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If you’ve opened up this magazine expecting it be

us droning on and on about comic book films and
graphic-novel reviews, then you’d be dead wrong!
But if you’re searching for a magazine that includes
superheroes, bad girls who love to cause trouble,
and, a whole stack of upcoming artists that each have
different motivations, inspiration and aspirations then
you came to the right place. Fatale magazine is all
about the attitude of comic book life, and the girls who
run the whole scene. Who cares about Batman when
you’ve got Catwoman? Who even is Superman? Isn’t
he just that guy in the red undies…that is sooo 1978!

Who wants to know about Harley Quinn’s top

five deadliest gadgets that can either kill or
catch a boy from afar? Does Poison Ivy have the
perfect deadly formula that can make men fall in
love with you, or even worse…fall into a ditch?
What kind of star sign are you, and is astrology really
true? Mercury was in retrograde a couple nights ago!

There’s no limit to what these girls can do

including yourselves and even the skies aren’t
the limit for upcoming artists who are breaking
out into both the art and comic book scene!

Fatale’s own superpower is giving girls the chance to

show off their own work, with a drop of sass along
the way. Who the hell ever said that superheroes were
for guys only? Step aside, Batman, the girls are here.
What’s up nerds? I’m Connor inclusive for girls my age and
and I’m the editor of Fatale. I younger at all. It was all for men,
get were expecting a girl, and even the women that should be
right? Wrong! empowered were simply exposed
for the male gaze.
I’ve been obsessed with the
comic book industry for Fatale aims to appeal to the girls
years and I’ve partaken in who never felt like the fictional
collaborations online to create characters they love so much
new stories for the comic empowered you or made you feel
characters we see today. I’m good about themselves. Yeah, you
completely obsessed with Talia might be a nerd like me but I think
al Ghul, the relationship between being a nerd is the best thing in the
Harley and The Joker and that world! You should too!
was the point when I thought
to myself, “Harley isn’t being “I love Talia so much
portrayed right, here.” because she’s a bad gal’
with a conscience!”
I didn’t believe for a single
second that comic books were

LIZA | 20 ABBIE | 21 CARMEN | 21

MODEL stylist digital artist

With two entirely differen’t styles, Fatale
You ever wondered what Wonder Woman would say to your interview’s Lionel Vance and Carmen Morenna on
problems in life? Well now you can find out with our agony their art and what inspires them.
aunt page where you can pour out your aching heart to the
amazon princess herself!
59. Zatanna’s horoscopes
8. COLOUR ME BLUE. The daughter of famed magician Zatara, Zatanna
is here to tell you what hero or villain you
Blue Charlie has been an avid role-player over the last decade, owning are based on your zodiac. Time to get totally
many role-playing websites and in her experience, the people can astrological!
either make or break a story making website. There is so much more to
fan-fiction, and incredible stories can be created using your favourite


Everyone loves a good bad gal, but what makes them so bad? Of course
their devlish personalities come into play but you don’t have to be
inherently evil to be part of the club! We’ve created a few shopping pages
featuring some of your favourite girls. Whether you want to purchase
Starfire’s spaceship from the U.S Government is entirely up to you...


Sometime’s it’s fun to make your own comic and here
at Fatale, we’ve created D.C’s own Gotham City Sirens
in London. Who knows what kind of commotion they’ll


Since forever, fashion has been a reflection of
our society and therefore, in a world where
there is war around the corner, fashion works
hard towards inspiring people using superhero
themed clothing from across the years. We
even gave you a little history lesson on


Artist Roy Lichtenstein heavilly inspired
the theme of this magazine and in homage
to his work, Fatale has created a satirical
photoshoot in the style of Lichtenstein’s art.

Soho London is home to many different
cultures, and Fatale interviews comic
book store Nora to get an in-depth
perspective on Soho’s underground
comic scene.


Netflix has so many great originals on
offer and Fatale reviews the best ones


Since actress Uma Thurman released a disturbing
video of her car crash during the filming of “Kill
Bill Vol.2”, Tarantino and Weinstein have come
heavilly under fire.
48. The Crying game

Using Litchstein-inspired art, we’ve drawn over

them to show what the crying girls are really
thinking about!
T F ?

T h e

International icon Wonder Woman has graced Fatale by offering out her help and guidance to us
civillians! Do you have a question for Wonder Woman? Send us your message at TheFataleMagazine@ for a chance to be feature in next months issue!

FRANKIE “Hm…you seem to have answered your own question! It

was good of you to end the relationship because if you’re
22 fighting, then it clearly isn’t worth it…although were you
fighting verbally or chucking shields and swords at each
other? Back to it, if he’s making you feel terrible and upset
by getting with other girls he’s clearly just doing that to
spite you. You’re much stronger than that and girls like us
have the strength and will of ten men combined! My best
advice is to move on the right way by keeping yourself
busy, and if that means fighting off inter-galactic space
monsters and slaying sea monsters, deep in the depths of
Atlantis, then so be it!”
“I can barely talk to boys in a romantic way…I’ve never had a
boyfriend, or any sexual relationship… So there's my "problem".”
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing! I lived on my home island of
Themyscira for years upon years without any inclination that 25
the World of Man ever existed. However we didn’t live on
planet Earth; we lived in a Paradise created by my mother,
Hippolyta to hide from the God of War, Ares.

All my life I had been shunned away from man and in the
end the supposed opposite to my gender didn’t exist in
my mind. Everything changed when I met Steve Trevor but
that didn’t last long. I am an Amazon, immortal and Steve
unfortunately wasn’t. Sometimes you meet someone and
you believe that they are the love of your life but in actual
fact, maybe they aren’t. You shouldn’t have to look for love. “Wonder Woman, I just turned 25. I’ve just lost my job due
Just simply wait and in turn, be the fiercest girl you can be! to major head trauma because the new guy at work closed
an industrial garage door on my head! I don’t know what
ASHleY to do now…I’m currently working at part-time gigs and I’m
selling off my possessions. Should I just saw screw it and
17 move far away and start over? I’ve lived in the same place
my whole life, and tried to leave a few times before. I’m
thinking that getting rid of the material possessions will
make it easier. What do you think?

