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School of Distance Education 

(2011 Admission) 




1. What is the meaning of Veda?
a) Knowledge, b) Song, c) legend (a)
2. Which is not included in Vedatrayi?
a)Rg, b)Yajus , c) Atharva (c)
3. Vedangas are in………….. numbers
a) Six, b)Three, c)Two (a)
4. Which is the oldest vedic samhita?
a) Sama, b )Rg, c) Atharva (b)
5. Sama means ………….
a) Music, b) rituals , c) Black magic (a)
6. Vedas are in ………… numbers
a)Two, b)Three, c) Four (c)
7. Rgveda have ………… mandalas
a) Ten, b)Two, c) Three (a)
8. The History of Sanskrit Literature falls into …… main periods
a) Three, b)Two, c) Five (b)
9. Which is the distinct class of literature in Sanskrit?
a) Veda, b) Sutra, c) Classical (b)
10. …………… means laudatory stanza mainly in praise of Gods.
a) Rg, b )Sama,c)Yajus (a)
11. ………….. means propitiation (by chants)
a) Sama, b)Rg, c) Yajus (a)
12. ……………means Sacrificial prayer or worship.
a) Rg, b)Yajus, c)Atharva (b)

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13. Which is called the first stage of Vedas?
a)Smhita, b)Aranyaka,c)Upanishad
14. How many stages are mentioned in Vedic development?
a) Two, b) Four. c)Three
15. ……. Is the first vedic samhita
a) Sama b) Yajus c) Rg
16. Which is the first vedic samhita?
a) Sama b) Yajus c) Rg
17. What is an example of excellent Lyric poetry?
a) Rgsamhita, b) Sama,c) Yajus
18. …………….is an example of excellent Lyric poetry
a) Rgsamhita, b) Sama,c) Yajus

19. Which is the vedic portion discuss the practical direction for the conduct of sacrifices?
a) Brahmana, b) Aranyaka, c) smahita
20. What is called theologically speculative?
a) Brahmana, b) Aranyaka, c) Upanishad
21. …………….is the name of Rgvedic priest
a)Hota, b) Udgata, c)Brahma
22. …………….is the name of Samavedic priest
a)Hota, b) Udgata, c)Brahma
23. …………….is the name of Yajurvedic priest
a)Athariyu, b) Udgata, c)Brahma
23. …………….is the name of Atharvavedic priest
a)Brahma,b) Hota, b) Udgata
23. How many recensions are there for Rgveda smhita?
a) Five b) Two, c) Three
24. Kausheetaki Brahmana is attached to………..Upanishad
a) Mandukyopanishad b) Chandogyopanishad,c) KausheetakiUpanishad
25. KausheetakiAranyaka is attached to………… Brahmana
a) KausheetakiBrahmana.b) Mandukyopanishad, c) Chandogyopanishad
26. Divisions of Sama veda are………. Numbers
a) Two,b) Three,c) Five
27. What are the two parts of Samaveda?
a) Uttarachikam and Purvarchikam b) Sukla and Krishna, c) kanva and Madhyadhina
28. What is called Ganam in Sama veda?
a) Philosophical books, b) Sacrifice books,c) Musical books
29. …………….is called Ganam in Sama veda?
a) Philosophical books, b) Sacrifice books,c) Musical books

