Self Etch Primer

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Operative Dentistry, 0000, 00-0, 000-000

Self-etching Primers vs Acid

Conditioning: Impact on Bond
Strength Between Ceramics and
Resin Cement
JPM Tribst  LC Anami  M Özcan  MA Bottino  RM Melo  GSFA Saavedra

Clinical Relevance
A conditioning protocol of dental ceramics with a less hazardous material and a reduction
of clinical steps, making the resin cement bonding procedure safer and easier, is an
alternative to hydrofluoric acid conditioning.

SUMMARY randomly divided into eight groups (n=5),

This study tested whether a self-etching sur- according to ceramic type (Ld or Fd), surface
face agent and the conventional hydrofluoric conditioning (HF + Monobond Plus or Etch and
acid (HF) would provide the same bonding Prime), and aging by thermocycling (TC or
capacity between resin cement and feldspathic absence-baseline). After 24 hours in 378C dis-
(Fd) and lithium disilicate (Ld) ceramics. Ce- tilled water, blocks were embedded into acryl-
ramic blocks were cut with a low-speed dia- ic resin and 1-mm2 cross-section beams com-
posed of ceramic/cement/composite were
mond saw with water cooling (Isomet 1000,
obtained. The microtensile test was performed
Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) into 20 blocks of 5
in a universal testing machine (DL-1000, EMIC,
3 7 3 4 mm, which were ground flat in a
São José dos Campos, Brazil; 0.5 mm.min 1, 50
polishing machine (EcoMet/AutoMet 250,
kgf load cell). Bond strength (MPa) was calcu-
Buehler) under water cooling. The blocks were
*Renata Marques de Melo, DDS, MSc, PhD, researcher III,
João Paulo Mendes Tribst, DDS, MSc, PhD student, Depart-
Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, São
ment of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, São Paulo
Paulo State University (Unesp), Institute of Science and
State University (Unesp), Institute of Science and Technol-
Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
ogy, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Guilherme de Siqueira Ferreira Anzaloni Saavedra, DDS,
Lilian Costa Anami, DDS, MSc, PhD, professor, Department
PhD, professor, Department of Dental Materials and Pros-
of Dentistry, Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, São Paulo,
thodontics, São Paulo State University (Unesp), Institute of
Science and Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo,
Mutlu Özcan, DDS, MSc, PhD, professor, University of Zurich, Brazil
Dental Materials Unit, Zurich, Switzerland
*Corresponding author: Av. Engenheiro Francisco José
Marco Antonio Bottino, DDS, MSc, PhD, professor, Depart- Longo, 77, SP 12245000, Brazil; e-mail: renata.marinho@
ment of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, São Paulo
State University (Unesp), Institute of Science and Technol-
DOI: 10.2341/16-348-L
ogy, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Operative Dentistry

