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Used to
Used to + infinitive

We use this expression to talk about habits or repeated actions or habbitual in the
past which we don’t do in the present. We also use it to talk about states in the
past which are no longer true. Used to is generally treated as an ordinary verb to
form the negative and the interrogative. In a more formal context, used to can act
as a modal verb, that is to say, the alternative given above without did.

(+) S+Used to+Verb1+O/C/A

(-) S+Didn’t use to+Verb1+O/C/A
(?) Did +S+ use to +Verb1+O/C/A

Used to or to be Used to has the same meaning with be accustomed to, that is:
“terbiasa/biasa“, mean while get used to = become accustomed to, that is:
“menjadi terbiasa“. The difference is in the pattern of usage (grammar).
1. S + USED TO + VERB1…

 For example :
a. I used to have long hair (now I have short hair)
b. He used to be a postman a long time ago. ( He’s a taxi driver now)
c. They used to live in India (now They live in Germany)

Watch out! With the negative and the quetion it’s “use” and not “used”:
1. Did you use to go to the office by bus?
(Apakah dulu kamu terbiasa pergi ke kantor naik bis?)
2. Did he use to study French?
(Apakah dulu dia terbiasa belajar perancis?)
3. She didn’t use to like chocolate, but she does now. (Dulu dia tidak menyukai
coklat, tapi ia menyukainya sekarang)
4. He didn’t used to drink wine. (Dulu dia tidak biasa minum anggur.)

Bentuk penggunaan used to

In form interrogative, affirmative and negative sentences used to :
 Did you use to read novels every month?
 Yes, I used to read them at my bedroom before sleeping.
 No, I didn’t use to read detective novels.
 No, I never used to read detective novel.

2. To be Used to

To be use to + gerund (V-ing)

We use ‘to be used to’ to say that something is normal, not unusual
1. I’m used to living on my own. I’ve done it for quite a long time.
2. Hans have lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left
3. He is used to writting with his left hand

Structure of Be used to. The structure is:

subject + be + used to + object

Subject Main Verb Be Not Used To Object

+ I Am used to horses.
- He Is not used to horses.
We aren't used to horses.
? Are You used to horses?
If the object invoves a verb, we use the -ing form:
I Am Not Used To Being Lied To.

He Is Used To Working Late.

We Aren't Used To Taking The Bus.

Are You Used To Cooking?

Why do we use -ing for a verb after be used to? Because we always use -ing for a
verb after a preposition - and the to is a preposition.

3. To get Used to

To get used to + Ving

We use ‘to get used to’ to talk about the process of something becoming normal
for us.
1. She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the
2. I have always lived in the country but now i’m beginning to get used to living
in the city.

NOTE : Be used to, get used to should be has a noun (kata benda) or a gerund
(verbal noun).
 Example :
a. She’s used to the comedy film.
b. I get used to the pasta in the restaurant.
c. He’s used to playing in a team.
d. I got used to swimming at early morning

4. The differences be Used to and get Used to

Be/get/become Used to must be followed by a noun, pronoun or gerund. Be
Used to means be accustomed to, get/become used to, get/become accustomed to.
Become used to is formal get used to is informal. The difference between be and
get/become is that the latter implies a process, where as the process is over in the
Insert be used to or get/become used to in the spaces provided.
1. He __________ the heat. He lives in a very hot country.
2. When he arrived in Morocco, he found it very difficult to __________ the
heat, as he __________ (not) it.
3. She __________ working by candle-light, since she hasn’t got electric light.
4. They __________ (not) working overtime, which is why they are so tired out.
5. She got drunk with two glasses of wine because she __________ (not)
drinking alcohol.

5. Would
We can also use “would + infinitive” to talk about a habit or repeated action in the
past. We usually use “would+infinitive” in this way when we’re telling a story
about the past. Would is a modal verb expressing some kind of imaginary or
hypothetical situation. Would is often contracted to 'd, for example:

"Would" adalah kata kerja modal yang menyatakan semacam khayalan atau
situasi pengandaian. "Would sering pula disingkat menjadi 'd.

 Example :
1. When i was a student, we would often have a drink after class on a Friday.
2. When i lived in Italy, we would go to a little restaurant near our house.
3. I would love to learn french. (I’d love to learn french)

a. Offers and Requests

Would is used to make offers and show willingness.
For example:

"Would" digunakan untuk membuat penawaran dan menunjukkan kesediaan

 Example :
a. Would you like a cookie with your coffee?
(Maukah engkau sepotong kue dengan kopimu?)
b. Would you like to go out this evening?
(Maukah engkau pergi malam ini?)
c. Would you like some help?
(Perlu bantuan?)

Would can also be used to make requests.

"Would" dapat juga dipakai untuk membuat permintaan.

