September 24, 2010 Strathmore Times

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2010

Locally Owned & Operated STRATHMORE




Daily a Year Winn
*No purchase necessary. Starts 09/10/10, ends 10/21/10. See Official rules in stores or online for full contest details.
Kevin Baldwin
For Mayor

Page 2
Let the
Times Reporter

Bringing the It’s official. The names are in and now

Kiwanis Club to the schmoozing begins. The upcoming
Strathmore October 18 election has been on the tip
of everyone’s tongue for weeks already,
and there has been a lot of speculation
Page 12 about who is, and isn’t, running in this
election. Strathmore without a doubt
has the most candidates running this
For mayoral candidates, George Lat-
tery is hoping to serve another term on
council. Councillor Brad Walls added his
name to the list, along with Kevin Bald-
win, Steve Grajczyk, Michael Ell, and
Glenn Freeland. Some councillors de-
cided to put their names in to run once
Holy Cross hosts again: Earl Best, John Rempel, Lois We-
lobster and steak gener, and Bob Sobol.
fundraiser There are also many new names hop-
ing to get their shot at fixing some of the
problems they see around Strathmore.
For council there are: Terry Peterson,
Page 13
Bill Cooper, Rocky Blokland, Colina
Clark, David Hamilton, John M Whiel-
don, Pat Fule, Kevin Keegan, and Cheryl
With so many candidates in the run-
ning it will definitely be an interesting
election to follow.
The Wheatland County offices don’t
have quite as many candidates as Strath-
more, and many are running uncon-
tested to keep their current position in
Bisons host council. One councillor won’t have her
annual preseason name on the ballot this year. Shirley Re-
tourney inhardt has decided to retire after 18
years of serving as Div. 5’s councillor,
and as deputy reeve.
For Div. 1 the candidates are: Alice
Booth, Guy Christie, and Suzanne Jack-
Div. 2: Ken Sauve, Jessica Bissonnette
and Jacki Kirk.
Don VanderVelde (Div. 3), Bernice
Bland (Div. 4), Glenn Koester (Div. 6)
and Ben Armstrong (Div. 7) are the
Contact Us Today!
incumbents. In Div. 5, currently Rein-
Focused on a new season
403.934.5589 hardt’s division, Dennis Bigras, Scott Atom goaltender Evan Walker was focused on hockey tryouts Sept. 19 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
Players in both the Novice and Atom levels held their tryouts this past weekend, while the Peewee, Ban- Klassen and Brenda Knight are compet-
tam and Midgets hit the ice Sept. 24-26. ing to replace Reinhardt. Mario Prusina Photo
Continued on page 2

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Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Book your
WInterIzatIon noW!!

NOW OPEN Potential Kiwanis club

IN STRATHMORE members met at Cory
and Sandi Johnson’s
PINE CENTRE home on September

99 ¢
STRATHMORE, AB DAY 16. The meeting was
to see who is interest-
ed and to start plotting
ideas as to how they
can help underprivi-
X leged children in town.
Photo Courtesy

OPEN 7 DAYS • 11 AM - 9 PM of Brandon Berry

Well known club trying to gain roots in Strathmore

Times Reporter
he became the Lieutenant
Governor, and after that was
elected the Governor Elect
for Western Canada.
charter a club they must have
a minimum of 25 members.
“It doesn’t have recognition
from Kiwanis International at
Cory is hoping the group will
reach Club status by the end
of October. He is also hoping
to eliminate a stereotype that
There are many clubs and
Fire & Safety organizations in and around “So here I am, (the) Gov- this point. We haven’t done many people have when it

Strathmore, but one club the ernor Elect (and) there is no all of the important things comes to service clubs.
Town is missing is the Kiwan- Kiwanis Club here. I was like you’ve got to do to get it “A lot of members are older
is Club. One man is work- ‘well, that doesn’t look good,’ up and running,” said Cory. in service clubs and I want
LocALLy ownEd & opErAtEd ing to fix that by bringing a governor should have a Members are already looking to eliminate that stereo type
Fire Extinguishers the club to Strathmore. Cory club in his hometown,” said at what they can do to help because everybody has some-
Johnson has been a Kiwan- Johnson. out. thing to offer and I feel we all
Service & Inspections is member since 1992 and One day Sandi, Cory’s wife, “Some of the projects that need the ability to give back,”
Safety Supplies • defibrillators in 2002 he became a board came home and told him we’re thinking about doing is said Cory.
Safety training • consulting
member. there were two people inter- helping out with the Christ- “I think my philosophy is
“I worked my way up the ested in joining so they start- mas hamper program, (or) that everybody should come
cor programs ladder from volunteer, to in- ed asking their friends if they doing a day where we se- and if you have kids bring
ISnet world tern, to a counselor, to re- would like to be a part of lect kids that are underprivi- them because that’s what
source staff and then after I the group by helping under- leged and have them come we’re all about, is kids.” The
921B wheatland trail left the camp they asked me privileged kids and make a to Walmart and give them a next meeting will be tak-
403-934-9387 if I wanted to join the Kiwan- difference in the community. gift certificate where they can ing place on October 14 at 6
Behind the Golden Hills School division- South side of Hwy#1 is club and I automatically Almost everyone they asked go shopping by themselves, p.m. A meeting place has not
wanted to join because it was said yes. (or) with a parent, and they been designated yet. Cory
a chance for me to give back, “We’re looking to see if can buy whatever they want,” said part of joining Kiwanis
Financial because I received so much people could donate a space, said Cory. is the whole getting people

from them,” said Johnson. could donate money or even They are also thinking together to network and so-
Kiwanis is an international their time and want to join about starting a reading pro- cialize. The commitment per
organization and their mis- and become a member. So gram, buying used bikes to member could be any thing
sion is to help make a dif- any resources that would fix up and give to the kids in from an hour a month to
Sheetal A Pallana ference in the community help us out,” said Cory. need. They are even thinking 50 hours a month. To find
Financial Advisor one child at a time. There are The first meeting was held of doing a rib fest kind of con- out more about the club or
#6, 55 Wheatland Trail over 600,000 members world- on September 16. The goal is test. Already the group has to join email cbj@coryjohn-
Strathmore, AB T1P 1R7 wide. Johnson became the to start with 10 members and about a dozen ideas of what, call 403-829-5844 or
403-934-4503 then work their way up. In they want to do, but for now check out Cory’s website at
president of the downtown
Member CIPF
Calgary Kiwanis Club. Then order for them to be able to they are starting out small.

Nominees propare for October 18 election

Continued from page 1 and Robert P. McKay are the final can- election. Gerald H. Katterhagen, Ju-
Golden Hills School Division is didates for Golden Hills. lie Gaudet, Leah Smith, Pam Seeley
How do your finances also electing new board members. The Village of Hussar has a handful and Dixie O’Keefe will also have their
stack up? The nominations received were Barry
Kletke and Larry Maerz for Ward 1, Da-
of candidates: Michelle Brown, Tracey
Dundas, Tim Frank, Michelle Hager
names on the ballot in Rockyford this
Do you know whether your financial life is a vid L. Price for the Ward 2 areas, Karen and Bruce Kaufman. The Village of Standard is the only
success? Harries for Ward 3, Joyce Bazant, Janet Rockyford also has little more than a municipality that knows the turnout of
One way to find out is to measure your net Bolinger and Larry Tucker have filed handful of people nominated. their municipal election. Don Cuthill,
worth. This is the value of everything you own, nominations for Ward 4, the Strath- Current mayor Darcy J. Burke will Alan Larsen, Ron Corbiell, Mark Clark
minus everything you owe. In other words, assets more area. Corey Fisher, Shelly Neal have his name on the ballot again this and Adam Sommerseldt are all in by ac-
minus liabilities. clamation.
Net worth provides a snapshot of your finances.
Over the next few weeks candidates
If you’re in good shape, you should own Strathmore will be out in the public, informing
considerably more than you owe, resulting in
substantial net worth. If your net worth is low, or Denture Clinic people of their views, what they plan
to do for their area, and rounding up
even a negative number, you have some serious
work ahead.
Terry Grant Denturist the votes.
Your first step is to add the value of your assets. 403.934.3877

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investment loans, credit card balances, lines of
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Finally, subtract liabilities from assets. Your • Custom Night Guards
snapshot is now complete.
It’s a good idea to discuss your findings with • Natural Teeth Whitening
your financial advisor. With professional help you
can put the figure in context and use it as a tool Saturday, october 1
for planning your financial future.
This is Sheetal A Pallana, your Edward Jones
advisor. Edward Jones, Member CIPF.
Steve Grajczyk 9 am - 4 pm
Gleichen Recreation Complex
Edward Jones does not provide tax or legal advice. Review your
specific situation with your tax advisor and/or legal professional
for information regarding, or issues concerning, the tax
implications of making a particular investment or taking any
for Mayor Hockey, Figure Skating, Curling
other action. Call 403-734-3059 or A Man with Conviction! 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore email
September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Join our Facebook Page

Standard gets a running
start to the new school year Terry Fox Joyland Theatre
Standard School held another suc-
cessful Terry Fox Run on Friday Sep-
tember 17 in town. The entire student
Run The Switch
body, along with Karen Smith their
principal, and their teachers walked or September 24 - 30
ran the course through town a num- Jennifer Aniston,
ber of times. It was nice to see some Jason Bateman, Jeff Goldblum
of the high school students pairing Rating PG13
themselves up with the younger ones (Mature subject matter)
to encourage them on the run. This
year is the 30th Anniversary of Terry No rain, no gain
Fox’s run across Canada to raise Despite some crummy weather, the Town of Strathmore 8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays
money for the fight against Cancer. hosted the annual Terry Fox Run Sept. 19. A total of 58 par-
For Movie Listings 403-934-3057
Thank you so much to any of you who ticipants and volunteers raised $5,915 “Not too bad for a
sponsored the kids and made pledges for this cause. Thank you once again to the Stan- very rainy day,” said Terry Fox Run organizer Margo Sevcik. or visit our websites:
dard Lionettes who provided the crowd of walkers with donuts from Rocky’s bakery and “It tells you how dedicated Terry Fox’ers are - we’ll come •
juice boxes. The kids always look forward to the treat at the end of the course. out in any weather. Just as Terry ran in all kinds of weather.” 114 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB

