. My sister was in the mountains with some friends, __________ summer.

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