Notes Doctrines Article III Section 15 Suspension of The Privilege of The Writ of Habeas Corpus

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ARTICLE III Bill of Rights authority to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
SECTION 15 corpus, jeopardizing as the latter does individual liberty; and
(b) the privilege had been suspended by the American
THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Governor-General, whose act, as representative of
the Sovereign, affecting the freedom of its subjects, can
LANSANG vs. GARCIA hardly be equated with that of the President of the
Pertinent Constitutional Provisions in the case Philippines dealing with the freedom of the Filipino
paragraph (14) of section 1, Article III of our Constitution, reading: people, in whom sovereignty resides, and from whom all
government authority emanates.
The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended
except in cases of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion, when the public The ruling of MONTENEGRO vs. CASTANEDA
safety requires it, in any way of which events the same may be The pertinent ruling in the Montenegro case was based mainly upon
suspended wherever during such period the necessity for such the Barcelon case, and hence, cannot have more weight than the same.
suspension shall exist.
Issue in both Barcelon and Montenegro Cases
and paragraph (2), section 10, Article VII of the same instrument, Barcelon Case: it did determine whether or not the Chief Executive
which provides that: had acted in accordance with law.

The President shall be commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Montenegro Case: the Court held that petitioner therein had "failed to
Philippines, and whenever it becomes necessary, he may call out such overcome the presumption of correctness which the judiciary accords
armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, to acts of the Executive ...." In short, the Court considered the question
insurrection, or rebellion. In case of invasion, insurrection, or whether or not there really was are rebellion, as stated in the
rebellion, or imminent danger thereof when the public safety requires proclamation therein contested.
it, he may suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, or place
the Philippines or any part thereof under martial law. Court’s power to review from American Jurisprudence
One of the important, if not dominant, factors, in connection therewith,
The merit of the claim regarding actual insurrection or rebellion was intimated in Sterling v. Constantin, in which the Supreme Court
has been rendered moot and academic of the United States, speaking through Chief Justice Hughes, declared
In other words, apart from adverting to the existence of that:

JAMES BRYAN SUAREZ DEANG © 2017 (09265563619/

actual conspiracy and of the intent to rise in arms to overthrow the
government, Proclamation No. 889-A asserts that the lawless elements .... When there is a substantial showing that the exertion of state
"are actually engaged in an armed insurrection and rebellion" to power has overridden private rights secured by that Constitution, the
accomplish their purpose. subject is necessarily one for judicial inquiry in an appropriate
proceeding directed against the individuals charged with the
Two conditions that must concur to exercise the authority to transgression. To such a case the Federal judicial power extends
suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus (Art. 3, sec. 2) and, so extending, the court has all the authority
two (2) conditions must concur for the valid exercise of the authority appropriate to its exercise. ....
to suspend the privilege to the writ, to wit:
The Court has the power to review factual bases
(a) there must be "invasion, insurrection, or rebellion" or — In our resolution of October 5, 1971, We stated that "a majority of
pursuant to paragraph (2), section 10 of Art. VII of the the Court" had "tentatively arrived at a consensus that it may inquire in
Constitution — "imminent danger thereof," and order to satisfy itself of the existence of the factual bases for the
issuance of Presidential Proclamations Nos. 889 and 889-A ... and
(b) "public safety" must require the suspension of the privilege. thus determine the constitutional sufficiency of such bases in the light
of the requirements of Article III, sec. 1, par. 14, and Article VII, sec.
The Presidential Proclamation under consideration declares that there 10, par 2, of the Philippine Constitution...."
has been and there is actually a state of rebellion and
that "public safety requires that immediate and effective action be Upon further deliberation, the members of the Court are
taken in order to maintain peace and order, secure the safety of the now unanimous in the conviction that it has the authority to inquire
people and preserve the authority of the State." into the existence of said factual bases in order to determine the
constitutional sufficiency thereof.
The weight of BARCELON vs. BAKER as a precedent
The weight of Barcelon v. Baker, as a precedent, is diluted by two (2) The grant of power to suspend the privilege is neither absolute nor
factors, namely: unqualified
(a) it relied heavily upon Martin v. Mott involving the U.S. Indeed, the grant of power to suspend the privilege is neither absolute
President's power to call out the militia, which — he being nor unqualified. The authority conferred by the Constitution, both
the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces — may be under the Bill of Rights and under the Executive Department, is limited
exercised to suppress or prevent any lawless violence, even and conditional.
without invasion, insurrection or rebellion, or imminent
danger thereof, and is, accordingly, much broader than his