“Im sorry that you lost your job. I once worked as a clerk
in a make-up store when I was trying to be in top-secret
disguise. That didn’t go down very well and I lost that one.
“I recently just broke up with my first boyfriend. We were But remember, you’re strong and you can get through this.
fighting so much all the time and we both agreed at first If you’re considering running away and changing your life
that we are better off as friends. The first few days after we around then by all means do it, but don’t run away from
broke up we were civil, and even texted, I replied to him late any problems that you have…because if you do, then no
and usually I reply to him fast, but why should he get special matter where you go, the issues you left behind will follow
treatment anymore? That made him upset and an argument you. Just remember that people as strong as us go through
ensued for a few more days before I told him that he’s better hard times, but don’t worry because you’ll get through it!
off without me in his life and that he will be happier. Remember that life has many obstacles; it just depends
whether you want to run away from those obstacles, or do
We haven’t talked since and I don’t regret getting him out
of my life. But, I can’t help missing him and when I see him
with other girls, I feel upset! I don’t love him anymore but
I want him in my life again. I know he has been trying to
get me to talk to him by making me jealous, and asking me
questions in a group chat, but right now I’m exhausted and I
don’t know what to do. I have assignments to do but I can’t
seem to get him off my mind. How do I get over this?
Role-playing games have always been popular, especially
within the gaming industry. There’s something so freeing
about playing a character that’s fully customizable,
with a ton of options to choose from before setting
them out into a sandbox world, ready to start their
journeys to greatness.
Since the release of the life simulator, ‘The Sims’ in 1999, gamers have found joy in simply acting out
people’s everyday lives, playing God and either making their Sims rich millionaires, or sadistically killing
them off one by one (mwahaha!). Let’s be honest, who hasn’t taken off all the ladders of their Sims
swimming pools with your Sim still obliviously breath stroking through the waters? If you haven’t tried
boxing a group of Sims in a small room with no escape then that’s definitely something you should put on
your Sims bucket list!

With all said and done, playing a different role gives people the freedom to become anyone they want,
whenever they want, which is why forum role-playing has become such a hit with fans on the Internet.
The basics are simple: find a website that fits the theme of what you’re interested in, post up a character
application and start writing with hundreds of other players with their own original, or canon characters
that already originate from the sites theme. In this instance, the theme is DC Comics. There are many role-
playing sites that fit with the Batman-theme however Pittsburgh-born Blue Charlie is incredibly dedicated
to the site she has created, her members, and the vision she has for the future of her forum. Kicking off her
roleplaying obsession in college, Blue has become the face of popular writing website, ‘A Walk Among The
Tombstones’ and acquiring an array of different writers from across the globe, she has since moved onto
‘Jello-Shots’, ‘Darkest Before The Dawn’, and now her final prized possession, ‘Chaos Theory.’

“You find yourself hu

for them when they
’re and
celebrating with th
em when
they reach their go
als. The
happiness communit
y brings me
in general is well w
orth it."

All of her forums have been Batman themed, taking elements from Faith Hastings is different because she’s an original character
the original Detective Comics and transforming them into her own developed by me. She's been a huge a character for learning how
vision. On ‘Chaos Theory’, the story goes that The Devil, Lucifer to role-play properly, and how to be open to change yet I see her
Morningstar has eradicated all of the angels on Earth, disrupting as a reflection of myself. She holds a lot of things that I love, like
The Earth’s natural balance and it’s up to the heroes to restore that Pokémon, dinosaurs, fashion, being out with my girlfriends, and
balance. However the plot changes with every person that joins the much more. I love the fact that she is so simple at the beginning but
site and the outcomes are always unpredictable. Most role-players she has really had a lot of emotional growth like going through a lot
are almost always faceless, including Blue who wishes to keep a of heartaches and she’s picked herself up from some of the more soul-
professional attitude when it comes to managing her own role- crushing moments in her life.
playing site.
What’s the whole point of roleplaying in your eyes?
Why do you love DC Comics so much?
There are a lot of points to roleplaying. Mostly it’s for fun and
DC Comics has always been there in my life in one shape or form. meeting new people but it has its benefits to help you out in the real
I grew up watching Batman and Scooby Doo, but when I got older world too. A lot of people learn to collaborate and work with people
I watched other shows and dabbled in comics. DC had a way of over ideas and stories, and the art of collaboration can be a tool that
always being at the heart of fun and love, not to mention that my roleplaying can help teach you that you’ll use in the workforce. There
husband and I bonded over watching Adam West. In fourth grade, are real-world concepts being used in role-play, and some of it has
I even went trick or treating as Batman. DC always inspired me; to do with dealing with people on different levels, learning how to
it always showed me I could be more than just a girl and I can compromise, and even learning how to write. Many role-players
be Batman if I wanted too! I could be a detective like Thelma. become novelists or web designers.
Nightwing, hands down is my favourite character and I’ve always
enjoyed Dick Grayson’s character. He’s the jovial man that taught Would you ever pursue writing as a career or is it a hobby?
me who I was in life through his story, and who I love. He defines
me. As a comic writer and opinion piece writer, yes, but I wouldn’t go
beyond that. A lot of role-players are people that enjoy writing novels
What inspires you to run a roleplaying website? and use roleplaying to perfect their skills as well as having fun but
most role-players see it as just a hobby and a way to relax.
Roleplaying interests me because my little world grows as a whole.
It’s not always the stories and characters, but its people and I’ve met A lot of people think that role-players are similar to cos-players,
some really amazing people! but the community stays on the Internet as opposed to going to
I actual conventions. That sometimes provokes a bit of controversy
t’s meeting them and learning about their world, in ways through because a lot of the public thinks people who are so deeply
their characters, imaginations, or simply just talking to them. As interested in comics, are nerds. Would you agree to that?
much as people can drive me crazy, I love them all to pieces. When
creating and joining role-play sites you can meet the best people and No. Cos-players are not role-players. Live action role-play is the real
they become like siblings. You find yourself hurting for them when action of role-play. In other words, it’s really just creative play for
they’re and celebrating with them when they reach their goals. The adults, but we used words instead of costume. Cosplay isn’t acting
happiness community brings me in general is well worth it. Also, the as the character you are embodying for a few days; It’s a different
basics of running a role-play site are not hard or even difficult. What creative process starting with costume design and develops from
the real difficulty is not in the function or deployment of ideas, but different and more distinctive artworks such a leather and metal work.
it’s the people in the middle. Running the site itself is not that hard.
The part that’s hard is dealing with issues that come up that people
create, because we always get our fair share of drama here.
“Mostly it's for fun and meeting new
Tell me about your characters that you play and why you play
them. people but it has its benefits to help
you out in the real world too. A lot of
I adore Dinah Lance but her alias is The Black Canary. She’s got the people learn to collaborate and work
typical girl-next-door person yet she’s a wonderful powerful house.
The point of her is not being reliant on her powers or godly abilities with people over ideas and stories, and
like Superman or Wonder Woman. Dinah does simply what she the art of collaboration can be a tool
does because she believes in the greater good of humanity, and she's that roleplaying can help teach you that
a woman who took the mantle of her mother and became a strong
woman. It's so much better than receiving your powers from the you'll use in the workforce.”
Greek Gods, in my opinion.

