How To Be Members of The Best of All Families: 10 June 2018 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

10 June 2018 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


n the last two verses of today’s Gospel passage, Jesus offers all
of us the possibility of belonging to the best family ever: his own
family. But this generous offer has a condition: to do God’s will
at all times.
Doing the Father’s will had been Jesus’ “food” all along, with-
out uncertainties or regrets.
This total and unconditional obedience to the Father in imita-
tion of Jesus is also our duty and our privilege. We are expected
to do what God wants as a sign and proof of our love for Him. Such
generous obedience will leave no room for yielding to the devil’s
temptation, as Adam and Eve, unfortunately, did. Our model should
always remain Jesus, the obedient Son. And whenever our attitude
and actuations are such, Jesus will joyfully declare, “These are my
brothers, sisters and mothers – my family – with whom I am well

in the Eucharistic celebration. of good will. We praise you,

(Pause) we bless you, we adore you, we
P –For the times we have ig- glorify you, we give you thanks
nored God’s commands and for your great glory, Lord God,
Entrance Antiphon have yielded to the devil’s heavenly King, O God, almighty
(To be recited only when no Entrance Father.
temptations, Lord, have
Hymn is sung.) Lord Jesus Christ, Only
The Lord is my light and All – Lord, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
my salvation; whom shall I of God, Son of the Father, you
P –For the times we have failed
fear? The Lord is the strong- take away the sins of the world,
to acknowledge our own
hold of my life; whom should I have mercy on us; you take away
misconduct, Christ, have
dread? When those who do evil the sins of the world, receive our
draw near, they stumble and prayer; you are seated at the
All – Christ, have mercy!
fall. right hand of the Father, have
P –For the times we have not
Greeting behaved as worthy mem- mercy on us. For you alone are
bers of Jesus’ family, Lord, the Holy One, you alone are the
P – Grace and peace from God, Lord, you alone are the Most
have mercy!
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, High, Jesus Christ, with the
All – Lord, have mercy!
our Brother, and the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
our divine Guest, be with you all! P –May almighty God have the Father. Amen!
All – And with your spirit! mercy on us, forgive us our
sins, and bring us to everlasting
Penitential Act life. Collect (Opening Prayer)
P –As we resume the series All – Amen! P –O God, from whom all good
of Sundays in Ordinary Time, things come, grant that we, who
let us pause for a while and ask Gloria call on you in our need, may at
ourselves if we are properly dis- All – Glory to God in the high- your prompting discern what is
posed to worthily participate est, and on earth peace to people right, and by your guidance do it.
Through our Lord Jesus he will strike at your head, who raised the Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and while you strike at his heel.” will raise us also with Jesus
reigns with you in the unity of The Word of the Lord! and place us with you in his
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever All – Thanks be to God! presence. Everything indeed
and ever. is for you, so that the grace be-
All – Amen! Responsorial Psalm Ps 130 stowed in abundance on more
and more people may cause the
R –With the Lord there is mer- thanksgiving to overflow for
cy, and fullness of redemp- the glory of God.
tion! Therefore, we are not dis-
couraged. Rather, although
1st Reading Gn 3:9-15 our outer self is wasting away,
The second Creation Story our inner self is being renewed
(Gn 2:4b-25) presents the origin day by day. For this momen-
of man as the very beginning tary light affliction is produc-
of God’s creative activity, and ing for us an eternal weight of
emphasizes the very special care glory beyond all comparison,
that God took of the first human as we look not to what is seen
couple. but to what is unseen; for what
Unfortunately, the devil, is seen is transitory, but what
disguised as a shrewd serpent, is unseen is eternal. We know
convinced Eve to disobey God’s that, if our earthly dwelling,
orders, and so did Adam. At that * Out of the depths I cry to [which is like] a tent, should be
moment, the original innocence you, O Lord; Lord, hear my destroyed, we have a building
and happiness of the first human voice! Let your ears be atten- from God, an eternal dwelling
family came to a sad end. But tive to my voice of my plead- in heaven not made by [human]
God still loved humankind and ing. R. hands.
made the promise that we will * If you, O Lord, mark in- The Word of the Lord!
hear at the end of today’s First iquities, Lord, who can stand? All – Thanks be to God!
Reading. But with you is forgiveness,
R –A proclamation from the that you may be revered. R. Gospel Acclamation Jn 12:
Book of Genesis * I trust in the Lord; my soul 31b-32
After the man, Adam, had trusts in his word. More than All–Alleluia! Alleluia!
eaten of the tree, the Lord God sentinels wait for the dawn, let “Now the ruler of this
called to the man and asked Israel wait for the Lord. R. world will be driven out,”
him: “Where are you?” He an- says the Lord; “and when
* For with the Lord is kind- I am lifted up from the
swered, “I heard you in the ness and with him is plente- earth, I will draw every-
garden; but I was afraid, be- ous redemption, and he will one to myself.”
cause I was naked, so I hid my- redeem Israel from all their Alleluia! Alleluia!
self.” Then God asked: “Who iniquities. R.
told you that you were naked? Gospel Mk 3:20-35
Have you eaten, then, from the Jesus’ casting out demons
tree of which I had forbidden 2nd Reading 2 Cor 4:13-5:1 and his zeal in ministering to the
you to eat?” The man replied, Writing to the faithful of needs of the people were some-
“The woman whom you put Corinth, the Apostle Paul en- times misinterpreted not only by
here with me – she gave me courages them to look beyond the religious authorities but also
fruit from the tree, and so I ate the present difficulties and to by the members of his family.
it.” The Lord God then asked find consolation and hope in the In today’s Gospel episode,
the woman, “Why did you do firm assurance of the eternal Jesus takes the opportunity of
such a thing?” The woman an- reward that the Lord has in store the arrival of his mother and
swered, “The snake tricked me for those who remain faithful to some of his relatives to tell his
into it, so I ate it.” him. This is a message addressed audience (and all of us) that
Then the Lord God said also to us. anyone who does God’s will is a
to the serpent: “Because you member of his family.
have done this, you shall be R –A proclamation from the
banned from all the animals, Second Letter of Paul to the P –The Lord be with you!
and from all wild creatures; on Corinthians All –And with your spirit!
your belly shall you crawl, and Brothers and sisters: Since P – A proclamation from the
dirt shall you eat all the days of we have the same spirit of faith, holy Gospel according to
your life. according to what is written, Mark
I will put enmity between “I believed, therefore I spoke,” All – Glory to you, O Lord!
you and the woman, and be- we too believe and therefore Jesus came home with
tween your offspring and hers; speak, knowing that the one his disciples. Again the crowd

