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Types of Piles and Their Structural Characteristics Diora types of pls aroused in consructon wor, depending onthe ype ofload © be ‘eared tho subsoil conditions, andthe ecation of he water able Pes can be dvidedinto tie following categries:() sil ies, (0) concrete ples, c) wooden (ber piles, and (@ compost pies. ‘Steal Piles ‘Siel pes gonraly are citer pipe ples orld sel H-ection piles. Pipe files ca bo “ven into the ground with their ends open or close, Wide-ango and section stl trams canal be wod as ples. However HSoction piles ao ually proferad bocalse toi web and ange thiksesses are equal (ls wide lange and Tsoction Beas. the Web tMicknesss am smaller than the thicknesses ofthe Mange) Table II gives the dimen- sions of some standard H-secton soe! ples wsod inthe Uaited States. Tale 1.2 shows selected pipe sections frequen used fr piling purposes. In many eases, the pipe ples 1 ill withconerte afte they have boon ven “The allowable structural capacity for staples is a= Ade ay where SSA, hose snp eo hein oe i SEE ee eee ne ‘msn la wi orn Fae 34 onan de is Su ete pile is sown a Figure 11.2, Figure 11.2c isa diagram ofa splice of Hep by vets ‘rots ‘Whon hart diving conditions are expecod, sich as diving throagh dense gravel, stale or soft ck, stl pls canbe fied with vig pits or hoes. Figures 20 and 1.2 ae diagrams ef two types f shoe used for pie piles ‘Stel piles may be subject to corosion For example, SRAM, pats. and other ‘rganc soils are conosive. Soils hat ane a pl pret than 7 ar not so corrosive. To off Set the efoct of cowosion, an aidivonal thickness of sal (over the actual designed ‘cross-sectional ara) is gnorally recommended. In many circumstances factory-apalied epoxy coatings on pes work satstactoaly agains corosion. Mes costings se not es 1 damaged by pile driving. Conroe encasement cf stool pes in most corrsive zs so pret ast comeson. Followiag are some genera facts bout tel ples: + Us length: 15m 10 60 m Us loc: 300 EN to 1200 KN ‘bie 1. Comme Hie Soon wad in be Und Stes Stam apm eign gm) nam x5 HP 250% 85 xe p210 % 13s x0 xa p30 % 149 xi xo, ps0 % 174 xa. xi 8 SSRERRES RORSER SEY EERE BB 3 Table 112 Sdected pe Pe Sections Simm “nme a as som wm 7 a am ows 5586 ows 23 os san 6 am a3 mot so som 0 mm so sw «so ste os mt m0 oso pn Bs ‘Concrete Piles Concrete ples may bo vio into two basiccateros: (a praca les and (cas sie piles Pres ples can be prepred by using edna reinfcemex, andy can be square ‘or ostagoal in css section. (See Figure 13.) Reinforcements provided i enable the Pilot resist the bonding moment developed durig pickup ané transportation, the ert ‘al bad, and the bending moment cased bya lateral load. The piles are cast to desired lenghs and cure before being transported io the work tes. ‘Some genera facts about concrete piles are a follows Usual gt 10m 15 Usual: 300 KN 0 3000 KN S Advannges: Cane sujectodto har driving 1. Comosion eistat ‘© Canbe easly combined with sconeute superstructure ‘Prcast ies can also be prestressed by the us ofhigh-stength tal prestssing ‘ible, The ulmate rangi of tore cable about 1800 MN/ mt. During cating othe ples, the cabls are patrsionod to aout 90 to 1300 MN/t and concrete i poured ound thom. Aor curing, the cables a ct producing a compressive force onthe ile ‘ection. Table 11 gives adtnal information about presirnad concrete pls with ‘Square end octagonal eos sections. ‘Some general ats aout procas prestressed les ar as fellows: + Usual Jeng: 10m 10 5 © Masia longs 60 * Masimum load: 7500 BN to $500 KN ‘The advantages and disadvantages ae the sams as tins of precast