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Jenny Gieselman

Shelly Schantz
October 10, 2017

Interview and Job Posting Details

Job Posting: 4th Grade Teacher

Job Description: Brandon School district is located in a rural community in northern Oakland
County. We are seeking a qualified candidate for the position of 4th grade teacher.

Qualifications: State of Michigan Teacher Certification

At least one year of elementary teaching experience (preferred)
Knowledgeable of best practices
Positive/ Up Beat
Problem Solver
Team Player


Topic: Introduction

1. Question: Tell us about yourself.

Rationale: This question will give the candidate the opportunity to highlight personal and
professional characteristics and accomplishments with us.
- learner
- team player
- experience
- commitment

Deeper/ Tag Question: What makes you qualified for the position we are hiring for? What
about yourself do you feel is a valuable asset to the classroom?

Topic: Instructional Practices / Classroom Management

2. Question: If we were to walk into your classroom, what would we see?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who engages students in meaningful activities.
- Students on task
- students engaged in lesson/ work
- teacher working in groups or with individual students
- sense of community

Deeper/ Tag Question: How will you know if students are on target with the task?

3. Question: How would you address a student who is disrupting a lesson or student work

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who has behavior management systems
- preventative measures
- balance the needs of the individual with the group
- addressing the behavior in a positive manner
- conscious discipline type strategies
- multiple/flexible strategies

Deeper/ Tag Question: What would you do if the strategies you try don’t seem to be

Topic: Student Growth/ Assessment

4. Question: What experience do you have monitoring student growth?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who knows how to use assessments to
individualize instruction.
- formative assessments
- quick checks
- summative assessments
- grouping based on needs
- challenge or reteach

Deeper/ Tag Question: If a student continues to show that they are excelling or the
opposite, not excelling what might you do?

5. Question: Besides assessments, what are other ways you would choose to monitor student
Rationale: There are best practice strategies that monitor student progress without giving
formal assessments. We would be looking for a teacher who has implemented best practices.
-small group instruction
-regular group or individual check ins
-conferences and questioning

Deeper/ Tag Question: What evidence would you have that proved that a strategy worked?

Topic: Ethics/ Character

6. Question: How would you address a parent who is upset with a way you handled a situation
with their child?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who can build relationships with parents and are
willing to work as a team with families.
- honest open communication
- parents as partners
- home to school communication

Deeper/ Tag Question: Talk about a time where you encountered a conflict, and discuss
how you handled it?

Topic: Collaboration/ Teamwork

7. Question: Describe a time you were part of a great team. What was it like?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who listens, works well with others, isn’t “me”
focused, but team focused.
- listens to others
-shares/ contributes
-shares responsibility

Deeper/ Tag Question: How might this experience help you when teaching at this school?
8. Question: Let’s say you are at a PLC and a colleague who has been teaching for many years
suggests something you don’t agree with, everyone else seems to be agreeing, what would
you do?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who will stand up for their beliefs, while still be
accepting of others, and listen to all sides.
- Conviction
- puts kids needs first
- does the right thing

Deeper/ Tag Question: What are some core beliefs about education that you will always be
willing to stand up for?

Topic: Technology Integration

9. Question: How would you utilize 1to1 technology devices in your classroom?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who has ideas on how to integrate technology in
a meaningful way.
- enhance classroom activities
- ideas for implementation
- interactive with teacher
- integration

Deeper/ Tag Question: How would you monitor your children while working on their

Topic: Philosophy

10. Question: Why did you choose to go into education?

Rationale: We are looking for an individual who is passionate about learning and has a
genuine liking of children. Someone who wants to be a part of something wonderful.
- passion for students and learning

Deeper/ Tag Question: What “wow” factor would you bring to our school?

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