10 June 2018
gathered, making it impossible I believe in one Lord Jesus obeying God’s commandments:
for them even to eat. Christ, the Only Begotten Son May they realize the wrong they
When his relatives heard of God, born of the Father be- have done, feel sorry and make
of this they set out to seize him, fore all ages. God from God, amends for it. Let us pray! R.
for they said, “He is out of his Light from Light, true God from
mind.” The scribes who had true God, begotten, not made, C –For the families and com-
come from Jerusalem said, “He consubstantial with the Father; munities that are undergoing
is possessed by Beelzebul,” and severe trials: May they continue
through him all things were
“By the prince of demons he trusting in the Lord, according
made. For us men and for our
drives out demons.” to the teaching of St. Paul. Let
salvation he came down from us pray! R.
Summoning them, Jesus heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
began to speak to them in par- Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –For our own families: May
ables, “How can Satan drive gin Mary, and became man.* For they be constantly bent on do-
out Satan? If a kingdom is di- our sake he was crucified under ing God’s will, in imitation of
vided against itself, that king- Pontius Pilate, he suffered death Jesus and Mary Most Holy. Let
dom cannot stand. And if a us pray! R.
and was buried, and rose again
house is divided against itself,
that house will not be able to on the third day in accordance C –Let us pray in silence for our
stand. And if Satan has risen with the Scriptures. He ascended personal intentions. (Pause)
up against himself and is divid- into heaven and is seated at the Let us pray! R.
ed, he cannot stand; that is the right hand of the Father. He will
end of him. No one can enter a come again in glory to judge P –Father in heaven, we thank
strong man’s house to plunder the living and the dead and his You for having made us mem-
his property unless he first ties kingdom will have no end. bers of Your family on earth,
up the strong man. Then he can I believe in the Holy Spirit, brothers and sisters of Jesus, our
plunder his house. the Lord, the giver of life, who Savior. Keep us always faithful
Amen, I say to you, all sins proceeds from the Father and to You, seeking first the coming
and all blasphemies that people the Son, who with the Father of your Kingdom, where You live
utter will be forgiven them. But and the Son is adored and glori- and reign for ever and ever.
whoever blasphemes against fied, who has spoken through All –Amen!
the Holy Spirit will never be the prophets.
forgiven, for he is guilty of an I believe in one, holy, cath-
everlasting sin.” [He said this] olic and apostolic Church. I
because they had said, “He has confess one Baptism for the
an unclean spirit.” forgiveness of sins and I look
Jesus’ mother and his forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts
brothers arrived. Standing the dead and the life of the world
outside, they sent word to him P –Pray, brethren . . .
to come. Amen! All – May the Lord accept the
and called him. A crowd seated
around him told him, “Your sacrifice at your hands, for the
mother and your brothers and Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name,
your sisters are outside asking P –Dear brothers and sisters, as for our good and the good of all
for you.” members of Jesus’ spiritual fam- his holy Church.
But he said to them in re- ily on earth, let us address our
ply, “Who are my mother and petitions to the Lord for all the Prayer over the Offerings
my brothers?” And looking intention dear to our heart. Full
around at those seated in the P –Look kindly upon our ser-
of confidence in God’s merciful vice, O Lord, we pray, that what
circle he said, “Here are my
love, let us pray: we offer may be an acceptable
mother and my brothers. For
whoever does the will of God All – Father of our Brother Je- oblation to you and lead us to
is my brother and sister and sus, hear our prayer! grow in charity.
mother.” Through Christ our Lord.
C –For the Church, the family
The Gospel of the Lord! All –Amen!
of all believers: May she bravely
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus proclaim and do God’s will. Let
Christ! us pray! R.
Preface VI
P – It is truly right and just,
Homily C –For the Pope and all reli- our duty and our salvation, al-
gious leaders: May they con- ways and everywhere to give
Profession of Faith stantly lead all the faithful in you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) doing God’s will, despite all almighty and eternal God.
temptations to the contrary. Let For in you we live and move
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
us pray! R. and have our being, and while in
ther almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible C –For those who have been this body we not only experience
and invisible. mislead by the devil into dis- the daily effects of your care, but