lated by dividing the load at failure (in N) by hols, and water, is one such self-conditioning silane
the bonded area (mm2). The fractured speci- that, according to the manufacturer, replaces HF
mens were examined under stereomicroscopy, etching without compromising bond strength.
and one representative sample of each group According to the manufacturer, this material
was randomly selected before the cementation allows for superficial etching of the ceramic restora-
and was further used for analysis using scan- tion through ammonium polyfluoride and silaniza-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy- tion with trimethoxypropyl methacrylate. Moreover,
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The self- according to the manufacturer, the roughened
etching agent showed the highest bond surface is less pronounced than the surface formed
strength for Fd (24.6664.5) and Ld (24.7366.9) after conditioning with HF but allows for adequate
ceramics and a decrease in surface wettability. adhesion of the restoration.
SEM and EDS showed the presence of similar
components in the tested materials with dif- Beyond the evaluation of the initial adhesion, the
ferent topographies for both. Therefore, the maintenance of the bond after continued use is
self-etching primer was able to deliver even paramount for significant adoption. When adhesive
interfaces are submitted to aging, they tend to
higher bonding than HF+silane to a resin
degrade and drastically compromise the bonding
between resin cement and glass ceramic.10
INTRODUCTION In this study, the bond strength between Ld and
Fd ceramics to a resin cement via HF etching
The use of feldspathic (Fd) porcelain as an indirect
followed by silanization or self-etching silanes was
restorative material is common in modern dentistry
evaluated in the absence or presence of aging by
because of its esthetic and functional capacities.1
thermocycling. The hypothesis was that the simpli-
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching is often used in
fied self-etching agent would provide bond strengths
preparing the material, but bonding in regions that
as high and durable as HF for both ceramics.
require large masticatory effort can result in
failures.2 Lithium disilicate (Ld)–based ceramics
represent attractive alternatives because of their
esthetic and resistance properties; these materials Specimen Preparation
are also amenable to HF conditioning. Thus, these The materials used in this study, as well as the
ceramics are used in various indications, such as respective manufacturers, compositions, and batch
onlays, inlays, veneers, and even fixed partial numbers, are described in Table 1.
dentures as far posterior as premolars.2-4
Ld and Fd ceramic blocks were cut with a low-
Working with acid-sensitive ceramics and their speed diamond saw with water cooling (Isomet 1000,
component materials requires a comprehensive Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) into 20 (5 3 7 3 4 mm)
understanding of their response to HF exposure, blocks of each ceramic type. The surfaces of the
including concentration and time, to properly condi- blocks were ground flat with decreasing granulation
tion the material surface for adhesion to resin SIC paper (600, 800, and 1200 grit) using a polishing
cement.5-7 machine (EcoMet/AutoMet 250, Buehler) under
Etching of ceramic with HF selectively dissolves water cooling.
the glassy phase and makes the surface porous to Ld ceramic blocks were crystallized following the
allow resin cement penetration.2-5 This porous instructions of the manufacturers. The blocks were
surface includes hydroxyl groups that have great randomly divided into eight groups (n=5), according
interaction with silane-coupling agents.8 to ceramic type (Ld or Fd), silanization technique
Self-etching materials, which could replace the (Plus or EP), and the presence of aging by thermo-
current standard treatment of HF and silanization, cycling (TC or absence/baseline).
would offer reduced occupational hazards (i.e., Prior to the conventional silanization technique
occupational and patient exposure to potential risks using Monobond Plus (Plus), ‘‘LdPlus’’ and
and biological damage from acid contact with living ‘‘LdPlusTC’’ blocks were etched with 10% HF (Con-
tissue),9 as well as a decrease in clinical steps. dacporcelana, FGM, Joinville, Brazil) for 20 seconds,
Monobond Etch and Prime (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, rinsed with tap water for the same time, and dried
Schaan, Liechtenstein), composed of ammonium with an oil-free air jet; ‘‘FdPlus’’ and ‘‘FdPlusTC’’
polyfluoride, trimethoxypropyl methacrylate, alco- blocks were etched with 10% HF (Condacporcelana,
Tribst & Others: Self-etching Primers vs Acid Conditioning

Table 1: Materials, Trademarks, Manufacturers, Composition, and Batch Numbers of Materials Used in the Present Study
Material Trademark Manufacturer Composition
Lithium dissilicate ceramic (Ld) Emax CAD Ivoclar Vivadent, AG, SiO, Li2O, K2O, MgO, Al2O3, P2O5
Schaan, Liechtenstein
Feldsphatic ceramic (Fd) VITA Mark II Vitablocs Mark II, Vita Zahnfabrik, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, SiO2, CaO
Bad Säckingen, Germany
Silane (Plus) Monobond Plus Ivoclar Vivadent, AG, Alcohol solution of silane methacrylate,
Schaan, Liechtenstein phosphoric acid methacrylate, sulphide
Self-etching silane (EP) Monobond Etch and Prime Ivoclar Vivadent, AG, Ammonium polyfluoride, trimethoxypropyl
Schaan, Liechtenstein methacrylate, alcohols, water
Resin Cement Variolink II Ivoclar Vivadent, AG, BisGMA, UDMA, TEGDMA, DMA,
Schaan, Liechtenstein bariumsulfate, Ba-Al-F-glass, silica
benzoperoxy glycerol.
Composite IPS Empress Direct Ivoclar Vivadent, AG, Dimethacrylates, barium glass, ytterbium
Schaan, Liechtenstein trifluoride, mixed oxide, silicon dioxide

