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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Test Items in Physical Science

Name: __________________________ Score: __________

Section: _____________________ Date: __________

I. Multiple Choices:
____ 1. Which medieval practice played a role to the scientific revolution in the development of the atomic structure?
a. alchemy c. zoology
b. biology d. chemistry
____ 2. Where did stellar nucleosynthesis take place? At the center of the
a. Universe. c. Stars.
b. Earth. d. Sun.
____ 3. Which process did the elements heavier than iron undergo?
a. Big bang c. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
b. Fusion d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
____ 4. Who among the following Ancient Greek Philosophers had the first idea about the atoms and later became the
basis of the first atomic theory?
a. Aristotle c. Leucippus
b. Democritus d. Empedocles
____ 5. Which of the following refers to a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances under ordinary
a. atom c. matter
b. compound d. element
____ 6. Nuclear fusion involves two atomic nuclei joining to make a large nucleus and energy is released when this
happens. Which of this reaction is correct?
a. 10H + 11H 23He c. 10H + 03H 23He
b. 12H + 01H 23He d. 11H + 12H 23He
____ 7. In what order were the atomic models created by the early scientists?
a. nuclear,plum pudding, solid sphere, bohrc. solid sphere, plum pudding, nuclear, bohr
b. solid sphere, bohr, nuclear, plum pudding d. bohr, plum pudding, nuclear, solid sphere
____ 8. The first elements were formed in what is known as _____.
a. Supernova nucleosynthesis c. Big Bang nucleosynthesis
b. Stellar nucleosynthesis d. Beginning of the universe
____ 9. The elements bigger than iron in the periodic table were formed in which event?
a. Supernova nucleosynthesis c. Big Bang nucleosynthesis
b. Stellar nucleosynthesis d. Beginning of the universe
____ 10.A star begins its life made out of ____ .
a. helium c. hydrogen & iron
b. hydrogen d. hydrogen & helium
____ 11.Which elements are made in the fusion of helium?
a. carbon, nitrogen, & oxygen c. hydrogen, iron, & cobalt
b. carbon, hydrogen, & water d. nitrogen, carbon, & iron
____ 12. What type of fusion reaction predominates in the Earth’s sun?
a. deuterium-proton Helium-3 c. proton-neutron chain Helium-4
b. proton-proton chain Helium-4 d. deuterium-tritium Helium-4 + neutron
____ 13. In carbohydrates, what molecule is the most common monomer?
a. glucose c. amylose
b. maltose d. amylopectin
____ 14. What are the six most common atoms in organic molecules?
a. C, H, O, N, P, and K c. C, H, O, He,Ca, and S
b. C, H, O, N, P, and S d. C, H, O, Mg, Mn, and S
____ 15. Atoms consists of which particles?
a. Protons-Neutron-Hadrons c. Protons- Neutrons-Positrons
b. Protons-Neutrons-Photons d. Protons-Neutrons-Electrons
____ 16.He showed that cathode rays were composed of a previously unknown negatively charged particle, and thus he
is credited with the discovery and identification of the electron.
a. J.J. Thomson c. Neils Bohr
b. John Dalton d. Ernest Rutherford
____ 17.Which one among the following is found in atoms of all elements EXCEPT hydrogen?
a. protons c. nucleus
b. neutron d. electrons
____ 18. The atomic number of an element is determined by the
a. number of protons c. position of electrons
b. number of neutrons d. total number of electrons & protons
____ 19. What were the elements formed after the Big Bang?
a. gold and iron c. hydrogen and helium
b. lithium and boron d. carbon and nitrogen
____ 20. The major classes of biologically significant large molecules include which of the following?
a. lipids c. carbohydrates
b. proteins d. all of these
____ 21. Lactose, or milk sugar, is composed of one glucose unit and one galactose unit. It can be classified as a
a. polysaccharide c. disaccharide
b. simple sugar d. pentose
____ 22.Carbon dioxide is a nonpolar molecule. Which of the following correctly describes this statement?
a. Both of its elements are highly electropositive.
b. Both of its elements are highly electronegative.
c. It has an even distribution of charges at its opposite ends.
d. It has an uneven distribution of charges at its opposite ends.
____ 23.

