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Day: Thursday Date: 13/03/2018 Time: Year: 2

Learning Area: HASS

Topic: Geography: Hemispheres, continents and oceans

Australian Curriculum Content Description:

The way the world is represented in geographic divisions and the location of Australia in relation to these
divisions (ACHASSK047)

 investigating the definition of a continent and the seven-continent and six-continent models
 using geographical tools (for example, a globe and world map) or digital applications such as Google
Earth to locate and name the continents, oceans, equator, North and South Poles, tropics and
hemispheres and then labelling an outline map
 describing the location of continents and oceans relative to Australia, using terms such as north,
south, opposite, near, far

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with
Cross-curriculum priorities: cultures Asia

Critical and creative Ethical Personal and social Intercultural

General capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT
thinking behaviour capability understanding

Students’ prior knowledge and experience:

This is the first lesson in a geography unit.
Students should have an understanding of the equator and north and south poles from year 1

Teaching purpose:
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the concepts of continents, oceans, equator, North and South Poles,
tropics and hemispheres.

Learning objectives: Assessment:

On completion of this lesson, students will be able to: - Formative performance assessment will be
conducted using anecdotal records, based
- Identify the location of the major
on the level of understanding demonstrated
geographical divisions of the world (e.g.
by the students during their experiments.
continents, oceans) in relation to Australia
- Kahoot! will provide an analysis of students
answers when they have completed the pre-
unit quiz.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment will be required)
 Kahoot!
 iPads x 6
 Labelling sheets x 24
 Atlas/globe
Catering for diversity:
 Student groups will be organised prior to the lesson, ensuring that there is at least 1 higher
performing student in each group that can assist other students who may be experiencing difficulty.
 The power point slide will refer to commonly used science vocabulary to front load students with
the information they need to complete the experiment.
 Physical materials will support hands on, kinetic learners.
 Higher achieving students are provided the opportunity to extend their learning through peer-

Timing Learning experiences

20 min Hook: Kahoot!

Inform students of today’s learning intentions:
Today I am looking to see how much you all know about hemispheres, continents and oceans.
Teacher to ask students if they can explain what a hemisphere, continent and an ocean is.
 Hemisphere: a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or
into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles.

Continents: one of the earth's seven major areas of land. The continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia,
Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Brazil is on the continent of South America.

Oceans: An ocean is a huge body of salt water.

Teacher to invite students to the mat for a Kahoot!
- Dojo points for Kahoot! winners
Model how to properly use iPads
- Team names must only be one word
- Skip individual names
- IPad on the floor at all times
- Students to take turns answering questions.
o Last time we did a Kahoot!, you worked very well as a team. Are you happy to
decide how your team will work or do you want me to give everyone a number
and a turn to use the iPad?
Start the Kahoot!
Once Kahoot! is finished discuss results and what students knew and didn’t know
- Students to go back to their desks and prepare coloured pencils and lead pencil (possibly
HASS books)
- Teacher to model how to complete the worksheet (on an a3 copy) and provide students
with atlas/maps to help complete it
- Teacher to release students to try and complete their own, students may work in pairs if
they want to.

Teacher to re-do Kahoot! and allow students to use their maps for assistance/complete an a3

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