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Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Exercise pamphlet published January 2010

Neck Exercises – A ten point daily routine to avoid neck pain

The neck is one of the most flexible parts of the human body. It contains a lot of nerves and blood vessels
that enable the head to turn up and down and from side to side and as such is a complex structure.

Neck and shoulder problems may involve a wide range of symptoms other than pain and these may
include dizziness, nausea, headaches and numbness of the hands.

But Neck problems can be prevented – with simple posture measures and by following a quick and easy
daily exercise regime.

Neck Problems Simple posture measures

The most common cause of neck problems is: 1. Always stand and sit with your head straight in line
with your body
1. Injury – Sudden and jerky movements, that put
strain in the neck 2. Sit upright in chairs that support the neck and the
small of the back
2. Ageing – Normal wear and tear, making the neck
venerable to minor injuries 3. Do not keep your neck in the same position for a
long time. Turn your head sporadically, slowly, from
3. Tension – Strain, both emotional and physical, side to side.
tightens the muscles and overworks them.
4. Never read in bed with your head flexed against the
4. Posture – Prolonged sitting or bending at work can bed end. Do not sleep lying flat and face down and
cause unnoticed injuries that will later also avoid high pillows – a 10cm pillow is best.
cause neck problems.
5. Avoid sudden twisting or jerking neck movements

6. Maintain a daily neck exercise routine.

Daily exercise routine 1. 2.

Try doing this ten-point routine, twice a day – first thing

in the morning and last thing at night:

Exercise 1 – Shoulder Stretches

Stand straight and pull your shoulders back and together
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 2 – Shoulder Pulls

Stand straight and pull your shoulders down
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times
Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Exercise pamphlet published January 2010

Neck Exercises continued

Exercise 3 – Neck Forward Stretches 3. 4.

In either the sitting or standing position, bend your neck forward
while putting your hands on your head for support
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 4 – Neck Backward Stretches

In either the sitting or standing position, bend your neck
backward while putting your hands on your head for support
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 5 – Neck Sideways Stretches

5. 6.
In either the sitting or standing position, face forward and tilt
your head sideways gently with your hand and try to touch your
right shoulder with your right ear
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 6 – Neck Turn Stretches

In either the sitting or standing position, use your hands to
slowly turn your head to one side either in sitting or standing
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 7 – Neck Chin Tucks 7. 8.

In either the sitting or standing position, keep your head straight

and tuck in your chin while pulling your head slightly back
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 8 – Neck Strengthening Backward Bends

In either the sitting or standing position, put your hands behind
your head and press your head against your hands
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 9 – Neck Strengthening Sideways Turns

9. 10.
In either the sitting or standing position, put your right hand on
your right ear, keep your head and hand still and press your
head against your hand
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

Exercise 10 – Neck Strengthening Turns

In either the sitting or standing position, put your right hand on
the side of the right side of your forehead, keep your head and
hand still and press your head against your hand
Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 20 times

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