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Numbers are the basic of Mathematics. Strange that Hindi numbers are unorganized unlike Sanskrit
and other Southern Indian languages. Like other Sanskrit derived/Indian languages, Hindi numbers
also follow decimal format.

Subscript text


English Hindi Translation

Zero (00) शू य (०) śhunya/siphar
One (1) एक (१) ēk
Two (2) दो (२) do
Three (3) तीन (३) teen
Four (4) चार (४) chaār
Five (5) पाँच (५) pānch
Six (6) छह (६) chah
Seven (7) सात (७) saāt
Eight (8) आठ (८) āṭh
Nine (9) नौ (९) nau
Ten (10) दस (१०) das
Eleven (11) यारह (११) gyārah
Twelve (12) बारह (१२) bārah
Thirteen (13) तेरह (१३) tērah
Fourteen (14) चौदह (१४) chaudah
Fifteen (15) पं ह (१५) pandrah
Sixteen (16) सोलह (१६) solah
Seventeen (17) स ह (१७) satrah
Eighteen (18) अ ारह (१८) aṭṭhārah
Nineteen (19) उ ीस (१९) unnis
Twenty (20) बीस (२०) bees
Hindi cardinal numbers up to 100 have no specific standardization. Up to 20, the numbers are
unique. After that each tenth number (such as 30, 40 etc) is unique. The rest of the numbers take
the form of prefix of incremental digit and the base of preceding tenth number. However these
prefixes and bases vary slightly and in a random manner. Although the pattern isn't regular, don't
worry too much. They're just slightly different and with some practice you'd soon get the hang of it.
Here are the numbers from 21 to 100. Try to follow them and find any similar pattern.

