Mine Closure Guidelines OM

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from the Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior

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No. 435, May 1994

Mine Closure Guidelines

Objective fill and riprap. If the adit drains water, a noncorrosive
drainpipe must be installed. Tbb method provides
permanent closure of the mine opening.
P rovide the National Park Service (NPS) with guide-
lines for closing abandoned mine openings sucb as shafts Bat GaLe-Because many species of bats liVL: in ahan-
and adits. doned mines, it is often necessary to provide a means for
bat acc.e·~ while preventing human access. To accomplish
Approach lhis, a steel grate supported by a rigid steel frame is
cl.'menled or bolted into roek at the min, portal Site-
The NPS needed alternative methods of closing a specific sized openings in the steel gate allow passage of
varie ty of abandoned mine openings on National P ark bats and other wildlife and provid~ natural ventilation.
lands. Because the U.S. Bureau of Min~s (USBM) has a This closure method is used where the abandoned mine
long history of mining-related experience, the NPS provides habitat for threatened and endangered speCies of
requested that the Bureau provide them with technical bats and where tbe portal is in competent rock that will
m ine closure information. USBM engineers compiled in ~ support the stee) structure. Bat gates are effective at
formation on various types of mine closures and prepared preventing accidental or intenlional entry by the public.
technical illustrations of those closure techniques. Mul- The gates, however, can be breached by persistent vandals
tiple closure options, by type of opening, were pre pared as and must be murutored.
one-page field guides to assist NPS field personnel in
determining the most appropriate closure method for a Cable Net Closure-Steel cabk. is formL.d into a mesh
given situation and detailing the (.:unstruclion of the closure with locked intersections to prevent spreading of the mesh.
method. The steel net is anchored in competent rocl surrounding
the mine opening with rock bolts or re bar anchors. Cab le
Results net closure i~ adaptable to large, odd-shaped openings,
including those with historic resources. Steel netting
G uidelines provided to the NPS included a description allows bats and other small wildlife to pass and can be
of the method, use applications, conslruction techniques., modified to allow passage of larger animals. This type of
technical illustrations, and technical support information. mine closure is intended for temporary closure. Steel nets
The following provides a brief description of 11 m ine can bl; cut with cable cutters but not wilh bolt cutters.
closure techniques ideotified for u~e by NPS personnel.
Most of the closure metbo~ except the backfill methods, Concrete Block Bulkhead-A bulkhead of concrete ma-
allow for construction tbat can provide access to the mine. sonry blocks and cement grout is built ioto the adit portal
However) providing access makes the closure susceptible or inclined sbaft coUar. This application is used where no
to vandalism. Most closure methods require periodic access is required for wildlife and there is not a nearby
monitoring for subsidence and corrosion or deterioration source of competent stone for backfilling the opening.
of construction materials. The portal must be in competent rock, except for the
floor. Native rock can be mortared to the exterior wall to
Adit Backfill· -Backfill closure consists of filling the lend a natural appearance.
portal area of an arut with on~site or imported unclassified

Th' document wu prepared by the: U.S. Bureau or Mines. Neithe r the Un ited Slates Government nor any person Bcting on behalf of the U nited
SLil le$ Government illSumc Bny liability reiulling from the use of the infonnalion contained in this document, or warrants that such U5C be (ree from
privately owned right~.
Concrete Bridge OIannels Cap-Preeast concrete bridge common fill. PUP is a permanent closure. Lightweight
sections are laid over the shaft collar and back.filled to construction materials are easily transported or baclc.-
approximate original contours at the site. This method is packed to remote sites. The bottom form requires little
used where the shaft collar has 3.6 meters (ll feet) or less structural strength. Backfilled openings do not attract
of soil cover over competent rock and can be used to vandals or casual visitors if returned to natural contours.
cover large shaft openings.
Riprop Bulkhead-Riprap is placed inside and around an
Concrete Shaft Cap-A concrete cap is constructed over awl portal or inclined shaft collar to provide a permanent
the shaft collar. The cap is backfilled to approximate the and complete blockage of the opening. If the portal drains
original contours at the site. This closure method is used water, a noncorrosive drainpipe must be installed. This
where the shaft coUar is in competent rock. closure method is used for permanent closures where DO
access is required for people or wildlife. See illustration
Hollow-Core Shaft Closure-A steel-reinforced concrete below.
shaft wall is constructed that will serve as a foundation for
a shaft cap and an optional corrugated steel culvert access. Shaft or Slope Backfill-Backfill mine closures consist of
This closure method can be used where the shaft opening filling shafts or stopes with on-site or imported unclassified
is in soil up to 12 meters (4{) feet) deep over bedrock. It fill, riprap, and clay barriers where it is necessary to isolate
can be used where the soil coUar bas coUapsed, forming a aquifers. Backfill closures are intended for use as perma-
funnel-shaped surface opening. nent closures where no access is required for people or
Native Rock Bulkhead-A bulkhead of native rock and
cement grout is built into the adit portal or inclined shaft For More Information
collar. This method is used where DO wildlife access is
needed and a natural appearance is desired. The portal Further details or additional information. including
must be in competent rock, except for the floor. technic.a1 drawings, about any or all of these closure tech-
niques may be obtained by cont.acting the principal inves-
PUF Shaft Closures-Polyurethane foam (PUP) shaft tigator for this project: Michael Gobla, U.S. Bureau of
closures consist of installing a bottom form, spraying PUP Mines, Intermountain Field Operations Center, Denver
over the form to a required minimum thickness (depend- Federal Center, Bldg. 20, P.O. Box 25086, Denver, CO
ent on the size of the opening), and backfilling with 80225, Tel: (303) 236-0423.

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Section - I ntact Portal us BUREAU OF MINES

After Cl o su re InterMOuntain FieldOperations Center
R i prap Bul kheo. d
Gu;del :ne No MC4 . V\

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(printed on recycled paper)

'U.S. Gwetrmenl PrVItJ~ 0I'IIce: 1Qg4 - so;..O'21800,8

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