Photo Courtesy of Manny Everett Photo Courtesy of Margo Sevcik

Balancing a hectic lifestyle STRATHMORE

If you live in the area

(Wheatland County, Strathmore
SHANNON LECLAIR and self in a never-ending Tickets are available at busi- almost 5 hours can be sched-
& Langdon) and are not receiving your
Times Reporter chase for a bit of free time,” or call 403- uled, leaving just over 3 hours
said Cederberg. 901-4457 of flexible ‘white space’.
FREE Strathmore Times
“75% of Canadians don’t be- 3) Make a ‘two’ do list Newspaper
Wheatland Business Women
lieve that work-life balance is Finding Work-life Balance The next time you put a in your mail box please
are hosting a night of Wine,
Women and Wisdom on Sep- possible. We’re working more When Time and Energy Are task on your ‘to do’ list make give us a call 403.934.5589
tember 29. The event will take than ever, spending less time Low 2 a 2nd entry in your schedule –
place at the Civic Centre at with our friends and family, Time Management Tips your ‘two’ do entry – for when Times TIDBITS
6:30 p.m. and everyone is wel- and inevitably watching our By Michelle Cederberg you will complete it. When Why do leaves change color in the fall?
come. Tickets are $25. health and happiness drift It’s true that if you have I agreed to do this article I Plants make food, using sunlight and something called
Michelle Cederberg is the away.” more personal energy you’ll opened my day-timer immedi- chlorophyll. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color.
When autumn arrives, the days are short and dry, so many
guest coming in to make the Many people want to exer- get more done, but even the ately and blocked out the time plants stop making food. The chlorophyll goes away, that’s
presentation. Cederberg is the cise, eat right, build the busi- most energetic individual can I knew it would take me to when we see the orange and yellow colors. These colors were
author of Got to it!, and is Can- ness, write, partake in leisure shift off balance without prop- write it. That way I could be in the leaves all summer, but the green covered them up.
ada’s newest certified speak- activities, socialize with family er time and schedule manage- sure I wouldn’t over-schedule
ing professional. She will be and friends, try new hobbies, ment. Below are 4 scheduling and I’d have time set aside to
coming in to speak about her travel, even sleep, said Ceder- strategies that will do just that. complete the work before the
berg. 1) Overhaul your priorities deadline.
accountability journal. Ced-
“But no matter how badly Of all the tasks you have 4) Be wise and revise
Q: Should children go to a funeral?
erberg was recommended to
come speak and hopefully in- you want it, your schedule to conquer in a typical week, No matter how organized A: Every child is different. Children will grieve
spire people. doesn’t seem to have room how many of them can be you get, allow yourself the a death but it is often misinterpreted as being
“We heard she has a great for it, so you’re tired, busy life re-scheduled or eliminated? option in work, as in life, to ‘cranky’ or ‘moody’. The best way to deal with
message and a great sense of stays busy and tiring.” Re-prioritizing is particularly revise. I open my schedule children surrounding a death is to be very open
humour to deliver that mes- Cederberg teaches about important in a time-cramped at the start of each week and and honest with them. Even if they don’t fully
sage,” said Marcy Field, a how to balance life through schedule. Maybe your volun- review the week ahead. De- understand the implications of death, it is best
member of Wheatland Busi- small “energizing” steps. The teer efforts need to be scaled pending on my energy and to explain it to them. Terms like ‘gone away’ or
ness Women. The message Ce- first goal, she said, is to gain back for the moment? It’s pos- stress levels at that moment, ‘went to sleep’ can create a misunderstanding,
derberg plans to deliver is The energy through self-care. It sible the car, dog and curtains I will give myself permission and even fear, of going away or to sleep because
doesn’t need to be giant leaps don’t need to be washed this to revise my upcoming sched- they may not come back, like the deceased did.
Energy to Succeed in Business
to be a success, but instead it week. Look at your home ule to allow for steps 1 and 2 Often people try to shield their children from
& In Life, Helping people with
death but it is often much more important for
full schedules and a long list can be done by taking small and work-based commitments above to come into play once
them to experience the same things as adults
of responsibilities maximize steps every day. and diligently eliminate or re- again.
so that they can be involved with the family,
their personal energy. “Let’s face it, you likely schedule at least one low pri- What would it take to im-
rather than excluded from such an important
“If there is one common don’t have a lot of free time ority task in each area. plement even a few of the event. There is nothing that occurs at a funeral
challenge most of my clients, right now anyway and if you 2) Schedule ‘white space’ life-balance steps above? Why that would be inappropriate for children to
participants and audiences do you probably don’t have We all need time during the not begin today? If you em- experience. For more information on this topic,
struggle with it is without a the energy or motivation to day to absorb the unforeseen. brace even small changes in please visit our website.
doubt the belief that there just ‘go big’ out of the gates, so the If your schedule is jammed important aspects of your
aren’t enough hours in the decision should be easy,” said from morning to evening, health and scheduling, you’ll Wheatland Funeral Home Ltd.
day. ‘Too much to do and not Cederberg. stress will increase when un- realize significant improve- 403.934.5666 I
enough time to do it.’ We’re According to Cederberg, if expected meetings or emer- ments in energy and output
busier than ever; working people embrace even small gencies pop up. Schedule up sooner than you think. Chart Please send questions to
more to ensure job security, changes in important aspects to 60% of your day and leave your progress as you go, and
simultaneously raising kids or of their health and scheduling, 40% for task management and celebrate your success … one Answers to all questions will appear on the
caring for aging parents, jug- they will notice significant im- unexpected events. In an 8 step at a time, because that’s website on the Funeral FAQ Page.
gling career, family, friends, provements in energy. hour work day that means all it takes.

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Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Vitamin D included FREE

with every tan session Town still
Times Reporter

The vote is in. Strathmore once again

won four blooms for Communities in Robert Breitweiser proudly shows off the plaque
Bloom, CIB. The provincial awards ban- Strathmore was given from the Communities
quet took place in Provost, AB, on Sep- in Bloom board. The plaque and results were
tember 18. This is only the fourth year given at a banquet dinner in Provost on Sep-
the town has been given blooms, and tember 18.
Shannon LeClair Photo
though the top award is five blooms, get-
ting four, two years in a row isn’t bad. “They did mention that the highway
“The highest marks we got were for coming into town is bare and uninterest-
community involvement, and we got ing and there’s poor signage, and some-
101.5 out of 125, so that’s pretty good,” thing needs to be done to promote our
said Robert Breitwieser, a member of town along the highway,” said Breitwi-
Strathmore Communities in Bloom. eser.
“They try to give us points for the The lack of signage and promotion of

Saturday, october 2
things we’re doing well but also give us the town along the highway has been
suggestions for the things we need to im- mentioned in the past and is not a new
prove on. Those are areas our commit- subject to many people looking to help

10 am - 4 pm
tee will be looking at and making rec- the town grow.
ommendations for future initiatives, both Gray Park was said to be like an oasis

g G
with town council and town administra- on the prairies, but better weed control

m a z i n We reat tion and also our committee and busi- should be put into place.

A Prize Specia ness in the community.” The heritage banners were noticed,
Some of the areas which were suggest- and said to be a good start but that a

Doorraws appreciate our ls ed the town work on are around com-

mercial and industrial areas. There are
little more should be done.
“They suggested that the town needs to

a lot of weeds, benches in poor condi- take initiative to form a heritage commit-

Customers and Everyone

tion, and just a general bit of untidiness. tee to declare heritage buildings in the
It was mentioned, however, that the com- town for preservation,” said Breitwieser.
mercial and industrial sectors have been While it sounds like the committee had
we are Tans
good supporters of CIB, and Breitwieser a lot of suggestions to work on, people
said they have also been strong financial must remember that four blooms is quite
20 minute
supporters. a good score to get. Comments were

SAunA Celebrating The board said the citizens of Strath-

more are doing an outstanding job con-
made about the impressive yards, and
the different groups and organizations

All Day!
serving water, energy and products, and that have been extremely supportive of

You... the “incredible recycling centre” was also CIB. Strathmore was cited especially for

Limited spaces so book early
Book your
appointment today
Another bit of a sore point is the high-
way leading into Strathmore.
environmental awareness, and with the
suggestions from the CIB board, next
year five blooms are not out of reach.

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September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5


Trevor Dalstra, left and Nathan Haase set up a BBQ outside
Strathmore Florist held their anniversary sale September 17.
of Ribbitz after being invited by the owners to serve lunch to
Owners Brian and Linda Code are celebrating the 30th anni-
the patrons. Ribbitz celebrated its grand reopening on Sept.
versary of their store, and next month the lucky couple will be
18. Because of the cold, sales weren’t as great as they could
celebrating their wedding anniversary. There were cupcakes
have been but the two men, members of the Strathmore Rural
and punch for the patrons, and everyone walked away with
Fire Department were still happy and grateful to those who
a red rose. Front right to back: Verna Robbs, Marjorie Wells,
did come around. The money they raised is going towards the
Debbie Nester, Linda Code, Brian Code. Left: Ken Wells.
rural fire department association.
Shannon Leclair Photo Shannon Leclair Photo

AltaLink hosts final open house in Indus

SHANNON LECLAIR 12 metres wide, back to the way it was before con- WELCOME BACK
Times Reporter struction began. Strathmore High School held their welcome back BBQ for the students
“We pay fair market value for that land as though on the 17. Hundreds of students lined up to grab some food before find-
AltaLink hosted their last open house at the In- we were buying it outright, we don’t actually buy ing a comfy place to sit and enjoy their free lunch.
dus recreational centre on Sept. 8, regarding the it, we just take the easement, which gives us the Shannon Leclair Photo
proposed route of the transmission lines. There right to put the power line there, but we compen-
have been 11 open houses in total and seventy four sate as though we are buying that land outright,”

stakeholders came to Indus to see what new op- said Clarke.
tions were being presented. AltaLink has a lengthy The reason a new transmission line is needed

Sports Plex
process they go through before filing an application is because the current lines are an AC system and
with Alberta Utilities Commission, AUC. when more power is needed a new line must go up.
“For anyone who is on or close to a route that A DC system can basically be switched to increase
we’re considering, we will go out and do a one-on- the power running through the lines.
one consultation with them at their home or busi- “We’re trying to be very open and forthright about
ness and try to make that as convenient for them as
we can,” said Leigh Clarke, Senior Vice President,
how we do what we do. There’s no magic in it,
we’ve got criteria we have to apply and our job is to
Figure Skating • Hockey • Curling
External Engagement. find that route with the lowest impacts on an overall
AltaLink began looking at routes for a new trans- basis,” said Clarke. Family & Individual Passes • Public Skating • Shinny
mission line when ISO, Independent System Oper- “What I hope is we’ve been transparent enough
and listened well enough that people, while they
Gunner’S reStaurant
ator, planned the system and then said what they
want to be implemented. Since then it has been up may not agree with the decision we’ve made or they Come and see our newly renovated facility!
to AltaLink to find the best option for the line that may think we made a mistake somewhere, I expect Great Rates on Coached Figure Skating as well as our Arena Rentals.
also has the lowest impact to residents of affected that. What I’m hoping is by being transparent they
They have looked through a variety of different
will understand the process and feel that they had
their say.”
options, and have scrapped many options, as they Currently AltaLink is holding information sessions.
consult with stakeholders. These sessions run longer than the open houses,
“We only really construct in the winter when the and they are like a scaled down version of the open
ground is frozen, to try to minimize the disrup- house. The plan is to file a permit at the end of this
tion,” said Clarke. AltaLink will also return the land year after which a hearing will be held to make sure
around the tower, which will be approximately 9 x that AltaLink has done their job properly.
Strathmore & District
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lunch $9.99 • happy hour $7.99 • Dinner $13.99 Saturday, November 27, 2010.
If your Business would like to sponsor in Strathmore and area.

