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Nursing Practice Keywords: Needlestick injury/

Safety-engineered medical devices/

Review Education/Legislation
Needlestick injury ●This article has been double-blind
peer reviewed

A new law to protect workers from needlestick injury is being implemented,

but many trusts misunderstand which needles pose the greatest risk

Risk of needlestick injury

from injecting needles
In this article... 5 key
 here needlestick injuries most commonly occur
The risks associated with injecting needles 1 The 2010 EU
directive on
sharps injury
How to reduce needlestick injuries
prevention will
come into force in
Author Kenneth Strauss is endocrinologist hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV (European Par- May 2013
and director of safety in medicine,
European Medical Association, and global
medical director, Becton Dickinson.
liament, 2010). Many of these incidents,
for various reasons, never get reported.
HBV transmission requires only
2 There is a
business case
for reducing
Abstract Risk of needlestick injury from 1/10,000ml of infected plasma (Wittman needlestick injuries
injecting needles. Nursing Times; 108: et al, 2009), and many times this amount (NSIs) in terms of
40, 12-16 is  resent within the barrel or on the sides improving worker
EU legislation to reduce needlestick injury of medical sharps, even in devices not used safety, reducing
and consequent infections will come into expressly to draw blood or gain vas- the cost of treating
force in May 2013. The law will oblige cular  access. injured staff and
healthcare organisations to take measures A surprising number of NSIs occur avoiding costly
to prevent needlestick injuries to staff, and after use, during disposal. HBV is stable in legal actions
strongly recommends the use of safety-
engineered medical devices.
Some healthcare organisations have
dried blood for at least seven days and HCV
for at least 16 hours (Centers for Disease
Prevention and Control, 1995). Not all
3 Organisations
tend to focus
on safety-
already converted to using safety devices, healthcare workers are vaccinated against engineered devices
recognising the need to improve staff HBV; the European range is 30–90% for blood collection
safety, reduce the cost of treating injured depending on the country and branch of and infusion, rather
workers, and avoid expensive legal actions. medicine (Vos et al, 2006). than medical
The main focus of the directive seems injections
to be on safety-engineered devices for
blood collection and infusion, as healthcare
organisations often ignore or see the risk
Legislation to protect healthcare
Much work has been done since the millen-
4 Nurses need to
be educated
on NSI risks
of injections into tissue as minimal. There is nium by healthcare worker associations to associated with
still a need for further education on the highlight the danger of NSIs. These injuries injecting into tissue
risks of injection.
This article reviews a number of
commonly held views regarding the risk of
have been described by the European Par-
liament as “one of the most serious health
and safety threats in European work-
5 The device
needlestick injury and discusses whether places… estimated to cause one million associated with NSI
the statements are supported by the injuries each year” (EU Commission for is the injecting
evidence. Employment, Social Affairs and Inclu- needle

sion, 2010).
eedlestick injuries (NSIs) are The 2010 EU directive on sharps injury
one of the most frequent occu- prevention (Council of the EU, 2010) will
pational hazards faced by become law in all EU countries by May
nurses, phlebotomists, doc- 2013, and oblige healthcare organisations
tors and other healthcare workers, as well to take measures to prevent NSIs to their
as those working in cleaning and waste staff. One measure is the use of safety-
disposal. Such injuries are particularly engineered medical devices (SEMDs);
dangerous in view of their potential for these are needles, phlebotomy devices and Bloodborne viruses
transmitting life-threatening bloodborne intravenous catheters that incorporate can stay infectious

pathogens, including hepatitis B (HBV), shielding or retraction of the needle. after blood has dried

12 Nursing Times 02.10.12 / Vol 108 No 40 / www.nursingtimes.net

Nursing Practice

table 1. Factors affecting risk of HIV transmission

Factor for HIV transmission Odds ratio
Deep injury 16:1
Visible blood on device 5:2
Needle having been directly in a vein or artery 5:1
Terminal illness in source patient 6:4

Source: CDC (1995)

