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Name(s): Tuba Özgül

Tuğba Aloğlu
Birnaz Büşra Çalışkan
Science, Language and Art Integrated Activity
Unit Title
The Equipments Which People Use from Past to Present – Activity Name: How do we get

Grade Level
Early Childhood Education: 60-72 months
One Lesson Hour

Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Cognitive Development
When the pictures are shown (Condition), children who are 60-72 months of age (Audience)
state the aim of using these equipments (Behavior) at least 3 out of 5 pictures(Degree).
Motor Development
At the end of the class (Condition), children who are 60-72 months of age (Audience) do
their own materials by using residual materials (Behavior) 95% accuracy (Degree).
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Prezi Presentation (https://prezi.com/view/Cz4bZn71maQhbklHwrtN/ ), residuals materials
like toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, papers, cardboard etc. adhesive, scissors, painting
materials, concept map of equipments which use from past to present
jMWU0NGYyOWQw-X?utm_source=shared-link&utm_medium=link&s=9087593 ).
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Child-centered, Demonstrations, Presentation, Describing, Documenting
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require
Learner Participation)]
When all children in free play time, the teacher opens the windows and wants children to
gather materials and put on their place. During this process the teacher expects that the class
is gotten cold because of opening windows, if children recognize it the process goes on, but
if they cannot understand, the teacher comes near to window and says “ooo, I am cold. Before
coming to class, I read the weather news and the weather would get colder because the winter
is coming. Did you feel when coming the class today? It is really cold.” The teacher gives
time to tell their stories about weather, and winter. After that the teacher says “well, what do
we do in order to get warmer, you think?” The students can give answers like air conditions,
radiator because the class consists of them. The teacher continues “Have you ever thought
how people get warmer in the past? Which materials did they use?” The teacher waits answers
like fire, traditional heather etc. The teacher says “Yes, they also needed something to get
warmer, and they used many things. Today I will show a video to show these equipments.
Maybe you know their name.” She starts presentation. Firstly, she shows the fire, and says
this is fire. (at this point the teacher expects all children can know and say the fire.) A long
time ago, people used fire to get warmer. They cut wood, and they burnt a fire. They gathered
around the fire, and they got warmer. Today also some places use the fire to get warmer, or
they use it in the different way.” After demonstrating and describing, she continues with stove
“do you know what its name is?” the children may know, or not. She says “this is a stove.
People put the wood and the other burnable material into it, and it warms the home, or place.
This also discovered a long time ago, and now some houses have them, and modern versions
are produced, too. Have you ever seen it before?” The children can tell “my grandfather has
it, or when I went to this, I saw it.” They can have lots of story. The teacher gives a little time
to stories. After she continuous with fireplace. “this is other heating materials. Its name is
fireplace. As you see, this is also working with fire. People used it to in the house or the
garden. There is a flue, and when the burnable materials burnt, the smoke gets out in it. Now
some people are using them in their home as furnish.” the teacher gives time to talk on it for
children. After she shows the electric heather. She says “this is electric header. When people
did not use the wood, or other materials, or they wanted to get warm quickly, they used it.
This works with electric, people plunged it, so they worked. Today some electric heather
works with battery. You can charge them, and you can move them wherever you want.” They
talk on it. After, she continues with radiators. She shows the picture and also, she points the
radiators in the class, she says as you said, today many people use the radiators to heat. We
also use them. Previously, they had some big heating boilers, and people used fire, or hot
water to heat the place, today, many people use natural gas. There are radiators and the heat
are spread of the place from them.” They talk about it. Lastly, she shows the air conditions
and say “its name is air conditions. We have one in our class. Last week also we used it to
get warmer in our class because the radiators were broken. Many people have them, too.
People use it because it gets warmer place easily, and they can use it in the different way.”
They talk on it. After the teacher says them to look deeply. She gives time for children to
explore and look detailly. After that the teacher says

“kış kapıyı çalınca hepimiz düşündük nasıl ısınır insanlar

Gördük ki kimi ateş kullanmış kimi soba kimi şömine

Elektrikli sobalar, kaloriferler, klimalar

Hepsi ısıtmış insanları geçmişten günümüze

Peki gelecekte nasıl ısınır insanlar sizce?”

After that the teacher waits answers, and says “I brought some residual materials like toilet
paper, plastic bottle etc. I want you to think firstly. In the future how will we get warmer?
How will the materials today we use change? After thinking, you can create your own future
heather. Let’s think and create.” The teacher puts the materials and the children start. During
this process if children have questions the teacher answers, talks on it. After all children made
their own heater, they share with their friends. Later, they pass the assessment part.

Individual Learning Activities Each child creates her/his own future heaters
by using her/his creativity.
Group Learning Activities They listen and watch presentation as whole
Before the activity, as a parent involvement, concept map of equipments which people use
from past to present is prepared by using bubbl.us, and it is sent parents to inform them and
to prepare their children for the class about what they will do in the class during this months.
In this activity, heaters are introduced children. It is child-centered and whole group activity.
Firstly, teacher prepares the presentation by using Prezi, and she demonstrates it, and describe
the equipment. After, to support children’s creativity, teacher wants children to think future,
and teacher gives residual materials to create their own heaters for children.

Measurement & Evaluation

Descriptive Questions;

 What did we talk in our activity?

 Which heating materials did we see?
 Which materials did we used during creating our own heater?

Sensorial Questions;

 If there is not any heater in the world, what do we do?

 If we can only use stove today, what happens?

Objective Questions;

 You think, which materials heats more than others?

 Which material is the oldest in your opinion?

Daily Life Questions;

 Which materials did you see before?

 Are there any different materials to heat? What?

Measurement & Assessment Activities Teacher gives time to demonstrate and explain
for Individual Performance what each child did, and why?
Measurement & Assessment Activities More time is given in order to share their thoughts
for Group Performance about heaters for children.
Homework (optional) -

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

As a parent involvement, concept map is sent through both link and image for the parents
because maybe link is not worked, or the image is lost. Also, for emergency situations, the
teacher prints the pictures which she used in the presentation.

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