May 2018

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2018 Slovenia Adventure!

by Kathy Glover
The Haven of Hope East Europe
team journeyed to the sunny
coast of Slovenia in March. The
team met with 20 couples in
church and ministry leadership.
Team members Thomas and
Cheri Henry, Peter and Marti
Everts, Bret and Elizabeth Hern,
Philip and Virginia Lykes and
Volume 8, Issue 4 May 31, 2018
Danny and Kathy Glover en-
joyed Portoroz and Pi-
ran. These small resort commu-
Thank Yous From Two Global Worker Couples
nities are nestled near Italy, on a
peninsula on the southwestern
coast of Slovenia. It is overdue to thank you for arranging Dear Mark and Pat , International
We found, once again, that the the wonderful and very beneficial time facilitators, and support team for
material has value for couples we had with Colin and Ayki at the end Haven of Hope ministries,
despite a variety of ages, length of March. We very sorry to hear that
We want to thank you so much for
of marriage and life experi- you couldn't be there, but from what we your ministries to cross-cultural
ence. Meeting emotional needs, learned, we totally understood that it
overcoming loneliness, and ad- was necessary for you to be with your workers (like us in often difficult en-
dressing pain- all through a lens wife. We hope her health has improved vironments) as we seek to serve the
of Biblical faith- touches the Lord, reach people and at the same
since then. time find tools to have dynamic mar-
heart and brings husbands and
wives closer to each other. So thank you very much for accepting riages and families. It is not always
us to the Marriage Intensive. We are possible for people like us to make it
Our small group included a
still processing some of the things we to organized seminars back in our
Catholic couple with enduring
faith, as well as couples who learned. Changing things and imple- western countries. What a blessing
had been married over 25 years menting them as habits in the course of when such opportunities are sent
and others in their first year of a a busy life is a challenge well worth our direction. We are so grateful for
cross-cultural marriage. We pursuing. Our marriage relationship both those who are 'sent' to serve in
were pleased to have a became enriched no question. that way and those who sacrificially
“shadower,” Estera. She has We are so glad that Colin and Ayki are give and are the 'senders' for such
been through the material be- on the field to continue this important ministry. Thank you so very much.
fore and is training to become a ministry and are offering it to locals as A grateful family in a Middle East-
presenter in her own country. well. ern Country
The vision expands!
At the end of our intense few
days together, one young man Thankfully yours
expressed his gratitude. “I
learned to say: I was wrong.” He
leaves with the important con-
cept that true confessions in-
clude understanding the pain felt
by the offended party.
All five presenting couples come
away with great assurance that Another Global Worker Couple
we helped build stronger mar- This is from an International Glob- serving in the Middle East.
riages and invested well in The al Couple who are faithfully serv-
Church. ing in Turkey.
Page 2

Ministry Prayer Requests

 Pray for the Ukrainian couples  Pray for Global Workers who Answers to Prayer!
to continue to work with the we serve throughout the year.
 Duplication by:
materials presented to them.
 Pray for continued training of Mentor Couples in Turkey and Ro-
 Pray for Pastor Andrew Mentor Couples and expan- mania doing intensives with Global
Workers and native couples
Brunson who is held in prison sion of Haven of Hope Inter-
in Turkey. national.  Fully trained couples doing Inten-
sives Internationally and stateside.
 Pray for protection of Turkish  Pray for financial support to
churches and pastors because increase as the cost of ex-  Turkish and Romanian translated
of threats and political unrest. materials are in use.
panding the ministry has in-
 Pray for the economy of Tur- creased.

Please pray as we travel to Canada to do a Marriage Intensive there June 9-15.

That we begin to meet couples in Sun City.
We get back into a rhythm in our daily lives.

Slovenia couples at their Marriage Intensive.

The Coastal town of Portoroz (Top Left)
Beautiful old church in Slovenia.
We now have a Website if you would like to
maybe share with others.
Contributions can be made to:
Haven of Hope
13427 Pond Springs Rd. Austin, TX.
78729 Also for your convenience anyone can go online
Or Online Donations to make a donation.
1. Go to this link http:// 1. Go to this link http://
media-center media-
2. Select Give on Line center
3. Go to drop down box and select 2. Select Give on Line
Haven of Hope.
3. Go to drop down box and select Haven of Hope.
U.S.A. Phone Number!
512/573-8400 Mark

Slovenia Sight Seeing!

Right: Beautiful mountain range in Slovenia.

Bottom Left: Castle created out of the mountain side.
Bottom Right: Danny communing with one of the locals. We
think maybe the major.

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