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Salma Haddad

Understand the basis for normal protective immune responses

• Constitutive/physical barriers to infection

• Cells of the innate immune response
• Macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, NK cells
• Complement
• Cytokines and chemokines
• Cells of the adaptive immune response
• T and B cells
Immunology 101

Innate Adaptive
Macrophages, neutrophils, T and B cells
dendritic cells, NK cells, mast cells
Fast Slow
No memory Memory
Germline encoded Somatic recombination
Non-specific Specific
Immunology 101

T cells B cells
Maturation in thymus Maturation in bone marrow
T cell receptor B cell receptor
TCR binds to antigen via MHC BCR binds directly to antigen
Receptor is surface bound Soluble antibody production
Cellular and humoral effectors Only humoral effectors
T cell

CD4 T cell (T helper/Th) CD8 T cell (cytotoxic/CTL)

(cancer cells/virally
infected cells)
Th1 cell Treg cell
(intracellular (negative
bacteria ) Th2 cell regulator)
B cell
Immunology 101
Found on all nucleated cells Found only on antigen presenting cells
(APCs) (dendritic cells, macrophages, B
Presents endogenous antigen Presents exogenous antigen
Binds to CD8 TCR Binds to CD4 TCR
Understand how deficiencies in immune responses result in
increased susceptibility to infectious disease

• Primary – inherited
• Secondary – to some other cause
• Physiological – to be expected
• Neonates, pregnancy, old age





Phagocytosis and

Recruitment of cells
Reticular dysgenesis
• Failure of stem cells to differentiate along myeloid or lymphoid lineage
• Failure of production of: Neutrophils, Lymphocytes,
Monocyte/macrophages, Platelets

• Fatal in very early life unless corrected with bone marrow transplantation

• Autosomal recessive severe SCID (most severe form)

• Mutation in mitochondrial energy metabolism enzyme adenylate kinase 2
Neutrophil maturation
Kostmann’s syndrome
• Specific failure of neutrophil maturation (untimely apoptosis)
• Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia
• Classical form due to mutation in HCLS1-associated protein X-1

• Clinical: recurrent bacterial and fungal infections

• Treatment: responds very well to G-CSF

Cyclic neutropenia
• Specific failure of neutrophil maturation
• Autosomal dominant episodic neutropenia every 4-6 weeks
• Mutation in neutrophil elastase (ELA-2)

• Clinical: increased bacterial/fungal infections every few weeks with

good health in between

• Treatment: G-CSF. Improves after puberty.

Migration and adhesion
• CD18 (integrin b2) usually expressed on neutrophils
• Bind to ligands on endothelial cells
• Regulate neutrophil adhesion/transmigration
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
• CD18 deficiency
• Failure of neutrophils to exit bloodstream (cannot bind to ICAM1)

• Clinical:
• Very high neutrophil counts in blood
• Absence of pus formation
• Delay in umbilical cord sloughing

• Treatment: haematopoietic stem cell transplant

• Oxidative killing
• NADPH oxidase complex converts oxygen into reactive oxygen species –
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide

• Non-oxidative killing
• Release of bacteriocidal enzymes such as lysozyme and lactoferrin into the
Chronic granulomatous disease
• Absent respiratory burst
• Deficiency of one of components of NADPH oxidase (often X-linked)
• Inability to generate oxygen free radicals
• Impaired killing of intracellular micro-organisms

• Clinical: Pus, granuloma formation, lymphadenopathy and


• Treatment: IFN-g
Investigations for phagocyte deficiency
• FBC – neutrophil count
• Leukocyte adhesion markers assay
• Nitroblue tetrazolium test – oxidative killing (cells turn blue if active)
• Dihydrorhodamine flow cytometry – similar to NBT
• Which cell of the immune system makes pus when it dies?
• Which cell is specialized to present antigen?
• A boy comes in with abscesses and a positive NBT. What is the likely
Complement deficiency
• Failure of opsonisation = failure of phagocytosis

• Clinical:
• Increased risk of encapsulated bacterial infections
• N. meningitidis
• S. pneumoniae
• Haemophilus influenza
• SLE – if early components of classical pathway involved
Investigation of complement
• CH50 – measures classical pathway activity
• AP50 – measures alternative pathway activity
Failure of stem cells to differentiate
(myeloid and lymphoid lineage)
Production Reticular dysgenesis AR SCID

Severe neutropenia
Kostmann’s HAX-1 mutation

Maturation Infections due to neutropenia

every few weeks
Cyclic neutropenia ELA-2 mutation

CD18 (integrin b2) deficiency

Leukocyte adhesion No pus, Delayed UC separation

Neutrophils Migration deficiency
Increased neutrophil count
during infection

Complement and
Infections with
Opsonisation antibody encapsulated bacteria

Phagocytosis Chronic Abscesses

granulomatous Positive NBT test
and killing disease Mx: IFN-g

Recruitment of Cytokine
cells deficiencies

T cells
Cytokine release

progenitors T-B cell

B cells

Class switching
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
• Features
• Many different forms
• Mutation of gamma chain of IL2 receptor on Xq13.1 most common (X-linked
• Required for receptors for IL2, 4, 7, 9, 15, 21
• à inability to respond to cytokines
• à early arrest of T and NK cells, immature B cells
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
• Unwell by 3 months of age (protected beforehand by IgG from
mother across placenta then colostrum) with:
• Infections of all types
• Failure to thrive
• Persistent diarrhoea
• Unusual skin disease
• Colonisation of infant’s empty bone marrow by maternal lymphocytes
• Graft versus host disease