The precept in the Bill of Rights establishes a general rule, as well as Principle of Separation of Power and Checks and Balances
an exception thereto. Under the principle of separation of powers and the system of checks
and balances, the judicial authority to review decisions of
What is more, it postulates the former in the negative, evidently to administrative bodies or agencies is much more limited, as regards
stress its importance, by providing that "(t)he privilege of the writ findings of fact made in said decisions.
of habeas corpus shall not be suspended ...."
Under the English law, the reviewing court determines
Exception to the general rule  only whether there is some evidentiary basis for the
It is only by way of exception that it permits the suspension of the contested administrative findings;
privilege "in cases of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion" — or, under  no quantitative examination of the supporting evidence is
Art VII of the Constitution, "imminent danger thereof" — "when the undertaken.
public safety requires it, in any of which events the same may be  The administrative findings can be interfered with only if
suspended wherever during such period the necessity for such there is no evidence whatsoever in support thereof, and said
suspension shall exist." finding is, accordingly, arbitrary, capricious and obviously
For from being full and plenary, the authority to suspend the privilege
of the writ is thus circumscribed, confined and restricted, not only by Substantial Evidence Rule
the prescribed setting or the conditions essential to its existence, but, This view has been adopted by some American courts. It has, likewise,
also, as regards the time when and the place where it may be exercised. been adhered to in a number of Philippine cases. Other cases,
These factors and the aforementioned setting or conditions mark, in both jurisdictions, have applied the "substantial evidence" rule,
establish and define the extent, the confines and the limits of said which has been construed to mean "more than a mere scintilla" or
power, beyond which it does not exist. "relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate
to support a conclusion," even if other minds equally reasonable
When privilege of the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended might conceivably opine otherwise.
Accordingly, when individual freedom is used to destroy that social
order, by means of force and violence, in defiance of the Rule of Law No cogent reason has been submitted to warrant the rejection of such
— such as by rising publicly and taking arms against the government test. Indeed, the co-equality of coordinate branches of the Government,
to overthrow the same, thereby committing the crime of rebellion — under our constitutional system, seems to demand that the test of the
there emerges a circumstance that may warrant a limited withdrawal validity of acts of Congress and of those of the Executive be, mutatis
of the aforementioned guarantee or protection, by suspending the mutandis, fundamentally the same. Hence, counsel for petitioner
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, when public safety requires it. Rogelio Arienda admits that the proper standard is not correctness,
but arbitrariness.
Two facts that may be likened to declaration of war

JAMES BRYAN SUAREZ DEANG © 2017 (09265563619/

(a) all Communists, whether they belong to the traditional Ideology of the Communist Party of the Philippines
group or to the Maoist faction, believe that force and 1. merely adhere to Lenin's idea of a swift armed uprising;
violence are indispensable to the attainment of their main that it has, also,
and ultimate objective, and act in accordance with such 2. adopted Ho Chi Minh's terrorist tactics and resorted to the
belief, although they may disagree on the means to be used assassination of uncooperative local official;
at a given time and in a particular place; and 3. adopted Mao's concept of protracted people's war, aimed
at the paralyzation of the will to resist of the government, of
(b) there is a New People's Army, other, of course, that the arm the political, economic and intellectual leadership, and of the
forces of the Republic and antagonistic thereto. Such New people themselves
People's Army is per se proof of the existence of a
rebellion, especially considering that its establishment three courses of action of the President
was announced publicly by the reorganized CPP. In case of invasion, insurrection or rebellion or imminent danger
thereof, the President has, under the Constitution, three (3) courses of
Communist rebellion or insurrection need be a Civil War action open to him, namely:
Revised Penal Code defining the crime of rebellion:
 which may be limited in its scope to "any part" of the 1. to call out the armed forces;
Philippines 2. to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus; and
3. to place the Philippines or any part thereof under martial law.
paragraph (14) of section 1, Article III of the Constitution,
 authorizing the suspension of the privilege of the writ He had, already, called out the armed forces, which measure, however,
"wherever" — in case of rebellion — "the necessity for such proved inadequate to attain the desired result. Of the two (2)other
suspension shall exist." alternatives, the suspension of the privilege is the least harsh.