*All significant at p<0.01

Although there is a definite risk, it is a behind (year on year) for disposable

common misconception that most NSIs syringes. There is a lack of perception of
occur with devices that have been in a vein. the danger of injection-related NSIs, as
The device most commonly associated hospital administrators and staff seem to
with NSI is an injecting needle. These nee- believe that needles that have been inside
dles are used frequently to give medica- veins are riskier than injection devices.
tions (such as insulin or antibiotics), to It is a common view that devices that
aspirate fluids (such as from abscesses) or have been in veins are more likely to
to reconstitute drugs (for example, chemo- transmit bloodborne pathogens than
Needles used to draw therapeutic agents). those that have gone into other tissues,
blood are seen as risky, Many studies and surveys have placed such as muscle or fat. However, while
injecting needles less the common injecting syringe at the top of exposure to blood is a risk factor, there are
so, although the latter the frequency table of NSI. In the UK, for factors with even higher risks.
cause more injuries example, syringe needles cause more than Table 1 shows the odds ratio of HIV sero-
25% of NSIs (Watterson, 2005). An over- conversion as a function of certain factors
Safety-engineered medical devices view of epidemiological data from several (Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
NSI costs can be substantial when treat- countries indicates that injection proce- tion, 1995). An odds ratio of 1 implies that
ment, lost working time and staff turnover dures contribute on average to 21% of NSIs the event is equally likely in both groups,
are taken into account. A number of organ- (Valls et al, 2007; Bi et al, 2006; Cullen et al, and an odds ratio of 16 means that a deep
isations have introduced full or partial 2006; Watterson, 2005; Perry et al, 2004; injury is 16 times more likely to transmit
safety-device policies on the basis of a PHASE study group, 2001; 2003) Injection HIV than a non-deep injury. The depth of
measured business case. However, this is procedures are therefore an important the injury is the most important risk
not the only driving force for safety device cause of exposure of healthcare workers to factor. Table 1 shows that sustaining a deep
conversion. The threat of potentially dam- biological and chemical hazards. injury carries around three times the risk
aging legal cases, costly compensation for transmitting HIV than the presence of
claims and adverse publicity, all of which Risks posed by injections visible blood on the needle, the needle
divert attention away from core objectives Global conversion to safety-engineered IV having been inside a vessel or the HIV posi-
of delivering high-quality healthcare, may catheters and safety-engineered phle- tive patient later dying.
sometimes be the trigger. botomy sets has been faster than conver- Another study showed similar results
There is an established perceived risk of sion to safety-engineered injection devices regarding HCV conversion (Yazdanpanah
NSI with devices that have been in a vein, (Jagger et al, 2008), even though the last et al, 2005). Hypodermic needles have the
whether to draw blood or to infuse medica- cause more NSIs. greatest potential for delivering deep inju-
tion, so many healthcare organisations are In the US, where the use of safety ries. This is because, for both IV catheters
focusing on these devices when taking devices has been mandatory since 2000, and safety-engineered phlebotomy, the
steps to reduce NSIs. the percentage conversion has lagged needle is inserted at a shallow angle with

table 2. ratios of percutaneous injuries among IV catheters, hypodermic

needles and blood-contaminated hypodermic needles
EPINet study Number and percentage of percutaneous injuries
Country (year) All devices IV catheters Hypodermic Blood-contaminated
needles hypodermic needles
US (1995) 3,003 6% 33% 5%
Italy (1994) 2,915 5% 30% 6%
Italy (1997-99) 6,872 10% 44% 12%
Total/weighted average 12,790 8% 38% 9%

Source: PHASE (2001; 2003)

