Turkey and Obama: A Golden Age in Turkish U.S. Ties?

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March 18, 2009

Turkey and Obama: A Golden Age in Turkish

Summary: Despite the
dramatic walkout by Turkey’s U.S. Ties?
prime minister from the World
Economic Forum at Davos, U.S. by Amberin Zaman1
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
recently made the announce-
ANKARA — When U.S. Secretary of top foreign policy advisor to Erdoğan,
ment that President Barack State Hillary Clinton announced that went further to say that "Turkish-
Obama will visit the country next President Barack Obama would visit American relations are entering a
month. With the recent election Turkey next month during her recent golden era." The United States now has
of Obama, the United States trip to Ankara, even the most seasoned a president who, like Ankara, favors
pundits were caught off guard. It was dialogue over confrontation-and who,
seems to be favoring dialogue
widely assumed that Turkish Prime like Ankara, believed the Iraq invasion
over confrontation, allowing Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s was a poor idea. This will allow cooper-
for more cooperation on a vitriolic attacks against Israel capped ation on a host of areas: rapprochement
variety of issues that includes by his famous walkout from the World between the United States and Iran to
Economic Forum last month at Davos curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, reduc-
rapprochment between the
had dented Turkey’s chances of ever ing Western dependency on Russian
United States and Iran to curb becoming the first predominantly gas by opening pipelines through the
Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Muslim nation to host the new U.S. Caucasus and Turkey, and stabilizing
reducing Western dependency president.2 Set against rising anti-U.S. Iraq as American troops pull out.
feelings and its cozy ties with Iran,
on Russian gas, and stabilizing
Russia, and Sudan, the Davos affair All this may sound fanciful, but in
Iraq following U.S. withdrawal of prompted a flurry of editorials fretting recent years, Turkey’s international
troops. over whether Turkey was turning its profile has been on the rise. It has
back on the West. embraced the role of regional peace-
As Turkey's international profile maker seeking to mend fences between
Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül told Israel and Syria, between Hamas and
rises as it embraces its role as a
me en route to an economic sum- Fatah, and between Syria and Saudi
regional peacemaker, are Turkish- mit in Tehran on March 10 that such Arabia. Its close ties with the West,
American relations entering a concerns were utterly unfounded and crowned by the start of membership
"golden era"? that Obama’s visit was no surprise at talks with the European Union in
all. Relaxed and confident, Gül asserted 2005, and its outreach to the Muslim
that the U.S.-Turkish relationship had world during Erdoğan’s seven years in
entered a new phase that went well power has placed it in the pole position.
beyond bilateral ties. “Our interests Strategically wedged between the oil
Offices coincide over a wide spectrum of issues rich former Soviet states in Central Asia
in a broad region…our will to cooper- and Azerbaijan on the one hand and
Washington, DC • Berlin • Bratis- ate is stronger than ever,” said Gül. Dur- the Middle East on the other, Turkey
lava • Paris Brussels • Belgrade • ing the same trip, Ahmet Davutoglu, is touting itself as an alternative corri-
Ankara • Bucharest 1
Amberin Zaman is the Turkey correspondent for The Economist and writes a weekly column for the Turkish daily Taraf. The
www.gmfus.org views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the German Marshall Fund of the
United States (GMF).
See "Turkey after Davos: Risks, Opportunities, and an Unpredictable Prime Minister" by Amberin Zaman, On Turkey series,