English Hindi Transliteration

Twenty one (21) इ क स (२१) ikkīs
Twenty two (22) बाईस (२२) bāīs
Twenty three (23) तेईस (२३) tēīs
Twenty four (24) चौ बस(२४) chaubīs
Twenty five (25) प चीस(२५) pachchīs
Twenty six (26) छ बीस(२६) chhabbīs
Twenty seven (27) स ाईस (२७) sattāīs
Twenty eight (28) अ ाईस (२८) aṭṭhāīs
Twenty nine (29) उनतीस (२९) unatīs
Thirty (30) तीस (३०) tīs
Thirty one (31) इकतीस (३१) ikatīs
Thirty two (32) ब ीस (३२) battīs
Thirty three (33) ततीस (३३) taiṃtīs
Thirty four (34) च तीस (३४) chauṃtīs
Thirty five (35) पतीस (३५) paiṃtīs
Thirty six (36) छ ीस(३६) chattīs
Thirty seven (37) सतीस (३७) saiṃtīs
Thirty eight (38) अड़तीस (३८) aṛatīs
Thirty nine (39) उनतालीस (३९) unatālīs
Forty (40) चालीस (४०) chālīs
Forty one (41) इकतालीस (४१) ikatālis
Forty two (42) बयालीस (४२) biyālis
Forty three (43) ततालीस (४३) taiṃtālīs
Forty four (44) च तालीस(४४) chauṃtālīs
Forty five (45) पतालीस (४५) paiṃtālīs
Forty six (46) छयालीस(४६) chiyālīs
Forty seven (47) सतालीस (४७) saiṃtālīs
Forty eight (48) अड़तालीस (४८) aṛatālīs
Forty nine (49) उनचास(४९) uncās
Fifty (50) पचास (५०) pacās
Fifty one (51) इ यावन(५१) ikyāvan
Fifty two (52) बावन (५२) bāvan
Fifty three (53) तरेपन (५३) tirēpan
Fifty four (54) चौवन(५४) chauvan
Fifty five (55) पचपन (५५) pachapan
Fifty six (56) छ पन (५६) chappan
Fifty seven (57) स ावन (५७) sattāvan
Fifty eight (58) अ ावन (५८) aṭṭhāvan
Fifty nine (59) उनसठ (५९) unasaṭh
Sixty (60) साठ (६०) sāṭh
Sixty one (61) इकसठ (६१) ikasaṭh
Sixty two (62) बासठ (६२) bāsaṭh
Sixty three (63) तरेसठ (६३) tirasaṭh
Sixty four (64) च सठ (६४) chauṃsaṭh
Sixty five (65) पसठ (६५) paiṃsaṭh
Sixty six (66) छयासठ(६६) chiyāsaṭh
Sixty seven (67) सरसठ (६७) sarasaṭh
Sixty eight (68) अड़सठ (६८) aṛasaṭh
Sixty nine (69) उनह र (६९) unahattar
Seventy (70) स र (७०) sattar
Seventy one (71) इकह र (७१) ikahattar
Seventy two (72) बह र (७२) bahattar
Seventy three (73) तह र (७३) tihattar
Seventy four (74) चौह र (७४) chauhattar
Seventy five (75) पचह र (७५) pachahattar
Seventy six (76) छह र (७६) chihattar
Seventy seven (77) सतह र (७७) satahattar
Seventy eight (78) अठह र (७८) aṭhahattar
Seventy nine (79) उ यासी (७९) unāsī
Eighty (80) अ सी (८०) assī
Eighty one (81) इ यासी (८१) ikyāsī
Eighty two (82) बयासी (८२) bayāsī
Eighty three (83) तरासी (८३) tirāsī
Eighty four (84) चौरासी (८४) chaurāsī
Eighty five (85) पचासी (८५) pachāsī
Eighty six (86) छयासी (८६) chiyāsī
Eighty seven (87) स ासी (८७) sattāsī
Eighty eight (88) अठासी (८८) aṭhāsī
Eighty nine (89) नवासी (८९) navāsī
Ninety (90) न बे (९०) nabbē
Ninety one (91) इ यानवे (९१) ikyānavē
Ninety two (92) बानवे (९२) bānavē
Ninety three (93) तरानवे (९३) tirānavē
Ninety four (94) चौरानवे (९४) chaurānavē
Ninety five (95) पचानवे (९५) pachānavē
Ninety six (96) छयानवे (९६) chiyānavē
Ninety seven (97) स ानवे (९७) sattānavē
Ninety eight (98) अ ानवे (९८) aṭṭhānavē
Ninety nine (99) न यानवे (९९) ninyānavē
(One) hundred (100) (एक) सौ (१००) (ēka) sau

Once you have got through the numbers 1-100 the rest of the numbers are regular. For example if
we need seven hundred sixty seven it will be सात सौ सड़सठ (sāta sau saṛasaṭha).

Another point to be noted in Hindi in case of cardinal numbers is that Hindi (and all other Indic
languages) often use quantities like lakh and crore which are less common in English speaking
countries. The opposite is true for quantities like million, billion (We are talking about the US billion
which is 1 followed by 9 zeros, not the UK billion which is 1 followed by 12 zeros.), trillion etc.

English Hindi Transliteration

Two hundred (200) दो सौ (२००) do saw
Five hundred (500) पांच सौ (५००) pāancha saw
One thousand (1000) एक हज़ार / एक सह ēk hazār
Five thousand (5000) पांच हज़ार paanch hazār
Ten thousand (10,000) दस हज़ार das hazār
Hundred thousand/One lakh (100,000) एक लाख ēk lākh
One million/Ten lakh (1,000,000) दस लाख das lākh
Ten million/One crore (10,000,000) एक करोड़ ēk karod
Hundred million/Ten crore (100,000,000) दस करोड़ das karod
One billion (1,000,000,000) एक अरब ēk arab
Hundred billion (100,000,000,000) एक सौ अरब ēk saw arab


Hindi ordinals are a piece of cake once you are thorough with the cardinals. Only the first six
ordinals are unique.