Magnitude of Rebellion In view of the foregoing, it does not appear that the President has acted
The magnitude of the rebellion has a bearing on the second condition arbitrary in issuing Proclamation No. 889, as amended, nor that the
essential to the validity of the suspension of the privilege — namely, same is unconstitutional.
that the suspension be required by public safety.

When detention ceases to become executive JACKSON vs. MACALINO

Mr. Justice Fernando is of the opinion — in line with the view of Mr. Writ of habeas corpus extends to all cases of illegal detention
Justice Tuason, in Nava v. Gatmaitan, to the effect that "... if and when Section 1, Rule 102 of the Rules of Court, as amended, provides that
formal complaint is presented, the court steps in and the executive except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the writ of habeas
steps out. The detention ceases to be an executive and becomes a corpus shall extend to all cases of illegal confinement or detention by
judicial concern ..." which any person is deprived of his liberty, or by which the rightful
custody of any person is withheld from the person entitled thereto.
Viewpoint of the Court
Despite the humanitarian and libertarian spirit with which this view Ultimate purpose of the writ of habeas corpus
had been espoused, the other Members of the Court are unable to The ultimate purpose of the writ of habeas corpus is to relieve a
accept it because: person from unlawful restraint.

(a) If the proclamation suspending the privilege of the writ Writ of habeas corpus is a Writ of inquiry
of habeas corpus is valid — and We so hold it to be — and It is essentially a writ of inquiry and is granted to test the right under
the detainee is covered by the proclamation, the filing of a which he is detained.
complaint or information against him does not affect the
suspension of said privilege, and, consequently, his release When the writ is not allowed or discharged authorized
may not be ordered by Us; Section 4, Rule 102 of the said Rules provides when the writ
of habeas corpus is not allowed or discharged authorized:
(b) Inasmuch as the filing of a formal complaint or information
does not detract from the validity and efficacy of the Sec. 4. When writ not allowed or discharged authorized. If it appears
suspension of the privilege, it would be more reasonable to that the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is in the custody
construe the filing of said formal charges with the court of of an officer under process issued by a court or judge or by virtue of a
first instance as an expression of the President's belief that judgment or order of a court of record, and that the court or judge had
there are sufficient evidence to convict the petitioners so jurisdiction to issue the process, render the judgment; or make the
charged and that hey should not be released, order, the writ shall not be allowed; or if the jurisdiction appears after
therefore, unless and until said court — after conducting the the writ is allowed, the person shall not be discharged by reason of any
corresponding preliminary examination and/or investigation informality or defect in the process, judgment, or order. Nor shall
— shall find that the prosecution has not established the anything in this rule be held to authorize the discharge of a person
existence of a probable cause. Otherwise, the Executive charged with or convicted of an offense in the Philippines, or of a
would have released said accused, as were the other person suffering imprisonment under lawful judgment.
petitioners herein;
Court includes quasi-judicial bodies

