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Vortex generations

Vortex is a region in a fluid in which the fluid revolves around an axis line.
When fluid meets obstacle, the flow pattern of the fluid changes. The buildings act as
obstacles to the air flow. They cause different fluid dynamic effect to the flow based
on their height, shape, area exposed to the flow and other factors. Firstly, the
downdraft effect when the air flow hits the high-rise building. The air is directed
towards the ground. Secondly, the height effect where the velocity of air increases as
the height of building increases. Thirdly, the air flow often forms a revolving area at
the downwind side of the building. It creates counter current at the ground area. There
is Venturi effect occurs between buildings. When the air flow flows through the
narrow spaces between buildings, its velocity increases and it becomes high
turbulence. All of this effects lead to complex flow patterns and the generation of
vortex as shown as the figures below. It can also be observed that the vorticity is the
highest when it is near to the wall, where the shear is the largest.

Figure 2: The vorticity of the air flow at time, t= 50s

Figure: The vorticity of the air flow at time, t= 250s

Figure: The vorticity of the air flow at time, t= 400s

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