The second character I took on ‘Chaos Theory’ was Harley Quinn.

At first, I took her because I didn’t want a lovesick, mentally ill
puppy on my site and romanticizing the abuse that Harley went
through with The Joker is disgusting in all aspects. I’ve played her
before and I’ve loved her since the Animated Series when she made
her debut in 1996 but what really draws me to Harley is her overall
story; the fact that she rose from the ashes after being abused by
her criminal father and the harsh ways of Joker, she wised up and
declared her independence from abusive men and stood strong.
That’s why I find her so inspiring, and her story is so important
because character can help fuel the fire for other abused women out
there to find their freedom. I also play as Nightwing because Dick
Grayson has just been my favourite since I was little. It’s more of
the fact that I just love him!
Everyone has their own favourite female supervillain, no matter if you’re always dedicated to the good guys!
These are the gals’ that love to steal, fight and sometimes kill to get exactly what they want. However
don’t let that put you off and don’t hate em’ because they’re beautiful! Sometimes, even the good guys who
only fight for the good of the planet border the lines between good and bad, with some even believeing that
dishing out death is justice in some instances just like Huntress or Starfire (but only when she’s super mad!).
However the gals’ that don’t have superpowers use gorgeous gadgets and tools to get what they want.
Here’s a carefully thought of shopping list of what some of the bad gals’ of the D.C Comics world use to
commit their crimes, and look darn good doing the dirty deed!

ZARA: £35

Universal Citizen Passport

B adg 2
n £

t er
rglove fit
leathe out
ur poison kiss

MAC: £11

poison ivy

Chanel Perfume Books

Chanel: £105 Waterstones: £18

Garden World: £14

Fern Trees

toxic lipstick The Deep Web: £299
Lime Crime: £14.12

BAseball bat
Fanatics: £8

High Heels

Topshop: £45

Poison Lolipop
SugarSin: £3

H AR The costume store: £6
Devlish facepaint

Black Market: £120

why needs
fashion heroes

From the dawn of time, superheroes have always been a beacon of shimmering hope
for the innocent civilians on Earth. Superman for example, in the comic universe
is treated like a God and whilst a few bad humans don’t like that fact and try
to put an end to his reign as the greatest superhero alive, they never prevail.

Kryptonite is weakness but the human love of his life children running around in Batman or Spiderman outfits as
Lois Lane pushes him through even the most perilous a key example.
of situations, earning respect from humans around the
Earth. However Superman is iconic and well respected not The Director of Content Development & Editor at Marvel
because of the way he carries himself, but the way that he Comics comments that interpreting iconic superheroes in
dresses. fashion means that, “anyone can express their own unique
identity and individualism” which is incredibly accurate
The house of EL logo emblazoned upon his chest, followed to our comic book world. Every hero, villain, rogue, or
by the deep blue bodysuit and the red underpants are what vigilante is different in each way, with a vast array of
makes him so well known. Children walk around wearing superpowers and gadgets to help them save the day.
his logo because it gives them hope that there’s always
someone bigger and stronger than them to protect them. Fashion has always been about expressing your unique
Superheroes resonate with world issues and a perfect role- identity, and that gives people the freedom to look and feel
model like Superman is just what the world needs, both in what they want, rather than blend into the crowd.
the comic universe and reality.
Despite this, mainstream fashion has incorporated
There is far too much death and destruction in the world materials practically made for superheroes such as
and in those hard times, it’s natural to turn to the next spandex and latex. These superheroes always ensure that
person who can protect you from hardship. The iconic their costumes grant them maximum mobility in order
Superman logo radiates positivity and it’s no wonder why not to restrict their bodies, and not to mention the fact
the fashion world is so hooked on creating garments that that wearing tight clothes looks damn good whilst you’re
makes both women and men feel so powerful when they kicking someone face into the curb and saving the day,
wear them: like a real life superhero. right?

It’s hard to miss even some of the most obvious comic Spandex always comes to the rescue when it comes to
book references in fashion, which kicked off majorly when moving around quickly and precisely, allowing heroes to
‘Garage’ magazine launched their 10th issue, portraying move their body parts in ways that thugs will never see
famous models as iconic Marvel superheroes such as She coming and it’s no wonder why people in the real world
Hulk, Spider Gwen and The Avengers own, Black Widow. use lycra spandex in their active-wear. After all, who goes
Of course high fashion can relate to costume as much to the gym to pump some iron wearing clothes that can’t
as they want, and many looks are purely just for show allow them to move properly?
however buying seperate pieces of Marvel clothing makes
you feel like you’re that comic book character, with little Moving further into spandex, the material is a long-chain of