FGM) for 60 seconds, rinsed, and dried. Monobond cooling. The external beams of each block were
Plus was then applied on the surface, and the time demarcated and excluded.
for volatilization of the solvent was observed before Baseline beams were immediately tested, while
cementing. beams from the TC subgroups were used to analyze
Ceramic blocks in the Ld subgroup were not acid the effect of aging on the bond strength resulting
etched and received a single-step surface treatment from each silanization technique on different ce-
using Monobond Etch and Prime (EP). Blocks from ramic materials.11 TC samples were subjected to
LdEP, LdEPTC, FdEP, and FdEPTC groups received 5000 thermal cycles in water at temperatures of 5
an active application of EP for 20 seconds, followed and 558C, with 30 seconds of immersion and 5
by 30 seconds of setting. The samples were then seconds of transition (521-6D, Ethik Technology,
washed with running tap water and dried with an Vargem Grande, São Paulo, Brazil).
oil-free air jet. The protocols used herein are those The dimensions of the specimens were measured
indicated by the manufacturers. The materials have with a digital caliper, and the specimens were glued
different microstructures requiring different etching to the testing device (OG01, Odeme, Lucerne,
times. However, the groups treated with EP have the Brazil) with cyanoacrylate (Superbonder, Loctite,
same time because this material is indicated to be Lucerne, SC, Brazil). Microtensile bond strength
used with this same protocol no matter the ceramic. (lTBS) testing was performed on at least 15 beams
A silicone matrix with a 5 3 7 3 4 mm cavity was from each block in a universal testing machine (DL-
prepared. With it, composite blocks (IPS Empress) 1000, EMIC, São José dos Campos, Brazil; 0.5
were prepared using the layering technique (maxi- mm.min 1, 50 kgf load cell), and the bond strength
mum 1-mm-thick layers). The freshly polymerized (MPa) was calculated by dividing the load at failure
composite blocks were cemented onto ceramic blocks (N) by the adhesive area (mm2). For the pretest
using a resin cement (Variolink II). A 750-g weight failures, the lowest load at failure (N) for the group
was used to keep blocks in position during the was assigned.
removal of excess cement, using a microbrush and
photoactivation for 40 seconds on each surface. Failure Analysis
The fractured specimens were examined by stereo-
Microtensile Bond Strength Test microscopy (Stereo Discovery V20, Zeiss, Göttingen,
After 24 hours of storage in 378C distilled water, the Germany), and the failure modes were classified as
blocks were immersed into acrylic resin, and 1-mm2 cohesive failure of composite resin (COHES res),
cross-section beams composed of ceramic/cement/ adhesive failure between composite resin/resin ce-
composite were obtained by means of a cutting ment (ADHES cim/res), a mixed adhesive/cohesive
machine (Isomet 1000, Buehler) under constant failure (MIXED), adhesive failure between ceramic/
Operative Dentistry

resin cement (ADHES cer/cim), or cohesive failure of

the ceramic (COHES cer).

Ld and Fd blocks of 3 3 3 3 2 mm were used for the
wettability evaluation (n=3). The samples were
prepared by Plus or EP treatment as described
above. One additional sample of each ceramic was
only polished and used as a control surface.
The wettability was analyzed by the sessile drop
technique using an optical tensiometer (TL 1000,
Theta Lite Attention, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK).
First, a syringe (No. 1001 Gastight Syringes, 1 mL,
Hamilton, Reno, NV, USA) deposited a drop of
distilled water on the sample surface with a mean
volume of 8.3 lL. After 20 seconds of drop settling,12
a series of 60 images per second was recorded by the
equipment for 20 seconds. OneAttension (Biolin
Scientific, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK) software
was used for calculation of the contact angle mean
value from the images obtained in 10 different areas
for each sample.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

