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6/2/2018 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion Beta Version Available


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3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion Beta Version Available

Written by Paolo Raspa
Wednesday, 05 September 2012 18:59

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Good News!
Along with the release of 3Dmicro Toolkit, also the New beta version 1.0.3 of the 3Dmicro Toolkit – Arduino Expansion, the solution program an Arduino
board using LabVIEW, is now available to beta testers for
academic institutions which will sign up on this page.

Basic microcontroller functionalities like:

Analog/Digital Converters
PWM outputs
Serial communication

can be configured using the LabVIEW VIs of the 3Dmicro Arduino Palette in order to draw
simple LabVIEW programs for Arduino Boards like:

Arduino Uno
Arduino Duemilanove
Arduino Ethernet
Arduino Mega 2560 1/4
6/2/2018 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion Beta Version Available

LabVIEW programs written using the 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion are built to Arduino HEX code
and downloaded to the Arduino Boards automatically using the 3Dmicro Arduino Compiler.

A preview of the new Arduino Expansion palette:

To use the 3Dmicro Toolkit - Arduino Expansion and run the Test Example the user needs:

• LabVIEW 2011 or 2012. Only 32-bit versions are compatible with the 3Dmicro Toolkit.
Evaluation version downloadable here

• LabVIEW C Generator 2011 or 2012. An evaluation copy can be downloaded from here.

• 3Dmicro Toolkit v2.1. Evaluation version is available Installation guide available here

• Arduino 1.01 libraries Libraries and instructions available here

• NI-VISA 5.2 Drivers. Required for the 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion to download compiled program
to the Arduino boards and for the serial monitor communication.
Download available from this location.

• Arduino Uno, Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino Ethernet, Arduino Mega 2560 or other Arduino boards powered by an AVR
ATmega328 or ATmega2560 microcontrolles

Installation and Getting Started Guide for the 3Dmicro Toolkit v2.1 are available

To get instructions about Arduino Expansion installation and get an insight on the product please read the
following Getting started Guide: 2/4
6/2/2018 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion Beta Version Available

3. Press Compile & Download to start downloading the code. The user can press this
button all the required options are checked. A progress bar informs the user about the

5 3Dmicro Serial communication interface

To interface the microcontroller to the LabVIEW PC, a LabVIEW serial communication

interface is pro- vided within the LabVIEW project of each example.
The serial communication interface included in 3Dmicro Toolkit - Arduino Expansion relies
on Na- tional Instruments Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA), a standard for
configuring, program- ming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising
VXI, PXI, NI-VISA 5.2 Drivers
Serial, Ethernet, are required for the 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino
the serial communication
to setup interface. If NI-VISA Drivers are not included in your LabVIEW
the is: NI may require the
registra- tion of a NI account in order to download this software.
In case this tool is not included in your LabVIEW platform, please feel free to replace
a serial
the tool to setup
Once the microcontroller is running the Test Example, please open the Project Explorer
project folder Serial Monitor shows
three VIs: 12

Ukurasa wa 14 kati ya 15
3Dmicro Toolkit - Arduino Expansion 5 3DMICRO SERIAL COMMUNICATION

Video tutorial
3 Video tutorials about Arduino Expansion are available at the following links showing the steps described
in the Getting Started Guide:

Test example - Video tutorial - 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion

Test example - Directly firmware download -3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion

Blink example - Directly download of an Arduino IDE example - 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion

More information about the videos are available in the YouTube video descriptions

Array and String from the LabVIEW palette are supported only on the Arduino Mega 2560 board

We are working hard to support as much as possible of the LabVIEW palette. If you find any bug or malfunctions in our software please point it out to: support@3d-

Have fun with 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion

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6/2/2018 3Dmicro Toolkit Arduino Expansion Beta Version Available

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