synthetic fibre, created up of stretchable polyester that can also created spandex-inspired costumes such as ‘The Mad
stretch up to 600% times it’s normal size before reverting Max’ costume which featured in his Spring 1995 collection,
back to its original size, and, by the 1960s’ spandex moved in which the dotted pattern created an optical illusion
far beyond the confines of the corset and made its way every time the spandex stretched, creating a chameleon
into swimwear. effect. How cool would it be if there were a superhero
that had a bodysuit like that, and could blend into any
Gone were the days of blocky swimming costumes that environment and stay hidden? However these collections
restricted the female body, with spandex accentuating are a little dated, and it’s interesting to see how spandex
the body shape by tightening over the skin. Additionally has been manipulated and changed over the years.
not only was Spandex designed to stretch, the fabric
dries very easily which is why making swim suits were Continuing into mainstream fashion, superhero films
incredibly popular, hence why the superheroes that we all are becoming increasingly relevant and which self-
know and love use Spandex in their costumes. You don’t respecting girl DIDN’T dress up as Harley Quinn for 2017’s
want to be weighed down by heavy water when fighting Halloween? The highly anticipated ‘Suicide Squad’ film
sea monsters, do you? In modern day times, spandex has rocketed Harley Quinn’s character into the mainstream
been incorporated into every day fashion such as active- and every girl wanted a t-shirt which read “Daddy’s Lil’
wear and in 2011, there was 20.5 billion clothes bought, Monster” emblazoned over it. Wearing clothes that are
all of which was spandex in America. In turn, the more derived from Harley Quinn’s fashion, makes girls feel like
people that began to buy spandex and use them in their they can actually like their fictional role-model, giving
daily lives, the more that spandex adapted to peoples them comfort not only over their chests, but in life also.
waistlines. Because the material is so tight yet stretchy, Since “Wonder Woman” was released in late 2017 also, it
even plus-sized people can wear the material, which allows sent even “The Suicide Squad’ packing with critics calling
ease when moving around. it the best D.C film released. There’s something about
Wonder Woman and ever since her debut in 1941, she
hasn’t changed a bit: innocent, courageous and touchingly
Furthermore Spandex has become much more popular on
the catwalks over the past few years, mostly appearing
in sports-wear however high-end brands such as Chanel
Top Critic Leah Pickett comments that, “Jenkins tries not
have in-cooperated leggings into their haute couture
only to include men on Wonder Woman's side but also
collections. The reason why this is so outrageous is
to make male viewers feel better about a woman saving
because the French term ‘haute couture’ translates into
them.” This is true because the film itself is set in the early
‘high fashion’ in English, and couture must be handmade,
20th century, and there hasn’t been a better time to show
created from scratch within Paris. female empowerment during World War One, typically seen
as a man’s world. Everything from the tunic, emblazoning
Traditionally, couture has always been focused on a gold plate above her chest, her tiara, the lasso matched
delivering beautiful and traditional gowns, accentuating along with her steel gauntlets, Wonder Woman has been
the female figure into impossible shapes of opulence and a fashion icon in the comic world for years, long before
wealth. However recently, fashion brands are bending Harley Quinn was even a thing since her own debut in
the rules of beauty, manufacturing their own Lycra and Batman’s Animated Series in 1997.
creating glamorous superhero’s of their own. Even
superheroes need to wear spandex and look glamorous Much like Superman, little girls and boys want Wonder
whilst beating down on the baddies! Thierry Mugler’s older Woman’s face on their clothes, not to mention high fashion
couture collections are a perfect example of superhero editorials such as the obviously named ‘Wonder Woman’
fashion, including his F/W 1997 collection, which featured for W Magazine 1997, using supermodel Christy Turlington
an array of supermodels wearing incredible pieces made to depict powerful shots of her stature. Whilst she isn’t
from spandex and rubber. exactly wearing Wonder Woman’s outfit, the concept
resonates with the idea of having someone as a role-
Furthermore, designer Jean Paul Gaultier in the past has model, and using a supermodel like Turlington inspired
women across the globe that they are indeed, WONDERful.

It’s great to dress up in fancy outfits that reflect our

Often seen as a nerdy favourite heroes, but superheroes have always been
slotted into comics to play out a role that reflects our own

getaway, comic books have

society, something that wasn’t taken into account within
the past.

since then evolved into Often seen as a nerdy getaway, comic books have since
then evolved into mainstream fashion, with society using
mainstream fashion, with fictional idols to substitute the violence that is quite a
reality in our world. For fashion itself, designers cover
society using fictional their models in tight spandex, leather and heroism is
used as a novelty or as costume, however fashion itself

idols to substitute the can be costume and can inspire millions, just like a real
superhero. Fashion can be used to make a statement such

violence that is quite a

as Walter Van Beirendonck F/W men's collection when
male models walked the runway in plastic shirts with
the words “Stop Terrorising Our World!” embedded into
reality in our world. the transparent material. Even Jeremy Scott’s Moschino
collections resonate fictional female heroes, from models
in paper dresses, fleeing from the comic books they were
ripped from. Even his recent F/W 18 collection depicted
Adriana lima for garage magazine 10th issue

Karlie kloss for garage magazine 10th issue

models painted head to toe in colours varying from
green, purple, and blue, like alien heroes in disguise.
People always want someone to look up to and whether
it be runway fashion, high street clothing or references
made in superhero films, heroism makes people feel
like they can turn to fictional characters and wear their
costumes themselves, shielding themselves from the
pain that our reality offers today.


Twenty-four year old Nora has been working in Gosh! Comics for over two years now,
a gem located on the corner of Brewer Street in Soho, London. Thinking back to Soho
you can imagine the mixture of smut, drag queens, indie culture and neon lights that
illuminate the district and nighttime, but what really goes on in the underground
comic scene?

Gosh! Comics is quite the opposite to the stereotype says.

that the Soho district is usually associated with, and
their polished wooden floors and bookshelves are You can imagine working in a place where all you
stacked to the brim every comic that you can think of think about are comics can relate to your own
that absolutely isn’t a part of the mainstream we know personal passions could quite possibly be the best
today. Instead of the standard Detective Comic series job ever! “It’s just so rewarding working here,” she
or Marvel that’s rife in areas like Mega City Comics says enthusiastically, already reaching for an issue of
in Camden, Gosh prefers to sell independent artists ‘Archie’, her favourite comic series. “A lot of people
like the ‘Archie’ series, which the Netflix T.V show don’t realise but Riverdale was based on the Archie
‘Riverdale’ took inspiration from, or the spooktacular comics, which actually originated sometime in the
‘Shadows on The Grave’ written by Richard Corben. 1940s’, and it’s just something I loved reading as a kid.
If you’re looking for a more underground scene, I wasn’t entirely the most popular person at school and
untarnished by the screaming Harley Quinn fangirls, I just love Archie. He’s this kid that went from being
or the clamouring X-Men fans, just waiting to grab the the most popular guy in school to the least popular all
next issue that’s released monthly then Gosh can fully because he lost his equally as well-known girlfriend in
provide that. the process. I just love how his friends are constantly
trying to get them back together, and it fulfilled this
Nora speaks with a great pride in Gosh and the comic American high school fantasy for me. I think I related to
store has been around for thirty years, it’s considered the culture of the comic more than anyone because I’m
to become a major landmark for al underground comic originally from America.”
book lovers in all of London. “There’s just something
so fresh working at Gosh. I already write for a few Every comic book store attracts someone different,
minor publications and I help out when it comes to especially in a city as diverse as London. “We get a lot
actually writing comics, so working at Gosh helps me of students here because London College of Fashion
gain inspiration for the work that I do on the side.” Nora is only up the road, and they’re always looking for