One representative sample from each group was
randomly selected before the cementation and was
Figure 1. Column graph of the analysis of different failure profiles
further used for analysis using scanning electron between the groups.
microscopy (SEM; Inspect S50, FEI, Czech Repub-
lic). The specimens were sputter coated with gold for
180 seconds at 40 mA, creating a 30-nm-thick layer analyzed by three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA;
and examined under different standard SEM mag- ceramic3silanization technique3aging), and differ-
nifications operated at 20 KV using secondary ences were detected by Tukey test (both a=0.05).
electron detection by a single operator. One sample Contact angle values were analyzed by two-way
from each group was irradiated using x-ray fluores- ANOVA (ceramic3silanization technique) and Tukey
cence (EDX) spectroscopy. test (both a=0.05). EDX and SEM data were
qualitatively analyzed.
Data Analysis
Data were tabulated and the assumptions of nor- RESULTS
mality were confirmed. Blocks were the experimen- The mean values of lTBS ranged between 16.05 and
tal units for statistical analysis of the bond strength 24.73 MPa (Table 2). ANOVA showed that the
results, and cohesive failures were removed from ‘‘aging’’ factor significantly influenced the bond
statistical analysis. lTBS results were statistically strength results (p,0.0001); thermocycling signifi-

Table 2: Means (in MPa) and SD of the lTBS Testa

Lithium Disilicate Feldspathic
Plus EP Plus EP
Baseline 22.60 6 3.0A 24.73 6 6.9A 21.35 6 2.5A 24.66 6 4.5A
TC 16.05 6 4.0B 16.08 6 5.4B 18.26 6 3.3B 19.53 6 2.3B
Same capital letters indicate absence of significant differences.
Tribst & Others: Self-etching Primers vs Acid Conditioning

Table 3: Mean (in 8) and SD of the Goniometry Test

Lithium Disilicate Feldspathic
Polished samples 27.28 6 6.17A 31.56 6 4.51A
Plus 19.23 6 4.13B 12.47 6 3.41B
EP 89.31 6 9.30C 88.19 6 4.07C
Same capital letters indicate absence of significant differences, a=5%.

cantly reduced the bonding between ceramics and

resin cement.
Mixed failures (association of adhesive and cohe-
sive failures) were present in all groups, being
predominant only for LdEPTC. For the other groups,
adhesive failures were mostly seen, with more
failures in the interface between ceramic and resin
cement than composite resin and resin cement.
Cohesive failures of composite resin were present
in all groups, and cohesive failures of ceramic were
present only for Fd ceramic without thermocycling
regardless of surface treatment (Fd Plus and Fd EP),
presenting the lowest frequency of occurrence in
these groups compared with the other types of
failures. All failures are summarized in Figure 1.
The wettability results showed a statistically
significant difference between groups, with a de-
crease in the surface wettability caused by the EP
surface agent (Table 3). Figure 2. Representative micrographs. 15003. Polished samples of
(a) lithium disilicate and (b) feldspathic ceramics. (c) LdPlus. (d)
Figure 2 presents the representative micrographs FdPlus. (e) LdEP. (f) FdEP.
of tested samples. Polished samples of Ld and Fd
showed smooth and homogeneous surfaces without
any porosity as a result of polishing. The etched
chemical agent capable of performing as both surface
surfaces showed changes in the surface microstruc-
ture with the presence of irregularities including etchant and adhesive between the inorganic matrix
numerous microporosities, grooves, and striations as of the ceramic and the organic matrix of the resin
a result of the dissolution of the glassy phase. The Ld cement is attractive to dentists because of the
etched for 20 seconds predominantly showed a glassy streamlined bonding process. This simplification of
phase and small, isolated pores, while the Fd clinical steps during the surface preparation of both
specimens showed large cavitations. EDX spectros- the tooth and substrate was obtained with self-
copy showed the presence of similar components in etching dental adhesives,13 self-adhesive resin ce-
the tested materials. Ld-based ceramic showed ments,14 and, more recently, with self-etching prim-
peaks attributed to aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, ers for glass ceramics.
potassium, and lightweight elements that could not The use of self-conditioning primers in this study
be resolved in the analysis. The Fd samples were resulted in similar bonding strengths as those of the
composed of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and potas- conventional acid-etched group. Because glass ce-
sium. The samples treated with Plus also presented ramics are acid sensitive, there was no need to
sulfur. significantly change the surface treatment proto-
col.3,14,15 The results revealed that self-conditioning
DISCUSSION primers do not present disadvantages related to
The hypothesis that the simplified self-etching agent bond integrity while reducing clinical steps and
would provide bond strengths as high and durable as minimizing risks related to HF etching.9 The
HF for both ceramics was accepted. The use of a protocol of self-etching primers also appears to be
Operative Dentistry