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Every Monday 4 pm - 9 pm
The Building Facades are placed inside the Chamber office at
the Ball Diamond Area with your
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Business name prominently
or on-line at
displayed on the facades frontage.
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Proudly sponsored by
STRATHMORE It’s a new Chamber - be part of it!
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010 BEST OF

Lasagna Soup
Thought for the week ~
½ onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed Nothing lasts forever not even your troubles.
2 tbsp olive oil
½ lb Italian sausage, chopped
3 cups low sodium chicken stock
1 large can diced tomatoes
2 tspDavid
Melissa fresh oregano, chopped Melissa David
2 tsp fresh basil, chopped
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
2 cups egg noodles
Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB
15 frozen meatballs
403-923-8983 403-923-8983
½ cup grated cheese of your choice.
Sauté onion, garlic and sausage until cooked
through and onions are tender. Add chicken
stock, tomatoes, meatballs, spices and egg 
noodles. Cook on medium until noodles are
tender and meatballs are heated 
through. Spoon into serving bowls
Melissa Davidwith grated cheese.
and sprinkle Melissa David
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer

Do you have
Strathmore, AB a Strathmore, AB
special recipe you
403-923-8983 403-923-8983
would like to share?
Please submit to the Strathmore Times
by Friday noon.  
Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or
email  
Debbie Murray
Melissa David Melissa David
StRatHmoRe daiRy queeN &
Dog Groomer FREE MaRkEt
Dog Groomer
touRiSt iNfoRmatioN ceNtRe
Fun Strathmore, AB Evaluations
Located on the North Side of Highway #1
Strathmore, AB
403-923-8983 at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore
• 403-934-5661 403.325.0372 •

quaLITY dOg grOOMIng
 
I heard you have began to offer
of the Week! Question mobile grooming services,
 of the Week
Quality Dog what is that?
grooming Melissa David Sarah’s Melissa
Mobile groomingDavid
is a great alternative for older pets, pets with health
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer
“Your Dog’s Health “Donkey” conditions
well. It is
also a
stressed easily, or do not handle vehicle transportation
alternative for owners who have a hard time getting
& Happiness is
Strathmore, AB
our Priority”
left pawprints
Strathmore, around.
AB Mobile grooming is where my assistant and I come to your home
403-923-8983 on the 403-923-8983
Pick Up & Delivery and groom your dog or cat. It is great that they are in the comfort of their
within Strathmore of everyone own home. We bring our table and supplies and set up where you direct us.
town limits. she knew You are free to watch the session or to come back and check on us
References available.  
periodically. If you are interested in this service call us today.
Day, Evening & Of course we do still offer grooming out of our salon and you are always
Weekend 
Send your pet pictures to Tracey at
free to stay and
watch as well. We do also offer complimentary pick up
Appointments and delivery within Strathmore Town Limits.
quality.grooming@ MelissaYour pet could be the “Pet of the Week!”
David Melissa David Dog Groomer Melissa David
DogDog Groomer • 403-923-8983

Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB
403-923-8983 403-923-8983
September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7


Gearing up for an interesting election

To the Editor ogy. Worst yet, no member of council has offered to
The race is on. Change for Strathmore members return taxpayer dollars they should not have claimed
would like to thank those residents who have put their in the first place.
names forward to run for the next town council. If any Voters, at all levels of government, are accustomed
candidates would like to learn more about our group to seeing examples of wastage of tax payers’ dollars,
or potentially receive an endorsement (and campaign however, we would suggest wastage that occurs at the
assistance) from us, please do not hesitate to contact hands of payments to politicians is the worst kind of
205 - 3rd Ave. - Hilton Plaza
us at The Change for spending of hard-earned taxpayers income.
Strathmore group is now meeting weekly and will be The goals of our group will be two fold in the com- Strathmore, AB
ramping up our activities now that the election period ing weeks: 403.934.6044
is under way. 1) assist candidates in running,
While we share the voters excitement that new can- 2) inform voters with specific examples of wasted
didates have come forward, we cannot share that senti- tax payer dollars that have occurred in the past three Water Softeners, Iron Filters
ment for the incumbents who are running again. Based years.
on the high degree of concerns our group shares from We believe it is important for voters to have all the & Drinking Water Systems
the countless examples we have found (and are still information necessary to make an informed decision on
finding) with per diem and expense reports from the election day. Since incumbent councillors have refused
past three years, we are a little shocked to learn most to address the problem head on, we have no choice but
incumbents expect to be re-elected in this election. In a to let the public know what we have found.
past issue of one of the local papers, our group asked
for members of council to do the honourable thing and Change for Strathmore
offer their resignations. Not only has no one accepted Barry Munchrath
this advice, no member of council has offered an apol- Roger Clancy

Working for Strathmore

To the Editor • More openness and accountability between the
I am Dave Hamilton and I am running for Municipal citizens and the town council.
Council for the Town of Strathmore. I have lived and • Research the viability for a full time Fire Depart-
worked in Strathmore since 1982 with the RCMP as ment due the future town expansion.
well as for the Town of Strathmore as a Peace Officer. • Seniors and affordable housing
During that time I have seen much growth in the town • Address infrastructure within the town ie: roads,
as well as the surrounding area. I have watched and etc.
worked with various Town councils over those years • Policing, both RCMP and our local Peace Officers
and now feel it is time for me to ask for your support in and bylaw personnel to maintain the quality level of
continuing that growth and development in a progres- enforcement provided
sive manner. The following are some of the areas that The above points are the ones that I feel need to
need to be addressed in an open and honest manner. be immediately addressed. I realize there are many
• The proposed ring road that will circumvent the other concerns that our citizens will identify during
town. This will adversely affect both the business com- the course of the current campaign and I welcome all
munity as well as the town as a whole. There has to be those who are willing to suggest these by contacting
a better alternative. me at my email address of I
• The town needs an Economic Development Officer thank you for your time and would ask if you for your
to attract light and/or heavy industry to town. The spin vote in the upcoming municipal election on October
offs from any industry that would locate in Strathmore 18, 2010.
would obviously benefit the residents, such as creation Dave HAMILTON
of jobs, as well as taxes paid by these new businesses.

Great interest in upcoming election

To the Editor Mr Sobol labels us as a self-interest group. I guess we
I read with interest a letter to the editor by Councillor are then if we support what we have already publicly
Bob Sobol on September 16th in your paper. Mr Sobol declared as priorities. They include:
said (and I quote), “transparency has been a priority for 1) An owner of a successful business (if possible) or
this council.” Apparently he will defend that statement experience leading a service club or other recognized
in this election - we look forward to that. group.
Mr Sobol also commented that Change for Strath- 2) Candidates willing to be transparent and account-
more “appears to be interested in getting their own per- able in every way including voting records, per diem
sonal council elected.” This is not at all the case, this and expense claims.
group simply hopes to see candidates who will commit 3) Support the hiring of an Economic Development
to stand up for certain ideals that most taxpayers are Officer for the town.
concerned about. If these qualities are not present in 4) Possess a clear vision for the economic success of
the current council, what choice to taxpayers have but Strathmore.
to seek out new candidates. 5) Publicly oppose the rerouting of Highway 1
Mr Sobol contends “certainly, I would hope that any around Strathmore.
successful candidate in the upcoming election will fo- 6) Be fully aware of the time you will need to dedi-
cus his efforts on all of Strathmore, and not just the cate to be an effective member of council.
desires of a self-interest group.” This is interesting. Is 7) Be committed to revising the current policy on per
Mr Sobol indicating that any candidates that Change diem and expense payments to ensure current spend-
for Strathmore supports will somehow be puppets of ing problems do not occur again.
the group? Is he taking an initial shot at any candidates One would have thought Mr Sobol would be able to
we support as not being trustworthy and too narrow support some of these core values but he has instead
minded to serve all residents? decided to label them as “special interest.” I’m betting
The Change for Strathmore group has repeated sev- most tax - paying residents will agree these priorities
eral times publicly the important issues we hope to are much more than core values articulated by a so-
articulate and support candidates who at least agree called special interest group and will resonate with a
with those items. In no way has this group restricted its majority of voters. The fact that a sitting councillor de-
priorities to only those things but has provided these fines them as such speaks for itself.

items as a guide to help members of the group deter- Barry Munchrath,
mine who the best choices are. Strathmore

STRATHMORE only $449,900

141 acres, 2 dugouts,
Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor Rose Hamrlik Advertising
Contributors pasture and hay.
Shannon LeClair Reporter Tracey Rogers Office Manager Jody Schneider Production
Wendi Tashlikowich 10 minutes to town!
202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589 C3440482

Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen,
Hussar, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Debbie Murray
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve FREE MaRkEt Evaluations
the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close
to its original form as possible. 403.325.0372 •
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Explore that
To be held on December 4th, 2010 WID
All monies raised from table rentals will be donated to the
Food Bank. Table rentals $25 for the day. The Western Irrigation District
Call Daryl at UFA 403-934-6684 (WID) Main Canal rebuild will
create one of those magnets for
curious people in a publicly ac-
cessible location this winter and

the WID wants Strathmore par-

Michael Ell Mayor

ents in particular to be aware of
the site.
When the construction starts project within an urban area in a also expect typical construction
in October, earth-moving equip- long time. activity during the project. The
ment, trucks, piles of rock and “We have an excellent safety construction begins in earnest in
holes in the dirt may be a pow- record for our crews and contrac- October. Crews will work during
erful enticement to some young tors, so we want to ensure the the hours allowed by the Town
people. public understands to be careful of Strathmore Noise By-Law that
I will “Safety is the number one pri-
ority on the site,” assures Erwin
too,” Braun emphasizes.
He adds that the crews hold
includes 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. on
weekdays and 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
• Promote our town in a positive way
Braun WID Operations Manager. daily safety meetings and review on weekends.
• Fight the highway realignment any hazards on site. There are On the up-side, the construc-
He adds that “Operators can’t see
• Develop a more approachable Town power lines and gas lines they tion will happen quickly with
everywhere, all the time.”
Council that is fully open and Braun likened the site to a road need to avoid and mark for safe- crews working daylight hours
accountable to the citizens construction site, but the differ- ty. Also any trenches where peo- during any weather and on long
• Be financially prudent with your tax ence is that there is a grassy area ple work get inspected to ensure rotations such as 10-days work-
dollars along Thomas Drive that the pub- no earth has caved or is loose. ing and two days off. The main
• Protect and improve our wetlands, lic uses often. Although it will The contracted construction construction should be complete
parks and pathways still be safe to walk along Thom- company may have off-hours se- in 8-12 weeks and all quiet by
• Support affordable housing for seniors as Drive, WID hopes parents will curity for its equipment, but that Christmas.
and low income citizens educate children not to get too doesn’t guarantee curious people “The project must be complete
• Work with our neighbours and close to the action. won’t get too close. The WID by next water season that starts
community groups to make Strathmore “We don’t want people to be- asks that the public resist explor- May 1, 2011,” Braun explains.
a great town come tourists in a construction ing the site for safety reasons. “The contractor will work as
• Prepare for the future through zone or kids to think it’s a play- The WID met with the local quickly and as diligently as it can
informed planning ground,” he says. He explains that RCMP and Strathmore By-Law to make that happen.”
every year the WID performs this Officers and requested they keep Visit Strathmore
type of construction, but gener- an eye on the site to help with Canal Rebuild Project for updates
ally it is out in the countryside public safety. and information throughout the
on private lands. This is the first Of course, residents should project.

Affordable Living
at its Finest!

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First 3 Condo Projects soLd out!
• 2 Bedroom • 1.5 Baths • 6 Appliances
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September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

Book your
WInterIzatIon noW!!

