Hardness Test Procedure

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SES |_EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD [cnc no ES = | roneeRneAT TREATMENT SDN BHD |Revison Nn, @ ive Daw | ns7016 amovissresrmmocenun: [Ete ae | | Page [ot gaes ORTABLE HARDNESS TESTER MIC. PROJECT :PENGERANG COGENERATION PLANT PROJECT PREPARED AY + EESS EQUATOR ENGINEERING SON BHD Document No, | HESBSMSWROLZ PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD Revision No. | 002 HARDNESS THST PROCEDURE, eetive Date | 14052016 Page: 2of pages ‘TABLE. OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION ‘SCOPEOF WORK ‘APLICRTION QAENTIPRORE ‘SURFACE PREFARRTION "TEST PIECE WAS REQUIREMENT WALL THICKNESS REQUIREMENT HANDLING, ACIRNMENT AND POSITIONING THE PROBE ‘CALIBRATION AND VERIFVING INSTRUMENT ‘VERIFYING INSTRUMENT PERPONANCE EXAMINED ERT —— FESS = u 20 a 22 23 30 a “a EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD | Document No, | Heswsusnn.o123 PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. | 002 fective Date | 1470572016 HARDNESS TEST PROCEDURE Page Sof pages [SCOPE OF WORK “This documont deserbes the procedure for Hardess Tost of Plog using parable hares test M10 by Utasene Conaet impedance method [Al tems descibe in this procedure shall be sticty cbsewed “This procedure doscrb the minimum and maximum trance of harass vale on ‘pe jort i sozordarce wih Ihe Yospoctve code and standard [APPLICATION CODE AND SPECIFICATION ASME Seaton + Rul for Construction ef Power Balls. ASME /ANSI B31. Power Ping -ASTIEA1038 Standard Pract fr Potable Hatenet Testing By Utasone Conta Ipeance Motos Aopteation Hardneosteatng folowing localized PT of ping wrk bul Weise ected by ‘nd oceordaa wi the equverants fhe Siemens. Test Scope: Unless otrrvisein tho welding dta shoots, tho wos are sujectio at asthe folowing rdness ast ‘Typo af oat waatmont Test aeope oenived hea Voatman & Sour sonic ine 00% unas hes restivent “8 ofeach Tunace heat weatment atch | zoe | oR ~~ | PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. | 002 ® easel er 151 Thesize ofthe hanes estimfntaton aoa detected loconialyby determining he shitofurasoniefequeney under ood 52. TheViceradamond generate into the materi and produce 8 relatively lage Idertaton Inne stot, Which Lead lo «gh equancy shit 53. Thefroquony sit is xopertonal othe size ofthe indentation produced bythe Vickers {among inthe mater 154 Measuromont sre wih th flowing mossuig polis shal bo cared cut on och wo Bese meta, Had Wel el, HAY 2, aoe tl 2(HA2 = heat lected 20s), 55 Thenumber of measurement sare depends on he nominal ke - — steno z Scena $ SH Resta z SH Rena ot ‘The mestuement sre sal sstbutes unlomly over the ereunfrerce, Fig ae below (6 measuamant per pit), Pew | EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD | pocuren Na. | Hs8swsiroi2s = | PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. | 002 ® ee aes HARDNESS THST PROCEDURE ns Sof pages 8.0 Equipment 610 or equsont 841 Soka Ut pin dale ) a ype Aptian wn nex gata a aT {ia | Steyn | rt nen hin |Secategn | en pom iSoeeyes mete ses. Dement ene ngnos oor SSE un roar Funda Si Tey oy es ETTORE TES ‘Sirsa ‘rod one ‘mato ress eae ps ones vg es ozo | Maunetenomotas roca” | ? = Sw RR o ez poet pein Spree techn ee ay | re Stance ‘sh ee FEE eens ea 7 iz... a STATS Son 1 He as a TT ye he TS “The UCI mated i recommonded frosting fn rained material having almost any hapa and sie. tis eepeoaly used whore mara properties ar to bo determined wit fafow lrances efor determination of eam hardening proses on so forgings. Ze sp | EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD | Docunent No, | PEswswsin-ia AES ST ONEER IIEATTREATMENTSDN BUD [RevsonNn. |: @y Tene bae [ 4s2016 swans EST ROCHDORE Pas [eps es en rnin 2 fone Lec Da MDD " commguminenin | : ; tertannet | + ° ; se : : Tuts: wat thickness >20mm ~ 7 ~ ‘ere m0 ‘Sheet mata, cots . cern |S : : Hard-o-g0t- positions ” ‘ a 8.0 Surface preparation 2:1 A smoot tlic sutoe tah no coarser tan 180 gio avd eroneous ‘measurements. The ssface eal prepared elit by iit or oes of sanding dacs thing suceassidy ina bcos it size? For bt conduct. The denon ‘opt should be gin comparison to the sracs roughness 182 Insuracepropartion, car must bo taken dott th suacohardress by ‘vamhoing of sta hardening 8.0 TestPiece tase Requroment 84 Tho UG! matiod s based on