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Coaching Model

Jessica Gomez

GCU: 544


“Successfully implementing a new program involves more than providing staff with

materials, resources, and training,” (SEDL, 2018) it also involves good coaching. Coaching is

different than training teachers. Training usually involve multiple teachers in a conference and

there is a presenter providing them with a new skill set/ knowledge. Coaching on the other hand

is on a more personal level. It is what happens after the training is done and it is about the

implementation not so much the lack of knowledge. There are several different coaching styles

that help teachers and professional development personal come together and work on areas in

their teaching practice that may need to be addressed. Two models are going to be examined in

this paper. One model is the Concerns- Based Adoption Model (CBAM) and the other is team

coaching a peer coaching model.

Concerns-Based Adoption Model

This model is uses three diagnostic dimensions to determine how comfortable instructors

are with implementing a new program after a training. “Used at regular intervals, these

components help pinpoint the issues that staff are having as they strive to master a new program”

(SEDL, 2018).

One diagnostic used is the Stage of Concern which uses questionnaires on the comfort

level the teacher has when trying to implement something new. An example is learning about an

online component of a reading program. The questionnaire given could state questions such as,

“How do you feel about using this new tool?” It is traditionally multiple choice with options such

as needs more training, ready to implement, unsure, etc. Its purpose is to identify the area of need

and address it. This is a successful tool because it gives the mentor a baseline and focal point on

the teacher to address needs.


The Level of Use dimension of the model is closely tied into the Stage of Concern

because here the questionnaire is trying to ferret out how often what the teacher is trying to

implement is done. Using the example of the technology component in the reading program, it

could be that an area of concern is not fully understanding how to get students to use the

software consistently.

Another component is the Innovation Configuration level where it “describes variations

for each component of a new program in terms of the actions and behaviors that are ideal,

acceptable, and unacceptable” (SEDL, 2018). Maps are created to describe how a teacher might

implement it in several ways. Using the same example of the use of reading software, the teacher

wants to increase how often it is used by using small groups. A map can be generated to include

small groups grouped for the whole day, the students could choose their own group, teacher does

the grouping, etc. (SEDL, 2018) The purpose of this component is creating a focused pathway on

how to accomplish the objective the teacher is trying to achieve. This is seen in actual practice as

an implementation plan. It is a roadmap for teachers to follow.

The Concern- Based Adoption model has been used in coaching at my school. It is a very

helpful tool for coaches because it provides data that shows them what areas the teacher wants to

focus on and potential pathways to achieving the goal. It is a very linear way to approach


Instead of having a coach that knows the answers in how to successfully implement

change in the teacher, like how the Concern- Based Adoption model lends itself to, peer

coaching can be used. There are several different ways to peer coach and team coaching is one.

Team Coaching

Team coaching is when two teachers co-teach a lesson. They both work together to “plan,

implement, and evaluate the success of the lesson” (Queensland, n.d).One teacher is more

knowledgeable about the concept being implemented and lends a helping hand to the other

teacher. Like with CBAM strengths and weakness are addressed to pinpoint what needs to be

worked on, but there is not one direct pathway to achieve change. Coaching in this model is a

partnership. Coaches “must also be open to new ideas and willingly share classroom experiences

with their partners” (Queensland, n.d).

I have done team coaching before when starting off as a new teacher. It was a positive

experience where we discussed what I wanted to see change in my teaching practice and how to

do it. It was nice that when teaching in front of the students, if I should falter I would have

assistance there to pick up where I left off and that there was not a clipboard in sight with the

coach taking notes on the do’s and don’ts of teaching. Even though there was an evaluating

component it was more of a conversation where both sides offered input to what worked well

and what still needs some improvement. One aspect with the team teaching I did face that I have

not encountered in CBAM is how at times the coaching can feel unfocused because it is more of

a conversation and meeting of minds.

Looking at the two models presented in this essay the Concern-Based Adoption model is

the more formal coaching practice, whereas the peer team coaching model is informal. Both have

valid ways of ascertaining the areas of need of the teacher so that the coach can focus on that

aspect and lend support. A blend between these two models would work best with my teaching


I like that CBAM uses surveys to ascertain important information from a teacher in a

concrete way. It provides me with data that can help keep the focus on the learning goal. With

team coaching I like that it makes the teacher feel more comfortable because they are not alone

opening pathways of communication that can make a more powerful change in the teacher. I

think any coaching style can work as long teachers feel empowered by the process and are

approached in a positive way.



SEDL. (2018). Concerns-based adoption model. American Institute for Research. Retrieved from

Queensland Department of Education and Training. (N.D.). Mentoring and coaching model.

Retrieved from


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