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Senior High School

The Computer Skills Placement Test (CSP) is designed to assess the computer literacy skills that you need to
be successful passing your empowerment technology subject. It consists of questions over six areas:

 Basic Concepts
 File Management
 Information and Communication
 Email
 Spreadsheets—Excel
 Presentations—PowerPoint
 Word Processing—Word
 Internet

Instruction: Put a check / on the blank square after each item if you think you have a :

0= No Knowledge (Beginner) 1 = Limited Knowledge (Intermediate)

2 = Knowledgeable (Advance)

A. Basic concepts of information technology 0 1 2

1. Can you turn on a computer?
2. Can you exit an application?
3. Can you shutdown the computer properly?
4. Do you understand the impact of computers in today's society?
5. Can you navigate toolbars, windows, menus, submenus, tabs and dialog boxes?
6. Can you insert and eject removable storage media, such as a CD, USB or flash
7. Can you identify components of Windows environment with correct terminology?
8. Can you resize windows with minimize, restore and maximize?
9. Can you differentiate between operating system software and application
10. Can you run more than one program simultaneously and navigate between
multiple open windows?
11. Can you minimize or maximize open programs?
12. Understand benefits of backing up data and/or software to a
removable storage device
13. Can you print multiple copies of a document?
14. Can you identify file types associated with Office 2007, doc vs.. docx?
15. Identify major hardware components
16. Familiar with basic computer copyright laws and security issues
17. Describe the functions of an operating system
18. Know factors impacting computer performance
19. Name some operating systems
20. Name common software applications and uses
B. File Management 0 1 2
1. Change the computer’s desktop configuration
2. Understand how an operating system shows drives,
3. folders, files in a hierarchical structure
4. Create a directory/folder and sub-directory/sub-folder
5. Know what a virus is and its possible effects
6. Recognize common file types
7. Can you create and open a file?
8. Can you save a file with a meaningful name to a specific location?
9. Can you use save as to create a copy of a file?
10. Can you use folders to manage your files?
11. Can you create a folder with a meaningful name?

C. Information & communications 0 1 2

1. Can you launch a browser to access the Internet?

2. Open (and close) a Web browsing application
3. Change the Web browser Home Page/Start Page
4. Refresh a Web page
5. Display, hide images on a Web page
6. Bookmark a Web page
7. Activate a hyperlink/image link
8. Select a specific search engine
9. Knows how to prevent unauthorized access to a PC
10. Can you locate a website with the URL?
11. Can you use a browser's navigation tools to go back, forward, refresh
and to a homepage?
12. Can you find information using search engines?
13. Can you differentiate between search engines, directories and meta
search engines?
14. Can you download and save files such as documents, graphics or
PDFs from the Internet?
15. Can you download and install software, plug-ins or applets from the
16. Can you manage online annoyances such as pop-up windows, spam,
cookies, adware, spyware and viruses?

D. Email 0 1 2
1. Open one, several mail messages
2. Flag a mail message.
3. Remove a flag mark from a mail message
4. Mark a message as read, unread
5. Create a new message
6. Copy (Cc), blind copy (Bcc) a message to another address
7. Use a spell-checking tool to make changes
8. Attach a file to a message
9. Send a message using a distribution list
10. Sort messages by name or date
11. Choose print options for entire message
12. Choose print selected contents of a message
13. Choose print number of copies

E. Spreadsheets—Excel 2010 0 1 2
1. Open files and use page setup.
2. Enter, correct, and save data.
3. Use the menu commands
4. Format cells, rows, and columns.
5. Understand navigation and movement techniques.
6. Use simple arithmetic functions in the formulas.
7. Access Help
8. Modify a database and insert data from another application
9. Print worksheets and workbooks.
10.Save a spreadsheet specifying the file type
11. Insert rows, columns in a worksheet
12. Delete rows, columns in a worksheet
13. Modify column widths, row heights.
14. Duplicate content within worksheets.
15. Duplicate content between worksheets.
16. Duplicate content open spreadsheets.
17. Sort content in ascending/descending order.
18. Generate formulas using cell references & arithmetic operators
19. Absolute and relative cell references.
20. Create, modify, and format charts.
21. Filter data and manage a filtered list.
22. Perform multiple-level sorting, use sorting options, and design
23. Use mathematical, logical, statistical, and financial functions.
24. Group and dissociate data and perform interactive analysis
25. Create and modify some Macro commands.
26. Customize the work area
27. Use advanced functions (Names, VLOOKUP, IF, IS).
28. Work with Pivot Tables.
29. Use spreadsheet Web components.

F. Presentations—powerpoint 2010 0 1 2
1. Create title and bullet slides.
2. Create Slides in Outline view
3. Modify slide text and check spelling.
4. Select a template
5. IInsert a table.
6. Work with text, drawn objects, and drawing tools.
7. Use ClipArt and WordArt.
8. Create an Organization Chart and use options.
9. Edit a Column Chart
10. Change text and bullets in the Slide Master and remove objects
11. Use Slide Show options; add transitions and animation.
12. Run a manual and an animated Slide Show.
13. Work with Notes.
14. Print a presentation.
15. Create a template and work with a Design template.
16. Work with graphics, animation and multimedia, inserting movies and
17. Work with the Office Suite to create slides from an outline and send slides
to Microsoft Word.
18. Customize PowerPoint toolbars and automate the slide production.
19. Use AutoCorrect and the Style Checker.
20. Build interactive presentations, using hyperlinks, creating interactive
objects, working with Slide Show options, and using the Meeting Minder.
21. Explore online meetings and broadcast presentations

G. Wordprocessing word 2010 0 1 2

1. Create a new document, enter text, and save it.t
2. Open and edit existing documents.
3. Navigate in a document and perform a search.
4. Select and move text.
5. Print a document
6. Format text
7. Insert graphics
8. Format characters and paragraphs; work with tabs, indents, margins, lists,
breaks, spacing.
9. Use AutoCorrect and Help tools.
10. Create and edit tables.
11. Control page and document appearance.
12. Print documents, envelopes, and labels.
13. Work with sections, create templates, use styles, and customize them
14. Create and format complex tables, and manage table data.
15. Create Mail Merges, sort and filter them.
16. Customize Toolbars.
17. Insert graphic elements.
18. Run and record Macros
19. Create a Web Page based on a template and add hyperlinks
20. Work with advanced styles and AutoFormat features, linking styles.
21. Use graphic effects such as dropped capital letters and clip art, insert
WordArt, and draw in a document.
22. Work with very large documents that require a table of contents, footnotes,
endnotes, and crossreferences
23. Manage and track document changes, using highlights and comments.
24. Insert multimedia elements in a Web Page
25. Manage Macro commands, create dialogue boxes, and understand the
notions of Visual Basic Application programming.

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