ch8 lecture 12 cyclone-انسانيات PDF

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Lecture 11 8 -CYCLONE 8.1 BASIC PRINCIPLE * Air containing particle is forced to swirl around Centrifugal force pushes particles to outside of vessel where they impact with wall, accumulate, and fall out 8.1.1 REVERSE FLOW * Most common and efficient ¢ Air reverses direction but particles can’t 8.1.2 NON-REVERSING Lower pressure drop than reverse flow © Notas effective at removing small particles as reverse flow 8.1.3 ADVANTAGE OF CYCLONE SEPARATORS © Low capital cost « Non-proprietary (standard designs are published ) © Can operate at high temperatures, pressures, high dust concentrations « Dust collected is clean and not contaminated by filter fibers > reusable (e.g. pharmaceuticals) 8.1.4 DISADVANTAGES OF CYCLONE SEPARATORS * Can’t be used with “sticky” dust (tacky and staticy) « Not recommended when condensation will occur in cyclone (solution: heat & insulate) oh7-2004, Page 2 of 14 Poor removal of particles < Sum * High pressure drop > high energy use 8.2 COLLECTION EFFICIENCY 1. Number of revolutions, Ne Zz. 2 H.= height of inlet duct (m) 1 Ne = lle +=] Pe L, = length of cyclone body (m) Z, = length of cone (m) 2. Length of time air is in cylinder, DT _ distance traveled __aDNe inlet velocity —_v, 3. Minimum radial velocity of particle to be collected Vain = - DT Settling chamber uf \, Fe Fye—O) : v,, =v, =H for removal | DT = Drag Force oh7-2004, Page 3 of 14 . m, Centrifugal Force = . m,yV, Buoyant Force = ——*- Assume «C= 64/Re . Radical flow around particle is laminar « Particle quickly reaches terminal velocity in the radial direction «Particle is spherical ad gy 2) Pn 24 1 PiVeg 24 _ Orv, ft 20" * a, Re 20% g. pyv,,2r, 8. Assume ¢ Tangential velocity of particle = tangential velocity of air = inlet velocity 4_ 4 2 3m (Pp PM Fo-Fy= >——_—_ eR Since particle is at constant (terminal) velocity, Fp=Fe-Fy Gr,v,H _ 4m, (Py —Pr)¥e & 3g.R 2 2 2 2 _ 2r, (Pp, —Pr)v, _ dy (P, —Pe)Y, Vv, =v, =— 4 = ° 9uR 18yR chT-2004, Page dof I4 Visin = Be =V, no = EDNe = ¥ y, q2 =P 9Dp * “RDNe (p,—p,)v,, a - | SB * \mNe(p, — PV, 4. But all particles > dpmin Will not be removed * approach of Lapple (1951) is to consider particles of “critical” size that will be removed 50% y —B2 °“ DT dy. = diameter of particle removed with 50% efficiency (m) |_9Beh ~\2nNe(p, — PV, 5. Other size particles 1 n= 1 (Gs y +( 4, ni) = efficiency of removal of particle j dy; = diameter of particle j ch7-2004, Page 5 of 14 8.3 SALTATION VELOCITY Collection efficiency sometimes observed to decrease with increase in inlet velocity. Why? Definition: a) Minimum fluid velocity to prevent settling-out of the solids b) Velocity required to pick up particles and transport them without settling « The Kalen & Lenz (1974) relationship was applied by Koch & Licht (1977): ByD)“ ; v, =2.055e[— PD) apm ow (I- B/D)" 4en(p, = Pras a] 3p, ™ where =[ B, = inlet width (m) D = cyclone diameter (m) vj = inlet velocity (m/s) H = viscosity of fluid (Kg, /m.s) g=9.81 m/s Note: Those are empirical equations. «use specified units (fi, Ib,,, s) only © Max 1 occurs around vj/v, = 1.25 « Re-entrainment occurs at v/v, = 1.36 (check for this in design) oh?