Aleph-Bet The Letter Tet

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Aleph-Bet “Tet” u

u x a
Opposing “Tet” u
• “Tet” is the letter of “Duality,” meaning “Support” (good) and
“Serpent (evil).
• “Tet” u is actually the least common letter in the Hebrew Bible, the
first time it appears is in the phrase “it was good” (“tov” bvu), is
used 7 times describing Creation.
• “Tet” u means “serpent” facing the LEFT (physical), moving away
from YHVH (RIGHT Spiritual a). This represents the force of the
Opposer (HaSatan) standing guard at the “Gate”, “Chet” x,
restricting access to Life.
“Tet” tries to restrict access to the “Door” (Chet) which leads to the “Bet” (House) and the “Aleph” (YHVH)


Opposing “Tet” u
“Tet” tries to restrict access to the “Door” (Chet) which leads to the “Bet” (House) and the “Aleph” (YHVH)


• “Tet” is found in the word “chatath” taux which means

SIN. Found in the phrase “sin is at the Door” [Gen 4:7] Cain’s
offering rejected
• “Sin” is the word that contains the letters “Chet” x (Door)
as well as “Tet” u (serpent).
• Also contains the “Aleph-Tav” ta (Messiah) Who help us to
overcome the “Serpent,” and to push on to enter through
the “chet” x [allow the “separation” processes], so we can
be refined and Enter into the House of YHVH (Bet b) and
the Presence of YHVH (Aleph a).
Fallen World of Duality “Tet” u
World of Separation and Duality
• “Tet” is a paradoxical letter – represents both
good “tov” bvu and evil “ra” ir.
• “Tet” u represents the “Tree of Duality,” the
Tree that carried two kinds of fruit, (Good & Evil
– Babylon: Mixing and Confusion), the Tree of
the fallen world.
• This is why the Tree of Knowledge is connected
to the Serpent u who tempted Adam and
Chavah (Eve).
Fallen World of Duality “Tet” u
World of Separation and Duality
• The World of Duality is as a result of
“separation” where:
• Darkness was created by removing
• Cold was created by removing Heat,
• Evil was created by removing Good
(tov) –
• Death was created by separating and
removing Life.
• Physical Life can only exist and be sustained within the “Forcefield” in between
the extreme “Poles of Duality”.
Fallen World of Duality “Tet” u
World of Separation and Duality
• The “Poles of Duality” exist on the extreme ends of “Darkness”
(Opposer) and “Light” (YHVH).

• We exist in between these Poles of opposite “Forces .”

• We have free will and can choose between Light and Darkness,
between Good and Evil, between Righteousness and Wickedness,
between Truth and Lie.
• Followers of Messiah are all in the process of moving towards the Light
(Good - “tov” bvu and walk away from “ra” ir – Evil.
Q – Where are you in relation to the Darkness and in relation to the Light?
Are you walking towards the Light or facing the Darkness.
Fallen World of Duality “Tet” u
World of Separation and Duality

Start Walking Stand still Learn Balanced Truth Pressing In

Born Again Still in Egypt Embrace the Word and Spirit Walk in Holiness
“Baby” “Young Believer” “Young Mature Believer” “Mature Servant of YHVH”