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30. Samaveda smhita is divided into ……portions
a)Three, b) Two, c)Five
31. Which is considered to be the most important of the Upanishad in Samaveda?
a)Isa,b) Mundaka, c) Chandogya
32. Yajurveda have ………… branches
a) Two, b) Three,c) Five
33. What are the two branches of Yajurveda?
a) Sukla and Krishna, b) Uttarachikam and Purvarchikam, c) kanva and Madhyadhina
34. In Which veda the fullmoon sacrifice mentioned ?
a) Yajurveda,b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda
35. Shuklayajurveda has the Shatapathebrahmanam of……….. chapters
a) 19, b) 36,c)100
36. Which of the vedas mention the story of Sakunthala?
a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda
37. Which of the vedas mention the stories of Janamejaya?
a)Samaveda, b)Rgveda c) Yajurveda
38. Which of the vedas mention the story of Urvasi?
a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda
39. Which of the veda mention the stor yof Bharata?
a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda
40. Which is the longest and important Upanishad?
a)Brhtaranyaka b)Isa,c) Mundaka
41. Which is the smallest and important Upanishad?
a)Brhtaranyaka b)Isavasyam, c) Mundaka
42. The Samhitha of Atharvaveda is preserved in………. recensions
a) Two, b) Three.c) Five
43. What are the two recensions of the Athrvaveda samhita?
a) Saunaka and Pippalada, b) Kanva and Madhydina,c) Krishna and Sukla
44. Samhitha of Saunakasakha contains………. Hymns
a) 108,b)246,c) 730
45. …………… Veda does not have any Aranyaka
a) Yajurveda,b)Rgveda, c) Atharvaveda
46. What are the most important of the Atharvan Upanishads?
a) Prasna, Mundaka, & Mandukya,b) ) Chandogyopanishad,& KausheetakiUpanishad
c) Chandogyopanishad,&Isavasyopanishad
47. Vedas has to be divided into ………… periods
a)Four, b) Two,c) Three
48. Vedic suppliments, are divided into …………. Classes
a)six, b) Two,c) Three

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49. Which Vedic suppliment, is known for Phonetics?
a) Siksha , b) . Vyakaranam . c) Chandas
50. The origin of Kalpa is to be traced to the ………..
a) Siksha , b) . Vyakaranam c) Brahmanas
51. The subject matter of the Kalpa Sutras is classified under ……. heads
a)six, b) Two c) Four
52. Which is the of the Kalpa related to mathematics ?
a) Srautha,b) Grihya,c) Sulba
53. …………. Sutras treat the worship of the three fires
a)Srautha , b) Grihya,c) Sulba
54. The Grihya Sutras deal with the ceremonies from…………. To……….
a) Garbhaadhaana to Upanayana b) Upanayana to Vivaha, c) None of these
55. ……… sutras mention the duties of a teacher,
a) Sulba b)Grihya c) Srautha
56. …………. sutras mention the duties of a pupil
a)Grihya b) Sulba c) Srautha
57. ………….sutras mention the duties of the marriage customs
a) Grihya b) Sulba c) Srautha
58. …………. sutras mention the panchamahayanja
a) Sulba b) Srautha c)Grihya
59. …………. sutras mention funeral ceremonies
a) Sulba b) Srautha c)Grihya
60. The Dharmasutras deal with………….
a) law, b) finance, c)Rituals
61. …………Sutras are practical manuals giving the measurements necessary for the construction of the
a) Srautha b)Grihya c) Sulba
62. which was the oldest Indian mathematical works?
a) Sulba, b)Srautha, c)Grihya
63. Each Kalpasutra is attached to a particular ………..
a) Srautha b)Grihya, c) Sulba
65. Which of the sutra discuss the construction of vedi?
a) Sulba ,b) Grihya, c) Srautha
66. To the Samaveda there are……… Srauthasutras
a) Four, b)Two, c) Three
67. Sambhavya Grihyasutram belongs to…….Veda
a) Rg ,b)Sama, c) Yajus
68. Draahyaayanasutra is connected with the………….. Sakha.
a) Thatya b) kautuma, c) Ranaayani

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69. The chief Grihyasutra of the Samaveda is the…………
a)sambhavam, b) rebhilam, c) Gobhilagrihyasutram
70. which is the one of the oldest Grihyasutra of the Samaveda
a)Gobhilagrihyasutram, b)sambhavam, c) rebhilam
71. Sambhavya Grihyasutram belongs to the Kausheetaki Brahmanam of the……. veda.
a)Rg, b)Sama, c) Yajus
72. Kalpasutras of Apasthambha and Baudhayana, both are attached to the………. Sakha
a)TaithireeyaSakha b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma
73. Manavasrauthasutra belonging to Krishnayajurveda………….. Sakha
a)TaithireeyaSakha b) Ranayaneeya c)Maitrayaneeya Sakha
74. Vaikhaana Srauthasutra attached to the ………..sakha
a) Krishnayajurvedataitireeyasakha., b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma

