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Topic Module 3 Elements and Compounds

Sub Topic The Periodic Table Its Elementary

Grade Level Grade 7
Time Allotment 60 minutes
Teacher April Jeen A. Narido
Learning Competencies and Objectives
At the end of the session the students are expected to:
a. Be familiar with the layout of the periodic table
b. know some information about the elements that may be found in the periodic table, and
c. identify the group number an element it belongs to

ELICIT Materials/Assessment Tools

Before the start of the lesson, the teacher show a sample of a periodic table and asked Periodic table
them what is it? And what can be found in the periodic table?

ENGAGE Materials/Assessment Tools

Samples of
The teacher shows some picture of an element Elements/picture
The teacher will inform the students what has to be done in their activity
The teacher will then asked the students how the elements are grouped and
arranged as to what had they observed.

EXPLORE Materials/Assessment Tools

Per group been given a copy
In this phase, the students are (grouped 5 members/group),provided with the material of the periodic table
and properly instructed on what has to be done and with the following questions given
for them to answer
 The students then shares their observation as to the arrangement of the
elements in the periodic table
The teacher will monitor the students work by group
EXPLAIN Materials/Assessment Tools

The teacher provided the students time to show their answers to their activity
and their observation on the arrangement of the periodic table through group
presentation / group reporting

ELABORATE () Materials/Assessment Tools

The teacher then shows the student as to the arrangement of elements as to PRESENTATION
what/where this following terms could be seen (periodic tables
 Period- horizontal rows arrangement)
 Metals and Non Metals
 Groups- numbered vertical columns
-special name of group
a. alkali metals-soft very reactive metals
examples given
b. transition metals
examples given
c. halogens
examples given
d. noble gases
examples given
EVALUATE (10 minutes) Materials/Assessment Tools
Group reporting
EXTEND Materials/Assessment Tools
Draw a periodic table in a 1 long bond paper
Bring samples of food labels tomorrow for our activity.

Science 7 LM page 32-34

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