-2004, Page 6 of 14 8.4 PRESSURE DROP « Recall Bernoulli’s principle: 1. 1a, P+spv, +Zpg=P,+ Spy, +Z,pg press veheciy res. ree N_kg-m/s*__kg_ kgm, __ke kg m__ke m m m-s* mss m-s’ ms? m-s? Express in terms of heights or “heads” Po iv,; —4+i+4+Z, = pg 28 Now consider the cyclone P, -P, = AP =pressure drop 2 ? Spv, Hy ch7-2004, Page 7 of 14 where H, = number of inlet velocity heads equivalent to pressure = x HB drop = K—>* P D. (D, = exit diameter) K = 16 (range 12-18) for direct tangential entry 7.5 for inlet vanes 8.5 POWER REQUIRED va Ne Na Inlet vanes 1 or 2 Power = 0; where BHP = break “horse” power (W) m’ N Nem work of fluid = QAP AT _w) work of fluid = efficiency of fan = _———_—__ " Y shaft work shaft work 1,, = efficiency of motor = — ———___ electrical power to motor typical values: 0.6-0.9 oh?-2004, Page 8 of 14 Example Problem Given: Exhaust gas flow rate = 22,600 m°/h Exhaust dust concentration = 4.6 gim* Exhaust gas temperature = 121 °C Dust density = 1.5 g/cm? Desired emission rate = 600 mg/m* Particle size distribution as follows: d,x (um) | Mass Fraction, mj (%) 215 6 67.5 2 Design a cyclone to meet the desired emission rate ch7-2004, Page 9 of 14 1) Calculate desired removal efficiency = 55/8 10" mE/ 8) (60ME/m) 69 _ 36.969 4.6x10°mg/m 2) Assume an inlet velocity Vi = 15.2 m/s 3) Choose a design High efficiency Stairmand design (1) has good removal/AP ratio according to 2D2D. 4) Calculate diameter Q= BB; H.=0.5D Q = (0.5D)(0.25D)v; = 0.125D? v;, (22600m'/h) 0125 (15.2m/s)(3600s/h) | 5) Calculate dy. [Be *“\ANe(p, — P/V, T= 120°C pb = 2.27x10° kg/m-s p =0.894 kg/m? Be = 0.25D = 0.25(1.82m) = 0.205 m ch?-2004, Page 10 of 14 new + Ze O dy, eZee P phe Zey H,° 2° DHe* 2° HeD 2D =p 2 +2 )<6 tums 0.5 2 Pp = 1500 kg/m? _ [9(2.27x10kg/m-s)(0.205m) _ 7.49 \2n@) 05.2m/s)(500kg/m) pe 6) Calculate no 1 1 ),=——_ = -—_ i d 7.42um > rey? La Ma 1G y ( d ni pi dy; (um) |Mass Fraction, | Grade Removal. | Grade Rem., Average y i 7 Sco Mu (%) Efficiency, ni mn 375 6 100 600 67.5 2 91.7 195 50 6 95.9 576 35 7 92.0 644 25 12 85.5 1026 17.5 9 74.3 668 12.5 14 59.6. 834 8.75 10 41.9 419 6.25 12 26.9 323 3.75 14 11.7 164 1.25 8 15 12 100 =| 5456 ch?-2004, Page IT of 14 7) Calculate AP (0.5)(0.25) Let’) g (0.5) 8) Adjust v; or no. of cyclones 1 too high — decrease v; decrease no. of cyclones increase D — recalculate n, AP 1 too low — increase v; increase no. of cyclones decrease D > recalculate n, AP Mo = $4.6 <87, need dye = 2.2 um for No = 87 Use formula | 9Belt I———*"__ =2.2x10°%m to find \ANe(P, — Pe), d ch?-2004, Page 12 of 14 2 - Bo 2M ne NeviPy _ 2n(2.2e"*)? 6 (15.2)1500 20,36 mm ou 9(2.27x107°) B./D=0.25 » D=B,/0.25=81.44 mm In order to maintain same v;, need to increase no. of cyclones: a Q-fBy,n By, Q n= Q _ (22600m* /h)(1/3600h/s) _ H.BY, 0.5(81.4x10™) (20.4x10™*m)15.2m/s eee eeu He Be too high, try T v; to bring AP to max Assume: AP max = 4980 Pa f |24P _417m/s Vai, 2 i $2 Bee Pp _ 2m (2.26*)* 6 (41.7)1500 _ 9g 5) sm ou 9(2.27x 10) D=B, /0.25 = 37.24 mm na Qe (22600m'/h)(1/3600h/s)____g “HB 0.537.2x10%) (9.31x107m)41.7m/s pene) eee mt ig Be J. use 87 cyclones

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