Supervisor Evaluation Form: B 0 2 1 5 1 0 2 5 8 B E N G

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PSM2_SV_Evaluation Form_2016.6.





Matric’s Course :
: B0 2 1 5 1 0 2 5 8 B E N G



A. Project Development and Student Performance (30%)

1. Log Book/Record with Evidence – ethics [LO7, PO8] [ 5% ] 

2. Frequency of Meeting - responsibility [LO7, PO8] [ 5% ] 
3. Appropriate Technique – modern engineering modern tools [LO5, PO5] [ 5% ] 
4. Submission On Time – ethics [LO7, PO8] [ 5% ] 
5. Achievement & Financial Expenses – management [LO11, PO12] [ 5% ] 
6. Independent work [LO9, PO10] [ 5% ] 

B. Final Report - Contents (70%)

1. Abstract [LO2, PO2] [ 5% ] 

2. Introduction, Problem Statement [LO2, PO2] [ 10% ] 

3. Objective & Scope [LO1, PO1] [10%] 

4. Literature Review – environment & sustainability [LO6, PO7] [ 10%] 
5. Project Methodology – design of solution [LO4, PO4] [ 10% ] 
6. Results & Discussion – analyse and interpret results [LO3, PO3] [ 15% ] 
7. Future Work, Conclusion & Reference – life-long learning [LO10, PO11] [ 5% ] 
8. Writing Skills – communication [LO8, PO9] [ 5% ] 

( Supervisor’s signature)

Name &
Date : ………………………………..
Stamp : ……………………………………

Remarks: Supervisor 60%; Seminar 20%; INOTEK 20%
PSM2_SV_Evaluation Form_2016.6.3
Note: The students’ FYP Final Reports of those obtained gred “A” and “A-” will be used as examples and benchmarking for
EAC accreditation.
BENU 4984 (PSM 2) - Supervisor Evaluation Rubric PSM2_SV_Rubric_2016.6.3

A. Project Development and Student’s Performance (30%)

No. Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5

Have shown a good

Log Book/ Have shown evidence practice in keeping Shown excellent
Have shown evidence
Log book is done at of recording a log book record and writing log commitment in the norms
Record with No log book of recording a log
the last minute and but does not reflect the book as a result of of engineering practice
1. Evidence being book but in very
only when work of a semester, discussion with by recording technical &
[LO7, PO8] recorded. loosely way and not
requested. e.g. only a few pages < supervisor but with intellectual discussion and
(5%) properly managed.
10 pages. lacking of extra self- ideas with extra self-effort.
The student is too Shown independent Shown excellent
Shown independent and
dependent and and able to conduct the commitment to conduct the
Frequency of No meeting Show up only once reporting progress to
frequently meet with project but not reporting project with high level of
Meeting with supervisor awhile and randomly supervisor but missing
2. supervisor to the progress to the responsibility and meeting
[LO7, PO8] after title have to meet supervisor appointment once a
request for answer supervisor as frequent supervisor to present the
(5%) been decided. with no preparation. while with no obvious
and solution, which as being planned with progress as frequent as
is annoying. supervisor. necessary.
Have applied appropriate
Used appropriate technique using modern
Used appropriate Have the initiative to
Appropriate Not appropriate use engineering tools but engineering for solving
Not using any engineering tools and learn need engineering
Technique of engineering tool did not operate the complex engineering
3. engineer-ing operated them correctly tools and can operate
[LO5, PO5] as there are other tool properly problem and also have the
or IT tools. but did not explore to them correctly in solving
(5%) more suitable tools. according to standard initiative to use modern IT
its maximum. engineering problem.
manual. Tools to present the work
in a professional way.

Hardbound submitted on
Submission on Fail to submit Late submission, Late submission but not time (before Friday of
Late submission but Late submission but not
Time hardbound just submitted ring later than week-16 Week-16), which show high
4. not later than the end later than the end of
[LO7, PO8] (may fail bound final report (Early morning of commitment of
of Week-18. Week-17. responsibilities and
(5%) PSM2). on Week-18. Monday of Week-17).
applying ethical principles.

Project Have an excellent project

Completed the project Completed FYP2 with
management – There were a major management in
which is a continuous just a little changes
Achievement No information FYP1 and FYP2 are overhaul of FYP2 completing the FYP report
from FYP1 but with compared to the
5. and Financial on project different projects all compared to FYP1 on time and also applying
expenses more than proposal/ FYP1 and with
expenses management. together. due to poor project sound knowledge in
expected or being expenses is within the
[LO11, PO12] management. managing the budget
planned. allocated budget.
(5%) allocated to the project.

BENU 4984 (PSM 2) - Supervisor Evaluation Rubric PSM2_SV_Rubric_2016.6.3

Supervisor provides
Supervisor provides Supervisor and Student manages to
Independent and teaches more
Supervisor and teaches all students provides equal obtain by themselves Supervisor only provides
work knowledge and
6. needs to do all knowledge and amount of research more knowledge and guidance, where all work is
[LO9, PO10] materials than the
the work. materials for materials and research materials than mostly done by the student.
(5%) students own
research. knowledge. the supervisor.