From the illustration, which is the center of positive charge in H2O molecules lies?
a. on one of the oxygen atoms c. on one of the hydrogen atoms
b. between the two hydrogen atoms d. in the geometric center of the molecule
____ 24. Water molecules stick together to form droplets because of their
a. polarities. c. volumes.
b. masses. d. covalencies.
____ 25. Boiling point (and also melting point) is a function of intermolecular forces of attraction within molecules. Which of the
given molecules are expected to follow the correct sequence in terms of their boiling and meltings?
a. Ne>HF>NH3>CH4>H2O c. NH3>HF>H2O>CH4>Ne.
b. HF>H2O>NH3>CH4>Ne. d. H2O>HF>NH3>CH4>Ne.
____ 26. Which of the following is the best definition of a prosthesis?
a. A device meant to provide electrical input to move existing limbs
b. A device meant to reduce swelling in infected limbs
c. A device meant to replace missing or impaired limbs
d. A device that can only replace missing limb
____ 27. Which of the following is true?
a. Hydrogen bonds are stronger than covalent bonds.
b. Hydrogen bonding is one type of dipole-dipole interaction.
c. In liquid water, each water molecule is hydrogen bonded to two other water molecules.
d. A hydrogen bond is an electrostatic attraction between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, bonded to fluorine, oxygen,
or nitrogen, and the positive end of a nearby dipole.
____ 28.Which of the following statements about lipids is true?
a. Lipids are insoluble in water.
b. Cholesterol and fats are different varieties of lipids.
c. Fat molecules contain C, H, and O, but the proportion of oxygen is much smaller than carbohydrates.
d. All of the above statements are true about lipids.
____ 29.The molecule used most frequently by cells as a fuel belongs to which of the following groups?
a. carbohydrates c. steroids
b. nucleic acids d. chitin
____ 30.Which of the following equations is not correctly balanced?
a. 2Na + Cl2 2NaCl c. 2H2S + 3O2 SO2 + 2H2O
b. 2NO + O2 2NO2 d. P4O10 + 6H2O 4H3PO4
____ 31.Which of the following factors will influence the rate of chemical reactions?
a. temperature c. concentrations of reactants
b. presence of catalysts d. all of these will influence the rate of chemical reactions.
____ 32.How many moles of hydrochloric acid are needed to react with three moles of zinc?
Chemical Equation: Zn + 2HCl Zn Cl2 + H2
a. 6 mole c. 2 mole
b. 3 mole d. 4 mole
____ 33. Which condition will favor the occurrence of a chemical reaction?
a. effective collision of molecules c. sufficient energy of the reacting substances
b. proper orientation of the molecules d. all of these will favor the occurrence of chemical reaction
____ 34.Which of the energy sources listed is NOT a renewable source of energy?
a. oil c. solar
b. wind d. geothermal
____ 35.What type of energy source is formed from fossilised plants and is found sandwiched between other types of rock
in the Earth?
a. oil c. biomass
b. coal d. geothermal
____ 36. A mixture of 15 grams of iron(III) oxide and 8.4 g of carbon monoxide were allowed to react, forming iron and
carbon dioxide (C – 12g/mole, O – 16 g/mole, Fe – 55.85 g/mole). What is the limiting reactant?
a. Fe2O3 c. CO
b. CO2 d. Fe
____ 37. Which of the following are examples of an exothermic chemical reaction?
a. photosynthesis c. baking bread
b. freezing water into ice d. none of these
____ 38. From the chemical reaction of Al(OH)3 + 3H2O 3H2O + Al Cl3 , if you have 14.0 grams of aluminium
hydroxide, how much aluminium chloride is produced.
a. 14.0 g c 17.9 g
b. 13.0 g d. 23.9 g
____ 39.What is the percent yield of CO2 if a reaction using 10.0 g CO with excess O2 produces 12.8 g CO2?
2CO + O2 → 2CO2
a. 76.40% c. 78.10%
b. 81.50% d. 84.40%
____ 40. What effect does a catalyst have on the activation energy of a reaction?
a. it increases it c. its energy remains the same
b. it decreases it d. it doesn’t change it
____ 41.What term is used to describe the minimum energy needed by particles when they collide in order to cause a
a. kinetic energy c. potential energy
b. chemical energy d. activation energy
____ 42. Lanolin oil is one component of beauty cream products essentially for dry skin. It is derived or extracted from the
skin or wool of which animal?
a. cow c. bird
b. goat d. sheep
____ 43. It is well known that using household bleaches are effective in removing stains on fabrics or on stains found on
hard surfaces, and they can also be used as disinfectant. Which of these is the main component of bleaches?
a. ammonia c. sodium hypochlorite
b. muriatic acid d. hydrogen peroxide
____ 44. What type of intermolecular force is responsible for the attraction between an ion and a polar molecule?
a. Ion-dipole c. Ion-induced dipole
b. Dipole-dipole d. Dipole-induced dipole
_____ 45. Which of the following does not form hydrogen bonds?
a. HF c. H2S
b. H2O d. NH3

II. Essay:
1. Illustrate the endothermic and exothermic processes. (simple graph or drawing)
2. There are four levels of protein structure (Primary,Secondary,Tertiary,&Quaternary), the secondary refers to the coiling or folding of
a polypeptide chain and there are two types. Make a simple illustration of these types:
alpha helix beta pleated sheet

3. Illustrate your idea of an atom.

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