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Rozpoznawanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych Petre) Test luk sterowanych Zadania 1. Preczyia) waar ponitsza praysiagy Z podanyeh capownnei wytiers swintchwg, Lak by olreymad logcane | gramalycanie poprawne edania, Zarnace aung.2 exterochmogiwntsi zakradiajqiong a, Be Led. 1 ‘909 pooty than prose because | conot ike kong tests 18 would prefer © weuld rather bb had boo 4 prelor 2You ‘your sloggingibag becavos wa tuneanany blariets and duvets andl sure youll feel comfortstie, 18 may nat havoleough ‘© coudin' have brought Bb can'thawebraught reed 'thave brought 3. 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Miss atubbeen a his father but oes a na father ata. ‘ssimtar € alke te a simtar Rozpoznawanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych Peony Pew ea Zadanie3, Preseryta| uwatnlo ponitaze pezykdady Z podanych adpowiadz! wybl ‘whasiciwa, tak aby omzymad Igicane i gramatyeenie poornane sania, Zaznuce joung zermrecn mariwofe: znentiajye Marg 2,6 1b 1, Suppose yournoess: silt you have dacicad ta gies uphorse racing’? ‘a nasiwan ¢ nad won ‘cud in don 21 mycarservicedalread. ‘a havehad '¢ wouldhavehad b naghac 4 wtthave 3, Trisesthabuicing aren was bom. ‘a which whl omar @ wna 4. 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