more predictable than others tested in the literature, irregularities, so that increasing the HF action
such as mechanical conditioning, which damages the time on a ceramic surface causes increased wetta-
material surface with and without silica coating,15,16 bility of the ceramic. Despite that, the authors
and silane heating before its use.17 counterindicated a prolonged conditioning of the
Kimmich and Stappert18 mentioned some ap- ceramic surface, because although wettability
proaches for repair of fractured ceramic restorations increases, it does not lead to increased bond
in the oral environment. Among the options were strength.22 On the other hand, self-etching silane
repair with resin or with the ceramic fragment. To do cannot dissolve the glassy phase as profoundly as
that, the restoration must be properly prepared in HF (Figure 2), but silane will spread more because
the intraoral environment, which includes surface of active application. This justifies a higher contact
conditioning with HF to achieve adequate adhesive angle in the EP groups, although bonding was
strength. However, the authors emphasized the need efficiently attained after the silane was actively
for total control of the technique because of the applied on the ceramic surface. Moreover, fewer
toxicity of HF. Intraoral conditioning with EP has surface defects that could weaken the ceramic as a
not yet been reported in the literature, and its effects result of overetching were created when using a
on tissues have yet to be studied, but this technique self-etching silane.
requires fewer clinical steps and is possibly not as Aging by thermocycling had a negative effect on
harmful as HF. bond strength in this study. Samples in groups
In this study, both ceramics presented similar without cycling had an average bond strength of 25.2
contact angles and wettability for HF-treated sur- MPa, while the aged groups showed lower mean
faces. This indicates that the removal of the glass values (18 MPa). Most samples withstood the
matrix and exposure of chemical ligands was similar thermal cycles, and the low percentage of predomi-
in both tested ceramics; any overtreatment would nantly adhesive failure between the resin cement
increase the number of pores and consequently and ceramics showed that surface treatment in a
influence the surface wettability.6,19 These modifi- single step ensures a stable bond, similar to the
cations can be observed in SEM micrographs (Figure conventional treatment of ceramic and cement for
2c, d). Fd and Ld displayed decreased wettability both glass ceramics used.23 Moreover, the EDX
after surface treatment with the self-etching silane, analysis did not show the presence of fluoride, likely
suggesting that the resulting microstructural chang- because of the small concentration and the low
es (Figure 2e, f) possibly led to the formation of a atomic weight of that element. Thermocycling
layer containing debris, making the surface less instead of long-term water storage was chosen
susceptible to wetting.6,20 because both protocols show similar behaviors with
regard to bond degradation.24
Topographic change is essential to the mainte-
nance of adhesive strength, as an increased Microtensile testing of composite-ceramic bonding
number of pores of various sizes and widths allows to evaluate ceramic processing minimizes the effects
for better micromechanical bonding area.19 This of dental substrate variation originating from differ-
increase in surface roughness also affects the ent diameters of exposed dentinal tubules.6,18,25
wettability of the ceramic surface for the applica- Most beams showed adhesive failure between resin
tion of silane-coupling agents and resin compos- cement and ceramics, which is corroborated with
ites.6,21 An adequately porous surface is vital for studies that analyzed conventional silanization.6,25
the durable cementation of both Ld6 and Fd Regardless of the material present at the adhesive
ceramic4,7 indirect restorations. In addition to interface, all specimens were vulnerable to temper-
roughness, other factors that contribute to the ature changes in the water, resulting in a significant
effectiveness of bonding between the materials are decrease in bond strength.
clean surfaces, suitable wetting, and the use of Through SEM, it was observed that the Monobond
low-viscosity adhesives and cements.20 Unfortu- EP caused morphological changes compared with the
nately, the presence of fluoride in EP materials control groups for both materials, producing an
decreases the wettability of the substrate,20 but increase in surface roughness as well as the
this does not appear to have affected the ceramics formation of a discrete residual layer.
in this study. For the Monobond Plus group, there was an even
Ramakrishnaiah and others6 demonstrated that more remarkable morphological change: the use of
wettability is directly proportional to surface HF resulted in a significantly rougher surface, as
Tribst & Others: Self-etching Primers vs Acid Conditioning

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Operative Dentistry

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