measuring frequency shit Test ebocts weighing loss than gay gf se otlanonSouengeroneau or erate resnge 8.2 Thesipporpltoand cousing achique deserbed as below are leo an tloctvo ‘mated eared esiaions wih small components ©3116 us0 ofa supoot plat sot oasble select a probe wh lower test ado rece the el of sltentaon, 6 = FESS. = ® EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD _ | Document No, | HeSWswsiiro123 PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. | 002 HARDNESS THST PRO DURE Bifetive Date | 14/05/2016 Page 7of | pages aos onurements for tat poco (table 3) oa 5E—| Bp — [verre a Nonacompponngied | >610 >is oa Ne requesrosetsput | 200519 | sre toig | 01 nso fctestontapat | oosuazig | ostesig | o01ns01i9 ‘coupling paste "° By couping to support pat, sal ts pices je measuremat cf smal wal hicks fable 4) aw 10 xpeotton dp i 11.0 Handing, Alignment and postoning the probe. {V1 Move he Rc probe at sow a3 steady speed. THe probe shouldbe rectangular wth respec tothe ssace Mas argu vito fom the saight is shoud be ss than 5 dogroes. 112 Avo tuming, don't dai Thar shou bo no ltr foros on tho amend, 11.3 Testatachmonts in the fom cf suppor rings inact devices and probes shoes forthe LUct prove ensure proper agement 114 For standard ont UC probs, the MO 270 and WIC 271 probe shoes ae ofr as ne ne ‘cronsovanTheMI0 2 poss shoes a acommanse or tating ine! part th ‘as fom 3 Tn ‘Tha fat probe shoo i designe ols at sacs buts ls ust in testing ads ‘poate than 75mm ‘The indentations evaluated cutomatizaly when leads apd 1 ON BHD [DesmeniNe, [newman SSS [ RaunTor ENeIeERING 5 Deana PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN DED | evn No, [002 @® ‘icve ae | 052016 Zorn Tarr Faces i : cue [ea mg 12 Calibration And Versying Inatrument 12.1 Themadue of bstoy (Youngs Mods i materia preperty tht ean Intueres ‘norunent cllzasen. Proper Calan is equred fo ensure the accuracy oft 122. UCI probes comple wth he MIC 10 and MIC 20 sors are clad cn test blocks having mosuo ssc e Your's medulus 210,000 ra, Because uraloyed or lowell stele hve sania Youngs madlus, ocr este aro obned wah the ‘Standard eleraten 12.3 Caltraton oft alue ao references fom he factory st vale steal. Pleas nto that thoy canbe ethers posts or nega vi (ae SJoontain 3 of soprano. ‘abaon values hat canbe rfrerced fer some common mati ‘Apyroximate Uo! calbraton offeot values. (abe 6) oe sien el 0 18 Voriying Instumsnt Performs 13.4 The plane ca hardnosststor poral void using tandvdzed tos locks 182 Te acute of he UC and TV harness esas (MIO 19, MC 20 and 1) based on Tmeaworements ag Vers huss rleance Books 12:3 The average of 5 eadings shoul be witha 3.6% th carted val fhe reference Sls ing gta upon brace ore alee LESS s ~————_ | PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. _ | 002 Sn 7 aoe satommseriapacast 7 ee asgnasnsns 14 Acceptance Criteria SIEMENS SPECIFICATION FOR REFERENCE: MY 1008-+-aNECOt0-201282, Parent metal | HAZ Grade rivio__[rvio Garon Steel [136-708 |= a00 rt 38-188 [= a00 lor 22 140-190 |= a00 Gr. 91, is :| eres 210” 205 |= 200 1h eae of Raraneas values lower than 210 HVIO Uwe ivnaturiel sina be wubjwct to approval by CU. ‘The acceptance of this material, doos net release the contractor to full’ minimum Inardnowe of 100 HM10 after final HT: 141. Hardose checks shal beundertakan on each weld sbjct to locaed post wel heat treameat were drecedby In clon. Hatdnass chocks shal be undertaken on each 5) Parent Mott ->M vir $) Host Meted Zone HAZ 2} Parent Mota Pa ‘Grethenie a itrued by the Siomens. => FESS. — EQUATOR ENGINEERING SDN BHD 6 100 101 162 dontication of objects examined ‘The bjt exarinod shal be kent bythe examin such way tha the we {xan an be asslned tthe weaminaon reports up ot acceptance lot of te pipeline Examination opart Each oxamiatrtoprt may ony contain weds belonging to th same pipe number. Examination pats sal be prepared onthe inspection repr format, ‘Document no. [SHAS PIONEER HEAT TREATMENT SDN BHD | Revision No. | 02 Bective Date | 10572016 |ARDNESS TEST PROCEDURE | Bifestive De _| Page 100f pares | Ag auiDacsn AG aassaNune AS CBSSENLIN ih Thy | Li ea OHS SNE HMSO] awa Nas ANSWUVSWL LVGH WEBNOLE sunaDowd 15a SSaNTEVEE GP oea meu onsesiot | GHA NGS INGWLVARLL LVaH waaNOtd | _—— = Sciraasnsesas | Nene) He NOS ONRITSNIONS MOLYNDS | —————

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