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(c) From a long-range viewpoint, this interpretation — of the act The term court includes quasi-judicial bodies like the Deportation
of the President in having said formal charges filed — is, We Board of the Bureau of Immigration.
believe, more beneficial to the detainees than that favored by
Mr. Justice Fernando. His view — particularly the theory Supervening events may bar release or discharge
that the detainees should be released immediately, without Even if the arrest of a person is illegal, supervening events may bar his
bail, even before the completion of said preliminary release or discharge from custody.
examination and/or investigation — would tend to induce
the Executive to refrain from filing formal charges as long What is to be inquired into is the legality of his detention as of, at the
as it may be possible. Manifestly, We should encourage the earliest, the filing of the application for a writ of habeas corpus, for
early filing of said charges, so that courts of justice could even if the detention is at its inception illegal, it may, by reason of same
assume jurisdiction over the detainees and extend to them supervening events such as the instances mentioned in Section 4, Rule
effective protection. 102, be no longer illegal at the time of the filing of the application. Any
such supervening events are the issuance of a judicial process
Purpose of suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus preventing the discharge of the detained person.
What is more, the privilege of the writ was suspended precisely to
authorize the detention of persons believed to be plotting against When plea is considered prima facie evidence
the security of the State until the courts can act on their respective Section 13 of Rule 102 of the Rules of Court, as amended, provides
cases. that if it appears that the detained person is in custody under a warrant
of commitment in pursuance of law, the return shall be
To require their peremptory release upon the mere filing of charges considered prima facie evidence of the cause of restraint:
against them, without giving the proper court opportunity and time to
decide the question of probable cause, would obviously be to defeat Sec. 13. When the return evidence, and when only a plea. If it appears
the very basic purpose of the suspension. that the prisoner is in custody under a warrant of commitment in
pursuance of law, the return shall be considered prima facie evidence
of the cause of restraint; but if he is restrained of his liberty by any
alleged private authority, the return shall be considered only as a plea
of the facts therein set forth, and the party claiming the custody must
prove such facts.

IN RE: THE ISSUANCE OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS The grant of the power to suspend the said privilege provides the basis
FOR DR. AURORA PARONG ET AL. vs. PONCE ENRILE for continuing with perfect legality the detention as long as the
Arrest is legal in the case at bar invasion or rebellion has not been repelled or quelled, and the need
The fundamental issue here, as in all petitioner for the writ of habeas therefor in the interest of public safety continues.
corpus, is whether or not petitioners' detention is legal. We have
carefully gone over the claims of the parties in their respective Suspension of the privilege is a military measure
pleadings as well as in the oral argument during the hearing on August The significance of the conferment of this power, constitutionally upon
26, 1982, and We find that petitioners have not been illegally deprived the President as Commander-in-Chief, is that the exercise thereof is
of their constitutional right to liberty, neither in the manner of their not subject to judicial inquiry, with a view to determining its legality
arrest, nor by their continued detention, and that the circumstances in the light of the bill of rights guarantee to individual freedom.
attendant in the herein case do not warrant their release on a writ of
habeas corpus. This must be so because the suspension of the privilege is a military
measure the necessity of which the President alone may determine as
Detainees were caught in flagrante delicto an incident of his grave responsibility as the Commander-in-Chief of
Caught in flagrante delicto, the nine (9) detainees mentioned the Armed Forces, of protecting not only public safety but the very life
scampered towards different directions leaving in top of their of the State, the government and duly constituted authorities.
conference table numerous subversive documents, periodicals,
pamphlets, books, correspondence, stationaries, and other papers, This should be clear beyond doubt in the case of "invasion," along
including a plan on how they would infiltrate the youth and student which "rebellion" or "insurrection" is mentioned by the Constitution,
sector (code-named YORK). Also found were one (1) .38 cal. revolver which contingency does not present a legal question on whether there
with eight (8) live bullets, nineteen (19) rounds of ammunition for M16 is a violation of the right to personal liberty when any member of the
armalite, eighteen thousand six hundred fifty pesos (P18,650.00) cash invading force is captured and detained.
believed to be CPP/NPA funds, assorted medicine packed and ready
for distribution, as sizeable quantity of printing paraphernalia, which The Suspension is one such measure that in order to be effective
were then seized. The suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is one such
measure. To be effective, the occasion for its application on specific
Arrest here need not follow usual procedure individuals should be left to the exclusive and sound judgment of
The arrest, therefore, need not follow the usual procedure in the the President, at least while the exigencies of invasion, rebellion or
prosecution of offenses which requires the determination by a judge of insurrection persist, and the public safety requires it, a matter, likewise,
the existence of probable cause before the issuance of a judicial which should be left for the sole determination of the President as
warrant of arrest and the granting of bail if the offense is bailable. Commander-in-Chief of the Nation's armed forces. The need for a
unified command in such contingencies is imperative-even axiomatic-
Obviously, the absence of a judicial warrant is no legal impediment as a basic military concept in the art of warfare.

