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Sample school-based assessment

Description of the project

The Caribbean Fashion Store (CFS) is a prominent cloths store in the district of Sands in the island of
Sheeba. The store has been using the manual method of operations in all areas of their business. This
year the company’s management team has decided to computerise its operations for the efficient
running of the business. The computer system they purchased came with general purpose software
that has word processor, spreadsheet and database management components.
As a test, the owner of the store would like to use the software to carry out the following tasks for the
month of October:
1. Generation of a club brochure that informs the public about the clothes store and details of the
Christmas Sale.
2. Analysis of the salary details of the employees for the month.
3. Storage of personal information of employees and their sales details.
4. Preparation of letters for the outstanding employees who achieved their sales target to inform
them about their commission amounts.
You are in charge of setting up the word processing, spreadsheet and database templates that will
permit all employees of the store to efficiently carry out these activities.
Your assumptions or modifications have to be stated clearly along with your printouts. You can
attempt the sections in any order.
Section A – Spreadsheets
The spreadsheet package will be used to create a model that will allow the owner of the store to
manipulate and monitor the monthly salary details of the employees.
Currently, there are 25 employees in the club. There are FOUR categories of employees and EACH
category attracts a different basic monthly salary. There are six Supervisors, 17 Sales people, one
Manager and one Assistant Manager at the store. The categories of membership with current rates are
given in the table below. This table should be on a separate worksheet.

Category Code Basic Monthly Salary

Manager M $8000
Assistant Manager AM $7000
Supervisor S $5000
Sales Staff SS $3000

There are allowances and deductions in the employees’ salaries. The allowances are Daily Allowance,
Travel Allowance and Entertainment Allowance and the deductions are Social Security, Levy and
Insurance. These are calculated based on their basic salary. The Travel Allowance and Entertainment
Allowance are available to the Manager and the Assistant Manager ONLY. The rate of payments of
these allowances and deductions also need to be kept on the worksheet with the basic salary rate.
Allowance Code Rate (%)
Daily Allowance DA 12.5%
Travel Allowance TA 6%
Entertainment Allowance EA 3.5%

Deductions Code Rate (%)

Social Security SS 6%
Environmental Levy EL 1%
Insurance INS 2%

You are required to:

Create one or more worksheets that will enable the owner of the store to easily analyse, modify and
monitor the salary details of his staff. The following is a sample section of the information from the

First Last Category Basic Allowances Deductions Total Total

Name Name Code Salary Allowances Deductions
John Browne SS $3000 $330 0 0 $180 $30 $60 $330 $270

database to form the worksheets.

Task A
1. Create the information for the 25 employees’ salary details for the month of October 2009.
They should be sorted by last name then by first name. The allowances and deductions must be
calculated using cell references only as there may be changes in their rates.
2. Add extra columns to include the Gross income and Net income. Gross income is calculated by
the following formula: Basic Salary + Allowances
Net income is calculated by the following formula: Gross Income – Deductions.
3. Include a row to calculate the totals of each of the numeric columns.
4. Save your worksheet as Task A
Task B
1. John Browne got a new job and he resigned from his post at CFS. Remove him from the
spreadsheet. Save the spreadsheet as TaskB1
2. The management team decided to change the Daily Allowance (DA) rate to 12.5%. Adjust this
rate. Save the spreadsheet as TaskB2.
3. Sort the worksheet of TaskB2 by employee category first and then by last names. Save as
4. Create a complex criterion to select all information on all employees whose last name begins
with ‘B’ and are in the Sales Staff or Assistant Manager category. Save the spreadsheet as
5. Create a pie chart to compare the total allowances (DA, TA and EA) and total deductions (SS, EL
and INS) paid by the store for the month of October 2009.
6. Print all formulae or functions used.
Section B – Database Management
The database management component of the software that CFS purchased will be used to store
personal details of the employees, their sales details (used to determine their promotions,
commissions and further employment) and their basic salary rates.
Currently, there are 25 employees in the club. There are FOUR categories of employees and EACH
category attracts a different basic monthly salary. There are six Supervisors, 17 Sales people, one
Manager and one Assistant Manager at the store. The categories of membership with current rates are
given in the table below. This table must be stored in a separate table called Basic Salary Rates.