piles. "Casting oe cant place, ples ao it by maki a ele inthe ground and thon filing it with conc. Vaous types of castn-place conte ples ar curren used in onstruction and mot of ham have bes patna by their manufictrcr: Ths piles may be ive into two broad categres:() cased and (B)urcasod. Both types may fave a edetalt te btom. ‘Cased ples are made by ving a sto! casing into the ground withthe hap of a ‘mandrel placed inci tho caning, Whes the fl roahes the proper dq the mantel it ‘withdraw ané the easing is filet with concrete. Figures 1a, 11 Ab. H.4e and 114d stow seme exmple of coed ple witout + podotal,Fgure Ite stows scape ile ith a podesta. The podesal san expanded concrete bul that is Formed by dopring a ‘Some genera acts aout cased isin ace ls aa fellows sult: 5 to 15m ‘Maximum ens: 30 mto 40m ‘Us lod: 200 to 500 KN ‘Approximate maximum load: 800 kN M2 Chapter Tt: Pe Foundations ‘ble 11.3 Typical Presssod Cncoe le ie Use pie 9 Nstan ponmater 127mm th.tmm — pomant tape orm) “nein” later lameter foee N om 4 ts Ss xs ™ ap S 6 Oo x me 4 5 @ Ss AS we 6 ' a0 Oo Se tas tes S 7 Sa Ss 162 ms 8 06 Ss 2 9a os m8 ow 16 Sse sh oes Oo 58 ‘st a me. 0 39 isn ‘ast i Ls o 60) eae a6 Hi Bae] z 42 a re i310 m1 us 13 1 2 Timber Pies ‘Timber pies age we wusks shave ha ete Dances and tack caeuly waned ‘The maximum length of most timber ies 10 020. To quay for use sap, the Lime shout be seaight sun, and without any defect The American Society of Cv Engioes' Manual of Practice, No. 17 (195) divide timber pls in thre classes: 1. Class A pies cary beavy loads. The minum diameter of the but sould be 356mm 2 Clas piles ae used cary madium lads. The minimum but lames should be [050350 mm. 3. Clas € pilesare used in temporary construction wot. They canbe used perma- ‘ently oe stuctures when he ene pues boow the water able. The uum tut diameter sould be 305 mm. {In any case. piltipsheuld nt havea dieters than 150 am. “Timber piles cannctwithsand hard diving tess: terefors the ple caacity is gen erally limited Ste! shows may De use o avoid damage tthe ls tip (Bot). The ops (of tinber pes may also be damaged durin the diving operon. The cnsing of the ‘wooden fibers caused by tho impact of the hammar is refrrad to as booming. To avoid ‘dame to the topof the ile, ametal band ce acap may be use. ‘Splicing of ber pls shouldbe aveded,paricalarly When thy are expacted to ‘carry tone lai ora lateral lad, However, if slicing is nessa, it canbe dane by "sing pipe sieves (soe Figure IS) or mtal straps and Bolt (see Figure 1.5 The Teng of the slnvs shoud bea est five ines the diameter ofthe pl. The ulting ends shoul be ext square otha fll contst can be maitane. The lice portns should be ‘carefully trimmed so thi thoy fit gly to the inside ofthe pape slave. Ie the case of ‘metal straps and tls, the butiag ends shuld also be cut square. The sides the spliced orion shoeld be rimmed plane for puting the saps on. ‘Timber piles can say undamaged infinitely if thy ae surrounded by saturated soil However inamarneenvirnment, timber piles ar subjct to atlack by vaous ogan- {sms and can be camaged extonsivl) in afew months. When located abowe the ater table, the ples are subject to ack by inscs. The feof he pes may be increased by trating them with proseratves such 5 creosote ‘The allowable loadcarying capacity of wooden piles is a= Aghe ay Ay, = average area of css sation ofthe ple “fo allowable sss onthe tinber ‘Ths following allowable tree are for presure trated roundtimbe il made from Pacific Coas Douglas fir and Souther pincused i hydraulic sructues (ASCE, 1993): Pacific Coast Douglas Fr + Cempronsin plat grat: .O1MN/x? Bending: 1.7 MN /m © Hercontal shes: 0.66 MN/a® * Compresion perpendicular t grain: 1.31 MN/a ‘Southern Pine © Compression ple grain: 57 BIN? © Bending: 11.4 N/m + Horzotal shar: 0.52 MN/en? © Compson porpeediculr 6 grin 1.81 MN) ‘Thousual length of wooden pls is m to 15 m.The maximum length is about 30m to 40m (ion to 130), The dou load carro by codon psf 30 KN 10300 KN. Compost Piss “The upper and lower pomtoss of composi pes are made of efferent materials. For ‘example, composts ples may be made of steel and concrete or timber and concrete Ste-and concrete piles consist ofa lower pon of ste and an upper potion of cast- tn-face concras. TRE type of ple 15 used when the Length of the ple required for doquate tearing exceeds thecapact of simplecati-placeconcete pls. Timber and- {conte giles wunly const of lower portion of Umber pile below the permanent ‘water able and an upper porn ofencrete. Inany ease, eming prope joins between (vo diesnilar matrile is ica, and for that reason, comport pile aro not widely used. Table 114 Frampls of Commerially Available P-Dviag Hamers ated energy Fam weight tammertype Sinem” stowsymin aN Single ating 1539 ims 813, mo 3 34 Er) 2 im ms a as et wo ry 103 as see a Mm Se 2 sas ah Bt iW a sesues ole tig 7 2s Bs 13 ms #222 RAeRE seccee eebk "Vaan on Werks, Frida ‘M_MeKoman Tory, New Josey 2Rfaymon Tetons Ine, as Meyerhof's Method for Estimating Q, ‘Sand “Tho pint basing capacity. 4, pile ia sand gnerly inceases withthe doph of embod ‘peat inthe Soaring statism and reaches a maximum vale at an embodmat rat of Lg/D = (Ly/D)qz Note tat ina homagenscus soli equa the actual mbedment length ofthe pl, Howerer, where a pl has pono iat a bearing stratum, Ly < [Beyond catcal enbedinent rio, (14/D)q, he vl of yy remains cnsant (gy = qj) “Thats. a shrwn in Figure 1112 forthe ease homogenous sai. = Ly. or ples in sand,” = 0, and Eg (1.13) sips we p= Ayty = AMING aus) ‘Tho vaiation of Nj with il fiction anges shown in Figure 11.13. The interpolated taluce of 13 for vadous fiction angles ar lo given in Table 1.5. However, Oy sb ot eco the Timing value A thats p= AgNG = A (1) igure 1119 Varin of te maine vals EN; wih fcten ae ¢” roe. Moya C76) "oan Copia Setement Pil Founda outa th (Geeta Exsimening Dog. Amwtcan ‘Sock of Cl Epes, V1. No. GTS, pp 197-28 Wit emission fom ASCE) wie pa (gure 112 Nato ion "ait ton nl 4) Se pestis Table 115 Iterated Ves of 1 Basa ca Mejerbo's cory angie 9) Table 176 Ue Poi Resitance.g, of Test le at te Ogee 1910 Rier Ste As sep by Wes (1970) Ae Plegamete, Dep ot empeanent, Be om ‘cm yo velo 20 ost aa sel St seo ast a E0368 sso ost a Ba an Sao ous? 120 jae Se7 SEShSSeesewe eee eeRsRRRENE oxo os 1300 nm Ron MEIER Vesic’s Method for Estimating Q, Sand esi (1977) proposed a metho for estimating the ple point bearing capacty based on fhe thor of enmnsion of vite. According to this thers onthe ass of eTective stress parameters, we may wit p= Af, = ASTANE a9) where {= mean effectire nomal ground sess tthe kvl ofthe Fle pint au) aay tearing capacity factor Note that E1119) ss modfcton fF, (115) wah az) ay ay eid ee TE gaa Fane as mods of slastity of 0 Poissn’s oof wil shear modus of il verge volumatc strain in the plastic zone below the ple point, ‘The general anges off for vsous sis ae ‘Sand relative density = 50S to 80%): 750 150 Sit: 5040 75| In order to estima J E. (1125)] and ence 1, [E112 the following approxia- Bon 9 se PT cmatte pene (= 1004/0) oomo(ene an) re= {soon ess) ‘roe omen) n= 0s(224) ane | ENN aT shy rAoASALL va uso ah was wun wee we 6 sr sor Isr were Bis oes a ewe sue aise soso suis o Sar Gow tre Bt te a woe wee 9606 