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to arresting or capturing persons committing overt acts of violence
against government forces, or any other milder acts but equally in Specific mention of rebellion and insurrection
pursuance of the rebellious movement. The arrest or capture is thus The specific mention in the Constitution of rebellion and insurrection
impelled by the exigencies of the situation that involves the very along with invasion and imminent danger thereof, shows that the terms
survival of society and its government and duly constituted authorities. "rebellion and insurrection" are used therein in the sense of a state
If killing and other acts of violence against the rebels find justification or condition of the Nation, not in the concept of a statutory offense.
in the exigencies of armed hostilities which is of the essence of waging
a rebellion or insurrection, most assuredly so in case of invasion, What, therefore, should determine the legality of imposing what is
merely seizing their persons and detaining them while any of these commonly referred to as "preventive detention" resulting from the
contingencies continues cannot be less justified. suspension of the privilege of habeas corpus, is the necessity of its
adoption as a measure to suppress or quell the rebellion, or beat off an
"When it comes to a decision by the head of the State upon a matter invasion.
involving its life, the ordinary rights of individuals must yield to what
he deems the necessities of the moment. Public danger warrants the The necessity for such measure as a means of defense for national
substitution of executive process for judicial process." 3 What should survival quite clearly transcends in importance and urgency the claim
be underscored is that if the greater violation against life itself such as of those detained to the right to bail to obtain their freedom. To hold
killing, will not be the subject of judicial inquiry, as it cannot be raised otherwise would defeat the purpose of the constitutional grant of the
as transgressing against the due process clause that protects life, liberty power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus on the
and property, lesser violations against liberty, such as arrest and occasions expressly mentioned in the charter. For what indeed could
detention, may not be insisted upon as reviewable by the courts. the purpose be of suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
other than to restrict, at least for the duration of the emergency of
Function of the Presidential Commitment Order invasion or rebellion, the right to personal liberty, dictated as it is, in
The function of the PCO is to validate, on constitutional ground, the the greater interest of public safety and national security.
detention of a person for any of the offenses covered by
Proclamation No. 2045 which continues in force the suspension of the Cannot claim right to bail and be charged during the period
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, if the arrest has been made Now, if captured enemies from the invading force may not be charged
initially without any warrant, its legal effect is to render the writ with any statutory offense that would provide the occasion to demand
unavailing as a means of judicially inquiring into the legality of the the right to bail, it is obvious that persons engaged in rebellion or
detention in view of the suspension of the privilege of the writ. insurrection may not claim the right to be released on bail when
similarly captured or arrested during the continuance of the aforesaid