Category Code Basic Monthly Salary

Manager M $8000
Assistant Manager AM $7000
Supervisor S $5000
Sales Staff SS $3000

The Personal Details table stores the Employee ID (ID), First Name (Fname), Last Name (Lname),
Gender, Date joined, Category code, Address and Contact number. Employee ID is created by using the
employee’s initials and three decimal digits, e.g. the employee John Browne would have the Employee
ID JB100.
The Sales Details table stores the details of individual Sales Staff ONLY. It should contain Employee ID,
Week1sales($), Week2sales($), Week3sales($), Week4sales($) and TotalSales($).
You are required to:
1. Set up a database with THREE tables with appropriate field names, data types and field sizes,
containing information on the employees’ details. If you have already attempted the
spreadsheet task, you can copy some fo the information from the spreadsheet to form the
database tables.
2. Test your database by performing the following queries:
a. List ID, Fname, Lname, Address and Date joined of ALL Sales Staff who joined the store
after 2005. Save it as 2005qry.
b. List ID, Fname, Lname, Address and Contact number of all Sales Staff who created more
than $15000 in the total sales ($). Sort the members in descending order of their last
name. Save the query as Salesqry.
c. The store has decided to give a commission to all sales staff at a rate of 3% of their total
sales. Create a calculated field called Commission. List Fname, Lname, Basic salary and
Commission fields. Save the query as Commqry.
d. Using query summary features calculate:
i. The largest (maximum) TotalSales($) amount achieved by an employee. Save it
as Maxqry.
ii. The total commission earned by all the Sales Staff. Save it as Totqry.
iii. The number of employees who are not entitled to commission. Save it as
e. Prepare a report containing the employees grouped by category and sorted by Lname in
ascending order. The fields to be displayed are ID, Fname, Lname, Gender, Date joined,
Category, Contact number and Basic salary. It should have the following title:
Caribbean Fashion Store
Staff List 2009
f. Produce another report that displays ID, Fname, Lname, Gender, Basic salary and
Commission of all the Sales Staff. The report should be grouped by gender and should
display the commission earned by each employee and the grand total of commission
paid out by the company. The report should have the following title in ALL pages:
Caribbean Fashion Store
Commission Details of Sales Staff
Section C – Word Processing
The owner of Caribbean Fashion Stores plans to launch a brochure to notify the customers about the
variety of clothes that are sold at the store and also about the Christmas Sale.
The President of the club also would like to get a report of the salary and sales details of the activities
of the store for the month of October 2009.
You are required to:
1. Create a brochure to inform the public about the variety of clothes available at the store and
also about the Christmas Sale. The test in the brochure must be fully justified with 1.5 line
spacing. Use columns to create a leaflet that can be folded. Use appropriate margins and
layouts so that folding of the brochure can be easily done. Be creative!!
2. Prepare a letterhead with the name, address and logo of the store. The logo can be a suitable
graphic. Using mail merge facilities, prepare a letter on the letterhead for the staff members
who will b provided with a commission to commend the staff about their hard work and
3. Prepare a brief report addressed to Mr. Dave Phillip, Caribbean Fashion Store, Mayor Street,
Sands, Sheeba, including the following elements:
a. A list of members who will be given a commission.
b. A graph showing the total allowances and deductions.
4. Ensure that the documents have been formatted properly and spell checked.
Section D – Problem-Solving and Program Design
You are required to:
1. Develop an algorithm in narrative and pseudocode or flowchart that will accept the names of
all sales staff members and their total sales for the month. The algorithm must calculate the
commission at 3% of their total sales amount. It should also display the name, total sales and
commission of the member with the highest commission and the number of persons without
2. Design and execute a trace table with the column headings ‘Name’, ‘Total sales’ and
‘Commission’. Using the trace table, display the highest commission and the number of persons
without commission.

Program implementation
You are required to:
1. Write a program to implement the algorithm in Task 1 of Problem-solving, using the
programming language Pascal.

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