The snap of a finger

Strathmore High School hosted Scott Hammell, the hypnotist,on Sept. 16. There was lots of crowd participation and a lot of laughs.
Wendi Tashlikowich Photos
Per diems County approves access
cast aside to new Oil and Gas Company • FORWARD THINKING
SHANNON LECLAIR Times Reporter away. Council approved The annexation was a
Times Reporter the motion. great battle for the town

Because of debate over the per

NEW OIL SITES RURAL ADDRESSES to win, and now there are On OCTOBER 18th 2010
mark that X by
All Points Energy Ltd. The rural addressing by- just a few minor details to
diems a few weeks ago in coun- and Evolve Surface Strat- law went through second fix up. The Oxbow golf

cil, many people were expecting egies Inc. made a presen- and third readings on Sept. course is mainly a part of
to see things heat up again in this 21. The bylaw is to provide Wheatland County. How-

tation before Wheatland
last council meeting. People were County council regarding and implement a rural ad- ever there are two small
taken aback, and possibly disap- proposed well sites for dress system in the county. sections which belong to
pointed when Mayor George Lat- All Points Energy to begin In time they will be the Strathmore since the an-
tery made a motion to delete the drilling in. They already addresses everyone will nexation. Jennifer Deak
item from the agenda, without so have licenses for three use, discontinuing the cur- stated she had sent a letter
much as a discussion. The motion sites and are hoping to rent system. It will take a to the town offices asking
was passed, and while it may seem drill five this year. Repre- little while though before for an uncontested annex-
unfair, it was within his right to sentatives from both com- the new addressing system ation of that small section
strike it from the agenda. panies were at council to will be in effect, and lon- of land. The county feels it
ask for approval for access ger yet before people be- should all belong to one
INCREASING BUSINESS to one of the sites, so that gin solely using them. municipality.
Previously the business license
bylaw saw residential business pay-
ing $75, and non residential were
paying $150. In the last council
meeting it was recommended that
residential prices increase by $50,
to $125 and that non-residential September Hours:

The Pheasant
increase by $100, to $250. Council
unanimously voted to raise resi-
Friday through Sunday
dential to $100 and non-residential 12 noon to 5 pm
to $200, after stating the recom-
mended increase was too much.
Open Holiday Monday
Western Irrigation District, WID,
will be fixing up the canal in Oc-
tober. Part of this will be replac-
Festival After September 30th:
Open by Appointment
ing the culverts at Parklane Drive.
After replacing the culverts, the Join Us for a Fabulous Evening!
road and sidewalk will be rebuilt
and widened to meet potential Enjoy a Prime Rib Dinner
future road needs. There will be with Live & Silent Auction.
a detour in effect while the work
is being done and people can ex-
pect it to last approximately for a
month, depending on the weather.
Jesse Parker in Engineering & Op-
erations said they are anticipating
Saturday, October 16
the need for a Brent Blvd. type of
standard. The funding for the proj-
Cocktails 6 pm • Dinner 7 pm
ect is coming from the 2010 street
improvement plan.
Carseland Community Hall Located 10 km south of
Strathmore, Alberta on Hwy 817

MECHANICAL LTD Tickets Door Prize -
$35 each
Since 1999
403-369-4005 • Fax 403-983-4006 Over/Under
It’s that time of year again, it’s getting cold and you
might want a heater in your shop, garage, quonset
or your barn. We are offering a special deal on
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infer-red heaters that saves you 30% to 40% on your
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To Purchase Tickets - Please call Mike 403-934-9435 403-934-2749
need. We will also beat any quote you have, some
conditions apply. Call now to save money!!! or Visit Olie’s Quick Lube or Lar-Don Rentals
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Strathmore & area


call la shaun fully developed feature property - call sheila

"The Sign of

call robert & taMara ImmaCulate home

403-934-5533 call robert & taMara call nonie
BaCks to golf $239,900 loCatIon, loCatIon, loCatIon!
Course $374,900! VALUE +++ 4 OVERSIZED
This upgraded villa has 3
bedrooms, 3 full baths open
• Well Maintained • 5.91 acres with mountain views BEDROOMS
concept, with hardwood and
granite! Deck is full length of • 3+1 Bedrooms 2 Baths
• Minutes to Chestemere FLOOR LAUNDRY
• Gentle slope accomodates walkout
Just lIsted
home up with covered down, and • Huge Deck and Yard DOUBLE GARAGE
bright sunny walkout! Builder is CUL- DE- SAC LOCATION...
Mls c3402736 offering bonus appliance package! Mls c3432806
• Very Affordable! • Services in and ready to hook up ORIGINAL OWNERS

feature property - call la shaun don't mIss out on thIs one! call robert & taMara call robert & taMara call nonie
aBsolutely BeautIful home BaCkIng onto Canal $409,900
why rent great prICe $324,900
This gorgeous fully loaded 1799 sq ft home is just what you are looking
for! Fully developed 2 storey features 4 bedrooms, huge master with • Renovated kitchen.
$99,900! 2 YEARS NEW....
spacious 5 pc ensuite and walkin closet, 3 more bathrooms, den, dining
• Oversized double • 3 Bedrooms and 2 BATHROOMS
room, Large kitchen and eating area open to a beautiful living area with very clean. • Great location
digital fireplace and laundry room. Fully developed basement with garage. • Huge yard OPEN DESIGN - MAPLE
bedroom, family room with 3 sided fireplace, office area and wetbar with
close to park and KITCHEN WITH ISLAND
plus hot tub room! downtown/shopping. VAULTED CEILINGS IN
fridge and bathroom. Airconditioning, underground sprinklers, storage
shed and SO MUCH MORE! Mls c3409357 $174,900 • Backing onto greenspace. MASTER BEDROOM
Mls c3443841

stunnIng adult vIlla $329,900 call sheila lookIng for a faBulous feature property - call robert & taMara call ron aCreage lovers feature property - call nonie
home In Calgary?!
Totally finished (handicap friendly), 2 car garage all 17.5 acres with power and
. Backing onto drilled well. Also has dugout,
the wants and hard to fine! This home has been Bowness Park corrals, and shop/barn.
freshly finished with loads of extras from top to . 1600 sq ft fully Highway access. 20 minutes
bottom! 2 bedrooms plus office/den 2.5 baths developed
to city. Priced to sell $295,000
. spectacular View!
family and media room upgrades through out. . Built in 2002 Call Ron Kaechele
A must see! Mls c3419876 . $775,000 Mls c3414942 403-934-1097

feature property - call la shaun call sheila wow what a huge call ron $149,000
lot BaCkIng onto for house & lot
Bowness park modIfIed BI-level $377,700 Nice Home on Huge Lot
. Buy this 100x200ft lot
• Walk-Up Basement with 9' Ceilings New Chain link fence YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED
with older home
. Gorgeous View • Huge Master Suite with Amazing Full En-Suite
Single garage. Needs some HARDWOODS - UPGRADED FINISH
minor finishing work.
. Has potential for
• Vaulted Ceilings/3 Bdrm/Tile/Hardwood... Call Ron Kaechele MEDIA RM - 4 BEDROOMS- GAMES RM
Mls c3423155
. $599,000 Must See Mls c3423293 403-934-1097 EXERCISE RM - MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY
Mls c3430003
call sheila call robert & taMara call ron call nonie
1 aCre Just for you! oooh eee ahhh 3 aCres $489,000 $287,900

Brand new affordaBle $37,000 $434,900 Beautiful Five Bedroom OPEN DESIGN- VAULTED
aBe fehr Condo Quiet and peaceful
• Gorgeous 2 Storey with
Bonus Room
3 acres, landscaped, fenced.
2 bedrooms 1.5 baths open concept, with Serviceberry
• Custom Built First Time
on Market! Double garage
6 appliances One parking stall. creek flowing • Backs Onto Strathmore
Golf Course Call Ron Kaechele LARGE BACK DECK
right beside. 403-934-1097 LANDSCAPED TO
Walking distance to everything! Mls c3436632 Mls c3442371
• 3 Bedroom Plus Main
Floor Office...Views! Mls c3404923 PERFECTION

call la shaun why rent when you call sheila newly paInted and call robert & taMara reduCed! now call ron affordaBle Condo call nonie
Can own at thIs
prICe $154,900
ready to move Into! only $124,900 $163,900
$222,900 • 1,455 sq ft Beautiful two bedroom
One level condo with . 1297 sq ft . Open
2 bedrooms, one bath. of living space! condo. Five appliances,
kitchen with island
Open concept with . 3 bedrooms • Newer appliances. fireplace, balconey.
bright windows. . Large living area • 3 large bedrooms. Two parking stalls
5 appliances and and fireplace • Lots of natural light. Call Ron Kaechele
Mls c3430083 window coverings! Mls c3442714 . washer & dryer Mls c3412616 8 Backs onto canal. Mls c3407637 403-934-1097

feature property - call la shaun call sheila great end unIt feature property - call robert & taMara call ron 13 BeautIful
This 2 storey 1022 sq ft home
has New Carpet! Fully fenced
back yard, 3 bedrooms,
Extensively renovated home
2 baths, Large open kitchen Red barn, steel quonset, RENTING ????? WHY ?????
with maple cabinets and black 2 wells. Great horse setup @
appliances, eating area, good riding arena. $399,900 THIS 2 BEDROOM HOME FRONTING
sized living area with cozy
fireplace. The basement is Call Ron Kaechele ONTO PARK
waiting for your development. Mls c3435972 403-934-1097 A DEFINITE MUST SEE
Mls c3442064 $174,900

totally renovated, call ron call nonie

fully developed $219,900!
Mls c3439312 27 aCres $720,000
free market unBelIevaBle aCreage!
Raw land ready to develop MINUTES FROM TOWN
This awesome bungalow is a must see, neutral into country acreage. ORIGINAL OWNERS
decor 2+1 bedrooms plus office 2 full baths • Just Inside Strathmore Town Limits Paved access HEATED SHOP
upgraded finished like new inside and out!
On large lot 60x120 and detached garage with evaluatIons • 6000 sq ft of Developed Living Space • 5 Full Baths/6 LARGE
Bedrooms • 2 4-Car Garages/Regulation Size Volley Ball Pit
Gas revenue
Good building sites
Cal Ron Kaechele
extra parking at back! Call for list! • 3.76 Acres/Football Uprights/Prepped for Tennis Court! Mls c3436129 403-934-1097 AND SHOP

feature property - call la shaun feature property - call robert & taMara call robert & taMara stop rentIng! call nonie
Mls c3440756 rates are low...
BuyIng or sellIng
• 3 Bedroom Home FLOOR...2 BEDROOMS

Call us fIrst
• Adjacent to Schools and
Playground 2 BATHROOMS
• Great Floorplan...Make it Yours! FORMAL DINING...
Mls c3425605 $169,900 SPOIL YOURSELF

Custom BuIlt Bungalow Mls c3435929

now $417,777!
call robert & taMara all thIs for
under 120k
call nonie
$239,900 call nonie
Fully finished Totally upgrades with hardwood,
the price is right $269,900 • Single Detached
3 Large Bedrooms PLUS Dining Room/Family Garage. • 2 Large DEVELOPED DOWN ATT GARAGE...FULLY
granite, and more. 3+2 bedrooms, Bedrooms/2 Baths DEVELOPED....FIREPLACE
3 full baths in floor heat, high efficiency heating! Room/Living Room/ Breakfast Nook/ WALKOUT- 3 BEDROOMS
• Backing Onto Canal MAPLE KITCHEN...3
Landscaped and fenced with view of country side! Woodburning Fireplace/Quiet Cul De Sac... • Walking Distance to DOUBLE ATTACHED
Awesome family home! You know You Want Me! Downtown GARAGE INCLUDED IN PRICE

feature property - call la shaun call robert & taMara keoma aCreage call robert & taMara feature property - call nonie call nonie
$649,900 $229,900
• Fully finished 1816 sq ft for $154,900! ADULT LIVING- MAIN
bungalow • 4 Bedrooms 2 Full Baths • Oversized FLOORING
• Large heated and
insulated shop Heated Garage • Newer Fence and FIREPLACE- 2 BEDROOM
Mls c3442983 • Mountain views Windows • Lots of Mature Trees TITLED PARKING.....
Mls c3434308 • Close to amenities Mls c3433647 IMMACULATE
Just on the market 3 aCres,
home and more $394,900! feature property - call robert & taMara call robert & taMara call nonie
Cozy Bungalow $323,300
Easy commute to Strathmore and Calgary, escape $139,900
from the city!South West of strathmore this home is IMMACULATE
fenced and cross fenced for the horses. Home has • 3 lots and Good Well
3 bedrooms 2 full baths open concept with vaulted
ceilings and addition added with large family room. • 2 or 3 Bedrooms and 4 BEDROOMS - 3 BATHROOMS - HEATED GARAGE
Oversize 3 car garage, horse shelter, and large Heated Workshop HOT TUB INCLUDED
shed! Shows owners pride inside and out!
Mls c3436680

call la shaun refreshIng and call robert & taMara park settIng call nonie
$189,900 new prICe $179,900 $369,900
• Fully Developed 3+2
WOW !!! MOVE IN READY... we Can help
you fInd
Hot Tub/Greenhouse/ BACKING ONTO PARK
Plus Shed with Power • Many upgrades have been completed Bedrooms 5 BEDROOMS
• Vaulted Ceilings and Loads 4 BATHROOMS
3 Bedroom with New • 3 bedrooms plus a family room
your dream home!
of Windows 2 FIREPLACES
Deck/Roof/Flooring • Fully landscaped lots of trees MAIN FLOOR FAMILY RM
• Covered Verandah...
Close to Schools and GAMES RM
Mls c3444788 Amenities • Oversized single detached garage Mls c3432875 enjoy your PARK!