They may not even claim the right to be charged immediately in doubtlessly realized how hardly possible it is to adduce evidence or
court, as they may rightfully do so, were they being charged with an proof upon which to show the President having acted with
ordinary or common offense. This is so because according to legal arbitrariness.
writers or publicists, the suspension of the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus "has the sole effect of allowing the executive to defer Judicial interference
the trials of persons charged with certain offenses during the period of Judicial interference was thus held as permissible, and the test as laid
emergency." This clearly means denial of the right to be released on down therein is not whether the President acted correctly but whether
bail on being charged in court with bailable offenses. he acted arbitrarily. This would seem to be pure semanticism, if We
consider that with particular reference to the nature of the actions the
Suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus must carry President would take on the occasion of the grave emergency he has to
the suspension of the right to bail deal with, which, as clearly indicated in Section 9, Art. VII of the
The suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus must, Constitution partakes of military measures, the judiciary can, with
indeed, carry with it the suspension of the right to bail, if the becoming modesty, ill afford to assume the authority to check or
government's campaign to suppress the rebellion is to be enhanced and reverse or supplant the presidential actions.
rendered effective.
On these occasions, the President takes absolute command, for the
Reason: If the right to bail may be demanded during the continuance very life of the Nation and its government, which, incidentally,
of the rebellion, and those arrested, captured and detained in the course includes the courts, is in grave peril. In so doing, the President is
thereof will be released, they would, without the least doubt, rejoin answerable only to his conscience, the people and to God. For their
their comrades in the field thereby jeopardizing the success of part, in giving him the supreme mandate as their President, the people
government efforts to bring to an end the invasion, rebellion or can only trust and pray that, giving him their own loyalty with utmost
insurrection. patriotism, the President will not fail them.

. It would, therefore, seem to be ignoring realities in the name of Power and the Right to Liberty
misplaced magnanimity and compassion, and for the sake of humanity, For the power is intended as a limitation of the right, in much the same
to grant the demand for respect of rights supposedly guaranteed by the way as individual freedom yields to the exercise of the police power of
Constitution by those who themselves seek to destroy that very same the State in the interest of general welfare.
instrument, trampling over it already as they are still waging war
against the government. This stark actuality gives added force and The difference again is that the power comes into being during extreme
substance to the rationale of the suspension of the privilege of the writ emergencies the exercise of which, for complete effectiveness for the
of habeas corpus in case of invasion, insurrection, rebellion, or purpose it was granted should not permit intereference, while
imminent danger thereof, when public safety requires it. individual freedom is obviously for full enjoyment in time of peace,
but in time of war or grave peril to the nation, should be limited or

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In ordinary offense restricted. In a true sense then, our Constitution is for both peacetime
When a person is charged in court for an ordinary offense, the law and in time of war; it is not that in time of war the Constitution is
does not authorize the filing of a petition for habeas corpus based silenced.
on the ground that there is absolutely no evidence to hold him for trial,
which, in effect, constitutes an allegation of arbitrariness in the filing It, therefore, becomes self-evident that the duty of the judiciary to
of the case against him. protect individual rights must yield to the power of the Executive
to protect the State, for if the State perishes, the Constitution, with
Adequate safeguards against arbitrariness the Bill of Rights that guarantees the right to personal liberty, perishes
such as the requirement of determining the existence of a probable with it.
cause by the judge before the issuance of the warrant of arrest.
Probable cause in habeas corpus proceeding Arbitrariness, as a ground for judicial inquiry of presidential acts and
The finding of such probable cause may not be immediately brought decisions, sounds good in theory but impractical and unrealistic,
for review by this Court in a habeas corpus proceeding, on the claim considering how well-nigh impossible it is for the courts to contradict
of arbitrariness. the finding of the President on the existence of the emergency that
gives occasion for the exercise of the power to suspend the privilege
The matter is to be decided on the basis of the evidence, and this Court of the writ.
is not the proper forum for the review sought, not being a trier of facts.
For the Court to insist on reviewing Presidential action on the ground
If such a procedure were allowed, it would be easy to delay and of arbitrariness may only result in a violent collision of two jealous
obstruct the prosecution of an offense by a resort to a petition for powers with tragic consequences, by all means to be avoided, in
habeas corpus based on arbitrariness, which most accuse, if not all, favor of adhering to the more desirable and long-tested doctrine of
would be most inclined, specially when they are out on bail. "political question" in reference to the power of judicial review.

The petition now before Us is exactly one of this kind. If granted, the
effect is to transfer the jurisdiction of the trial courts in criminal cases
to this Court, which is simply inconceivable.

Moreover, arbitrariness, while so easy to allege, is hard to prove, in

the face of the formidable obstacle built up by the presumption of
regularity in the performance of official duty. Unexhilaratingly, this is
the revealing experience of this Court in the Lansang case, where it

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