• Treatment: BMT
Lymphocyte development
Lymphoid progenitors

Stem Cells
Pre T-Cells Useless (does not
recognise MHC)
Dangerous (binds too
Thymus strongly to MHC)
Useful (recognises
MHC weakly

plasma cells Export of mature T-cells to the periphery
DiGeorge syndrome
• Features
• Thymic aplasia

• Clinical
• Cardiac abnormalities
• Abnormal facies
• Thymic aplasia (T cell lymphopenia)
• Cleft palate
• Hypocalcaemia/hypoparathyroidism
• 22q11.2 deletion
Selection of CD4+ T lymphocytes
MHC Class II
Double positive Single positive
Bone Marrow CD4+8+ CD4+ lymphocytes
Pre-T cells thymocytes
4 4

Active selection of cells

that recognise peptides
in conjunction with
MHC Class II

Bare lymphocyte syndrome type II
• Features
• Defect in regulatory factor X and class II transactivator = absent expression of
MHC class II

• Profound deficiency of CD4+ cells

• Usually have normal number of CD8+ cells
• Normal number of B cells
• Failure to make IgG or IgA antibody

• Treatment: antibiotics, IVIg, BMT

Investigation of T cell deficiencies:
• Total white cell count and differential
• Remember that lymphocyte counts are normally much higher in children than
in adults
• Lymphocyte subsets
• Quantify CD8 T cells, CD4 T cells as well as B cells and NK cells
• Serum immunoglobulins and protein electrophoresis
• Production of IgG is surrogate marker for CD4 T cell helper function
• Functional tests of T cell activation and proliferation
• Useful if signaling or activation defects are suspected
• HIV test
B cell maturation
Bruton’s X-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia
• Defective B cell tyrosine kinase gene

• Pre B cells cannot develop to mature B cells causing absence of

mature B cells and no circulating Ig after ~ 3 months

• Recurrent infections during childhood, bacterial, enterovirus

Class switching
Selective IgA deficiency
• Prevalence = 1:600

• 2/3rd individuals asymptomatic and 1/3rd have recurrent respiratory

tract infections

• Genetic component but cause unknown

Hyper IgM syndrome
• Inability of B cells to class switch causing production of only IgM due to a T cell defect
• Most cases caused by mutation in CD40 ligand gene (CD40L, CD154)
• Encoded on Xq26
• Expressed by activated T cells – NOT on B cells

• Boys present in first few years of life with:

• Recurrent infections - bacterial
• Failure to thrive
• Pneumocystis jiroveci infection, autoimmune disease and malignancy

• Causes:
• Normal number circulating B cells
• Normal number of T cells and normal in vitro T cell responses
• Elevated serum IgM
• Undetectable IgA, IgE, IgG
• No germinal centre development within lymph nodes and spleen
• Failure of isotype switching
Common variable immune deficiency
• Heterogenous group of disorders with disease mechanism unknown

• Low IgG, IgA and IgE

• Clinical features
• Recurrent bacterial infections
• Often with severe end-organ damage
• Bronchiectasis, persistent sinusitis, recurrent GIT infection
• Autoimmune disease
• Granulomatous disease
Investigation of B cell deficiencies
• Total white cell count and differential
• Remember that lymphocyte counts are normally much higher in children than in adults
• Lymphocyte subsets
• Quantify B cells as well as CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells and NK cells
• Serum immunoglobulins and protein electrophoresis
• Production of IgG is surrogate marker for CD4 T cell helper function
• Functional tests of B cell function
• Specific antibody responses to known pathogens
• Measure IgG antibodies against tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae B and S. pneumoniae
• If specific antibody levels are low, immunise with the appropriate killed vaccine and repeat
antibody measurement 6–8 weeks later
• Functional tests have generally superceded IgG subclass quantitation.
Cytokine deficiencies
• IL-12 and IFN-g are important for T cell/macrophage interaction and

• Clinical:
• Increased susceptibility to infection with intracellular organisms
• E.g. TB
Thymic maturation DiGeorge CATCH-22

Bare lymphocyte MHC II deficiency

syndrome II Reduced CD4
T cells
Cytokine release Increased
IL-12/IFN deficiency
susceptibility to TB

T-B cell
Failure of B cell maturation
B cell TK gene mutation
Maturation Bruton’s X-linked
No circulating Ig
Recurrent childhood infections
Lymphoid progenitors
Selective IgA
B cells deficiency 2/3 asymptomatic
1/3 recurrent infections

X-linked mutation in CD40L

High IgM, Low IgG, A, E
Class switching
Infection, autoimmunity and
Hyper IgM malignancy
Mutation in IL2R
Deficiency in B, T and NK
X-linked SCID cells
FTT, infections, diarhhoea, Common variable Unknown cause
GvHD immune deficiency Normal IgM, low IgG, A, E
• Woman with recurrent chest infections is found to have reduced total
serum protein and autoimmune thrombocytopaenia.