dor for Western bound energy supplies. Meanwhile, Turk- Yet, in order to be a long-term player in a post-U.S. Iraq,
ish goods are flooding supermarkets from Iran to Northern Turkey needs to overcome its fears about perceived Kurd-
Iraq. And Turkish has become a kind of lingua franca thanks ish dreams of independence and fix its relations with Iraq’s
to the growing popularity of Turkish soap operas that keep Kurdish leaders. The impending U.S. withdrawal has left
viewers across the region glued to their screens. Starting with the Iraqi Kurds feeling vulnerable. Turkey is the Kurds’ sole
its overtures to Iran, the Obama administration has decided outlet to the West. Not surprisingly, they have become more
to cash in. In exchange, it must use its influence with Europe pliant. Over the past year, Turkish and Iraqi Kurdish officials
and especially with France to push for Turkey’s EU member- have been quietly discussing a deal for disarming rebels of
ship. This means helping to break the deadlock over Cyprus. the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) who has led a 25-year
separatist campaign against Turkey. The PKKs targets have
In Tehran, Turkey’s clout was in evidence when Gül became included innocent civilians prompting the United States and
the first NATO member leader to be received by Iran’s spiritual the European Union to label it a terrorist organization. The
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the number one power in the Islamic presence of some 3,000 to 5,000 PKK fighters in Northern
Republic. Wary of upsetting Iran’s prickly leaders, Turkey Iraq remains the main point of contention between Ankara
rejected the label of mediator. Indeed, it is unrealistic to and the Kurdistan regional government. Senior Turkish
assume that Turkey alone can persuade Iran to freeze its officials say the Iraqi Kurds have been doing a lot more in
nuclear weapons program. But as Gül pointed out, Khamenei recent months to restrict the PKK’s movements and its access
listened “very carefully” to what he had to say as did Iran’s to food and weapons. There is now talk of extraditing PKK
President Mahmud Ahmedinajad during separate hour-long leaders to European countries willing to give them asylum,
meetings. Members of Gül’s entourage said the Iranians for some 1,500 PKK fighters who are not Turkish nationals
abstained from their usual anti-American rants, which is to lay down their weapons and melt into Iraqi Kurdistan,
equally encouraging. Turkey’s overriding message to Iran and for the remaining forces to return to Turkey. Ankara is
was to accept the olive branch being extended by the Obama also pressing the Iraqi Kurds to drop their claims to the oil
administration, warning of the dangers any rejection might rich province of Kirkuk. Turkey fears that its inclusion in the
entail. After 30 years of clerical rule, Iran remains woefully Kurdish run region would enable the Kurds to declare inde-
backward. (An operator at a five-star hotel in Tehran, who pendence and reinforce separatist passions among its own 14
barely spoke English, was clueless when I asked him how to million strong Kurdish population. The bigger threat to the
make an international call.) An early test of Gül’s pitch will Kurds comes from Iraq’s Shia and Sunni Arabs, who contest
be whether Iran accepts a U.S. invitation to a meeting of their claims over Kirkuk. The potential for conflict is huge.
Afghanistan’s neighbors and countries contributing to the Turkey and the United States must work together to broker
NATO-led stabilization mission there that will be held in The a formula for the province that can satisfy all sides. A U.S.-
Hague later this month. In the public sphere, Iran shows little Iranian thaw would encourage Iran to leverage its influence
signs of softening. A breakthrough between the United States over the Shia to cement a deal.
and Iran is unlikely until after Iran’s presidential elections
in June. Yet, in the meantime messages between the two are Yet, there is one issue that could bust this virtuous cycle.
likely to be passed back and forth by Turkey in an effort to lay During his election campaign, Obama pledged that once in
the groundwork for eventual rapprochement. Turkey may not office he would recognize the “Armenian genocide” on the
be a mediator, but it is a credible go-between. April 24 anniversary of the mass killings of the Ottoman
Armenians. He is under immense pressure from Armenian
Turkey’s efforts to help melt the ice between the ayatollahs Americans to honor his pledge. They are lobbying the U.S.
and the United States may well be founded on Iran’s Congress to adopt a draft resolution sponsored by
determination to acquire nuclear weapons, but in Iraq the Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff that labels the 1915
opportunities for Turkish-American partnership are huge. events as genocide. Turkey is threatening to retaliate should
Turkey is the main transit hub for the flow of logistical the resolution be passed. Options on the table might include
supplies to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its interven- restricting U.S. access to the Incirlik airbase in southern Tur-
tion helped persuade the Sunni Arabs to take part in the key, which remains critical to operations in Iraq and Afghani-
Iraqi elections. Pentagon planners hope to rotate troops out stan. The sole formula to avert another potential train wreck
through Turkey when the withdrawal from Iraq starts. in U.S.-Turkish relations would be for Turkey to establish dip-

lomatic ties and re-open its border with Armenia, preferably

Amberin Zaman, Correspondent, The Economist
before April 24. For the past year, helped by Swiss mediators,
Turkish and Armenian diplomats have been sorting out the Amberin Zaman is the Turkey correspondent for The Economist and
details of an agreement that among other things calls for writes a weekly column for the Turkish daily Taraf.
a joint commission of historians to examine the events of
1915. After much hesitation Turkey finally agreed to fold the About the German Marshall Fund of the United States
genocide question into a broader set of issues to be taken up
by the two sides. Turkish officials insist that the “the techni- The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a
cal aspects” of the agreement are complete. Turkey appears to nonpartisan American public policy and grantmaking institution
dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding
have also persuaded Azerbaijan that friendship with Armenia
between North America and Europe. GMF does this by supporting
will arm Ankara with further leverage with which resolve
individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by
the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute and curb Russian meddling convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes,
in the Southern Caucasus. Should Yerevan sign-off on the and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can
deal it could be announced when Turkey’s Foreign Minis- address a variety of global policy challenges. In addition, GMF
ter Ali Babacan goes to Yerevan on April 16 for a Black Sea supports a number of initiatives to strengthen democracies. In
economic meeting. Davutoglu’s vision of a “Golden Age” of addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven
U.S.-Turkish collaboration could just come true. offices in Europe: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara,
and Bucharest.

About the On Turkey Series

GMF’s On Turkey is an ongoing series of analysis briefs about Turkey’s

current political situation and its future. GMF provides regular analysis
briefs by leading Turkish, European, and American writers and intellec-
tuals, with a focus on dispatches from on-the-ground Turkish observers.
To access the latest briefs, please visit our web site at
www.gmfus.org/turkey or subscribe to our mailing list at

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