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The Back and Forth of Turkey’s “Westernness”

Summary: Whether or not Turkey
is turning its back on the West is by Soli Ozel*
a frequently asked question and a
common refrain, particularly after
Turkey’s reaction to Israel’s assault ISTANBUL — The periodic fits about There were three types of reaction that
against Hamas in Gaza. Turkey re-
whether Ankara is turning its back on shaped the public’s perception of U.S.
the West are a staple of discussions strategy. Turkey’s secular left saw the
mains strategically Western-oriented and analyses on Turkey. The fact that Iraq war as imperialist aggression, while
and in fact the ongoing Ergenekon a party that has its roots in the coun- the Islamists saw the Iraq war as yet
investigation reaffirms its Atlanticist try’s Islamist movement is in power another assault on a Muslim country
credentials. What Turkey’s Western helps intensify the anxiety of those in an effort to control its resources and
who worry about a Turkey that is not do Israel’s bidding. Talk of a Greater
allies must do is have a self-critical
oriented toward the West. Yet one can Middle East project also irked them,
look at their record and then ask also indeed argue that those who are so because in their minds this was a
themselves whether the strategic concerned do not invest the energy, the project of subjugating the region and
“Westernness” of Turkey is enough. time, and the political determination to its Muslim peoples to the United States
ensure that Turkey remains Western- and Israel.
How Turkey’s Western partners
Then there were the nationalist
deal with these issues and whether The European Union’s increasing elements that saw the Iraq war and its
they will spend the necessary time ambivalence, in particular the outright likely outcomes—like an independent
and energy to manage their rela- offensive language of some of its mem- or even highly autonomous Kurdis-
tionships with Turkey may have as bers against Turkey, has certainly un- tan—as a major threat to Turkish
dermined the Turkish public’s faith in security. This group, consisting over-
much, if not more, of an impact on
the sincerity of its European partners. whelmingly of secularists (civilians as
how Turkey ultimately develops. As a result, recent survey polls have well as active and retired military
shown a considerable drop in support personnel), also disliked the Greater
for EU membership. The Turkish Prime Middle East project. They believed that
Minister’s cavalier attitude during his this was part of a plan to subjugate
recent trip to Brussels, not to mention Turkish interests to those of the United
his rhetoric, reflects both this disillu- States. In their view, which was in
sionment and the resulting emotional stark contrast to the Islamist view, the
urge of defiance. neoconservative project wanted to turn
Turkey into a “moderately Islamist”
Sympathy for the United States, state. Loose or careless talk on the part
although recently improved, was at of some U.S. officials to that effect
one point the lowest in the world. This exacerbated this group’s anxiety.
Washington, DC • Berlin • Bratislava • Paris
was not simply the result of the Bush
Doctrine or the language used toward Much more importantly, though, such
Brussels • Belgrade • Ankara • Bucharest
the Iraq war chosen by some members people thought that in the post-Cold of the U.S. administration. War world and particularly in the

Soli Ozel teaches at Istanbul Bilgi University’s Department of International Relations and Political Science and is a columnist for the
Turkish daily Sabah. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the German
Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

post-invasion of Iraq world when America’s power and influ- cannot reassure those who seek a Turkey that observes the
ence were waning, Turkey’s interests no longer coincided rule of law.
with those of the West. To the contrary, they argued, the
American project ran afoul of Turkey’s interests both because Still, the Ergenekon case is an important step in cleansing
of its domestic design of moderate Islamism and because it Turkey’s security apparatuses of clandestine networks and
undermined Turkey’s aspirations for a zone of interest and putschists. The published diaries of a former Navy com-
influence to the east, in Central Asia and beyond. The natural mander indicated that there were two coup attempts in 2003
result of such thinking by some of Turkey’s secularist elites and 2004, quelled by then Chief-of-General Staff General
was the articulation of a non-Western posture in strategic Hilmi Özkök. In the past, these groupings were engaged in
affairs and an inclination to look for partners, if not allies, in illicit activities, murders, and an assortment of other crimes.
Russia, Iran, and China. They also had the ability of blocking investigations into their
own criminal activities.
This approach, dubbed “Eurasianist,” was first articulated
in March 2002 at a conference in Istanbul by the then- However, it is quite clear that the probe itself, the arrests, and
Secretary General of the National Security Council, the discovery of these networks would not have been possible
General Tuncer Kılınç. He asked that Turkey drop the without the active or tacit support of the Turkish military. In
European Union without turning its back on the United the simplest of terms, it appears that the pro-Atlanticist and the
States, and seek to work with Russia and Iran. Five years later more pro-democracy wing of the Turkish military is targeting
in London, he would call on Turkey to get out of NATO. or weakening the authoritarian Eurasianist elements.

