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Magister of Engineering in Natural Disaster Management

This day, on Monday February 19th, 2018 was held the presentation of
group I for course of Natural DIsaster Damage and Loss Assessments with
the theme is about Assessment of Strategies for Linking the Damage and
Loss Assessment (DaLA) Methodology to the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment
The Material that had presented is containt:
I Background of this report; The Definition of DaLA and PDNA; and other
assessment method support for DaLA and PDNA.
II A. The Implementations of DaLA and PDNA Methodologies in Caribbean
and Indonesian.
B. The constraints of linking DalA and PDNA assessment.
III Conclusion with contain about challenges and recommendation in the
implementation DaLA and PDNA.

According to the result of the presentation and the discussion section,

there are some questions and subjects that we can resume:

Questioner : Ika Dinro Paisa, ST

Questions : What is the final report of DalA and of PDNA
methodologies, have a similarity in both of the reports?
Answer : The DalA and PDNA report may be seen in the disaster
assessment following the big earthquake in Yogyakarta and
Central Java on 2006. Basically, both of them have a
similarity in the type of assessment and format. The DaLA
report contains a summary of the damages and losses
during the disaster in the current value. Whereas, The
PDNA report has a part which explained the needs to
recovery and reconstruction after the disaster occur
using HRNA (Human Recovery Needs Assessment) and SLA
(Sustainable Livelihood Approach) assessments that
focused in human recovery needs assessment and
sustainable livelihood approach.

Questioner : Wulansih, ST
Questions : What is the type of variable that calculated in
implementation of DaLA and PDNA assessment. And how about
the similarity of the both of the methodologies?
Answer : The variable of the both of the assessment have a
similarity. There are some variable assessed in DaLA also
assessed in PDNA. Nowadays, DaLA and PDNA are
complimentary which cannot be separated. The assessment a
disaster is always started using DaLA to assess the
Minutes of Discussion
Magister of Engineering in Natural Disaster Management

damage and the losses in sector by sector, then to

estimate the needs to recovery the society into the
formerly condition or better condition we can use PDNA.

Questioner : Seprianus K. Tualaka, ST.

Questions : 1. How about the funds in post disaster recovery whether
the DaLA and PDNA reports just can be used by World
Bank or also local government? And what is the
implementation in Indonesian?
2. Do BNPB or BPBD using the DaLA and PDNA to assessing
the impact aftermath the natural disaster?
Answer : About the funds which is used to recovery can be
fulfilled flexibly. In the Caribbean case, the local
government cannot fulfill it themselves and the other
hand, the recovery process has to be conducted. Thus, the
funding from World Bank is needed. Unlike, when the local
government can conduct the recovery aftermath the
disaster themselves, it is not needed to donor the fund
from World Bank. In this case local government can use
The DaLA and PDNA report or the other simpler assessment
to estimate the summary of the needs to recovery phase.
Considering some cases of the natural disaster in
Indonesian, BPBD or BNPB has adopted the DaLA and PDNA
methodologies to assess the impact aftermath the
disaster. In example, the earthquake in Yogyakarta and
Central Java on 2006 and Tsunami in Aceh on 2004.

Suggestions : The Lecturer, Mr. Dr. Ir. Istiarto, M. Eng.

The basically differences both of DaLA and PDNA are the

scope of the assessments. The DaLA just assess the damage
and the losses during the disaster physically which
translate into the current value. Whereas, PDNA assess
the real needs to recovery process aftermath the disaster
sustainably. The PDNA compare the formerly condition and
the aftermath the disaster condition according the DaLA
report. The PDNA compile the DaLA and the other
methodologies (HRNA and SLA) to conduct the assessment.

1. The report should contain an abstract.
2. In the introduction part, it should describe the
reason of the conducting the review.
3. The references should use the originally part of the
reference except it is a summary from lots of

Minutes of Discussion
Magister of Engineering in Natural Disaster Management

In the last statement, that’s the summary presentation of the group I.

Group I had effort as much as possible in related to the presentation
and discussion, and also be thankful for the chance, attention,
suggestions to Group I, of course especially for Mr. Dr. Istiarto as a
lecture for suggestion and referrals it kindly helpful to construct this
presentation material more better. Hopefully, the presentation and
discussion can give some useful.

Sincerely Yours,

Member of Group I:
1. Aldi Radyanto (17/419758/PTK/11868)
2. Nur Ikawati (17/419752/PTK/11862)
3. Tuan Anh Bui (17/421331/PTK/11993)

Minutes of Discussion

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