Most Believers in Messiah are HERE

➢ Walk away from your “shadow” (past live) and turn towards the Light
(Truth) and move closer to YHVH
From “Tet” u to “Chet” x
• “Tet” is the letter following the “Chet.” Tet u represents
something bad or “evil,” which repels. Chet x represents
something “good,” which attracts.
• Pain is generally created by the “Opposing Force”
(Adversary). We all experience pain but as something
“bad” or repelling, sometimes something “bad” leads to
something “good”. This is similar to the pain (tet) of child
birth, new life (chet).
➢ To go through a painful time is good “tov” bvu, because
only great things are created under extreme stress:
• Children born into this life under excruciating pain at childbirth,
• Diamonds created under extreme pressure.
• Strong Character created by life’s challenges.
Aleph-Bet “Tet” uyu
“Tet” is made up of three letters uyu, which means:
* MIRE (muddy ground – can bog down in it)
* DIRT (to be swept away)
There are multiple associations with the word uyu
throughout Scripture:
• In Babylon: Man made “CLAY” bricks and build a Tower
to reach to heaven [Gen 11:3-4]
• In Egypt: Israel made bricks from “CLAY” [Exo 5:7]
• At Creation: YHVH formed man from the “CLAY” and
breathed into his nostrils [Gen 2:7]
Creation of Man – Clay - “Tet” uyu
• Adam was created outside the Garden from the
“dust” (“aphar” – mortar) or “clay” of the earth.
[Gen 2:7]
• “Mud” existed under the “waters of chaos” that
covered the Earth prior to Creation before the dry
land and waters were separated. [Gen 1:2,10]
• These waters were empty and void, and the Spirit
s of YHVH moved over the face of the waters.
Mayim (water) ,ym separated Shamayim
(heavens) ,yms
• The only way to get rid of the “waters of chaos” is
to apply heat s.
➢ We go through trials and tribulations (heat) to remove chaos from our lives.
Creation of Man – Clay - “Tet” uyu
He is the Potter I am the “tet” uyu (clay)
Jer 18: 2-3 Jeremiah, go down to the potter’s house. I will give
you my message there.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house
and saw him working with clay at the wheel.
4 He was making a pot from clay. But there was something
wrong with the pot. So the potter used that clay to make
another pot. With his hands he shaped the pot the way he
wanted it to be.
5 Then this message from YHVH came to me: 6 “Family of
Israel, you know that I can do the same thing with you. You are
like the clay in the potter’s hands, and I am the potter.” This
message is from YHVH.
➢ We are in the Hand of YHVH being shaped from the “Clay” uyu – the substance that is
connected to the waters of chaos and the Serpent u.
➢ “Tet” (clay / mortar) is the “foundational material” Man was “separated” (chet) from,
formed and “baked” (apply heat s) to dry out and become “containers” of Living Water.
Creation of Man – Clay - “Tet” uyu
7 Processes in the “Creation of Man”
1. Fallen state - “tet” uyu - raw mud, mortar, clay. (In the world)
2. Separation from “waters of chaos” (Come to Faith - Leave Egypt &
Babylon) [Gen 1:2,10]
3. Adding water to soften (Hearing and applying YHVH’s Word)
4. Formed into His “Image” (Accepting and expressing His Spirit & Gifts)
5. Left out to dry (Wilderness process – Temptations – Pressures of World)
6. Adding “Fire” s - bake and make useful “Pot” (Tribulation & Persecution)
7. Filled with the “Waters of Life” (Effectively working in Kingdom – healing s
the nations with “Spring of Life” (Spirit), walking in His “Likeness”
[John 7:37-39, Eze 47:3-12]
➢ We are in the Hand of YHVH and in the process of being formed so that
we can carry the “Healing Waters” and pour it out into the Sea (nations) ,ym
9 : Repentance
Tet - 9th letter of Aleph-Bet - 9 is the Hebrew word “tesha” ist meaning:
“Tesha” comes from the Root word “sha-ah” his meaning:
1st found in Scripture:
Gen 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the
fat thereof. And YHVH had respect H8159 unto Abel and to his offering:
➢ Number 9 symbolizes the solution to the problem, namely “to turn” away from the
serpent’s temptations and “to regard” YHVH’s Word (not to eat – not to listen – not to
partake – not to speak evil).
➢ This is your “sacrifice,” to give up your worldly ways and leave them at the “Door”
(Chet – separation)
➢ True repentance is to acknowledge and have respect for YHVH, do introspection and
turn from your wicked ways.
Gematria of “Tet” uyu
The Gematria of “Tet” is 28 (9 + 10 + 9) and is associated
with the following words and meanings:
‫“ – אביהוד‬Abihud” - My Father is majesty
‫“ – יחדו‬yach-doo” - His unity
‫“ – ידיד‬yedeed” – beloved, loves
‫“ – חיי‬cha-ya-ee“ - to live, have life, sustain life, live
for ever, be quickened, be restored to life/ health
‫“ – כח‬ko-ach” – strength, power, might
➢ YHVH is my Father and I can become His beloved and One with Him.
He quickened me and sustain my life through the power and strength
of His Spirit – All these meanings associated with Repentance.
Gematria of “Tet” u
‫“ – אדד‬adad” - "I shall move softly: I shall love"
‫“ – בבה‬baw-bah“ - the apple (pupil) of the eye
‫“ – בוא‬bo“ - to go in, enter, come, go, come in
‫“ – גאה‬ga-ah“ to rise up, grow up, be exalted in