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

Robert Keith La Shaun Sheila Nicole Tamara Steve

Desjardins Garrioch Andrews Bassen Cordes Desjardins Grajczyk
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call tracy handyman call shauna gorgeous acreage call lorna call lorna one screaming call lorna 3.09 acres &
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Newer Furnace... Langdon rezoned west living!!
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feature property - call tracy call shauna 20 acres near call lorna for the perfectionist! call lorna university call lorna Buy yourself
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Front attached Granite countertops. Great Hillview
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Large deck to
relax on. Green space at side. And so much more! Priced at $324,900

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Built in 2006
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3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. GARAGE
3 bdrms, 2 full baths 24'x10' covered deck JUST LIKE NEW IN AND
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panoramic view. Looks
2 bedrooms & By the lake,
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onto environmental
cozy fireplace.
Oak throughout Views of golf
2 bedrooms,
Corner fireplace course. attached single garage

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Athletic department
gets much-needed
Times Reporter

The athletic department at Holy Cross

Collegiate, HCC, has been in desperate
need of funding for a while now. This fact
didn’t pass by Laurie Bratt, who decided
to do something about it. Last year she
approached the principal to ask what she
could do for the program. She was told Dr. Sean Stordy, far left, and his wife Dr. Nicole Stordy, left, presented a cheque for $2,000 to
she would have to create a booster club Sandi Johnson. Johnson was accepting the cheque on behalf of the downtown Calgary Kiwanis
and organize things through that. club. Shannon LeClair Photo

First annual a success

“I started up a booster club for the ath-
letic department because funding is low
for the athletes. They are in dire need of
equipment and mostly uniforms, we’re SHANNON LECLAIR nament and these guys (the Stordy’s)
trying to raise money to help purchase Times Reporter just so happen to be friends with San-
new uniforms for the teams,” said Bratt. di and Cory ( Johnson) who just so
She came up with the idea of hosting Optimum Wellness Centres held happen to be Kiwanis (members) and
a Lobster and Steak fundraising dinner. their first annual golf tournament on it just worked out so fantastic,” said
Originally it was just going to be a lobster The lobster and steak dinner hosted at Holy Cross Sept. 11. Approximately 30 golfers hit Alicia Flint, a staff member at Strath-
dinner, but Bratt knew not everyone likes Collegiate was a hit. Many people such as Trish
the greens and there were many vol- more’s Optimum Wellness Centre.
lobster so she added steak to the menu. Mazzei, left, and Michelle Warrack took advan-
unteers helping pull things together. The golf tournament is hopefully
For $30, people had an option of steak or tage of the dinner by getting a serving of both the
steak and lobster. The tournament raised $2,000, just the first of many to come and ev-
lobster plus a variety of side dishes. For which they have decided to donate to eryone was happy with the end re-
$40, however, people were able to have Shannon LeClair Photo
the Kiwanis Club. sults of their first charity tournament.
both steak and lobster, and many guests
“This was a success and Kiwanis is Because of the $2,000 the tournament
took advantage of the great price. All of sold for the kids who likely wouldn’t eat raised, four kids will have an opportu-
going to get $2,000 out of it,” said Dr.
the athletes at HCC helped out in one way a full steak or lobster, much less both. nity to go to Camp Kiwanis. Kids from
Sean Stordy, who runs Strathmore’s
or another when it came to putting the Things turned out better than anticipated, Strathmore have never had the oppor-
Optimum Wellness Centre with his
dinner on, whether it was peeling and with many people in the community do- tunity and this will be something new
wife Nicole.
cooking potatoes or manning the door. nating time, money, or food. for them. The kids are found through
“We had no control over what char-
“It wasn’t something that hasn’t been “It was a great community spirit effort,” social services in town, the schools or
ity was being used or anything and
done around town and it was something said Bratt. “It was a very successful event through personal knowledge.
by total fluke they decided to choose
I felt was different that would get people for our athletic department.” “I don’t think there’s ever been a
the Kiwanis because…one of the chi-
to come out,” said Bratt. Bratt is sure this is only the beginning, struggle finding the kids, its just a
ropractors was attached to that cause
On top of the filling food there was a and is already planning to make the din- matter of finding the most appropri-
and so he decided that would be the
cakewalk, chicken drop for the kids and ners the big annual event held for the ate kids,” said Cory Johnson.
benefactor of (this, our) first golf tour-
a bouncy house. There were also hotdogs kids.

Please join us...

Western Alberta Transmission Line

Information centres
We’d like to invite you to AltaLink information centres to learn more about the proposed Western Alberta
Transmission Line project between the Genesee and Langdon areas.

Information centres provide the opportunity to meet with AltaLink representatives to discuss the proposed
project at times that are convenient for you. If you’d like to complete a one-on-one consultation at an
information centre you can either arrange a time in advance or drop by.
Contact us:
For project details including maps, please visit us online or contact us at the information listed to the right.
We hope to see you at one of the information centres listed below. E-mail:
Phone: 1-877-267-5973 (toll-free)
Fax: 403-267-5944
Location Dates Time Address
Elks Hall Attn: Stakeholder Engagement
Ponoka September 20 - 23 12 – 8 p.m.
5901 Highway 2A 2611 3rd Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2A 7W7
Indus Recreation Centre - Meeting room
Indus September 27 - 30 12 – 8 p.m.
2251 55A, Rg Road 281A

Warburg Community Centre

Warburg October 4 - 7 12 – 8 p.m.
5435 50A Avenue

SEPTEMBER 24, 2010


The Sears National Kids Cancer Ride boasted over 40 riders, riding across
the country to raise funds and awareness to kids cancer. They split into three
groups and leapfrogged across the country.
Shannon LeClair Photo

7,200km in 15 days
SHANNON LECLAIR the riders to make sure every-
Times Reporter one makes it through safely.
Ken Cross is also a crew
The third annual Sears Na- leader, his first ride with SNK-
tional Kids Cancer Ride, SNK- CR was last year. Two years
CR, began on September 9 and ago, Cross’s daughter Megan, The UFA Bisons hosted their annual preseason tournament Sept. 16-19 at the Strathmore Family Centre. The Bisons
went until the 23. There were 6, was diagnosed with cancer. finished the tournament with the runner up trophy, after losing 4-2 to the Red Deer Rebels in the final. The Bisons open
“She was in remission af- the season Oct. 1 in Red Deer.
three teams, for a total of 42
Mario Prusina Photo

Bisons happy
riders, going across the coun- ter 2008 and then 17 months
try, sort of leapfrogging along passed and her cancer came
the way. back. She needed a bone mar-

with weekend tournament

Damian Brown was crew row transplant,” said Cross.
chief for team two and said Her sister Leah was able to
they started in Calgary the provide the bone marrow Me-
morning of the 11th, and went gan needed. Not everyone par-
to Brooks. Another team left ticipating in the ride has been MARIO PRUSINA On Saturday morning, the played.
Brooks the same day to head personally affected by cancer, Times Editor Bisons tied the Calgary Buf- “I like when we were in
to Moose Jaw. but all want to do their part to faloes 5-5, ranking them in chance and paid attention to
“The three teams rotated contribute to finding a cure. Going into their annual fourth place going into the detail – we did a lot of good
all the time on the road,” said “For a lot of these people they preseason tournament, all tournament’s semifinals. things,” said Shockey. “I didn’t
Brown. The 14 riders on team either started riding or they the UFA Bisons wanted to do However, the Bisons de- like when we broke down and
two stopped for a good home rode before and they thought was give their organization a feated the first-ranked North- reverted back to old habits –
cooked meal at the Country this would be something they chance to evaluate their play- stars 3-1, earning a trip to the that’s just the way it is, that’s
Farmhouse, just outside of could do to give back,” said ers. championship game on Sun- human nature.
Cluny. Cross. SNKCR partners with And after tangling with three day morning. Despite a solid “At the end of the day, we
“We look for locations in be- Coast to Coast Against Cancer division rivals during the Sept. effort, the Bisons lost 4-2 to saw some guys who basically
tween where the riders ride, Foundation. Coast to Coast is 16-19 home tournament, the the Rebels. bought right in. Then we saw
say 50 kilometres to 60 ki- Canada’s only national char- local triple-A Midget team let “We haven’t worked on some guys with raw talent
lometres. You have to have a ity strictly devoted to fighting the players decide who does powerplay or penalty kill – that we can work with.”
place where you have lunch or childhood cancer. and does not make the 2010- so everything we’re doing is The Bisons are now in the
dinner and stuff like that. So “This is the only founda- 2011 squad. off of a board,” said Shockey. process of preparing for their
different organizations have tion in Canada that specifical- “We were able to make “We’re at a little bit of a dis- final preseason game Sept. 26
come by to sponsor and have ly looks at childhood cancer some decisions,” said Bisons advantage with Red Deer – I at the Max Bell Arena in Cal-
supported us by providing and that’s it. It helps with re- head coach Parry Shockey. “A know that they’ve been going gary versus the Northstars (2
lunch. Dianne has so kindly search, it helps with programs majority of the decisions have for a while now and are close p.m.).
said that she wanted us here and families, and it helps out been made by (the players to their (final) numbers. According to Shockey, it is
and it’s her way of contribut- camps. I will never waiver during) their opportunity to “We have some practice time the final game for a handful of
ing to the cause,” said Brown. from this knowing how it’s play. (The players) know that coming up, so we’re looking players to make an impression
Dianne Brown is the owner of helped out my family,” said they’ve had every opportunity forward to that. We’re looking before the team makes its final
the farmhouse and was happy Cross. to prove themselves. forward to doing some team roster cuts.
to have the riders stop by for There are no administrative “It’s funny, when you have building, getting ourselves “We’re dealing with some
lunch. The ride is 15 days long fees for the SNKCR ride. 100 to release guys, sometimes ready for the opening part of tremendous young men,” said
from Vancouver to Halifax, ap- per cent of monies raised go they already know – they’ve the season.” the coach. “It’s unfortunate –
proximately 7,200 kilometres. directly to kids cancer treat- done the math themselves.” Despite winning only one this is a tough time because
Some riders may not be able ment. Each province with a pe- The Bisons started the tour- game during the weekend – we have to let some good
to ride for a full day, which is diatric centre dedicated to kids nament with a 3-1 loss to the ironically it was the semifinal players go and good people
fine; there is a bunk truck for with cancer receives the funds Red Deer Optimist Rebels on game, which earned them no go. It goes with territory.”
the riders. A crew of profes- to help cover some of the costs Sept. 16, before a tough 3-1 worse than a second place fin- “I have to disconnect my
sionals, including a registered incurred by the patients, and loss to the Calgary Northstars ish – the coaching staff was (phone) number for a couple
massage therapist, travels with to help the families. the following day. pleased with the way the team of days,” joked Shockey.
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010

