Masqurade Lab Mask Industrial Mask

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We cannot speak just one function of a mask because it has various definitions on
every subject in science. For example, mask on the industry is used for protecting our face
from dangerous objects, and the extreme temperature. Mask in cosmetics product for making
our face healthier than before, and it’s called a beauty mask. The mask isn’t using just in
science, but it can be used in artwork. Many people in Europe or United States utilize it for
the party, and it’s called masquerade. So generally the function of the mask is covering our
faces with different purpose depending on the issues.

Masqurade Lab Mask Industrial mask

But nowadays we don’t speak about masquerade or beauty mask, we just worry about
the functions of mask laboratory in chemical labs. Mask laboratory is normally employed for
protecting our face from harmful substances, such as; sulfuric acid, chloride acid, etc. Why
do we must protect our face with a mask? The reason is simple, the chemical substances are
very dangerous, if we respire it, it will make us cannot breathe. Another reason, if our face is
splashing by chemical liquor, the mask will protect our cheek from it, so the irritation it
cannot happen.

Citric Acid
This substance is a part of acid, and it has many uses in our
life. Now we just explain two functions those are in chemical
industries and housekeeping. The citric acid in an industry always
used for stabilizers, oxide removers, clean wash agents, etc. Also,
it can be found in the printing industry, the electroplating industry,
etc. if in the housekeeping, it can be used as laundry agents, it
makes our white clothes cleaner and safer than whitening agents,
and it’s called citrun. Citric acid’s cost of housekeeping is cheaper
than whitening agent cost. Citrun

The shape of citric acid generally is granules, and the color is white. It’s also easy to dilute it
in a water. Citric acid is safe to use, unlike other acids, it can touch with our hands without
irritation. Because it saves we can consume it. Citric acid normally used for food and drink
maker. For example; candy, syrup, sweetmeat, Fanta, etc.
In general, the uses of helmet are covered and protect our head. But helmet has its
various types depend on the issues. For example, helmet for sport, work in the industry, and
riding a motorcycle. If it is used for sport, it can be used for softball, Rollerblade, and bicycle,
etc. it’s protecting our head from the injury. It’s also in the industry, it’s called safety helmet,
and this thing has the same function but different uses. It uses for protecting our head from
the objects falling from above, by resisting to the head. It can be hitting fixed dangerous
objects at the work place. Helmet for riding, many people have it in Indonesia. it has many
designs and also it’s protecting our head from the injury.

Safety Helmet Helmet for motrcycle

This machine to react the chemical substances, and produce a product. This reactor
has many types, such as a bioreactor, chemical reactor, nuclear reactor, etc. in a chemical
reactor, it has two types of reactor, those are a batch reactor and continuous reactor. If a batch
reactor is normally used in pharmacist industry, the dairy industry. Feed of this reactor just
one time with specific flow rate and the product is waiting until the process of this reactor
finished. Batch reactors are also used when only a small amount of product is desired.

Batch reactor Continuous reactor

If continuous reactors are used for the continuous product, for example, sulphuric acid
industry, petroleum industry. Feed of this reactor always enters continuously, it same with the
output produced. From the first reactor to the other reactors are a coherent connection. Why
must it be like this? Because the process in continuous reactors isn’t like in batch reactor, this
process is not waiting until the product finished. The process will happen in each reactor, and
it doesn’t take much time like the batch reactor though.

This liquid is usually called alcohol, and it's multifunction. You
can do everything with it. Ethanol’s formula is C2H5OH, and
the color is clear like a water. It’s volatile, so if you turn on a
little fire near alcohol it can be burned everything near. Ethanol
is a very special liquid because every time in our life always
find it. Using alcohols depends on subjects, alcohol would be
bad if we use it as a drink to get drunk. It can be good if we use
it in science, or medicine. Now we will explain the functions of
alcohol in science which is worthwhile in our life.

First, alcohol is an antibiotic for the injury in our body, if we have the injury, we must touch
it with a little alcohol in cotton. The purpose is to kill the bacteria which want to enter our
scars and it will infect. Second, alcohol can be cleaner from a pee of cat. If you have a cat,
and it’s getting pee on your table, or another place is important for you, the smell can remove
with alcohol, then they don’t want to pee again in that place because the scent of an alcohol is
unique so they don’t like it. Third is a mixture of biodiesel, now the fuel in our world starts to
decrease, and we must find the substitute, one of it, is biodiesel. Alcohol will react with oil,
which has small FFA (at least below 2%). Those are functions of alcohol and many others.
“I hate cats! it’s so gross! Go away from me!” many people, say that if they don’t
like a cat, even more severe they maltreat them. So pathetic, people are forgetting if cats are a
God's creature. If they don’t like a cat don’t maltreat them. They have life liberties, we must
protect it from people who do that. As a cat lover, I want to bring around you to not much
hate cat until you maltreat them.

A wildcat basically scared to face up the human, but they are kind. Wildcat doesn’t
have an opportunity like a pet. They don’t have enough food out there, so they tried to find
their food to survive. Also, if they are adult tomcat, they must fight with his rival, for
defending his territory and their food. Usually, after their fighting, they have an injury to his
neck and his face. Because they live in outdoor, their injury becomes infected. Infected not
only attack the tomcat, but also a tabby cat, if they have an injury from people riding
transportation, and people don’t responsible to them, their injury can be infected too. And
then, they must face people who don’t like them and hitting their body. Have you thought
about it?

That is not just applying for wildcat, if a person adopted a cat as his/her pet or she/he
found them, but they rude for their pet, it must be same. I just have a question, What is your
reason you adopted it and you become rude to them? Do you realize if cat doesn’t have logic
like human, but they have feeling it called instinct.

Now, do you understand? So that’s why many people make shelter for wildcat, because they
want safer wildcat from mean people. Last, I just want to say if you don’t like cats, please
don’t maltreat them, even people who phobic cat they try to diminish it and become a cat

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