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When involving non-resident student, transport is one of the major problem that non-resident
facing every day to attend their classes. Attending is the problem but arriving late to the class will
make the students feel restless and not prepared to join the learning session that has been
started. This problem is quite common for every university student that stay outside of the campus.
This is because when the university provides less accommodation to the student, then the student
will need to stay outside the campus. If the distance to the campus and house is close, so there
is no problem. A problem happen when the house is far from the campus and this issue will lead
to the transportation problem who did not own any transport. Since the university does not provide
any transportation to the non-resident students, so they intend to attend the class late especially
during the rainy day. Therefore, the non-resident students tend to face the difficulties in attending
the class due to the transportation problems. A few problem statement need to be highlighted:

1. What is the type of transport used by non-resident students?

2. What is the non-resident student’s attendance performance?
3. How transport effect the non-resident student’s attendance?


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the factors that effect of transport on attendance
among Univesiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Pulau Pinang non-resident student. There are a few
factors regarding the effect transport:

1. To determine the type of transport used by non-resident students.

2. To analyze the non-resident students performance based on attendance.
3. To identify how the transport problem on non-resident students attendance.

The focus of this study is directed toward the seriousness of the transport problem on how it can
affect the attendance. This study is to show the relationship that exist between the transport and
the attendance of student. It will help the university to plan their future investment in providing
more accommodation to the student. It also may help in minimizing the transport problem for the
students and reduce the burden to attend the class.

Moreover, it may improve the student’s attendance performance if the transport problem can be
reduced. The student will able to learn more effectively when there is less problem. The main
purpose of the university is to educate all students with a quality education, despite of the problem
that can effect student attendance. Therefore, this study is to improve student attendance as vital
for education stakeholders in order to bring the significant change in education development.

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