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Tip Sheet for Office 2016 New Feature Set

 The best source of information about Office 2016 is the MCIT Customer Service Center website:
 Please refer customers also to the Office 2016 training page:
 Here is information on Outlook 2016:

Support Information:
1. eLearning on MCIT Customer Service Center website: This is a video and the best overall
resource to recommend to customers; it illustrates new features as well as a few minor
2. Project AppV: All instances of AppV for Project 2010 and 2013 on CoreImage machines should
have been removed by now (6/17/16) and replaced with packaged versions.
3. Project and Visio: Project and Visio 2016 are not part of the enterprise package. If users want to
have Project 2016 or Visio 2016, there is a license fee. Customers must obtain approval from
their unit managers to purchase the licenses for these applications. Once approved, a request
with license confirmation may be made to Device Support to install the apps for the user.
a) Project and Visio compatibility between earlier versions and 2016: Users of the newer
2016 version must save files as .vsd (Visio) and .mpp (Project) respectively in order for
them to be read on 2010 and 2013 versions.
b) Issue with Project 2013 – note that when users of Project 2013 try to send an .mpp file as
an attachment using the File/Share option, the message fails and stops working. This occurs
whether the Outlook client is open or not open. See error message below:

The workaround is to save the Project document to a shared/local space or desktop and then
just attach it in an email.
4. Lync and Skype for Business: Lync 2010 will remain the Instant Messaging platform until we can
have better compatibility between Outlook and Skype for Business (SFB). SFB may be the new
IM platform for Microsoft, but whether we use Skype as our IM platform is under review by
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Tip Sheet for Office 2016 New Feature Set
leadership. In an early pilot, some 90 users were provisioned with SFB, but their devices have
since been rolled back to Lync 2010 and they have been so notified (effective 6/21/16).
5. Tip Sheet on Opening Emailed Excel Attachments with Macros: With Excel 2016, there are
security limitations in place to open attachments which have macros. Refer customers to this tip
sheet on the Training 2016 page. The attachment must be saved before opening.
6. Creating a PDF from Word or another Office application has changed. Adobe is no longer an
option in the menu bar – unless the user has Adobe Acrobat Professional installed. Simply advise
customers to click ‘File’ and ‘Export’ for an easy click to create a PDF. Customers may also use
‘File’ and ‘Save As .pdf’ to create a pdf document.

7. Saving and sending a file by email has also changed slightly. Direct customers to select ‘File’ and
then ‘Share.’ Options are to send by email as an attachment, IM, and more. See these two
examples below:
Share by Email:

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Tip Sheet for Office 2016 New Feature Set
Share by IM:

8. Checklist: This checklist is not on the website and not available to customers. It may be useful if
you are asked about recreating customizations that might not carry over with the upgrade.
9. Tip Sheet on Converting Old Word Documents: This tip sheet is not on the website. If users
have very old documents created in earlier versions of Word (e.g. pre-Office 95, Word 6.0 or the
like), these will open in View only mode in Office 2016. Users will not be able to edit these old
documents. To edit them in 2016, they will need to save the documents as Office 2010
10. Restoring the 2010 look of Outlook email messages: Some customers are disappointed that the
look of their unread email messages has changed. In 2016, the unread message is in blue and
bold. There is a way to change back this appearance:
 From the View tab in the ribbon, select View Settings.
 Click Conditional Formatting.
 With the Unread messages view selected, click Font.
 Choose whatever font style, size, and color you like.
If a customer wants a greater distinction between unread and read messages, the unread
message view settings can be made “bold.”
Note: This change will be per user and per device. This means that the new setting will not be
visible if other users access the same machine, nor will the setting hold if the user who made the
change logs into a different workstation. See graphic below.

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11. Common new features in Office applications:

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Tip Sheet for Office 2016 New Feature Set
12. New features in Outlook:

11. Project Timeline

13. Information about Other Applications Impacted by the Upgrade to Office 2016:
DYMO label software and EndNote must be upgraded to be compatible with Office 2016.
a. DYMO Label software upgrade to version 8.5.3:
The upgrade is being deployed on Sunday, August 14 at 8 p.m. A communication will go out to
all users reminding them to close all MS Office applications including Outlook before they leave
work on Friday, August 12.
If users are working in an application during the upgrade, they will be able to defer twice, after
which time the upgrade will move forward. All machines will be automatically migrated by end
of business on Tuesday, August 16.

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Tip Sheet for Office 2016 New Feature Set
b. EndNote software upgrade to version X7:
A communication is going out to users requesting that they confirm whether or not they use
EndNote. In either case, they are asked to confirm before August 31. They may submit a ticket
or ask for assistance in doing this from the Service Desk.
If the application is not needed, the ticket will request Device Support to uninstall the
application prior to September 6.
If the application is required, the ticket will request that Device Support install the application
prior to September 6.

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