75. Srauthasutra of……….. strictly follows the sacrificial order of the Sathapathabrahmana.
a) Katyayana b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma
76. Grihyasutra of Par askara is attached to …………veda
a) Yajus, b)Rg, c)Sama
77. Srauthasutra of Katyayana strictly follows the sacrificial order of the………..
a) Vaikhanasa b) kautuma c) Sathapathabrahmana.
78. Kausikagrihyasutram is attached to …veda
a) Atharavaveda b) Rg, c)Sama
79. ……………deals with the magical and other practices specially connected with Atharvaveda.
a) Kausikagrihyasutram b) Vaikhanasa c) kautuma
80. ……………. Is the famous Dharmasatra of manu
a) Manusmrti, b) Siksha, c) Naradasmrti
81. What is siksha?
a) accents,b) quantity c) meaning
82. ………….. is containing directions of vedic recitation and correct pronounciation
a)Siksha b) Kalpa ,c) Vyakarana
83. Which siksha text is attributed to Narada?
a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam, c) Naradasmrti
84. Which siksha text is attributed to Saunaka?
a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam c) Saunakasiksha
85. Which siksha text is attributed to Gautama?
a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam c)Gautamasiksha
86. Which siksha text is attributed to Parasara?
a)Parasarasiksha b) Naradasiksha,c Naradakalpam
87. Which siksha text is attributed to Yanjavalkya?
a)Yanjavalkyasiksha b) Naradasiksha,c Naradakalpam

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88. Which siksha text is attributed to Vasishta
a)Yanjavalkyasiksha b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
89. Which is the representative of vedic phonetics?
a) Pratisakhyas b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
90. ………are directly connected with the Samhitha and the Padapata.
a) Naradasiksha b) Vasisthasiksha, c) Pratisakhyas
91. Rigveda is attached to the………. pratisakhyam of Saunaka
a)Rgveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
92. Which pratisakhyam text is attributed to Saunaka?
a)Rgveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
93. Which pratisakhyam text is attributed to Katyana?
a) Vajasaneyi pratisakhyasutram b) Vasisthasiksha, c) Pratisakhyas
94. Which pratisakhyam text is related to the Krishnayajurveda?
a) Taitireeyasakha b) kautuma, c) Ranayaneeyam
95. Which of the Vedic branch is considered as the origin of Vyakarana?
a)Pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
96. Saunakasakha of Atharvaveda belongs to the…………. pratisakhyam
a)Atharvaveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
97. ……………have exercised their influence on the growth of grammatical studies of the
later period.
a) Naradasiksha b) Vasisthasiksha c) Pratisakhyam
98. …………….developed into a separate supplement of the Vedas
a) Pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha
99. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Saktayana?
a) Grammar, b) Meaning c) sytax
100. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Grgya?
a Meaning c) sytax c)Grammar
101. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Glava?
a) Grammar b) Meaning c) sytax
102. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Yaska?
a) Grammar b) Meaning c) sytax
103. Who is the author of Nirukta?
a) Yaska , b) Narada,c) Parasara
104. How many divisions are their for the Nirukta text?
a)Two, b) Four c) Three
105. Nirukta are divided by…………. In numbers?
a) Two, b) Four c) Three
106. Nirukta’s Naiganduka kanda contains ………….