English Hindi Transliteration

First (1st) पहला/ थम (१ला/१म) pahalā/prathama
Second (2nd) सरा/ तीय (२रा/२य) dusarā/dvitīya
Third (3rd) तीसरा/तृतीय (३रा/३य) tisarā/tr̥tīya
Fourth (4th) चौथा/चतुथ (४था/४थ) cauthā/caturtha
Fifth (5th) पांचवां/पंचम (५वां/५म) pāṃcavāṃ/paṃcama
Sixth (6th) छठा/ष (६ठा/६ ) chaṭhā/ṣaṣṭha
Seventh (7th) सातवां/स तम (७वां/७म) sātavāṃ/saptama
Eighth (8th) आठवां/अ म (८वां/८म) āṭhavāṃ/aṣṭama
Ninth (9th) नौवां/नवम (९वां/९म) nauvāṃ/navama
Tenth (10th) दसवां/दशम (१०वां/१०म) dasa vāṃ/daśama
Fourteenth (14th) चौदहवां (१४वां) caudahavāṃ
Seventy eighth (78th) अठह रवां (७८वां) aṭhahattaravāṃ
Hundredth (100th) सौवां (१००वां) sauvāṃ

shunya ek do teen char panch chhah saat aath nao das gyaarh 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

As you would have noticed by now that in Hindi 'वां' acts just like 'th' in English which you can add to
the end of cardinal numbers to form the corresponding ordinal numbers. If you're wondering about
the irregularities of the second options, then let us just tell you that they are the Sanskrit ordinal
numbers that are used often in Hindi. You just have to remember ten of them (for they sometimes
appear in texts/speeches). After ten, any ordinal numbers you would encounter would be most likely
in the general form of ordinal number+vāṃ

Note :- As we mentioned before that the Hindi cardinal numbers are not standardized and several
variants exist for the same number. For example सड़सठ and सरसठ are both correct for representing
sixty seven. All of these variant forms could be considered correct, however for maintaining
uniformity throughout this wikibook we'd be using the forms that are mentioned in this text which is
also advocated by the Central Hindi Directorate, Government of India, Ministry of Education and
Social Welfare (BGMH, pp. 64-5)
Subscript text


English Hindi Translation

Zero (00) शू य (०) śhunya/siphar
One (1) एक (१) ēk
Two (2) दो (२) do
Three (3) तीन (३) teen
Four (4) चार (४) chaār
Five (5) पांच (५) pānch
Six (6) छै (६) che
Seven (7) सात (७) saāt
Eight (8) आठ (८) āṭh
Nine (9) नौ (९) nau
Ten (10) दस (१०) das
Eleven (11) यारह (११) gyārah
Twelve (12) बारह (१२) bārah
Thirteen (13) तेरह (१३) tērah
Fourteen (14) चौदह (१४) chaudah
Fifteen (15) पं ह (१५) pandrah
Sixteen (16) सोलह (१६) solah
Seventeen (17) स ह (१७) satrah
Eighteen (18) अ ारह (१८) aṭṭhārah
Nineteen (19) उ ीस (१९) unnis
Twenty (20) बीस (२०) bees

Hindi cardinal numbers up to 100 have no specific standardization. Up to 20, the numbers are
unique. After that each tenth number (such as 30, 40 etc) is unique. The rest of the numbers take
the form of prefix of incremental digit and the base of preceding tenth number. However these
prefixes and bases vary slightly and in a random manner. Although the pattern isn't regular, don't
worry too much. They're just slightly different and with some practice you'd soon get the hang of it.
Here are the numbers from 21 to 100. Try to follow them and find any similar pattern.

