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The Agonistic Response & Observations on Betta splendens

Magnus Crooke, Dankwa Nnoma-Addison, Devin Zeiders

SSFS, 16923 Norwood Rd, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Alternative Hypothesis: The size and
Introduction: In this lab we measured
amount of time the fish is shown will
the effects measured the agonistic
change the agonistic response.
response of our Betta fish. An
agonistic response is any social or
behavioral response related to
● We showed a living Betta
splendens a picture of a similar
Research Question: We wondered how ● Measured the agonistic response
the size, distance and amount of time of the living Betta fish.
showing the picture of the Betta
splendens affect the agonistic Conclusion:
response of the living Betta splendens. ● The experiment was pretty
Research Objective: To see if ● The extra variable added more
changing the size of the fish shown work.
and the how long we show it changes ● Next time, we should be more
the agonistic response. organized and put more effort
Results: We found that when we showed the
picture of the Betta fish one inch away from the towards the experiment.
Null Hypothesis: The independent tank that our Betta fish stayed on alert for the
variable will not change the agonistic longest amount of time. Future directions: Next time, more
response of the Betta. Acknowledgments: Would like to thank Alice controlled experiment.
Chmil & Takisha Reece for providing the Betta fish, Instead of having multiple variables, we
and the Upper School Science Department. would have one.
Hypothesis: The size of the Betta shown will change the agonistic response of the Betta splendens in the tank.

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