vow w vou peat ones hoe oF feos weet sro, wear ie sone fre se site a9) feet ra oa ws ore oe ase bts oe se few Su ses ve m2 oer ree we os ss0r sete te is ieee rat ita Teor oct veut oF ew 0 wor ec si ose asst se soe asst ven ra one Stee oe we be se om or we o o os * - 5 ‘mj » mprumbe 0 oy. pun por Sy EH) APHID SusNG LO} Table 12.8 Vain oN? wit foe (6 = 0Condition bse oa Vsic's Thoory © ™ 0 m7 © a2 © 7s ™ ast wo ust ” 119 00 9 Fore =o, ze ee aus) es (0 Nail and Reese (1999 suggested te following pproximae laonships for J, and the undainnd oben, ass) Coyle and Castello’s Method for Estimating Q, in Sand ‘Coyle and Casto (1981) analyzed 24 lagescale fold ead test of even files in sand ‘On thohasis of tho st eats, hey suggest that in sand. (136) Figure 15 showsthe vaiationofN$ with L/D snd the soil fection ange 6. eng opacity See HEIEIE Correlations for Calculating Q, with SPT and CPT Results os ‘On the bass of fd observations, Meyer (1976) as suggested thatthe ultimate pnt resisnce gp in ahomozenoots sraular sil (L = Z) may be obainel from standard enetation numbers 3s L tp = A paNa = 4p.Na au wes [Ne = the vorage valu ofthe standard panetation number sear the ple pint (about 10D abovesnd 40 below thee in) Pe = atmosphere presere (= 100 LN/at or 2000/2) Bria otal. (1985) sugested the allowing coraton for gin granular sil with the sundardponorationessuince No. % Meyehor (1956) so suggest at p= a(n granular so) 139) where qc = cone ponetntion resistance. 197P Na) ™* (1138) Example 11.3 (Consider const ile that i 0.305 m X 305 m in cross action in snd. Th ils 152m oes. The following ae the variations of Na with deh Deptntlow goundsuracs im) Nas n 0 9 2 BREREESscscsa ws 20 Seeeee ESI Frictional Resistance (Q,) in Sand Accontng t E1114), the ectional resistance 2,= 3p Als “To wt enctonal resistance, 1 urd to estmat. tn making an estmaton of, Several mpotant factors must be Kep in ind 1. The nature ofthe ple installation, For driven ples in sin, the vibration caused -acting hanes 07-085, Drop hemes 749 “ical ls fora fps (witout) aos ‘ood cushion on sal pies 3-04 ‘Wooden pls 025-03 ants rma (Oven an Flat, 1957) Janu’ fre ast, 1953) Brsaenvo|s 5 HEEL Pile Capacity For Vibration-Driven Piles “Tho pinciplsof vibratory pile vrs (Figure 1 Te) wore discuss bray in action 1.4 ‘As mestones ther the ever ssenilly consists of two courerouting weights The !mplitue of te consifuga driving force geneatd by a vibratory hammer canbe given 35 ei 11105) cal eccentric rotating mas HL. Te skin esistnce ofthe bck is E peal = 32(ly + Bylel Cota te pit Dearne capacity: A= Apa Bacup? (Obiain te value of te bearing capacity factor NE from Figure 111 0, = byugNt +E Ul MylecAt cuay Step 3. Compare vals obtained fom Fs (1.120) and (1.121. The lower of theta values is Op Ha) ———— Elastic Settlement of Group Piles Jn goneal the stlament ofa grup pe under a simiar woking lad po ile incase ‘ith th wi fhe group (1) and he conertconar pcg th es) Several Jespatons lag to olemeat of grapple ave boon portal ine sare, ‘it wel warying resus The simp ean or ie Sldenen ef pou ples was Bvenby Ves (1969) ane, au) Foc grosp piles ia sand and gravel, for liste stlement, Meyerto (1976 sugested oe expat ttc San) = ani) 4 = Of (LB) (ink /m') a2 ngth and width ofthe group ple sta, respectively) sveragestnda penetation number witha seat of stlement (=I deep below the tp ofthe piles) infuence factor = 1 ~ 1/88, = 05 125) ngth of embscment ct piles) 126) average cone pensation resistance whine seat of setement. (Not that, {in Ea (11.126), ll quanitie ar expressed in consistent nits)

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