Disaster Management Plan

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Disaster management plan

18. Disaster management plan shall be signed by authorized signatory – To be

discussed. It should be clearly comprehended that who is designated as an
‘authorized signatory’ here. It should be noted that MSIHC Rules 1989 provides a list
of authorities in Schedule 5. It is required to know if the same is relevant in this

19. Name of person who is responsible for safety on the site and the names of
those who are authorized to take action in accordance with the plan in case of
an emergency shall be available in plan – To be discussed. Names and relevant
details of VA Tech site in-charge and respective personnel can be provided here.

20. Roll of persons responsible for each action shall be mentioned – To be

discussed. Can be sorted out in the presence of VA Tech personnel and written

21. Describe details of liaison arrangement between the organizations – To be


22. Describe how major accidents shall be dealt with such as chlorine leak,
neutralization tower shut down, leakage of chlorine through flanges etc. -

As per IS 4263 (1967) wherever chlorine is handled a potential risk is involved and a
serious, emergency might suddenly and unexpectedly occur. Emergency situations should be
anticipated, plans established and persons trained to counteract them.

A) Handling Leaks –
● Chlorine leaks always get worse unless they are corrected promptly. Chlorine leaks should
be investigated by authorized, trained personnel equipped with suitable gas masks. If the leak is
extensive an effort should be made to warn all persons in the path of the gas. Chlorine is heavier
than air; therefore persons should be instructed to keep above and upwind of the leak.
● Water shall never be used on a chlorine leak as it always makes the leak worse due to the
corrosive effect. In addition, heat supplied by even the coldest water to a leaking container
causes liquid chlorine to evaporate faster. A leaking container shall not be immersed or thrown
into a body of water as the leak will be aggravated due to the corrosive effect and the container
may float when partially full, allowing gas evolution and dispersion at the surface.
● Equipment and Piping Leaks—If a leak occurs in equipment in which chlorine is being
used, the supply of chlorine shall be shut off and chlorine which is under pressure at the leak
shall be disposed off safely by providing proper ventilation using exhaust fans or by
neutralization in absorption tower.
● Leaks around valve stems usually may be stopped by tightening the packing nut or gland.
If this does not stop the leak, the container valve shall be closed and the chlorine, which is under
pressure in the outlet piping, shall, be disposed off. If a container valve does not shut off tight,
the outlet cap or plug should be applied. In case of a valve leak on a ton-container, the container
shall be rolled so that the valves are in a vertical plane with the leaking valve on top; this is
● If practical, the pressure in the container should be reduced by removing the chlorine as
gas (not as liquid) to process or a disposal system. In some cases it may be desirable to move the
container to an isolated spot where it will do the least harm.
● In case of chlorine leaks, while seeking an escape, or while respiratory equipment is being
secured and adjusted, short, shallow breaths should be taken and eyes should be closed as much
as possible. It is important to keep above and to the windward side of escaping chlorine gas. All
exhaust mechanisms should be turned on immediately. The leaks should be investigated at once
by authorized, trained personnel equipped with suitable respiratory protection. All other
persons should be kept away from the affected area, until the cause of the leak is discovered and
the difficulty corrected. Respiratory protective devices should be located outside the probable
area of contamination so that it will be possible to reach them in emergency.
● Leaks in Transit—If a chlorine leak develops in transit in a populated area and if the
magnitude of the leakage is minor, and no emergency kits are available, excessive quantities of
lime should be used to arrest leaking chlorine. If the leakage is extensive, it is advisable, to keep
the transporting vehicle moving until open country is reached in order to minimize the hazards.
Appropriate emergency measure, as given above, should then be taken as quickly as possible.
● In case of neutralization tower shut down - Extra caution should be taken to ensure no
massive leakage occurs. Monitoring of pressure reducing valve, automatic vacuum regulator,
chlorine manifolds, service lines and unions should be carried out every 40 – 60 minutes using
Ammonium hydroxide solution (aqueous ammonia). Pressure at discharge end after automatic
vacuum regulators should be monitored and dosing rates at rotameter should be kept at
optimum levels to ensure that no leakage takes place from the o-rings. If any leakage occurs,
entire dosing system should be immediately stopped. If possibility of leakage is being perceived,
chlorine granules may be used as temporary disinfectant until the problem with the
neutralization tower is rectified. If problem with neutralization tank persists for more than 2
days, suction line to chlorine injector shall be checked every alternate day to ensure no backflow
of water takes place through the injector suction NRV so as to prohibit unbalanced leakages in
delivery pipes.
B) Alkali Absorption -
As a regular part of chlorine storage and use, provisions shall be made for emergency disposal
of chlorine from leaking cylinders or ton-containers. Chlorine may be absorbed in solutions of
caustic soda or soda ash, or in agitated hydrated-lime slurries. Caustic soda is recommended as
it absorbs chlorine more readily. The proportions of alkali and water recommended for this
purpose are given below:

Chlorine Container Capacity Caustic Soda and Water Soda Ash and Water Hydrated Lime and Water

kg Weight kg Volume 1 Weight kg Volume 1 Weight kg Volume 1

45 58 182 136 450 58 566

68 90 270 220 680 82 815

900 1 160 3 680 2 720 9 050 1 160 11 350

A suitable tank to hold the solution should be provided in a convenient location. Chlorine
gas should be passed into, the solution through an iron pipe or rubber hose properly weighted to
hold it under the surface; the container should not be immersed.

C) Emergency Kits -
Certain chlorine suppliers have emergency kits which may be used to stop most of the leaks in
a chlorine cylinder, ton container, etc. Such kits may be utilized in case of emergency if deemed

D) Fire -
In the event of fire, chlorine containers should be moved from the fire zone immediately. If
chlorine containers cannot be moved, water should be applied to cool them provided no chlorine
is escaping.

E) First-Aid
Suitable notices should be fixed in convenient places regarding first-aid measures. The need
for speed in all first-aid shall be impressed on everyone concerned, together with the necessity of
avoiding further shock to the patient. All employees should be informed of the urgent necessity
in their own interests of reporting immediately for first-aid treatment, all minor accidents and
also report any sickness which may be thought to be connected with their employment. Any one
overcome by or seriously exposed to chlorine gas should be removed at once to un-contaminated
● Inhalation - If breathing has not ceased, the patient should be placed on his back, with
head and back elevated, and kept warm, using blankets, if necessary. Rest is essential.
If breathing apparently has ceased, artificial respiration shall be started immediately. The
‘Nielson arm lift-back pressure’ method is preferable. A physician shall be called immediately. If
oxygen-inhalation apparatus is available, oxygen should be administered by a person authorized
for such duty by a physician.
Stimulants rarely are necessary where adequate oxygenation is maintained, and any such
drugs for shock treatment should be given only by a physician. Milk may be given in mild cases
as a relief from throat irritation. 1 Nothing should ever be given by mouth to an unconscious
● Skin and clothing - If liquid chlorine or chlorinated water has contaminated skin or
clothing, the emergency shower shall be used immediately. Skin areas should be washed with
large quantities of soap and water. No attempt shall be made to neutralize chlorine with
chemicals. No ointment shall be applied for 24 hours. Contaminated clothing should be
removed immediately.
1● Eyes - If eyes have been affected with liquid chlorine or high concentrations of chlorine gas,
they shall be flushed immediately with running water for at least 15 minutes. (No attempt shall
be made to neutralize with chemicals.) Thereafter, as a first-aid measure, 2 or 3 drops of 0.5-
percent solution of pontocaine or other equally effective topical anesthetic shall be instilled into
the eyes. No oils or oily ointment should be used unless prescribed by an eye specialist.
● Ingestion - The swallowing of liquid chlorine is extremely unlikely. However, if a person
has swallowed chlorine and is conscious, he should immediately be made to drink copious
amounts of lime water, milk of magnesia, or fresh water if the others are not readily available.
Sodium bicarbonate shall not be given. The victim may be expected to vomit spontaneously, but
no attempt should be made to induce vomiting or to use a stomach tube. A physician shall be
called immediately.

23. Specify the Personal Protective Equipment i.e. PPE to be used by persons
responsible for action –

This will primarily include the following –

● Eye protection devices such as safety glasses for sudden spillages.
● Suitable gas mask for respiratory protection.
● Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for high concentration chlorine leakages.
● Chemical protective clothing and gloves since chlorine is highly corrosive to skin.
● Coveralls or long sleeve shirts and pants should be worn.
● Safety shoes should be worn.

24. Specify assembly point location for working personnel to gather – This can
be specified as in front of the chlorine tonner area.

26. Description of process for technical purpose of the industrial activity

27. Basic principles of the technological process

28. Process and safety related data for individual process stages –

29. Process description

Points 26 -29 can be addressed by providing basic process description of the entire
plant along with that of the chlorination system.

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