English Hindi Transliteration

Twenty one (21) इ क स (२१) ikkīs
Twenty two (22) बाईस (२२) bāīs
Twenty three (23) तेईस (२३) tēīs
Twenty four (24) चौ बस(२४) chaubīs
Twenty five (25) प चीस(२५) pachchīs
Twenty six (26) छ बीस(२६) chhabbīs
Twenty seven (27) स ाईस (२७) sattāīs
Twenty eight (28) अ ाईस (२८) aṭṭhāīs
Twenty nine (29) उनतीस (२९) unatīs
Thirty (30) तीस (३०) Tees
Thirty one (31) इकतीस (३१) ikatīs
Thirty two (32) ब ीस (३२) battīs
Thirty three (33) ततीस (३३) taiṃtīs
Thirty four (34) च तीस (३४) chauṃtīs
Thirty five (35) पतीस (३५) paiṃtīs
Thirty six (36) छ ीस(३६) chattīs
Thirty seven (37) सतीस (३७) saiṃtīs
Thirty eight (38) अड़तीस (३८) aṛatīs
Thirty nine (39) उनतालीस (३९) unatālīs
Forty (40) चालीस (४०) chālīs
Forty one (41) इकतालीस (४१) ikatālis
Forty two (42) बयालीस (४२) biyālis
Forty three (43) ततालीस (४३) taiṃtālīs
Forty four (44) च तालीस(४४) chauṃtālīs
Forty five (45) पतालीस (४५) paiṃtālīs
Forty six (46) छयालीस(४६) chiyālīs
Forty seven (47) सतालीस (४७) saiṃtālīs
Forty eight (48) अड़तालीस (४८) aṛatālīs
Forty nine (49) उनचास(४९) uncās
Fifty (50) पचास (५०) pacās
Fifty one (51) इ यावन(५१) ikyāvan
Fifty two (52) बावन (५२) bāvan
Fifty three (53) तरेपन (५३) tirēpan
Fifty four (54) चौवन(५४) chauvan
Fifty five (55) पचपन (५५) pachapan
Fifty six (56) छ पन (५६) chappan
Fifty seven (57) स ावन (५७) sattāvan
Fifty eight (58) अ ावन (५८) aṭṭhāvan
Fifty nine (59) उनसठ (५९) unasaṭh
Sixty (60) साठ (६०) sāṭh
Sixty one (61) इकसठ (६१) ikasaṭh
Sixty two (62) बासठ (६२) bāsaṭh
Sixty three (63) तरेसठ (६३) tirasaṭh
Sixty four (64) च सठ (६४) chauṃsaṭh
Sixty five (65) पसठ (६५) paiṃsaṭh
Sixty six (66) छयासठ(६६) chiyāsaṭh
Sixty seven (67) सरसठ (६७) sarasaṭh
Sixty eight (68) अड़सठ (६८) aṛasaṭh
Sixty nine (69) उनह र (६९) unahattar
Seventy (70) स र (७०) sattar
Seventy one (71) इकह र (७१) ikahattar
Seventy two (72) बह र (७२) bahattar
Seventy three (73) तह र (७३) tihattar
Seventy four (74) चौह र (७४) chauhattar
Seventy five (75) पचह र (७५) pachahattar
Seventy six (76) छह र (७६) chihattar
Seventy seven (77) सतह र (७७) satahattar
Seventy eight (78) अठह र (७८) aṭhahattar
Seventy nine (79) उ यासी (७९) unāsī
Eighty (80) अ सी (८०) assī
Eighty one (81) इ यासी (८१) ikyāsī
Eighty two (82) बयासी (८२) bayāsī
Eighty three (83) तरासी (८३) tirāsī
Eighty four (84) चौरासी (८४) chaurāsī
Eighty five (85) पचासी (८५) pachāsī
Eighty six (86) छयासी (८६) chiyāsī
Eighty seven (87) स ासी (८७) sattāsī
Eighty eight (88) अठासी (८८) aṭhāsī
Eighty nine (89) नवासी (८९) navāsī
Ninety (90) न बे (९०) nabbē
Ninety one (91) इ यानवे (९१) ikyānavē
Ninety two (92) बानवे (९२) bānavē
Ninety three (93) तरानवे (९३) tirānavē
Ninety four (94) चौरानवे (९४) chaurānavē
Ninety five (95) पचानवे (९५) pachānavē
Ninety six (96) छयानवे (९६) chiyānavē
Ninety seven (97) स ानवे (९७) sattānavē
Ninety eight (98) अ ानवे (९८) aṭṭhānavē
Ninety nine (99) न यानवे (९९) ninyānavē
(One) hundred (100) (एक) सौ (१००) (ēka) sau

Once you have got through the numbers 1-100 the rest of the numbers are regular. For example if
we need seven hundred sixty seven it will be सात सौ सड़सठ (sāta sau saṛasaṭha).