Released following a day of questioning, General Kılınç was In this restricted sense then, Turkey is remaining Western.
recently arrested as part of the ongoing Ergenekon investiga- The country’s strategic orientation will remain Atlanticist
tion. Colleagues close to the General have also been arrested and the Turkish military is comfortable with identifying itself
and are still being held, awaiting indictment. as a NATO member. Unlike the Cold War period, Turkey’s
own interests will be more strongly articulated in the councils
The Ergenekon case is a confusing and controversial one that of the Alliance, where disagreements or even discord exist.
added yet another axis of polarization to Turkey’s turbulent Such problems, though, do not alter the fundamental choice
politics. Many Turks who have been following the investiga- made by the military and the Turkish government. Despite
tion and its subsequent arrests find the process confusing. strong appearances to the contrary, the Turkish government
Some see signs of too much partisanship and revanchism in has not repudiated its Atlantic ties, and over the course of
the zeal of the prosecutors. Those high profile individuals its term in office has even embraced it. One can reasonably
who have been arrested are mostly identified with the make the argument that in its second term, the ruling Justice
Eurasianist school of thought, the bane of the Islamists. And and Development Party (AKP) has exhibited a strong desire
the intelligence and investigative units of the police are to return to the patterns of the Cold War: build relations with
suspected of being controlled by adherents of a religious the West on a solely American track, and expect less pressure
community. for democratization.

It is true that the investigation itself, the text of the first Reacting to the brutality of the recent Israeli attack against
indictment, and the conduct of the security forces during the Hamas in Gaza, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s prime min-
arrests are full of procedural problems that will ultimately ister, used strong language when stating that Israel went
overshadow the final verdicts. Many of those arrested still do beyond a legitimate expression of rightful outrage. As Econo-
not know what they are being charged with, and there have mist Correspondent Amberin Zaman reports in her own On
been many cases of privacy violations and public exposure of Turkey piece, Erdoğan’s discourse also fanned the flames of
persons who may not be related with the case at all. However ugly anti-Semitism, the likes of which have not been seen in
helpful this case may prove to be for further civilianization this country for a long time, if ever. By erasing the distinc-
of Turkey, the carelessness regarding legal procedures, the tion between Israelis and Jews, the Prime Minister crossed a
sanctity of privacy, and the grinding slowness of the process sacred line and gave life to an assorted group of racists who
have raised concerns. Such nonchalance about legal brutality always wait in the wings.

Yet, Erdoğan also strongly rebuked those officials who

proposed that he recall Turkey’s ambassador in Tel Aviv or Soli Ozel, Lecturer, Bilgi University; Columnist, Sabah
cut diplomatic ties with Israel. “I am not running a grocery
Soli Ozel teaches at Istanbul Bilgi University’s Department of
store, I am governing the Republic of Turkey,” Erdoğan said.
International Relations and Political Science. He is a columnist for the
During the course of the war, the Turkish ambassador was in
national daily Sabah and is senior advisor to the chairman of the
contact with Israeli authorities, and a Turkish envoy had
Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association. Additionally, he
access to everyone he asked to meet with during his visit
is the editor of TUSIAD’s magazine Private View.
there. The strategic logic held its own.
About GMF
One must therefore probe deeper to revisit the original
question of whether or not Turkey is turning its back on the The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a
West. If indeed it is true that Turkey is remaining Western nonpartisan American public policy and grantmaking institution
in terms of its strategic orientation, all the while asking for dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding
more autonomous space to play as a regional power in its between North America and Europe. GMF does this by supporting
surrounding regions, then the definition of the West must be individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by
expanded. For reasons that are not immediately tangible, it is convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes,
imperative that Turkey remains a Western country in terms and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can
of its domestic political organization, ideological make-up, address a variety of global policy challenges. In addition, GMF
and the principles and values it upholds. In other words, supports a number of initiatives to strengthen democracies. Founded
Turkey must be a democratic and secular state where rule in 1972 through a gift from Germany, on the 25th anniversary of the
of law is the supreme value. The challenge for the Turks is Marshall Plan, as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance,
whether or not, in this most difficult transition period from GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In
a tutelary democracy toward a genuine one (assuming they addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices
don’t get stuck in electoral authoritarianism), they can forge in Europe: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and
the institutions and the political structure necessary to get Bucharest.

Thus, the issue of “losing Turkey,” is about the character of

the country more so than its strategic orientation. This is why
Turkey’s Western partners also have choices to make. Will they
be happy to work with a Turkey that is not an accomplished
democracy simply because it is expedient to do so? Or will they
want it to be a bona fide member of the Atlantic community?
Similarly, will they see Turkey as essentially a Middle
Eastern country that allies itself with the West in that region?
Or will they treat it as a member of the Atlantic alliance that
has strengths in the Middle East? How Turkey’s Western
partners answer these questions and whether they will spend
the necessary time and energy to manage the Turkish file may
have as much, if not more, of an impact on where Turkey

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