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Jenny Gieselman

EA 701/702

Michigan Standard I – Visionary Leadership

Goal – Develp a district vision for math intervention
Activity – I will share with the superintendent and curriculum director what is happening
and where are gaps seem to be.
Timeline – This will be a one year commitment
Support Needed – I will need time to work with and train interventionists, so that our
math intervention is uniform across elementary schools.

Michigan Standard II – Cultural & Instructional Leadership

Goal – Develop my mentorship abilities
Activity – I will serve as a mentor for our new 5th grade teacher.
Timeline – This will be a two year commitment
Support Needed – I will need the district to continue to support my role as a math coach,
this will allow me to set up regular meetings with the new teacher as well as work within
their classroom, without any release time needed.

Goal - Build instructional knowledge among staff

Activity – Set up instructional rounds among staff to improve the quality of instruction.
Timeline – This will be a year-long activity with multiple opportunities for teachers to
Support Needed – The building principal will need to allow teachers to be out of their
classrooms to observe others. Teachers will also need time to debrief, reflect, and
create goals based upon their observations from the instructional rounds.

Michigan Standard III – Management of Organization, Operation, and Resources

Goal – Help with scheduling to promote opportunities for interventionists and/or common
planning time
Activity – Consider specials, academic teaching blocks, and interventionists hours to
create a systematic way for teachers to be able to collaborate and/or receive
interventionist support during core academic blocks.
Timeline – This activity will occur towards the end of the school year and extend into
Support Needed – An opportunity to explore different options with the building principal

Michigan Standard IV – Collaboration with Faculty, Community Members, & Families

Goal – Inform parents about mathematics instruction.
Activity – Working with various building principals and employees I will lead parent and
family evenings revolving around the area of math. These evenings will allow parents to
learn activities they can do with their kids, along with getting answers to questions they
may have in the area of mathematics.
Timeline – This will be a two year timeline, reaching all elementary schools
Support Needed – A planning session with each principal to discuss their vision, along
with formation of a committee from each building.

Michigan Standard V- Ethics, Integrity, Fairness, & Practice

Goal – Run a book study where we try to implement what we learn
Activity – Use the book and DVD’s from Concious Disipline to run a book club where we
try techniques and report back. It is vital that the experiences we share in the book club
are kept within our book club.
Timeline – This will be a one year commitment
Support Needed – I will need my principal to purchase the books and DVDs as well as
support us trying new discipline techniques.

Michigan Standard VI – Student Success by Understanding, Responding to, &

Advocating for Student Learning

Goal – Obtain student improvement throught the Bridges curriculum

Activity – Throughout the year I will work with teachers and present PD on the Bridges
intervention units. These units promote differentiation, which should help with scores
Timeline – This will be a one year timeline
Suppot Needed – Time on PD days to work with teachers

Michigan Standard VII- Substantial & Sustained Educational Leadership

Internship Experience

Goal – Serve on the leadership team for my building

Activity – Work with my principal and the leadership team to ensure I have numerous
opportunities to act as a leader within my school. I will run book clubs, help with
scheduling, fill in for my principal on days he is not able to be there.
Timeline – This will be a two year timeline
Support Needed – My principal to follow through on the plan and my peers to vote me
into the leadership team.

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