inspiration so they’ll buy our comics,” she explains, revolutionary the movie actually was for feminists.”
“Many people that come in here are always looking Nora speculates.
for something fresh, and considering that Soho hosts
an array of different stores, they see Gosh as unique In Nora’s eyes, there are pros and cons everywhere in
because we sell a lot of underground issues that don’t the world of female portrayal, and it’s a lot harder to
particularly get enough exposure as they should.’’ determine these factors in superhero films. When you
think about it, the directors best interests are somewhat
However, there’s always the issue when it comes to at heart and taking Marvel’s Storm for example; she’s
girls getting enough exposure in particular, but Nora shown to have major power over the rest of the men
remains impartial to the subject. and she can physically control Mother Nature itself,
bending the winds to her every whim. On the flipside of
“This tricky to discuss because there are major that, we can only determine whether she’s objectified
positives and negatives,” she says, pulling out a John through the use of costume.
Allison issue of ‘Giant Days’, “In our store we sell a
lot of individual publishers and it’s always these guys ‘’It’s so difficult because I love all superhero films,
that want to portray girls in a different light, whilst big but people need to realise that directors can’t get it all
publishers like Marvel and DC want to portray girls in right. We’re living in a world where we’re scrutinised for
the shape of what the mainstream audience want to every single thing we do and I just think it’s incredible
see. ‘Giant Days’ is a good example because it’s about that superhero culture is getting so much exposure in
these three girls that move into a university dorm and the mainstream. Ever since the first Spiderman movies
it’s the first time they’ve ever been away from home. came out, that was when I felt people started taking
It’s all about their journey through university and it such an interest in these types of films but Mary-Jane
describes girls in a raw light and it’s pretty close to real played the usual ‘damsel in distress’ role but what do
life. When I went to university and read this issue, I was you expect? For the time it was a progressive movie but
laughing the entire time because it’s so true!” now you get these incredible women that can do things
on their own like Anne Hathaway in ‘The Dark Knight
Following up on this, it’s pretty interesting to discuss Rises’. Did she need the help of Batman? Not really,
how different artists and writers portray girls in comics which is why it does annoy me when she gets together
because there has been so much controversy over the with him at the end of the film. Maybe that’s something
years about the representation of women, especially directors need to work on because in my opinion, not
in the film industry. Strong women in Marvel and DC everything needs to be so focused on love.’’
Comics movies have never been more relevant, what
with big movies dropping last year like ‘Suicide Squad’
and ‘Wonder Woman’, however Nora remains somewhat
impartial to the hype. “The problem with ‘Suicide
Squad’ is that they made Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)
the star of the movie, but they didn’t portray her in the
way that the audience wanted her to be shown as,” she
“Wonder Woman was a
says, rolling her eyes a little, “Obviously, Harley was
never inherently evil and The Joker had manipulated
good movie! But there were
her into the murderess that we all know and love today,
but their relationship was quite abusive. Probably the
still things about it that
best portrayal of her is her depiction in The New 52
comics because she does manage to get rid of The
could have been explained
Joker, form her own gang, and she finds a boyfriend
that doesn’t try to murder her every five minutes!”
better, or the fact that
Whilst ‘Suicide Squad’ didn’t get the highest critique
even though Diana is this
reviews, scoring an average on IMBD of 6.1 out of 10,
‘Wonder Woman’ has been declared as the best DC film
warrior-like princess from
to date, scoring a hefty 92% on Rotten Tomato’s and
The Guardian’s Wendy Ide described Israeli actress
an unknown dimension, but
Gal Gadot as a, “gloriously badass breath of fresh air.”
That provoked yet another eye roll from Nora, and she
she still falls in love with
laughs, “No I’m joking, it was a good movie! But there
were still things about it that could have been explained
Steve at the end. It’s a
better, or the fact that even though Diana is this warrior-
like princess from an unknown dimension, but she
little bit confusing.”
still falls in love with Steve at the end. It’s a little bit
confusing, I suppose? We all know that Steve is more
socially aware because he’s a part of our society and
because he’s so aware, that makes Diana look a little
too naïve for my liking.” Nora does have a point when
it comes to ‘Wonder Woman’. Whilst it was a brilliant
movie that showcased Diana Prince’s brute strength
and Amazonian compassion, it does seem a little
strange that she would fall in love with Steve Trevor
despite the fact that she mentions that men are only
used for pro-creation and nothing more. “It feels like
Trevor pushes the human norms on Diana when she
isn’t used to that, and that makes me question just how

Hot On

Netflix is a very clever organization. The UK version of Netflix has been renowned
for not particularly having an amazing collection of films and series’ to their ser-
vices, yet their Netflix owned series’ are usually very well received. That does
sound like a bit of a coincidence considering that with $6 billion dollars in revenue,
Netflix actors are very well looked after, with Kevin Spacey earning over $500,000
per episode when starring in hit series ‘House of Cards.’ Series like ‘HOC’ and ‘Orange
is The New Black’ were pivotal kick-starters for an onslaught of incredible Netflix
originals, and today we quick-review a collection what we like on netflix right now,
and what everyone else is watching!

iZombie is a little different from the standard zombie

horror flick and when we think of the undead, we look
at slow creatures, moaning and groaning, drooling from
their mouths and feeding on any human unlucky enough
to get in their way. ‘The Walking Dead’ is a good example
of a stereotypical zombie series, always beginning with
a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world and one
by one, the group begins to thin out as the humans meet
their demise at the hands of a moaning monster that only
wants to tear out their throats.