14 Nursing Times 02.10.12 / Vol 108 No 40 / www.nursingtimes.net

Nursing Practice

the intention of entering a superficial vein,

while IM injections are given at 90° with table 3. Viral load and quantity of blood
the intention to reach as deep into the sufficient to cause one infection
muscle as possible without going too deep HBV and HCV viruses can be transmitted via a small amount of blood
and into bone or organs. Viral load per microlitre of Quantity of blood per The quantity of blood
blood in a 22G at viral stage infection in a subcutaneous
Contamination of injecting devices HIV up to 10,000 viruses HIV 1ml needle is about 1
Studies conducted in the US and Italy HCV 1,000,000 viruses HBV 0.001ml microlitre
(PHASE Study Group, 2001; 2003), before HBV 1,000,000 viruses HCV 0.001-1ml
safety-engineered devices were intro-
duced, found that approximately one in six Source: Wittman et al (2009)
hypodermic syringes and needles were
Council of the EU (2010) Council directive
contaminated with blood (Table 2). The Healthcare budgets 2010/32/EU. Implementing the framework
risk of NSIs from blood-contaminated When considering converting to safety- agreement on prevention from sharp injuries in the
hypodermic needles is comparable with engineered medical devices, many pur- hospital and healthcare sector concluded by
HOSPEEM and EPSU Official Journal of the
the risk from IV catheters. chasing departments take into account
European Union; L134/66-72. tinyurl.com/
It is often impossible to tell, simply by only the additional percentage in costs, EUCouncilDirective2010-32
looking, which hypodermic device is con- whereas the use of a safety device is an Cullen BL et al (2006) Potential for reported
taminated and which is not. Not seeing investment for the institution as a whole. needlestick injury prevention among healthcare
workers thorough safety device usage and
blood can lure healthcare practitioners In a recent study in Belgium, health improvement of guideline adherence: expert panel
into a false sense of security about NSI economist David Larmuseau has shown assessment. Journal of Hospital Infection; 63,
with injecting devices. that a conversion to safety-engineered 445-451.
De Raeve P (2010) Sharps Injuries – Stepping up to
The average volume of blood inoculated devices saves nearly half a million euros the Challenge in Europe. Brussels: European
in an associated injury via a 22-gauge per year (Larmuseau, 2007). Federation of Nurses Associations.
needle is approximately 1.0μl and it only Healthcare organisations that have con- EU Commission for Employment, Social Affairs
takes minute quantities of blood to verted recognise that adopting safety- and Inclusion (2010) New Legislation to Reduce
Injuries for 3.5 Million Healthcare Workers in Europe.
transmit viruses (Wittman et al, 2009). engineered medical devices is funda- Press Release. tinyurl.com/EUCESAIMar2010
Table  3 shows the volumes of blood that mental to a safer working environment, to European Parliament (2010) Preventing
are required to transmit HIV, HCV and eliminate the cost of treatment and staff Needle-Stick Injuries in the Health Sector. Brussels:
European Parliament. tinyurl.com/
HBV; this much blood is frequently present absence, and to avoid damaging and PreventingNeedlestickEU
in used hypodermic needles, and is often expensive legal action. Jagger J et al (2008) The impact of US policies to
not visible to the naked eye. protect healthcare workers from bloodborne
Conclusion pathogens: the critical role of safety-engineered
devices. Journal of Infection and Public Health; 1:
Reducing needlestick injuries In contrast to common belief, the risk of 62-71.
No intervention can reduce NSI risk to NSIs from injecting needles is greater than Lamontagne F et al (2007) Role of safety-
zero, but safety-engineered devices reduce other activities, such as blood drawing and engineered devices in preventing needlestick
injuries in 32 French hospitals. Infection Control
the risk consistently and significantly. A cannulation. And Hospital Epidemiology; 28: 18-23.
huge range of independent studies con- Now that the EU directive is being Larmuseau D (2007) Safety Products For
ducted in Europe and elsewhere in the implemented, conversion to safety-engi- Everyone’s (Financial) Benefit (Les Produits de
world show that a combination of training, neered devices is swiftly becoming a more Sécurité, un Avantage (Financier) Pour Tous).
Study sponsored by UNAMEC, The Belgian
safer working practices and the use of urgent consideration, as healthcare organ- Association for producers and/or distributors of
medical devices incorporating safety- isations will be obliged to take preventive medical devices.
engineered protection mechanisms can and protective measures in all situations Perry J et al (2007) EPINet report: 2004
percutaneous injury rate. International Healthcare
prevent more than 80% of needlestick inju- where there is a significant risk of sharps Worker Safety Center; August 2007. tinyurl.com/
ries (De Raeve, 2010). injury and infection. EpinetReport2004
One prospective study from the Univer- Hospitals and other healthcare organi- PHASE Study Group (2001; 2003) Rischio
sity Hospital of Birmingham (Adams and sations will need to build strategies so they biologico e punture accidentali negli operatori
sanitari. Series Lauri Edizioni; Milan.
Elliott, 2006) found that after safety-engi- comply with the directive, and not to wait Valls V et al (2007) Use of safety devices and the
neered devices had been introduced along- for the May 2013 deadline. These strategies prevention of percutaneous injuries among
side training, NSI rates fell from 20 per should definitely include measures to pro- healthcare workers. Infection Control Hospital
Epidemiology; 28: 12, 1352-1360.
100,000 procedures to six per 100,000. tect healthcare workers when carrying out Vos D et al (2006) Needlestick injury and
This study also showed that training and medical injections. NT accidental exposure to blood: the need for
education alone can achieve a modest NSI References
improving the hepatitis B vaccination grade
reduction but this reduction is not sus- among health care workers outside the hospital.
Adams D, Elliott TS (2006) Impact of safety
American Journal of Infection Control; 34: 610-2.
tained in the absence of safety-engineered needle devices on occupationally acquired
Watterson L (2005) Sharp thinking. Nursing
needlestick injuries: a four-year prospective study.
devices. Significant and sustained NSI Journal of Hospital Infection; 64: 50-55.
Standard; 20: 5, 20-22.
reduction came only when safety-engi- Bi P et al (2006) Occupational blood and body Wittmann A at al (2009). Übertragene
Blutvolumina nach Nadelstichverletzungen an s.c.
neered products had been added to fluid exposure in an Australian teaching hospital.
Epidemiology and Infection; 134: 3, 465-471. Kanülen. Dokumentations-CD-ROM über 49.
enhanced education. Jahrestagung der DGAUM. 382-384.
Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (1995)
Further studies showing similar results Case-control study of HIV seroconversion in health- Yazdanpanah Y et al (2005) Risk factors for
have been published from France (Lamon- care workers after percutaneous exposure to HIV hepatitis C virus transmission to health care
Infected blood – France, United Kingdom, and workers after occupational exposure: a European
tagne et al, 2007), Spain (Valls et al, 2007) case-control study. Clinical Infectious Diseases; 41:
United States January 1988-August 1994. Morbidity
and the US (Jagger et al, 2008). and Mortality Weekly Report; 44: 50, 929-933. 1423-1430.

16 Nursing Times 02.10.12 / Vol 108 No 40 / www.nursingtimes.net

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