Chestermere Fair Gymkana RINKSIDE… the Gleichen Rec Plex

NORA MAIDMAN 6. Jacquelyn Carlson IAN MAST While at
Fun Country Riders Stakes: 1. Lila Steistol 2. Delane Atkinson Gleichen Rec Plex the Swap & Shop, take a
3. Kate Harris 4. Alex Irving 5. Mariah Atkinson moment to check out our
Held every Friday The Fun Country Riders, in 6. Jocelyn Carlson Summer’s gone and it’s new look arena and get
3:00 - 6:30 pm conjunction with the Ches- Flags: 1. Jacquelyn Carlson 2. Lila Steistol getting that time again. Af- some information from the
Strathmore ag Grounds

termere Fair, held their Open 3. Delane Atkinson 4. Mariah Atkinson ter a hectic summer we’re various groups and leagues
Gymkana at the Chestermere 5. Alex Irving 6. Jocelyn Carlson putting the finishing touch- that will be there represent-
Recreation complex arena on Keyhole: 1. Lila Steistol 2. Kate Harris es on our arena renovation ing Pond Hockey, CanSkate,
Saturday, September 18. De- 3. Mariah Atkinson 4. Alex Irving and are looking forward to Figure Skating and Curling.

spite cold weather, the rain 5. Jocelyn Carlson getting the ice back in both Any teams or groups
held off and the footing was rinks! With a new concrete looking for ice time avail-
good and a surprisingly large SENIOR NOVICE: floor, new boards, glass and ability, hockey or curling,
number of warmly dressed Barrels: 1. Ted Stron 2. Bernice Miller redesigned players bench- please call the arena at
riders took part. Thanks go to 3. Liz Cormack-Stout 4. Ted Stron (2nd horse) es, the early reviews show 403-734-3059 or email at
the organizers and the volun- 5. Kayla Brown 6. Wanda Leikam everyone is as excited as
teers who made the day run Poles: 1. Bernice Miller 2. Ted Stron we are for the upcoming to find out rates and avail-
smoothly. 3. Liz Cormack-Stout season. ability.
4. Darla Connolly 5. Ted Stron (2nd horse) To kick things off this DID YOU KNOW……The
6. Kayla Brown year, we’ll be holding our original Gleichen “Gunners”
Barrels, Stakes, Keyhole:
Stakes: 1. Bernice Miller 2. Ted Stron first annual Hockey, Figure name was the result of our
1. Martina Vergouwen 2. Becky Driver
3. Kayla Brown 4. Liz-Cormack-Stout Skating and Curling Swap hockey teams’ sponsorship
Poles: 1. Becky Driver 2. Martina Vergouwen
5. Wanda Leikam 6. Gwenn Patterson & Shop on Saturday, Oct. 1, by the 22nd Battery, R.C.A.,

Harrison Farms
Flags: 1. Becky Driver
Flags: 1. Bernice Miller 2. Wanda Leikam from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clean in 1925. In 1928-29, the

3. Gwenn Patterson 4. Ted Stron (2nd horse) out the garage, bring that Gunners won the Morgan
5. Darla Connoly old gear down, or come Cup, at the time awarded to
Barrels: 1. Katherine Smith
6. Liz Cormack-Stout and shop for something the Provincial Intermediate
2. Madison Tessemaker
Harrison Farms is a berry & fruit farm at Keyhole: 1. Wanda Leikam 2. Kayla Brown “new” to you. Donations Hockey Champions. [From
3. Corrine Blair 4. Kayly Anhorn
Lyalta when most of the fruits used in Flo’s 3. Jackie Blair are welcome. Call the arena The Gleichen call : a history
5. Meghan Anhorn
pies, jams, jellies, syrups and salsas are for more details (403-734- of Gleichen and surround-
Poles: 1. Katherine Smith
grown. Flo bakes delicious fruit pies and 2. Madison Tessemaker 3. Corrine Blair
SENIOR OPEN: 3059 / email: gleichenrec- ing areas, 1877-1968]
crumbles for your dessert table. Stop by Stakes: 1. Katherine Smith 2. Corrine Blair
Barrels: 1. Carol Peterson 2. Natasha Bolster
her tables and taste her delicious offerings. 3. Kayly Anhorn 4. Megan Anhorn
3. Lindsey Nelson 4. Carlynn Stout
Flo will be giving away $20.00 of her Flags: 1. Kayly Anhorn 2. Corrine Blair
5. Terry Watkins 6. Tiffany Leikam
product that must be picked up at 3. Megan Anhorn
Poles: 1. Lindsey Nelson 2. Terry Watkins
the October 2 Fall Fair. Keyhole: 1. Madison Tessemaker
3. Carlynn Stout 4. Tiffany Leikam
The Strathmore Farmers Market will be 2. Katherine Smith 3. Corrine Blair
5. Carol Peterson 6. Natasha Bolster

giving away two $25.00 gift certificates Stakes: 1. Terry Watkins 2. Tiffany Leikam
3. Lindsey Nelson
redeemable at the October 2 Fair Fair. JUNIOR:
4. Carol Peterson 5. Carlynn Stout
A gift basket will also be given away Barrels: 1. Lila Steiestol 2. Delane Atkinson
Flags: 1. Terry Watkins 2. Lindsey Nelson
at the Fall Fair. 3. Kate Harris 4. Alex Irving
3. Carlynn Stout 4. Tiffany Liekam
5. Jacquelyn Carlson 6. Mariah Atkinson
Keyhole: 1. Carlynn Stout
Times TIDBITS Poles: 1. Lila Steistol 2. Delane Atkinson
3. Alex Irving
They say you can’t lick your own elbow… I wonder
how many of you will try after reading this!
4. Mariah Atkinson 5. Krysta Turner Golden
The Strathmore Venom Bantam lacrosse team won gold during the July long weekend in Cran-
brook, B.C. at the annual Chris Watson Memorial Lacrosse tournament. Jaryd Coccimiglio scored
early in overtime to win the game 7-6. Also in the tournament, the Strathmore Peewee team won
gold in overtime with a 5-4 score and the Strathmore midget team won bronze. Congratulations to
the teams. A big thank you goes out to all the coaches, players and parents for helping to make it
a great season.
Photo Courtesy of Jodie Hardy

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September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 15

Comparing the differences

SHANNON LECLAIR one year in high school, dur- Her father is an oncologist school we’re going to Cana-
Times Reporter ing a sports class she learned and hematologist and she is da again, do a trip together,”
about medicine. That was the considering going into that said Maubach. Five years af-
Dr. Fanning recently ac- end of it for her. area of medicine, though she ter finishing school they still
quired two students on a “My dad actually is a gen- is still unsure at this point. hadn’t made it back.
practicum to help him at the eral practitioner and I always Though one thing she is sure “We both ended up in Med
clinic and the office. On Au- said, I don’t want to do that. of is she does not want to school so we said when we
gust 31 two young women But when I came to the last be a surgeon. Both women go to Canada, we can do
from Germany arrived in grade of high school, that have been to Canada in the something here,” said Mau-
Canada, and plan to spend changed because of that past, and for Baumgartner it’s bach. The women do not go
a month here learning more sports class,” said Baumgart- a yearly trip. In 2002 Mau- to the same medical schools,
about how medicine works ner. bach was in Calgary taking a Maubach is north in Luebeck
here. Maubach comes from a class to improve her English and Baumgartner goes to
Julia Maubach and Mi- family of doctors and she and Baumgartner was here school in the south in Mu-
chaela Baumgartner have swore she would never travel visiting her grandfather. nich.
been friends for 14 years, down that path. “They were here, and they “In Germany we’re sup-
and neither one ever expect- “I always said I’m not going came from Drumheller to posed to do all in all four Julia Maubach, left, and Michaela Baumgartner came
ed to study medicine, much to do medicine no way, and Calgary and picked me up months of practicum. And to Strathmore to learn how our medical system works
less come to Canada for it. then in year 11, I thought oh and I spent a day at the farm we also can do that in other compared to Germany. Both women are here on a
Baumgartner never had maybe I should think about it with them. Afterwards we countries, like Canada for ex- practicum for the month of September.
an interest in medicine until again,” said Maubach. always said when we finish ample. Shannon LeClair Photo

What’s WHAT’S HAPPENING is a free weekly community calendar.

If you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this
weekly Community Page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.

Royal Canadian Legion Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Strathmore Full Gospel Church Mark Your Calendars
For information regarding hall rentals, Any Strathmore and Area familes that are We’re a Pentecostal Bible based
darts and crib, please call 403.934.5119 homeschooling are invited to join our family church that has something for all for these Upcoming
Yahoo Group. ages. Call 934-2225 or visit
Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 Special Events....
meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curl- fams
ing Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. KIDERGY Play Group
New Members welcome. Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meet every Friday from 9:30 - 11:30 am at PRAYER BEAD WORKSHOP
Call Greg 403-888-6155. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each the Hope Covenant Church. $1 per child, Learn to make and use prayers beads!
Month. Featuring guest speakers. For (snack is included). Contact Tammy at Saturday, September 25, 10:30 am -1 pm at
MOPS (Mother’s Of Preschoolers) more 403-934-5887 St Michael’s Anglican Church.
meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays information call 403-934-4055. for more info. There will be a $5 fee for supplies.
9:30am – 11:30am at the For more info, visit
Strathmore Alliance Church. Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the Free Tree for all New Born Babies Please register by email at
Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. first Monday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. Attention all infants – remind your or call 403 934 3017.
For more information call Jennifer at Call Glen at 403-901-6038. parents to register your birth so a tree can
403-934-5799 or visit Website: be planted commemorating your birth in
the Chinook Credit Union Birth Forest in
Seniors 50+ Center
Pot Luck Sept. 28th at 5:30.
Strathmore Photography Club. Healing Rooms, open for prayer Mondays Strathmore. Registration Forms are avail-
Line dancing starts Thursday, Oct. 7th
Photographers of all ages and skill levels from 7 to 9 pm. at the Harvest Healing able at the Town office, Chinook Credit
from 10 - 11 A.M. For more info call
are welcome. For more information and Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. Union and Health Unit. (A Communities
Eric at 403-901-1596.
meeting dates call Gaylene at 403-901- Everyone is Welcome. in Bloom Project)
2760 or
email - Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group Wild Rose Career & Employment Services CHILDREN’S WISH
The FASD Support group for Strathmore - Free drop-in JOB-FINDING CLUB, every SILENT AUCTION
Strathmore District Health area will be taking a break for the summer. Tuesday from 9 to noon. from Sept. 30 to Oct. 14 at two locations -
Services Auxiliary Meetings are held the We look forward to seeing everyone again A Career Counsellor will share tips and Chinook Credit Union and ATB, Strathmore.
fourth Monday of the month @ 1:30 pm, Sept. 21st , 9:30 am @ the Strathmore tools to assist in your job search.
(excluding July & August). Lower level United Church. For more info call Pam Please call 403-934-6488 or drop by 101,
Conference Room at the Strathmore Hos- @652-4776. Have a wonderful summer 331-3rd. Avenue. JELLY BEAN DANCE
pital. New members welcome. For more everyone!. Bring your lunch and join us for a Small at 6 pm, Friday, Oct. 15 at Strathmore Civic
info Business Brown Bag presentation at Com- Centre. For grades 6 and under -$5; adults free.
please call 403-934-4436 Strathmore Regional Victim munity Futures Wild Rose on Tuesday and All proceeds to Children’s Wish Foundation.
Services Society Thursday from Noon to 1 pm. Weekly
Strathmore & District Chamber needs community members to be Advo- Topics. CHILDREN’S WISH 1K KIDS’
of Commerce cates (volunteers). Training is provided.
meets the third Monday of the month @ Contact Victim Services through the The Community Crisis Shelter
on Saturday, Oct. 16 at Kinsmen Park.
7:00 p.m. All members welcome. RCMP Detachment at 403-934-6552 has several Board Member vacancies and
Registration 8:30 am. $30 entry fee/adult or
Check web page for meeting is recruiting individuals who would like to
pledges. FREE pancake breakfast.
location. For more information Strathmore Country Gardens Club apply for Board Membership. Interested
Phone Claudia 403-934-3900 (days)
call 403-901-3175 or Meetings at least once per month. Tours, individuals can call Karen Pease
for more info or for pledge sheets. guest speakers, workshops and much more at 403-934-6634.
included in a membership. $20 single,
Come Fly With Us $30 family. Strathmorecountry Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, The Strathmore Rural Firefighters
903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. Meet or visit our meets every Thursday at 9:15 - 11:15 am. Association are proud to
Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the blue build- website in the Strathmore United Church
ing and Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys CountryGGC/ Basement. For more information call Lisa
present the
& Girls welcome between 12 & 19 years. at 403-934-4874 or Ali at 403-934-2089. 9TH ANNUAL
Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 for Strathmore Caregiver Support Group LADIES NIGHT OUT.
more information. This is an opportunity for caregivers to find Strathmore Youth Exceptional
support and benefit from interaction with Service Award Society
Back To The 80’s!
Saturday October 16, 2010,
Meals on Wheels others in a similar situation. For more - If you would like to recognize a youth
Strathmore Civic Centre.
is available in Strathmore. For information information or to register call who has demonstrated an act of courage, Cocktails, Dinner, Live Band.
or to obtain this service please contact Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176. citizenship and community contribution, Tickets $50, available at
Wheatland FCSS at 403-934-5335. call 403-901-4254 Pro Water Conditioning, Ribbitz and
The Hope Bridges Society NV Hair Studio.
Sunday School for All Ages: Board meetings held the third Strathmore United Church
Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Chris- Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Kidzone Sunday School resumes Sep-
tian Education opportunities for ages 3 at #3-236-3rd. Avenue. Please visit our tember 12. Registration forms available
years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All website at or contact online at:
are Welcome! For more information us at sundayschool
please call Margo Sevick 403-901-2044 or
call the Church Office at 403-934-2374. Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Strathmore Minor Hockey
Association (Your local fish & game club). Pee Wee, Bantam & Midget Try Outs
Strathmore Lions Club Meetings – 2nd Thursday every month, Sat., Sept. 25 & Sun., Sept 26.
meets the first and third Thursday at the 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. Call Larry at Questions email Strathmore Minor Hockey
Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm. 403-934-4388 for more information.
Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010