BENU 4984 (PSM 2) - Supervisor Evaluation Rubric PSM2_SV_Rubric_2016.6.3

B. Final Report (Contents) (70%)

No Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5

Abstract is too short

Have shown effort in Have shown the
(<150 words) not
paraphrasing and have ability to engage in
Obviously not an reflecting the whole Abstract is too long
Abstract given independent independent view and
abstract but rather a FYP report, missing (>300 words) which is
1. [LO2, PO2] No abstract. view and result in the summary in writing a
conclusion of the details of problem not necessary and can
(5%) abstract but missing professional abstract
work. statement and /or be shortened.
some points which is with own words and
objective or/and
not critical. paraphrasing.
Have shown excellent
complex problem
Introduction, Problem statement Problem statement is investigation with
Problem statement is Problem statement is
Problem is too general and/ well defined with research based
No written not well defined and defined but the problem
2. Statement, or confused correct level of knowledge in
any of these. lacking investigative is not at the right level
[LO2, PO2] between objective complex problem but comparing existing
element. of complexity.
(10%) and scope. lacking detail. technologies and able
to identify research
gap and problem.

The objective(s) are

formulated but not
Objective(s) are too
Objective(s) are not accordance to the Objective(s) are well
general and not
Objective & properly formulated to criteria of either specific, defined with correct Specific objective(s)
properly formulated.
Scope No written solve the problem. measurable, level of complex has/have been stated
3. There is a
[LO1, PO1] any of these. However, it is clear achievable, relevant or problem investigation with sufficient detail of
confusion between
(10%) between objective and time limited concern but with lacking detail scope.
the objective and
scope. (SMART). However, it of the project scope.
is clear between
objective and scope.

BENU 4984 (PSM 2) - Supervisor Evaluation Rubric PSM2_SV_Rubric_2016.6.3

Completed Chapter
with excellent
Chapter is completed
complex problem
Chapter is seemingly with fairly good
investigation with
completed with investigation on
research based
Chapter is partially acceptable explainable current development of
knowledge in
Literature A loosely technical completed with flimsy on theory/ fundamental engineering and
comparing existing
Review No literature report draft and not theory/ fundamental and with > 5 latest technologies by
4. technologies and able
[LO6, PO7] review. in the form of a final explanation and not references which were comparing at least >
to identify research
(10%) year project report. sufficient literature published within the 10 recent references
gap and with sufficient
being done. period of 5 years but which are within the
number of latest
lacking of critical period of 5 years and
references > 15
reviews in own words. with sound critical
publications which
reviews in own words.
were published within
the period of 3-5 years

Methodology has been Have designed and

Difficult to Methodology with some
Methodology presented designed and shown in developed an
Project No understand and the flaws and missing of
in a plain flow chart but clear flow chart and excellent method in
Methodology methodology flow of the method steps which may not be
5. lacking of discussion described in details but solving complex
[LO4, PO4] being seems not correct critical but presented in
and description of with little mistake engineering problem
(10%) presented. and without flow a clear flow chart and
every step taken. which have more room with clear flow
chart to guide. well discussed.
for improvement. diagram.
Have shown excellent
Results are interpreted Results are presented
Results presented Results are presented analyzing skills and
correctly but lacking meaningfully but not
in a wrong way or and discussed but interpretation of
effort in presenting the discussed in detail.
Results & have been there are still room for results,
No result results in a more Evaluation and
discussion interpreted wrongly. improvement e.g. comparing the
6. being meaningful way. There optimization for
[LO3, PO3] No evaluation or lacking comparison experimental to
presented. is no evaluation and sustainable
(15%) optimization for with theoretical or theoretical or
optimization for development is
sustainable other researchers’ simulation results or
sustainable mentioned but not in
development. works. other researchers’
development detail.

BENU 4984 (PSM 2) - Supervisor Evaluation Rubric PSM2_SV_Rubric_2016.6.3

Have written an
excellent conclusion
Have written a fairly
in line with the project
good conclusion
Future work, objectives and also
Reaffirming the project linking all the
Conclusion Concluded with recognize the needs
No statement, discusses objectives and
and Poor conclusion reaffirming the project for, and ability to
Conclusion the issues, reaches a evidence and also
7. References with no direct link to statement but with engage in
and No final judgement but suggested a future
[LO10, PO11] the work. missing link to the independent and life-
Future Work. poorly suggested future work but not
(5%) project objectives and long learning by
work challenging enough to
discussing potential
standalone as another
future work with high
new project.
level of intellectual
Excellent in
Able to convey ideas Able to convey ideas
Struggle in conveying conveying complex
Difficult to but with limited clarity, clearly, convincingly,
Writing Skills ideas and with engineering project
Report not understand with conviction and and effectively most of
8. [LO8, PO9] noticeable grammatical and communicate
completed countless effectiveness with the time in writing with
(5%) errors, averagely < effectively in writing
grammatical errors. average grammatical averagely grammatical
5/page. with no single
errors < 2/page. mistakes < 1/page.

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