However when it comes to Netflix’s hit series iZombie,

the story is much more light-hearted and has a comedic
take on the zombie genre. Originally a comic written by
Chris Roberson and illustrated by Michael Allred, D.C
Comics published the zombie-tastic comics in 2010 and
soon enough, Netflix decided to take the horror-comedy
under it’s wing. The plot follows over-achieving medical
student Liv Moore (Rose McIver) who made one bad
decision to go to a boat party, which ultimately turns into
a zombie feeding-fest. Liv unintentionally gets caught in
the crossfire and scratched, thus joining the ranks of the

Determined to pass off as a human in society, Liv cuts

her medical career short –much to the disappointment of
her family – and joins a morgue alongside her partner Dr.
Ravi Chakrabarti (Rahul Kohli), dissecting corpses under
the local police station. When Detective Clive Babineaux
(Malcom Goodwin) discovers Liv’s mysterious talent to
physically solve crimes, he enlists her as his partner and
she aids him in solving crimes. However what Babineaux
doesn’t know is that Liv doesn’t have physic powers and
in fact, when she eats the brains of a dead person, she
begins to adopt their personality traits and even sees
them in their final moments before they die.

The show that everyone’s speaking about at the moment
entirely. Altered Carbon is a brilliant mix of past
is sci-fi thriller ‘Altered Carbon’, based on the 2002 novel
memories from two-hundred years ago, dystopian
under the same title and written by English author Richard
idealisms, sci-fi action and fantasy all compressed into
K. Morgan. The main plot takes place in a dystopian Earth
one short series, and the show has already announced a
almost three hundred years into the future where everyone
season two, premiering sometime in 2019.
can come back from the dead, but at a hefty price. Implanted
with a device called a ‘sleeve’, the contraption stores a
human’s every memory, personality and emotion and the
sleeve can be taken out and placed into another empty
human body. However if the sleeve is destroyed, then this
causes real death.

Altered Carbon depicts a wide range of groups from the

super-religious that believe strongly against the sleeve
agenda, and the super filthy rich that live above the clouds
including Bancroft and his family, the richest man in the
world who was murdered by an unknown assailant…and
he wants a Takeshi Kovacs (Joel Kinnaman), a previously
“dead” man who had been in isolation for two-hundred
years for terrorism against the government, to figure out
who exactly murdered him. If that wasn’t worse enough of
Kovacs, his sleeve was placed into another man’s body

in a vibrant beach paradise, until another species
causes the ultimate destruction of their planet.
The City of a Thousand planets itself however
was originally created by the Space
Station we have today and hundreds
of years into the future, the station
had evolved into a cosmic city with
thousands of alien species living
there, and sharing their knowledge
with others. You can imagine just
how beautifully Besson depicts these
strange creatures and his imagination
has really run wild.

On the other hand, critics were harsh

about Dan Dehaan and model Cara
Delevingne’s performances during the
film, with critics on IMDB mentioning
that the two leads were equally as
annoying, and the special effects
couldn’t cover up how bad their acting
‘Valerian and The City of A Thousand Planets’ was released in was. On IMBD user wrote, Slick visuals
August last year however once it was added to Netflix recently and special effects cannot carry a movie
along with an array of popular films such as ‘American Psycho alone, you still need dialogue, good
and the alien thriller ‘Paul’, ‘Valerian’ became a popular actors to project chemistry and emotion
watch…yet mainly for all the wrong reasons. ‘Valerian’s that draw you into the story.” However,
director Luc Besson has fallen on hard times since the Netflix has appeared to take pity on
movies release, with the media calling it a “failure”. ‘Valerian’ Besson and his visually stunning film
is officially the most expensive film in French history and by not only adding it to heir roster of
this called for some set backs once the movie flopped, with films, yet offering him a partnership for
Besson’s company losing crucial money for future films and an upcoming Netflix movie. Whilst a
the loss of staff due to failure to pay all of their salaries with future contract with Netflix won’t allow
the company’s now limited budget. to have such a big budget like the $177
dollars to create Valerian, but Netflix
The movie itself is certainly eye-candy and the visual effects will hopefully allow Besson and his
are beyond belief, with the opening scene set on the planet company to pull out of the hard times
Müi, showcasing a strange alien species creating a community since Valerian’s flop.

Earlier this year, the groundbreaking 2003 film ‘kill bill’ took some heat due to a lack
of care when it came to director Quentin Tarantino’s treatment of uma thurman. dur-
ing a behind the scenes moment, actress uma thurman’s car lost control and smashed
into a nearby tree, giving her concussion and the potential threat of never using her
legs again.

It’s been 15 years since Quinton Tarantino’s “Kill Bill” Many female actresses have spoken about the various
was released to the world, with actress Uma Thurman injustices done to them by directors or other male
slashing away at O-Ren Ishi’s Crazy 88 with her Hattori actors however in February 2018, Thurman released a
Hanzo sword. What isn’t to love about Kill Bill, a short video montage of her filming the opening of Kill
film about an unnamed assassin who was killed in a Bill Vol. 2, a scene in which Thurman delivers a vengeful
massacre in El Paso, Texas at her very own wedding monologue whilst driving a car through the deserts of
rehearsal but the real plot twist was that she wasn’t Mexico at 40mph and if you were thinking that she was
murdered. The bullet shot through her head by Mr. in front of a green screen this entire time, then you’d
Bill didn’t kill her, and in turn she embarks out upon a be wrong. The video Thurman posted on Instagram
rampage of revenge against her fellow assassin’s; the depicted a disturbing turn of events when the real-life
same ones that orchestrated the massacre. Since then, car she drove ran dangerously off the dirt, ramming
the yellow tracksuit lined with black stripes has become directly into a tree, severely injuring and hospitalising
a favourite at Halloween, kitted out with the samurai Thurman. Her injuries included a serious concussion
sword, and even Gogo Ubari’s Japanese school-girl and caused permanent damage to her knees. Whilst
outfit, equipped with the swinging ball and chain, ready Thurman noted in her Instagram memoir that Tarantino
to slice up a few enemies. was “deeply regretful and remorseful”, Tarantino had
allegedly pressured Thurman into driving a car that
Surely then Kill Bill is a monumental movie that wasn’t fit to be driven in any way to the point where
promotes the sheer power that’s inside every female, the car was falling apart at the doors. It provokes the
and instead of two women fighting to the death just question as to why Tarantino didn’t want to simply
for the hell of it, at least The Bride has a pretty darn use Zoë Bell (Thurman’s stunt double) to perform the
good reason to be going around and slashing up her stunt. It was understandable that Thurman had an entire
other female ex-co-workers. Tarantino’s masterpiece, monologue to deliver yet did Tarantino believe that
compiled between a unique mix of Asian martial arts and putting Thurman’s life at risk worth the script?
the spaghetti Western genre has successfully kept his
fan’s blood rushing for 15 years…or that’s what you’ve Stunt coordinator Keith Adams told The Hollywood
been led to believe. Reporter, ‘No stunts of any kind were scheduled for the
day of Ms. Thurman’s accident,’ which makes it slightly