➢ “Tet” (9) reveals the Father’s love towards us, we are the
“apple of His eye”, He wants us to enter in and grow up and
become triumphant and victorious over the Adversary u and
were we came from (mud).
➢ All these meanings are also associated with Repentance.
Lessons from “Tet” u
The different meanings of “Tet” uyu: mud, clay, damp dirt,
to be sticky, mire (muddy ground – can be bogged down)
and dirt (to be swept away), provides multiple lessons from
➢ Getting “bogged down” in life through unforgiveness
and issues with people.
Matt 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not
forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive
your trespasses.
➢ Getting “bogged down” in lies and false doctrines – the
Truth will set you free.
John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free.”
Lessons from “Tet” u
• The Serpent u spew water like a flood – This is to create “mud” uyu by
adding “waters of chaos” to “bog down” YHVH’s people in the End Times.
Rev 12:15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the
woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood
• Judgement: Flood Noah – YHVH send His Waters like a Flood to wash away
dirt “tet” uyu . In the End Times, it will be as in the Days of Noah – Judgement will
not by physical water, but by the Word and Sword (Zayin z).
Rev 19:11-15 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who
sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and
makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many
crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was
clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of Elohim.
14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him
on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He
should strike the nations.
Babylon & “Tet” uyu
“Tet” uyu come from the root word “tuw” avu which
1st found in Scripture
Isa 14:23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and
pools of water: and I will sweep H2894 her away (Babylon)
with the broom of destruction, saith YHVH of hosts.
Babylon will be destroyed by “pools of water.” Pools is the word
“agam“,ga meaning; STANDING WATRE * MUDDY WATER *

1st used in Scripture where the first plague started the process of the Israel leaving Egypt:
Exo 7:19 And YHVH spoke unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, take your rod, and stretch out your
hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their
ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be
blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone
Babylon & “Tet” uyu
We expect Babylon to be destroyed by fire, but here it refers to “Pools of Water” that connects
Babylon to Egypt . Babylon will be destroyed for the vengeance of His Temple [Jer 51:11]
➢ This connects the House of YHVH to a House of Babylon (Religious System)
YHVH will use Israel (Righteous People of Elohim) as a “Battle Axe” to “break into pieces” the
inhabitance of Babylon. [Jer 51:20-14]
➢ The nations trapped in Babylon are “Jars of Clay” containing “troubled
muddy water.” The only way to release them and set them free is to
”break the jars into pieces” – scatter them as in the time of the Tower of
Babel, so that YHVH can work with them. Those who “refuse to be
broken” and “empty themselves” from the “waters of death / blood”
will be destroyed with Babylon.

YHVH will make the leaders drunk and in a state of slumber [Jer 51: 56-57]
➢ These are the “manifestations” you see in the House of YHVH defiled with the polluted waters of
Babylon – “Come out of Her My People and do not take part in Her sins…” [Rev 18:4]
Aleph-Bet “Tet” uyu
• “Tet” uyu represents the foundational “material” (clay) Adam was
“separated” from.
• “Tet” u represents the “Opposing Force” that is part of this “World of
Duality” which is needed to sustain physical life.
• “Tet” u represents the “Opposer” (HaSatan), the Serpent who tricked
Chavah (Eve) to eat from the “Tree of Duality” who bear fruit of “Mixing
and Confusion”.
• We are “Jars of Clay” containing the Water of Life. Though “brokenness”
(repentance – 9) we are released from “muddy defiled waters of Babylon”

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