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

even now possess the pledge of Communion Antiphon May you always have the
life eternal. (To be recited only when no wisdom and courage to re-
For, having received the Communion Hymn is sung.) ject the devil’s temptations
first fruits of the Spirit, through The Lord is my rock, my and do God’s holy will!
whom you raised up Jesus from fortress, and my deliverer; my All – Amen!
the dead, we hope for an everlast- God is my saving strength.
ing share in the Paschal Mystery. P –May you always keep in
And so, with all the Angels, mind the great prize that the
Prayer after Communion Lord has in store for those
we praise you, as in joyful cel-
ebration, we acclaim: P –May your healing work, who persevere in doing
All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God O Lord, free us, we pray, from good!
of hosts. Heaven and earth are doing evil and lead us to what is All – Amen!
full of your glory. Hosanna in right.
P –May you constantly behave
the highest! Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! in such a way as to become
Blessed is he who comes in an inspiration to all the
the name of the Lord. Hosan- other members of our com-
na in the highest! munities!
All – Amen!
Memorial Acclamation
P –The Lord be with you. P –May almighty God bless
P –The mystery of faith! you: the Father, and the
All –Save us, Savior of the All –And with your spirit!
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
world, for by your Cross P –Bow your heads and pray All – Amen!
and Resurrection you for God’s blessing and re-
have set us free. spond aloud, “Amen!” at P –Go in peace, glorifying the
the end of every invocation. Lord by your life!
(Pause) All – Thanks be to God!

Enjoy Pope Francis’ heart-warming

All –Our Father . . .
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
latest Apostolic Exhortation:
All –For the kingdom, the
power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever.

Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
All – Lamb of God, you take
away the sins of the world: have
mercy on us. (2x)
Lamb of God, you take
away the sins of the world:
grant us peace.
P –Behold the Lamb of God, In addition to the Holy Father’s Exhortation,
behold him who takes away the this mini encyclopedia on “MIDDLE-CLASS HOLINESS”
sins of the world. Blessed are includes:
those called to the Supper of the * An extensive Subject Index
Lamb. * Quotable Quotes from G.E.
All –Lord, I am not worthy * Methodological Suggestions
that you should enter under * A collection of Biblical passages on holiness
my roof, but only say the word * Filipino Way to Holiness . . . and much more!
and my soul shall be healed.
Order now from Word & Life Publications

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
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