Another point to be noted in Hindi in case of cardinal numbers is that Hindi (and all other Indic
languages) often use quantities like lakh and crore which are less common in English speaking
countries. The opposite is true for quantities like million, billion (We are talking about the US billion
which is 1 followed by 9 zeros, not the UK billion which is 1 followed by 12 zeros.), trillion etc.

English Hindi Transliteration

Two hundred (200) दो सौ (२००) do saw
Five hundred (500) पांच सौ (५००) pāancha saw
One thousand (1000) एक हज़ार / एक सह ēk hazār
Five thousand (5000) पांच हज़ार paanch hazār
Ten thousand (10,000) दस हज़ार das hazār
Hundred thousand/One lakh (100,000) एक लाख ēk lākh
One million/Ten lakh (1,000,000) दस लाख das lākh
Ten million/One crore (10,000,000) एक करोड़ ēk karod
Hundred million/Ten crore (100,000,000) दस करोड़ das karod
One billion (1,000,000,000) एक अरब ēk arab
Hundred billion (100,000,000,000) एक सौ अरब ēk saw arab


Hindi ordinals are a piece of cake once you are thorough with the cardinals. Only the first six
ordinals are unique.

English Hindi Transliteration

First (1st) पहला/ थम (१ला/१म) pahalā/prathama
Second (2nd) सरा/ तीय (२रा/२य) dusarā/dvitīya
Third (3rd) तीसरा/तृतीय (३रा/३य) tisarā/tr̥tīya
Fourth (4th) चौथा/चतुथ (४था/४थ) cauthā/caturtha
Fifth (5th) पांचवां/पंचम (५वां/५म) pāṃcavāṃ/paṃcama
Sixth (6th) छठा/ष (६ठा/६ ) chaṭhā/ṣaṣṭha
Seventh (7th) सातवां/स तम (७वां/७म) sātavāṃ/saptama
Eighth (8th) आठवां/अ म (८वां/८म) āṭhavāṃ/aṣṭama
Ninth (9th) नौवां/नवम (९वां/९म) nauvāṃ/navama
Tenth (10th) दसवां/दशम (१०वां/१०म) dasa vāṃ/daśama
Fourteenth (14th) चौदहवां (१४वां) caudahavāṃ
Seventy eighth (78th) अठह रवां (७८वां) aṭhahattaravāṃ
Hundredth (100th) सौवां (१००वां) sauvāṃ

shunya ek do teen char panch chhah saat aath nao das gyaarh 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

As you would have noticed by now that in Hindi 'वां' acts just like 'th' in English which you can add to
the end of cardinal numbers to form the corresponding ordinal numbers. If you're wondering about
the irregularities of the second options, then let us just tell you that they are the Sanskrit ordinal
numbers that are used often in Hindi. You just have to remember ten of them (for they sometimes
appear in texts/speeches). After ten, any ordinal numbers you would encounter would be most likely
in the general form of ordinal number+vāṃ

Note :- As we mentioned before that the Hindi cardinal numbers are not standardized and several
variants exist for the same number. For example सड़सठ and सरसठ are both correct for representing
sixty seven. All of these variant forms could be considered correct, however for maintaining
uniformity throughout this wikibook we'd be using the forms that are mentioned in this text which is
also advocated by the Central Hindi Directorate, Government of India, Ministry of Education and
Social Welfare (BGMH, pp. 64-5)

Last edited on 26 December 2017, at 13:29


Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.


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