Emtl3 Bit

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RCEW Magneto static (EMTL) bit bank

Unit - 3
1) Magnetic field is measured by ______________
2) SQUID means _______________
3) The unit of magnetic flux is ______________
4) The unit of magnetic flux density is ______________
5) Ampere’s circuit law is ___________
6) Biot -savart law is __________
7) Differential form of Ampere’s circuit law is______________
8) Lorentz force equation is__________
9) The boundary condition on H is___________
10) The boundary condition on B is__________
11) The unit of scalar magnetic potential is_________
12) The unit of vector magnetic potential is___________
13) Magnetic dipole moment has the unit of____________
14) Magnetisation has the unit of______________
15) Energy stored in an inductor is___________
16) Energy stored in a magnetostatic field is___________
17) Torque is______
18) The unit of Torque is__________
19) Magnetization is_______________
20) Bound current is called_______
21) Quality factor of the coil is____________
22) Two specification of an inductance are_______
23) Magnetic field of solenoid is______
24) Magnetic field of toroid is______
25) If flux density is 10wb/m2and the area of the coil is 2 m2 ,the flux is_________
26) If the magnetic field H=4ax,A/m,flux density of free space is ____________
27) If the curl of the magnetic field is 2.0 ax A/m2, the current density is __________
28) ∯(∇ × 𝐷). dS is ______________
29) If a charge of 2.0 C is placed in an electric field of 2.0 V/m , the force on the charge is
30) If a charge, 1.0 C is moving with a velocity 2.0 ax in a magnetic field of B = 1.0 ay, the
force on the charge is __________
31) The force produced by B= 2.0 wb/m2 on a current element of 2.0 A-m , is _________
32) The magnetic field in an ideal conductor is ________
33) If the normal component of B in medium 1 is 1.0 aX wb/m2 , the normal component in
medium 2 is ____________
34) The unit of scalar magnetic potential is _________________
35) ∇ × ∇𝑉𝑚 is ____________
36) ∇ × 𝐴 is __________
37) Torque has a unit of _________
38) Magnetization , M is defined as ____________
39) The unit of magnetic dipole moment is ______________
40) The dipole moment of a magnet is __________
41) If 𝜇 = 1.0 𝜇𝐻/m for a medium , H =2.0 A/m , the energy stored in the field is
42) If a current of 1.0 amp flowing in an inductor, L= 2 Henry, the energy stored in an
inductance is _______
43) ∮ 𝐁.dS is ____________
44) The unit of magnetic susceptibility is ________________

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