In all, I’ve killed 33 people to get to this point right now.
I have only one more.
The last one: The Film Industry.
“Negligent to the point of criminality”, was the words
“I post this clip to memorialize it’s full used by Thurman and it’s disheartening to know that
exposure in the New York Times by Maureen Tarantino and his team had covered the incident up for
over a decade when the public believed that Kill Bill
Dowd. The circumstances of this event was a movie that celebrated the aggressive side of the
were negligent to the point of criminality. woman, mixed with an array of brutal gore and comedy.
I do not believe though with malicious
Behind the façade of the fancy costumes and show
intent. Quentin Tarantino, was deeply lights, there’s an underlying issue when it comes to the
regretful and remains remorseful about treatment of female actresses in film and lack of duty of
this sorry event, and gave me the footage care towards Thurman isn’t the first time that incidents
like these have happened. In Thurman’s statement on
years later so I could expose it and let it Instagram accompanying the disturbing video clip, she
see the light of day, regardless of it most wrote;
likely being an event for which justice will Following this quote, even film producer Harvey
Weinstein, known romance film ‘Shakespeare in Love’
never be possible. He also did so with full in 1998 was accused last year of sexually harassing
knowledge it could cause him personal famous female actresses including Gwyneth Paltrow
harm, and i am proud of him for doing the who said she was harassed by Weinstein at the age of
twenty-two years old. Not to mention Angelina Jolie
right thing, and for his courage. The cover spoke about his unwanted advances towards her
up after the fact is UNFORGIVABLE. For this, during the production of ‘Playing by Heart’ in the late
I hold Lawrence Bender, E. Bennett Walsh, nineties, with other women claiming that Weinstein
was physically intimating towards them. Weinstein’s
and the notorious Harvey Weinstein solely spokeswoman told the New York Times last year
responsible. They lied, destroyed evidence, that, “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are
and continue to lie about the permanent unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein. Mr. Weinstein
has further confirmed that there were never any acts of
harm they caused and then chose to retaliation against any women for refusing his advances.
suppress.The cover up did have malicious He will not be available for further comments, as he
intent, and shame on these three for all is taking the time to focus on his family, on getting
counselling and rebuilding his life.”
eternity. CAA never sent anyone to Mexico.
I hope they look after other clients more This quote is problematic itself purely because that
respectfully if they in fact want to do the it’s not even the famous director that’s speaking,
it’s his spokeswoman and therefore another woman
job for which they take money with any who is trying to cover up the allegations made by the
decency.” actresses. However true or not true, you can’t deny the
multiple allegations against him which enforces this
idea that behind the scenes of your famous movies,
there could be a dark past from behind the scenes.
suspicious as to why that was, and it’s easy to believe that
Thurman’s accident happened simply because of malicious
intent. On the other hand, Tarantino defended this statement
commenting that, ‘none of us ever considered it was a
stunt. It was just driving.’ Thurman would’ve been more
comfortable if it was simply just driving in a car however
she’d previously stated to Tarantino she wasn’t sure about it, Scenes from the near-fatal accident that almost
describing the vehicle as a ‘deathbox’. Tarantino responded cost the life and the legs of Uma Thurman during the
by assuring the actress that it was simply a straight road shooting of “Kill Bill, Vol.2”
however there was an ‘S’ turn that the director knew about.



Nineteen-year-old Lionel Vance grew up on the west coast in Portland, Oregon and
focuses deeply on emotion within his work. Now attending the Cornish College of
The Arts in Seattle, Vance spends his time working on a series of portraits of people
who embrace sadness, showcasing what mental illness feels like upon the outside.

Who are you and what do you do? and build from those features and colours that the photos
provide to make my drawings. I draw pencil outlines and
I draw portraits and work with print making in my free then layer marker to form the shading and colours. I often
time. I grew up making art and have always been involved finish with a white gel pen and create highlights.
in schools that support the arts. grew up making art
and have always been involved in schools that support What was your background like?
the arts. I am currently working on a series of portraits
of people embracing the emotion of sadness, crying, I grew up very independent and I’ve had support from
and bleeding. These portraits showcase the physical my parents to pursue art, but almost everything I know is
manifestation of what mental illness within feels like on self taught. I was told to work hard for what you want and
the outside. I myself deal with mental illnesses so the try your best and I try and live up to those expectations,
series works to show what I myself feel on the inside, and especially within myself since I set very high standards
others alike. I do what I do because it is a release for me, for my own practice.
(and) making art grants me the ability to feel something
that I otherwise have trouble with vocalizing. How has your practice changed over time?

How do you work? Over time I have grown to accept my own stylization. I
used to punish myself when making hyper realistic art, or
I work mostly in the refrains of my studio, playing music, trying to make art that was realistic that didn’t come out
and drawing. I use reference photos of myself and others perfectly. Over time I just accept my art for what it is, and

strive to learn more facets about what I am capable of. I
don’t hold myself back anymore, even if ideas don’t come
to me easily.

Favourite art work?

I love the painting Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth.

This is my favourite piece in terms of traditional paintings.
Other artworks I enjoy the portraits of Nara’s little girls,
the illustrations of Jonny Negron, and the fabric work of
Lempicka’s paintings of women from the art deco period.

What do you dislike about the art world?

I don’t like how much of a strain there is placed on

artists to make art for free. The notion that because we
aren’t marketing or business people, we have to make a
contribution to the world. Art shapes a lot of pop-culture,
fashion, and advertising, and I think in many ways the art
world still neglects artists of colour.