CURTIS, Richard Paul Open House & Coffee Wheatland Lodge Annual
Santa’s Helper Wanted
(Toy Coordinator)
with tHe MayOr
Fall Tea
July 15, 1940 – Sept. 9, 2010 Due to a retirement the Strathmore & District Christ-
mas Hamper Society is looking for a Toy Coordinator.
Due to unfortunate
Tuesday, September 28 If you love toys and have time available especially
circumstances, Richard during the period November 1st to December 23rd
9 am - Noon & 2 - 8 pm
has gone to be with the Chuck Mercer Room, Strathmore Civic Centre Saturday, October 23 we’d love to hear from you. Full instruction will be
given and there’s lots of continuing volunteers to
Lord. He left behind his 2 - 4 pm • 76 - 2nd Street assist. It would be a good idea if a husband / wife
wife, Linda, of Arrowwod; Please bring your questions and were involved, but not necessary.
get honest answers! Crafts Sale, Bake Sale, Please contact Branka @ 403-934-5335
sons Brian, of Arrowwood;
Entertainment, Raffle,
Richard Jr. (Kathy) and their See you Silent Auction, 50/50
children Janine and Paul, all of Peace River; there & Door Prizes
Fred, of Lacombe; daughter Mae (Lester) Admission $2.
Fehr of Peace River; and sons Paul and Everyone welcome!

Book Your CLASSIFIED AD Today!

John of Ontario. He was guardian of three Committee to

Call the Strathmore TIMES 403.934.5589

grandchildren Mellissa, John, and Jamie, all re-elect George
Lattery for Mayor Chinook Credit Union
of Arrowwood. Richard was a kind, selfless
is accepting
man who was there for anyone who needed quotes for

him. He loved life, his Lord, and his pets.
A memorial service was held on Wednesday, snow
September 15 at Prince of Peace Lutheran removal
Church, at Garden Road and Highway #1. for their parking lot.
To send condolences, please visit www. The Place in Your Mind. We’ll get You There. Duties will include
cleaning parking lot

& snow removal from
FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of site as needed.
arrangements. 403-934-5666. We will be Contract to run from
Come and Join Us for an November 1/2010 to

SaturdayS Entertaining Evening! April 15, 2011.

BIRTHDAYS on Fax quotes to
Saturday, October 23, 2010 403-934-5229.
This persons photo has been altered starting September 25th.
to protect his “Birthday Identity” 9 am - 1 pm Party starts 6 pm
(except lor long weekends) Dinner starts 6:30 pm
Music & Dancing starts 8 pm THE ROSEBUD HISTORICAL SOCIETY
ph (403) 934-2400
Door Prizes
has approximately 500 square feet of Commercial/Retail
Tickets: $20 each space available for sub-lease in the
Fax: (403) 934-6226 Rosebud Centennial Museum on a year to year basis

105B - 100 ranch Market, Interested parties are required to:

Strathmore Call 403-901-0180 or 403-934-5628 1. Submit a Business Plan

2. Be bondable and Insurable
for your tickets 3. Be responsible for Municipal Business Tax levy.


Please forward submissions to:
Tender Committee
Rosebud Historical Society
Happy Birthday “Mr Cut-Hair” c/o P.O. Box 745, Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0
Closing Date: October 15, 2010
Locally Owned & Operated Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted.

Only those being considered will be contacted personally.

STRATHMORE and the strathmore & District HELP WANTED

Agricultural society
Hitting over 11,500
households weekly! AnnuAl
Contact Rose for all advertising needs!
403.934.5589 • Fax 403.934.5546
HArvest FAir Part time
saturday, Oct. 2

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore 11 am - 3 pm Cashier

Drop off resumes at
rodeo Grounds Downtown location
GARAGE SALE • Face Painting • Jumpers - across from Home improvement Store
• Pumpkin Carving Contest no phone calls please.
Check Out the Strathmore TIMES!

huge multi-family
• Turkey Dinner & all the Trimmings
• Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin

garage sale
Any interested vendors
phone 403-901-0477

september 25th - 9 am to 3 pm This Week’s garage sales

Having a
Lots of items including Gadgets,
GaraGe Sale?
Fishing equipment and Lots, Lots more!
Give us a call or
Unique Items, New & Gently Used Items,
email Tracey at
even the Kitchen sink... Yes, we do have one!

378 Namaka Drive (15 minutes east of strathmore)

#1 east to Namaka rd, south 9.5 kms to hamlet of Namaka.
1st acreage on the right (balloons on fence)
- see YoU there!
September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 17

F inal P hase Phase 1

just released
a Fresh beginning at the Cascades of rainbow Falls
sOld Out

• Colonial or Craftsman Elevations
• Two 4 piece Bathrooms
• 3 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom or 2 Bedroom plus Loft, 1,224 sq ft
• James Hardie Board Exteriors
• Choice of 3 Main Floor Layouts
• Maple Kitchen Cabinets with Glass Backsplashes
• 3/4” Maple Hardwood
• Hardwood Floors throughout Main Floor
• 5 Piece Appliance Package
• Wide Plank Designer Window Coverings
• Designer Lighting Package
• Fully Landscaped

all Comes Only 15

standard & much, COurtyard
much more... lOts

starting from
5 0 0
lOt & gst

Visit our 4 new showhomes at 101 rainbOw Falls manOr

directions: east on 17th ave se to Chestermere, south on rainbow road, left onto rainbow Falls drive, left to rainbow Falls manor, and follow the signs.
Only 15-20 minutes FrOm dOwntOwn Calgary

Contact Bernie Perry 403.689.1274

Page 18 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010


QUIRED. Must have class 3/ serviced mobile home pad mo. 1 bdrm. $800/mo. DD re- bdrm 1 ½ bath, townhome in at a downtown location. Large
Air. Contact Craig at 403- in the Strathmore area. Call quired. Heat & water included. quiet family neighborhood. 5 unfenced yard – Preference
533-3838. 403-934-4322. No pets. Call Kelli at 403-324- appliances, N/S, N/P. $1150/ of non smokers and no pets.

Various Positions EAGLE HEAD AUTO PARTS in

Strathmore needs permanent HOUSE SITTERS


mth + utilities & security de-
posit. Call 403-361-0018.
$1100/mth including water,
electricity and gas. DD can be
added to 1st and 2nd month
available F/T materials handlers with 1
yr exp in an auto mechanic
Must be over 40. N/S, N/P.
appliances. $800/mo. & SD.
Avail. Sept 1/10. No pets. Call
ACRE located in Nightingale.
rent payment – 2 references
required. All inquiries leave a
shop. Wages $ $16.79 per All you pay are the expenses. 403-934-6896. 10 minutes to Strathmore. message at 403-901-2727.
hour. Fax resume to Ron/ Fully furnished, just move in. Double detatched heated ga-
Send resumes to: John at 403-934-3368. Available November 1, 2010. 2 BDRM DOWNTOWN APART- rage. Fenced yard. $1300.00/ ½ DUPLEX, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Call 403-934-6369 or 403-
MENT. Available October 1. 5
appliances, vaulted ceilings,
month plus utilities. Damage
deposit $1000.00 Available
$1200/mth + $1200 D.D. All
appliances included. Available
or fax 403.934.4540 CLASSIFIED
fireplace. $875/mth + D.D. and
most utilities included. Adult
Oct.1. Call 403-934-5380. October 1. N/S, pets nego-
tiable. Call Dave or Krista at
ADS IN THE SHARED ACCOM only bldg, N/P, N/S. Call 934- SINGLE WIDE TRAILER, utilities 403-902-0106.
TIMES! LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE 5000. included – 8 km south on Hwy
to share brand new condo. 817. N/S, N/P. Available Oc-
Call Tracey You get your own bedroom 3 BDRM, SINGLE WIDE. Avail- tober 15/November 1, $975/ GET YOUR
403-934-5589 and own bathroom and share able October 1st, $800/month mth + S/D of $975. Call 403- CLASSIFIED
the living room, dining room, + D/D + utilities. Call 403- 934-4407.
HELP WANTED kitchen and basement. In- 901-1044.
cludes all 6 appliances and TIMES!
parking stall. $600/mth plus
half utilities. Available im- For rent REAL ESTATE
mediately. Please call today,
403-934-7877. Downtown Building For Sale or leaSe
Commercial &/or Residential commercial Size: 6500 sq ft. Land Size: Approx 1 acre.
Part time Flooring Installers RENTALS space Address: 1016 Westridge Road, Strathmore, AB

driver for installations of related products.