• Girl has no CD4 cells, but present CD8 and B cells.

• Boy with no B cells, no Ig, normal CD4 and CD8 counts.

• Boy with no B cells, normal Ig, normal CD4 and CD8 counts.
Autoinflammation and autoimmunity
• Immunopathology in the absence of infection due to innate immune
• May be monogenic (rare) or polygenic (more common)
Monogenic auto-inflammatory disease
• Tend to cause periodic fevers
• Abnormal signalling via key cytokine pathways involving TNF/IL-1

• Example: familial Mediterranean fever

• Autosomal recessive
• MEFV mutation (encodes pyrin-marenostrin)
• Failure to regulate cryopyrin driven activation of neutrophils
Familial Mediterranean Fever
• Clinical presentation: periodic fevers lasting 48-96 hours associated with:
• Abdominal pain due to peritonitis
• Chest pain due to pleurisy and pericarditis
• Arthritis
• Long term risk of amyloidosis causing nephrotic syndrome and renal failure
• Treatment:
• Colchicine 500ug bd – binds to tubulin in neutrophils and disrupts neutrophil
functions including migration and chemokine secretion
• Anakinra (IL-1 R anatagonist)
• Etanercept (TNFa inhibitor)
• Type 1 IFN
• Often discovered by linkage

foreign antigens

Gel & Coombs classification
• Type I : Immediate Hypersensitivity
• Type II : Antibody-dependent Cytotoxicity
• Type III : Immune Complex Mediated
• Type IV : Delayed Cell Mediated
Gel & Coombs classification
• Type I : Immediate Hypersensitivity
• Type II : Antibody-dependent Cytotoxicity
• Type III : Immune Complex Mediated
• Type IV : Delayed Cell Mediated
Type I immediate hypersensitivity
• Anaphylaxis
• Asthma
• Rhinitis
• Seasonal
• Perennial
• Food Allergy

• SOLUBLE antigen
Type I immediate hypersensitivity
• Primary exposure = Sensitisation not tolerance

• Secondary exposure = antigen cross-links IgE on mast cells/basophils

causing degranulation

• Measure serum tryptase

Type II antibody-dependent hypersensitivity
Clinical presentation depends on target tissue
• Organ-specific autoimmune diseases
• Myasthenia gravis (Anti-acetylcholine R Ab)
• Goodpasture’s (Anti-glomerular basement membrane Ab)
• Pemphigus vulgaris (Anti-epithelial cell cement protein Ab)
• Pernicious anaemia (Intrinsic factor blocking Abs)
• Autoimmune cytopenias (Ab mediated blood cell destruction)
• Haemolytic anaemia
• Thrombocytopenia
• Neutropenia
Type III Immune Complex Mediated
• Antigen-Antibody complexes form in BLOOD

• Deposit in a tissue

• All antibody functions then happen there à VASCULITIS

• Vasculitides

• Causes glomerulonephritis, arthritis, skin and lung pathology

Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity Responses
• Cell mediated

• Th1 à Macrophage activation à TNFa (auto/alloimmunity)

• Th2 à Eosinophil activation à inflammatory mediators (allergy)
• CTL à granzyme and perforin release, induces apoptosis
Type IV
• Adaptive immune responses with specificity for self “antigens”

• Genetic predisposition
• Infections (molecular mimicry)
• Environmental factors

• Breakdown of T cell tolerance

Genetic predisposition
Lymphocyte development
Lymphoid progenitors

Stem Cells
Pre T-Cells Useless (does not
recognise MHC)
Dangerous (binds too
Thymus strongly to MHC)
Useful (recognises
MHC weakly

plasma cells Export of mature T-cells to the periphery

Suppression Exhaustion/deletion
by Tregs Lack of co- Ignorance (eye, after chronic
stimulation (anergy) CNS, testes) stimulation
Breakdown of central tolerance – APECED
• Autoimmune
• PolyEndocrinopathy-
• Candidiasis-
• Ectodermal
• Dystrophy

• Mutations of TF AIRE (causes expression of many self-antigens in thymus in

order to negatively select self-reactive T cells)
• Found in Medullary Thymic Epithelial cells (mTEC)
• No negative selection
Breakdown of central tolerance – SLE
• Genetic predispositions occur in genes relating to:
• induction of tolerance (B lymphocyte activation: CD22, SHP-1):
autoantibody production

• apoptosis (Fas, Fas-ligand): failure in cell death

• clearance of antigen (Complement proteins C1q, C1r and C1s):

abundance/persistence of autoantigen
Breakdown of peripheral tolerance – failure of
ignorance in sympathetic ophthalmia
Regulatory T cells (Tregs)


Type of T
helper cell TF required for
IL-2 receptor Treg
Binds to B7,
preventing CD28
binding (negative
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