What do you think about women in art?

I love female artists, I think the voice they have is very
under represented in the art world and I cherish the idea
of more women making big impacts after being neglected
for so long. I go to a school that is 60% female and being
surrounded by strong and talented female artists is
amazing. More opportunities and praise for female artists
is what I would like to see in the future.

Opinions on superheroes?

I sometimes read comics and I like a good graphic

novel. I’m not a very action based person so I tend to
gravitate towards graphic novels that talk about real life
and relationships between people. I am however taking
a comics class next semester and am looking forward to
learning more!

What superpower would you love to have?

I would want to be able to either stop time for small

periods so I could always be on time or sleep in! I would
never want one that alters or changes the past or future.
Besides that power, I might want to shape shift since I find
the process of taking new forms interesting.
Professionally, what is your goal?

My goal is to someday become a self-sustaining artist

that has a name people in the art world may recognize,
although fame isn’t my end goal. Having artists contact
me for album covers, solo/collaboration shows, illustra-
tion features, etc is something ideally I would want to do.
I don’t have set goal plans besides working on a brand for
my name and letting it speak for itself.
“Salt n’ Peppers”

“Ready To Explode”

Escape from Rio
De Janeree-no!

Carmen Morenna is a twenty-one year old artist who is trying to make a life
for herself, living in a small apartment in the heart of one of the worlds most
dangerously notorious cities: Rio De Janeiro. “Born and raised in Brazil, I’m just trying
to know what dreams are truly made of.”

What made you want to start drawing?

What is it like living as a woman in Brazil?
I’ve been always a shy, calm kid that didn’t have many
hobbies. In my early teenage years, my stepfather gave This country has one of the highests rate of crime against
me a few papers and pencils and from there, I started women - including transphobia - in the whole world.
to explore things and start to study black and white There’s even a law that prohibits abortion even in rape
drawings. Since then I have changed a lot in my style, and cases and that was approved by misogynist religious
I went from black and white ‘realism’ to figurative abstract. men. Brazil is regressing more and more. So, it’s not
I’m still discovering things and that’s what I love about art. good…but we are all fighting in our own different way to
make it better.
What was the first thing you’ve ever drawn?
Are you into comics or superhero films?
The first real drawing was a story about an evil witch.
I was 5 and I drew this witch with long black hair and a Not much but I used to really love Elektra till I watched
huge hat. That was followed by a poorly written poem it again the other day. I like to take glimpses from comic
speaking how evil she was. Needless to say my art has books, and the colours are the prettiest and everything
came a very long way since then! is so detailed. It’s a level of illustration and art that
everybody wants to reach.

Do you prefer drawing men or women, and why? What do you like to draw more on? Digital or by hand?

Women! I don’t know what happens but I can’t draw men By hand! I like the paper texture when I scan something. If
very well, and sometimes I try but it’s not my forte. Also I I create a digital drawing, I always end up putting a paper
feel like it’s easier for me to draw women because I like to texture onto it.
use myself and my feelings as an inspiration or subject.

Here are some
of Carmen’s
favourite pieces
that she has
created over E.V.O.L

the years.




carmen also spends a lot
of time creating parody
versions of fashion ad
campaigns and magazine
front covers, including in-
cooperating harley quinn
and catwoman into a versace
and moschino campaign.
“I just love combining
different characters from
alternate universes and
putting them in human
publications. it creates a
whole new fantasy for me,
like we’re all living in a
fictional world” she says.

“My main inspiration for
this series was The Batman:
Arkham Knight video
game. Being able to play
as these strong female
characters was just
incredibly empowering for
me, especially Harley Quinn
living in a world without
the man who abused her.
She really takes control
in this game, and fashion is
about owning whom you are.
I thought to myself, “why
not mix the two up?”

zatannas horoscopes
One of the greatest magic users
in all of the D.C Comics Universe,
Zatanna is the daughter of Zatara,
the most brilliant magician alive.
Working hard to fufil his legacy
when it comes to all things occult,
Zatanna speaks backwards when
casting her spells. For instance, if
she wanted to stop something she
would say “pots!”

Being a magic user, Zatanna also has

a history with astrology! So here’s
your horoscope and zodiac, and if
you don’t know much about your
sign, this is a quick and short guide
to who you are as a person!

You got Donna Troy! You You got Batgirl! Whilst

are can be kind and loving, you are charming and very
however you can also be diplomatic, always trying
moody and overly-emotional. to do the right thing...your
Ultimately your natural ability naivety can sometimes
for empathy outweights your cloud your visions of
moodiness, transforming it thinking logically. You get
into creativity through your caught up frequently in
brilliant imagination. love. Watch it girl, he might
just not be that into you.

You got Catwoman! Sometimes
considered the alien of the You got Wonder Woman! You You got Poison Ivy! You fight for
star signs, you are intelligent, are strong-willed and patient control and domination, taking the
cunning and spontaneous, however you have a great deal of lead in whatever situation you’re in.
hungry for adventure! ambition!You are well-educated However you can be modest when
and disciplined but your personal you want to be and even a little shy!
problems get you down sometimes.
Stay strong, girl. Not everything is
as bad as it seems!

You got Huntress! You are You got Wonder Girl! You are
You got Black Canary! You have
highly reliable and practical, generous, faithful and hardworking.
an authority and charm that no
however you can be stubborn to You will do anything for anyone
one else can match, but you are
other methods of approach. You however your ego can get in the way
an incredibly secretive person.
can be overly self-reliant and of your amibitions.
Sometimes it’s good to tell and talk
that can land you in some hot
to someone so keep that in mind!
water if you’re not careful!

You got Supergirl! You always

You got Starfire! As an Aries,
You got Lois Lane! You are a put others before yourself, and
Starfire is adventurous,
generally positive person who you’re there on time for people.
confident, and overly quick on
keeps the situation light with your Howver your idealims about the
her feet, you’re usually at the
great ense of humour. However world can be a little unreleastic,
front of the group and tackle
you can be a little awkward in leaving you confused about all
problems head on. However
social situations, but don’t stress! the wrongs in the world. Props
sometimes you can lose your
That’s just you so own it. to you for continuing to push on
temper, and that charm fades.
Watch where you fire those
60 laser beams!

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