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a) synonyms b) Meaning c) sytax
107. Nirukta’s Naigama kanda contains………
a) synonyms b) Meaning c) sytax
108. Nirukta’s Daivata kanda contains …..
a) Name of deities b) Meaning, c) sytax
109. What is called Chandas?
a) metres b) Meaning c) sytax
110. …………. Needed for the correct pronunciation of Vedic passages
a) Vedic metres b) Meaning c) sytax
111. What is called Vedic Chandas?
a) metres b) Meaning c) sytax
112. ………….Belonging to the Samaveda deal with the nature and rules of Vedic metres
a) Vedic metres b) Meaning ,c) Nidaanasuthram
113. Who is the author of Chandasutra?
a) Pingala b) Narada, c) Parasara
114. Who is Pingala?
The author of - a) Chandasutra b Jyotisha, c) Kalpasutra
115. What is the subject matter of Chandsutra?
a) Meaning ,b) Alankara ,c) Vedicmetres
116. How the Vedic metres to be help Vedic passages?
a) Pronunciation b) Meaning, c) Syntax
117. What is Jyothisha?
Calculating the movements of - a) Sun and the Moon, b) Earth, c) Climate
118. Jyothisha of Rigveda is called………..
a) Archajyothisham b) Vedangajyotisham c) Atharvajyotisham
119. Archajyothisham is discussed in ….. Veda
a) Rig ,b)Yajus, c)Sama
120. Which of the Vedic branch related to the Archajyothisham ?
a)Yajus, b)Sama c) Rig
121. Archajyothisham consists of ………… verses
a) 36 ,b) 46 ,c) 56
122. Jyothisha of Yajurveda is called………..
a) Yajusha Jyothisha b) Vedangajyotisham c) Atharvajyotisham
123. Which of the Vedic branch related to the Yajusha Jyothisha ?
a) Yajus b)Sama c) Rig
124. Yajusha Jyothisha consists of ………… verses.
a): 39 , b) 46 ,c) 56

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125. Jyothisha of Atharvaveda is called………..
a) Atharvanajyothisham a) Yajusha Jyothisha b) Vedangajyotisham
126. Atharvanajyothisham consists of ………… verses
a) 162, b) 46 ,c) 56
127. Jyothisha of Samaveda is called………..
a) Atharvanajyothisham a) Yajusha Jyothisha c) None of these
128. Jyothishavedanga consists of ………… verses
a) 43, b) 46 ,c) 56
129. Which of the Vedic branch related to the name of Lagadha?
a) Jyothisha b) kalpa, c) Vyakarana
130. What is called Anukramanis of Vedas?
c)Vedic index b) Meaning c) Meter
131. What is called Prayogas and paddhathis of veda?
a) Function of the priests b) Arrangement c) Rituals
132. Who is the author of Ashtadhyayi ?
a) Panini b) Vararuchi ,c) Sakatayana
133. Which is the subject matter of Ashtadhyayi ?
a)Meaning, b) Syntax c) Grammar
134. Who is the author of Varthika?
a) Panini, b)Vararuchi, c) Sakatayana
135. Who is the author of Mahabhashyam ?
a)Patanjali b)Vararuchi, c) Sakatayana
136. Who is the author of Nyaya Sutras
a)Patanjali b)Vararuchi c)Gauthama,
137. Who is the author of Vaiseshika sutras
a)Kanada b)Vararuchi c)Gauthama
138. Who is the author of MimamsaSutras ?
a)Kanada b)Vararuchi c) Jaimini
139. Who is the author of yogaSutras?
a)Kanada b)Vararuchi c) Patanjal
140. Who is the author of sharirikasuta?
a) Badarayana b)Vararuchi c)Gauthama
141. What is called Phonetics of veda?
a) Siksha b) Meaning, c) Syntax
142. ………….is called etymology
a) Siksha b) Meaning c) Nirukta