Minimum 5 yrs experience or CONDO
approx 1000 sq
ft ideal for retail.
$1,100,000 asking price or Lease Rate negotiable.
For more information on this or any other property,
Monday to Friday. Drop off resumes at approved educational training. Must have please call Bob Sheddy on his cell 403.324.2222
Downtown location own vehicle, tools, WCB & GST numbers. FOR RENT terms negotiable. until 11 p.m. or email anytime.
secure building.
Bright and Spacious
- across from Home improvement Store Fax resume Attention Glenn @ 403-361-9704 2 Bdrm 1.5 bath condo, call (403)
no phone calls please. or email to: downtown Strathmore, 934-6605 to view.
Close to Sacred Heart
and all amentities.
help wanted REAL ESTATE
Rockyford Library

Rockyford Library is now accepting 4 appls, W/D, N/S, N/P.

applications for a $1050/mth+Util+D.D.

Library Clerk (part-time). PRICE REDUCED

Please call
403-999-9848 or email
• Intermediate computer skills
• Willingness to train on library
For rent Brand New Subdivision - 19 Lots for Sale
circulation systems
• Patron service skills 3 bedroom Village of Standard has 19 residential lots for sale. Standard is located
• Genuine interest in reading and literacy Custom feedlot & farming downtown 50 minutes from Calgary, 20 minutes from Strathmore, and 40 minutes from
Condo Drumheller. The Village is nestled between wheat fields and the Chimney
• Ability to work independently operation looking Strathmore Hills, close to golfing, theatre/choir, and fishing pastimes. Standard is a clean,
• Minimum age 16
for full-time employees 1.5 baths, peaceful village providing it’s community with a K-12 school, playschool for
Hours: 3 – 4 hours weekly, Tuesday evenings 3 appliances, 3 and 4 year olds, a Co-op grocery, hardware, and liquor store, bank, church,
Salary: $9/hour W&D hookups. convenience store, gas station and three garages, bar & café as well as an
Competitive wages including O.T
Anticipated start date: mid-October Private parking. updated arena, curling club, Lions and Lionettes, 4H, baseball diamonds,
and other Benefits. Secure building. soccer fields, and two playgrounds.
Interested applicants are invited to submit a No pets. Price reduced to $60,000 for the first four lots to sell
resume (including names of references) to: Valid driver’s licence and a good LeaSe required.
attitude a must. High school Call 8:00 am to 4:30 pm before October 15, 2010.
(403) 934-6605 to view. All services are to the property line and streets are paved.
Jocelyne Kisko, Library Manager diploma an asset. Standard is small town living at its best.
Rockyford Library
For more information please contact the village office at 403-644-3968.
Box 277 Send resumes to: REAL ESTATE
Rockyford, AB T0J 2R0
namaka farms inC.
Closing date for applications: Box 2409, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Canyon Creek 403.934.2001
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Fax (403) 934-6133
104 3rd Avenue, Strathmore
“The Old Home Hardware Building”

REAL ESTATE “We Have You... on the Move”

$229,900 C3410885

karyn smith 4 Acres

with well, gas, trees, dugout, canal
and 20 minutes to new south
3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, walkout $459,000 Namaka beauty
basement with family room, 2200sq.ft. newer character home on
hospital. 5 parcels in this subdivision. single attached garage! C3417277 huge lot. Wrap around verandah re/max realty $215,000.
MOVE IN NOW!! overlooking manicured fenced
Professionals yard with heated shop. Many extras.
Call now. $534,900.
HUGE CUSTOM 134 Acres C3440608
Fully developed home on
4 ACRE HORSE SET-UP JUST $322,900! BUNGALOW od crop land bordering #1 highway.
Great investment property Modified Bi-level, backing onto golf the golf course. Double
attached garage.Excellent
ONLY $488,800! ON 80 ACRES W/SHOP with great highway exposure course, 3 bed + den, Open Floor Plan,
Extras Extras Extras!! price to sell. $339,900.
ASKING $1,295,000
$274,900 $89,900 LYALTA
19 acre tree farm. 3 bedroom 2009
3 Acreages home. Shop. Dugout. Irrigation.
Subdivision potential. $765,000.
of 2.97 acres to build your
dream home. $144,900. CHEAP HOUSE - REDUCED
2 bedroom - NO CONDO FEES - 1/2
block to the lake and 2 blocks to $399,900 Mossleigh, 2 bed bungalow,
heated double garage, double lot.
downtown, Available IMMEDIATELY!! $109,900. Sold as is.
Have this 1250sqft Amazing 2800sqft home, 114 ACRES MOSSLEIGH
Fully dev. 3 bed/2 bath 3 bed home built on laminate & tile floors, 8-10 Acre Parcels Build your Dream Home here,
2 miles to Strathmore, 3 gas wells,
our big pie lot in maple & granite kitchen, backing onto canal near Carseland.
$269,900 6.18 acres on creek. Nice home.
bungalow, 5 mi west of $274,900.
Land is Cultivated $513,000.00
Great h20. $299,900.
Hillview Estates, vault- top of the line st.steel
Strathmore, hardwood &
appliances, heated att’d
tile floors, crossfenced, ed ceilings, hardwood,
garage, shop, paved
shelter & hydrants, hi-efficiency furnace drive, sprinklers, water
20x22 garage, 24x30 & hw tank, customize rights, lake view, just
shop, mountain view! & pick your colours! 5 mins from Strathmore! Dixie Hartell Glenna Mitzner Hayley Poirier Tina Scott
403-934-2001 403-605-6830 403-934-2001 403-901-5388
new & used homes • Farms/ranches/acreages • Free evaluations
September 24, 2010 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 19
Calgary’s Best Kept Secret

International JJH Home Cleaning Jody

Haircare Strathmore and Area
Reasonable Rates Your Local Realtor
with the
Excellent references Calgary Connection
#103, 3608 17th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2A 0R9 Call Jamie (403) 934-2907
403.273.5242 (403) 265-8887


Big Sky Consulting & Operating

“A Division of Big Sky Equipment & Excavating Ltd.” “Ab’Ra’Ca’Dab’Ra” Tina Scott
Bonnie Josephison Residential
CLEAN Commercial 403-901-5388
BOOkkeeping, gST, general OffiCe With us helping you, get your wish of a CLEAN “Constantly Selling
ServiCeS, payrOll house, and still have time on your hands. More Real Estate”
Have us take the worries away, relax with a book,
Greg Wilson
Phone: 403-934-6384 • Cell: 403-325-0307
spend more time with your family or go out for a 153 Orchard Park Road,
night on the town. Give us a call, and before you
Fax: 403-934-2025
know it (POOF) it’s clean. We clean every nook and Strathmore, AB
cranny in your home to perfection. Canyon Creek (Strathmore)
We have over 40 years cleaning experience, so why
settle for anything less than sparkling!
CORRAL CLEANING Let us work our magic on your home. We have fair
and competitive pricing. Whether it’s for move in or PAINTING
move out, new homes, we do all the cleaning,
Custom Big Enough to
and we guarantee our work.
Serve You,
Small Enough to
Call Deena Brown and book today!!! Marv Poettcker Lar-Don
Cleaning Appreciate You. RentaLs Ltd.
“Your Light Construction & Garden Equipment • Trenching
FURNACE & DUCT Painting Pro” New & Used Equipment • Sales & Service
Painting since 1975
Echo Power
Specializing in Repainting Equipment
(Inside / Outside)
Residential • Light Industrial • Commercial

co-alta Holdings
403.936.6104 O 403.901.1137 15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore
Furnace Replacement • Repairs & Maintenance C 403.880.3299 Bus: 403-934-3727 Fax: 403-934-3849
Air Conditioning • Certified HVAC Technicians
CORRAL CLEANING Plumbing • Duct Cleaning

lya m ’ s Our Team aT YOur Service!

403.934.4957 Minutes
t ru c k i n g PLUMBING from
Plumbing done Right
custom corral cleaning Residential 403-200-6032
Toilets, Tubs
403.934.7575 or Taps Gated, Secure, Low-Rates,
strathmore, alberta call us fiRst! Gravelled Sites,
403-629-9010 Large Pull Through Sites Available


Whole Home
WIndoW ClEanIng Strathmore
by Roy Chester
We make your house a HOME
Power Washing • Window Cleaning
Trailer Rentals
BLACK EAgLE SERvICES MARKETING Residential • Commercial by the day, week or month
general Contractor / Handyman Interior • Exterior from Flatdecks to Cargo Trailers
403-620-1970 Eavestrough Cleaning & Repairs
Email: Spider Control Jeff: 403.804.3070 Jody: 403.999.5937
Specializing in: Roy Chester 403-520-1974
• Painting 117 Orchard Way, Strathmore. AB
• Basement Development
• Family Rooms Locally Owned & Operated

• Kitchen Reno’s
• Bathroom Reno’s
• Play Rooms
• Tile Work

Jim huxted
• Laminate Flooring
• Hardwood Flooring
Hitting over 11,500 Buckle
Waste Disposal & Port-A-Potties

• Plumbing households weekly!

• Light Electrical Your Local Realtor
Contact Rose for all advertising needs! with the
• Deck & Fence Repair Calgary Connection
403.934.5589 • Fax 403.934.5546
Call Today for a FREE ESTIMATE Email: Serving Strathmore, Drumheller & Areas
403-620-1970 (403) 265-8887 403.934.5605
202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore 10B Bayside Place, Strathmore, AB
Page 20 • Strathmore TIMES • September 24, 2010


2010 DoDge Challenger

2010 DoDge rallye eDition 2010 DoDge granD Caravan
Journey Slt eDition

#1018222 #1017659 #1018273

Canada’s #1 Crossover. Best Minivan Value in Alberta.

Auto Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Air Conditioning and more. Only at Airdrie Dodge Jeep!
Fully Loaded including Leather and Sunroof. Must Be Seen.
More for Less Price
$0 dOwN More for Less Price
$0 dOwN
$19,988 or
$121 b/w
More for Less Price

$29,988 or
$0 dOwN
$181 b/w
$21,488 or
$130 b/w


$0 DOWN!
a ther el 2007 Jeep Grand
L e D ie s Cherokee Laredo
3.0 6 cylinder, automatic
transmission, one
owner vehicle with
2009 Pontiac G5 SE 65,668 kms #12895 2006 Dodge Dakota
2.2L 4 cyl. automatic trans. ST Quad Cab 4x4
air, tilt, cruise, with 22,796
kms #12844
$0 down
$30,988 or 4.7L 8 cyl. auto, 87,007
kms #1018124A
$0 down
$0 down $250 B/w
$11,988 $89 or OaC**
B/w $13,988 $130 B/w

e 2008 Dodge
On e r Nitro SLT
3.7L 6 cylinder, auto
ys, trans. 42,371 kms,
Allo roof
Sun pwr. mirrors, leather,
2009 Dodge sunroof #1018159A 2010 Dodge
Journey SXT Charger SXT
3.5L 6 cyl. auto, 28,715
kms #12793
$0 down
$22,848 or 3.5L 6 cyl. auto, 29,421
kms #12881
$0 down
$0 down $164 B/w
$19,888 $144 or OaC**
B/w $19,988 $144 B/w

See Our
AT: ner
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On 8 4x
2009 Chrysler 300 LTD 2010 Chrysler 300 LTD aIrdrIe 2007 Toyota 2006 Smart Fortwo
3.5L 6 cylinder engine, 3.5L 6 cylinder, automatic Chrysler 4Runner SR5 1.3L 4 cyl. automatic
automatic trans. 37,380
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transmission, only 22,807
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$0 down
tv.Ca 4.7L 8 cyl. auto, 88,659
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trans. with only 26,060
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$20,488 $148 or OaC**
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139 East Lake Cr, Airdrie

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Click - Buy - Save
* Price and payments based on 2.25% for 84 months with 0 down biweekly. All rebates to dealer. GST not included. **Payments based on biweekly payments. GST not included. † Some exclusions apply, see dealer for details. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown.

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