 Example :
a. Would you open the door for me?
(Tolong bukakan aku pintu)

b. Hypothetical Situations
(Situasi Pengandaian)

Would is used to show hypothetical situations."Would" digunakan untuk

menunjukkan situasi pengandaian.

 Example :
a. I would love to go abroad, but I'm not abroad now.
(Saya akan suka pergi ke luar negeri, tapi saya tidak ke luar negeri
b. You would be a great lawyer, you're not a lawyer now (being a lawyer is
an imaginary situation)
Kamu akan menjadi pengacara yang besar, tapi kamu bukan seorang
pengacara sekarang (menjadi pengacara adalah suatu situasi yang dicita-
Would is often used in the main clause of conditional statements.
"Would" sering pula dipakai dalam klausa (anak kalimat) utama dari pernyataan

 Example :
a. If I had time, I would visit my family.
(Jika saya punya waktu, saya akan mengunjungi keluargaku)
b. I'd go to the beach if it was sunny.
(Saya akan pergi ke pantai, jika cuaca cerah)

6. Past Habit
(Kebiasaan Lampau)

Would can be used for a past habit, an action that happened regularly in the
"Would" dapat dipakai untuk suatu kebiasaan lampau, suatu aksi (perbuatan)
yang terjadi secara regular (teratur) di waktu lampau.

 Example :
a. I would often play soccer when I was young.
(Saya akan sering bermain bola ketika saya masih muda)
b. My grandfather would always give us candy.
(Kakekku akan selalu memberikan kami permen)

Note : that would can not be used for a past state.

Catatan : "would" tidak dapat digunakan untuk suatu keadaan lampau.

 Example :
a. "He would be handsome when he was younger."
("Dia akan gagah ketika dia muda.") Salah
"He was handsome when he was younger."
("Dia gagah ketika dia muda.") Benar
Would is used only for past habits - something that happened many times.
"Would" digunakan hanya untuk kebiasaan lampau - sesuatu yang terjadi banyak

For past states you can use "used to":

Untuk keadaan lampau, anda dapat menggunakan "used to":
- He used to be handsome when he was younger.
(Dia pasti gagah ketika dia muda).

7. Different Used To and Would

Used to and would are both use to describe something that happened regularly in
the past but doesn't happen any longer, as shown in the following two sentences
about quitting smoking:
1. I used to smoke, but I quit last year.
2. Whenever I craved a cigarette, I would chew gum instead.

However, there are two important differences between used to and would.
The first difference is that would should not be used unless it has already been
established that the time frame is in the past, while used to does not require
this. This example, with used to at the beginning, sounds natural:
 I used to watch cartoons every Saturday morning when I was very little. Now I
rarely watch TV.
However, when used to is replaced with would, the same example becomes
awkward and ungrammatical:
 *I would watch cartoons every Saturday morning when I was very little. Now I
rarely watch TV.
But if the past time frame is established before would appears, would sounds fine.
 When I was little, I would get up and watch cartoons every Saturday morning.
Now I rarely watch TV.
The second difference between used to and would is that would is not used
with stative verbs such as love, be, understand, and feel. Compare these two
sentences with the stative verb love:
 When I was a student, I used to love sleeping late on the weekends. (natural
and grammatical)
 *When I was a student, I would love sleeping late on weekends. (awkward
and ungrammatical)

To summarize, the use of would is more restricted than that of used to. Therefore,
if you aren't sure which one to use, it's best to choose used to.
Insert used to or would in the spaces provided.
1. She __________ shout at me whenever we met.
2. He __________ drink wine with a straw.
3. They __________ alight at this bus-stop.
4. He __________ be infatuated with her, but now he hates her.
5. I __________ hitch-hike every day.

Transform the following sentences into interrogative and negative.

1. She used to spend her free time reading comics.
2. There used to be a lot of foxes in this forest.
3. He used to back the same horse.
4. They used to attend all the meetings.
5. They used to live in awe of their stepfather

Exercise!!(Complete the blanks with used to, would, be used to or get/become

used to.)
1. He __________ slow down at the weekend, but now he works very hard.
2. They __________ loot castles and towns.
3. They __________ pollute this river. Fortunately, they were caught.
4. Nadia __________ eat like a horse every time we met.
5. Barbara __________ working at night. She has always worked at night.
6. I __________ save for a rainy day. I can’t now.
7. We __________ eating food without salt, as our mother can’t take it.
8. Kids __________ running and jumping all day.
9. Felix finds it very difficult to __________ driving on the left.
10. My late husband __________ sleepwalk. At first, it was very

4. english for science & technology
5. practice and progress L.G ALEXANDER an integrated course for pre-
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6. Tenses Pemahaman konsep dan latihan penerbit AMELIA Surabaya

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