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143. Upavedas are in ?
a) nine b) ten , c) None of these
144. Vyakaranas are……… in number
a) Nine b) ten , c) None of these
145. Padanukramani. represents………….
a)Vedic indexes b) Siksha c) Meaning
146. Vedic indexes are represents……..
a) Anukrama b) Siksha c) Meaning
147. Devathanukramani represents……..
a) Siksha b) Meaning c) Vedic indexes
148. Sarvaanukramani.represents……..
a) Vedic indexes b) Siksha c) Meaning
149. What is the subject matter of Ayurveda ?
a) Health, b) Yoga c) Guna
150. What is the subject matter of Gandharvaveda?
a) Music and dance, b) Yoga c) Painting
151. What is the subject matter of Dhanurveda?
a) Science of weapon b) Yoga c) Guna
152. What is the subject matter of Arthasastra?
a) Science of politics b)Music and dance c) Science of weapon
153. ……….. Period. from 3000 B.C. to 600 B.C.
a) Vedic b) Sutra c) Classic
154 The Vedic period is from………to……….
a) 800BCto 200BC b) 600BC to 1100AD c) 3000BC to 600 BC
155. ……….. Period. from 800 B.C. to 200 B.C.
a) Vedic, b) Classic c) Sutra
156. The Sutra period is from………to……….
a) 600BC to 1100AD b) 3000BC to 600 BC c) 800BC to 200BC
157. ………… Period. from 600 B.C. to 1100AD
a)Classic a) Vedic b) Sutra
159. The Classic period is from………to……….
a) 600 B.C. to 1100AD b) 3000BC to 600 BC c) 800BC to 200BC
160. Which Upanishad has an association to the ascetics?
a) Munda b) Kena c)Isa
161. Kausheetaki Aranyaka …………of chapters includes the Kausheetaki Upanishad.
a)19, b) 43, c)15
162. Which of the Veda has the recensions of Sakala?

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a) Rg b) Sama, Yajus
163. Which of the Veda has the recensions of Bashkala?
a) Sama, b) Yajus c) Rgveda
164. Which of the Veda has the recensions of Aashwalayana,?
a) Rgveda b) Sama, c) Yajus
165. Which of the Veda has the recensions of Saankhyayana?
a) Rgveda b) Sama, c) Yajus
166. Which of the Veda has the recensions of Mandukeya?
a) Rgveda b) Sama, c) Yajus
167. Which of the Veda has the Aithareya Brahmana ?
a)Sama, b) Yajus c) Rgveda
168. Which of the Veda has the Kausheetaki Brahmana?
a)Sama, b) Yajus c) Rgveda
169. Which of the Veda has the Kausheetaki Aranyaka?
a) Rgveda b) Sama, c) Yajus
170. Which of the Veda has the KausheetakiUpanishad?
a) Rgveda b) Sama, c) Yajus
171. Which of the Veda has the Ranaayaneeya Sakha,?
a)Samaveda b) Yajus c) Rgveda
172. Which of the Veda has the Kautuma Sakha?
a)Samaveda b) Yajus c) Rgveda
173. Which of the Veda has the Jaimineeya Sakha,?
a) Yajus b) Rgveda c)Samaveda
174. Kenopanishad is associated to……
a) Yajus b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
175. Which of the Vedas is associated to the Chandogyabrahmanam?
a) Yajus b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
176. Which of the Veda s is associated to the Chandogyopanishad ?
a) Samaveda b) Yajus c) Rgveda
177. Which of the Vedas the Aswamedha sacrifices?
a) Yajur Veda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
178. Which of the Vedas is associated to the Rajasuya sacrifices?
a) Yajur Veda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
179. Which of the Veda is associated the Vajapeeya sacrifices?
a) Rgveda b) Samaveda c)Yajur Veda
180. Which of the Veda discuss the Sarvamedha?
a) Rgveda b) Yajur Veda c) Samaveda
181. Which of the Veda has the recension of Kaatakasamhitha,?
a) Yajur Veda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda

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182. Which of the Veda has the recension of Maithraayanisamhitha?
a) Yajur Veda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
183. Which of the Veda has the recension of Kaalaapasamhitha?
a) Yajur Veda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
184. Which of the Veda has the recension of Taithireeyasmhitha ?
a) Rgvedab) Samaveda c) Yajur Veda
185. Shatapathebrahmanam have…….. chapters
a) 100, b) 101 c) 108
186. Sathapatha-brahmana is associated to……..
a) Yajur Veda , b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
187. Brihadaranyakopanishad is associated to…….
a) Rgvedab) Samaveda c) Yajur Veda
188. Atharvaangirasa means…….
a) Rgveda b) Samaveda c)Atharvaveda
189. Which of the Veda is associated to Gopathabrahmanam?
a) Atharvaveda b) Rgveda c) Samaveda
190. Prasnopanishad belongs to the……….. recension. Atharvaveda
a) Pippalada b) Saunaka c) Kanada
191. ………………is a very small Upanishad in prose
a) Mandukya b) Isa, c) Kena
192. Manthras of the Rig-Veda were composed in between ……….. periods
a) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C. b) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C. c)800 BC to 200BC
193. Brahmanas of the Yajurveda were composed inbetween …… periods
a) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C, b) 800 BC to 200BC c ) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C.
194. Taitireeya Brahmana were composed in between …… periods
a) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C b) 800 BC to 200BC ) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C.
195. Sathapatha Brahmana were composed in between …… periods
a) 800 BC to 200BC b ) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C. c) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C
196. Yajurveda Samhithas were composed in between …… periods
a) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C b) 800 BC to 200BC c) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C
197. The earlier portions of the Atharvaveda Samhitha were composed in between …… periods
a) 2500 B.C. and 1400 B.C b) 800 BC to 200BC c) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C
198. The last division of the vedic period beginning from……….period
a) 500BC , b) 800BC, c) 1400BC
199. Srautha & Grihya Sutras were composed in…….. period
a) 500BC , b) 800BC, c) 1400BC
200. A.A.Macdonell and other western scholars, the vedic period begins from………to………
a) 1500 B.C. to 600 B.C. b) 800 BC to 200BC c) 4000 B.C. and 2500 B.C

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1,a.     2,c.     3,a.     4,b.    5,a.    6,c.    7,a.  
8,b.     9,b.     10,a.     11, a.     12, b.     13, a.     14, b. 
15,c.     16,c.     17,a.     18,a.     19,a .    20,c.     21,a. 
22,b.       23,a.    24,c.    25,a.    26,a.    27,a.    28,c. 
29,c.    30,a.    31,a.    32,c.    33,a.    34,a.    35,c. 
36,a.    37,c.    38,a.    39a.,    40,a,    41,a.    42,a. 
43,a.    44,c.    45,c.    46,a.    47,a.    48,a.    49,a. 
50,c.    51,c.    52,c.    53,a.    54,a.    55,b.    56,a. 
57,a.    58,c.    59,c.    60,a.    61,c.    62,a.    63,c. 
65,a.,    66,a.    67,a.    68,c.    69,c.     70,a.    71,a. 
72,a.    73,c.    74,a.    75,a.    76,a.    77,c.    78,c. 
79,a.    80,a.    81,a.    82,a.    83,a.    84,a    85,c. 
86,a.    87,a.    87,a.    88,c.     89,c.    90,c.    91,a. 
92,a.    93,a.    94,a.    95,a.    96,a.    97,c.    98,a. 
99,a.    100,c.    101,a.    102,a.    103,a.    104,c.    105,c. 
106,a.    107,b.    108,a.    109,a.    110,a.    111,a.    112,a. 
113,a.    114,a.    115,c.    116,a.    117,a.    118a.,    119,a. 
120,c.    121,a.    122,a.    123,a.    124,a.    125,a.     126,a.   
127,c.    128,    129,a.    130,a.    131,a.    132,a.    133,a. 
134,b.    135,a.    136,c    137,a.    138,c.     139,c.    140,a. 
141,a.    142,c,    143,c.    144,a.    145,a.    146,a.    147,c. 
148,a.    149a.,    150,a.    151,a.    152,a.    153,a.    154,c. 
155,c.    156,c.    157,a.    158,a.    159,a,    160,a.    161,c.   
162,a.    163,c.    164,a.    165,a.    166,a.    167,c.    168,c. 
169,a.    170,a.    171,a.    172,a.    173,c.    174,c.    175,c. 
176,a.    177,a.    178,a.    179,c.    180,b.    181,a.    182,a. 
183,a.    184,c.    185,a.    186,a.    187,c.    188,c.    189,a. 
190,a.    191,a.    192,a.    193,a.     194,a.    195,c.    196,a. 
197,a.    198,c.    199,c.    200,a.   


History of Sanskrit Literature  Page 12 

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