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 收藏

Over the course of the passage, the main focus shifts from
 Aa character’s attempt at a practical joke to the effect felt by another

 Ba depiction of a small town to the relationships among the characters in

the town.
 Ca character’s humorous behavior to the evolution of a story passed
around the town.
 Da description of a friendship to a discussion of a prank perpetuated by
the town.


Question 2
 纠错
 收藏

Which statement best characterizes the relationship between Julius and


 ADan is trusting of Julius and does not question his story about Thomas.
 BDan is skeptical by nature but trusts Julius to always tell him the truth.

 CDan's disposition makes him an attractive target for Julius' plan.

 DDan’s attitude towards Julius illustrates an imbalanced friendship.


Question 3
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 2, the phrase "ruefully" most nearly means

 Amournfully.

 Bapologetically.
 Crepentantly.
 Dangrily.


Question 4
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 19, "veracity" most nearly means

 Acandor.

 Btruthfulness.

 Cverisimilitude.
 Dimpartiality.


Question 5
 纠错
 收藏

The conversation between Julius and Dan serves mainly to

 Ashow how bored Julius is with the inhabitants of Valley View.

 Bprovide a context for the relationships in the community.
 Cdemonstrate Dan’s gullibility when it comes to rumors.

 Destablish why Julius’ story was so widely accepted.


Question 6
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Alines 3–5 (“He . . . repeatedly”)

 Blines 34–35 (“Julius . . . countenance”)
 Clines 46–50 (“Young Thomas . . . them”)

 Dlines 51–53 (“Nevertheless . . . further”)


Question 7
 纠错
 收藏

In the passage, Dan is characterized as someone who is

 Ahonest.

 Bfoolish.
 Cstubborn.
 Ddistrustful.


Question 8
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
 Alines 16–20 (“Dan . . . exaggerated”)

 Blines 21–22 (“Julius . . . him”)

 Clines 35–36 (“Yet . . . once”)
 Dlines 54–55 (“Oh . . . easy”)


Question 9
 纠错
 收藏

lines 58–59 ("At . . .enters") serves mainly to

 Aintroduce a new character and setting to the story.

 Bshow the resulting impact of the rumor Julius started.
 Cadd a surprising twist to the story.

 Dcreate a sense of anticipation for the outcome of the prank.


Question 10
 纠错
 收藏

Eben`s comments in lines 68–72 ("Ah . . . wife") primarily indicate that he

 Adisagrees strongly with Thomas.

 Bfinds the rumor to be funny.

 Cbelieves that Thomas is lying.

 Dfeels unsurprised by the match.


Question 11
 纠错
 收藏

It can be inferred that Tom is "in something of a temper" because he

 Afeels exasperated by Julius’ tendency to gossip.

 Bbelieves Adelia doesn’t want to marry him.

 Cis agitated that he is the subject of a rumor.

 Dhas too many errands to run in Valley View.

Question 1
 纠错
 收藏

What does the study of retroposed elements mainly indicate about marsupials in
South America and Australia?

 AThey have changed little over time.

 BThey descended from a single species.

 CThey are unrelated to other mammals.

 DThey evolved earlier than believed.


Question 2
 纠错
 收藏

What effect does the word "murky" (line 6) have on the tone of the passage?

 AIt creates a pessimistic tone that implies that finding conclusive evidence is
 BIt creates a judgmental tone that alerts the reader to possible bias.
 CIt creates an exuberant tone that shows the author’s passion for scientific

 DIt creates an engaging tone that suggests a problem to be solved.


Question 3
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice best explains the author`s view of the study`s results?
 AHe trusts they were produced through reliable analysis.

 BHe thinks that they ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.

 CHe fears that they have raised more questions than they answered.
 DHe doubts that they would be duplicated in subsequent studies.


Question 4
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Alines 10–12 (“Some marsupial . . . ago”)

 Blines 25–28 (“The sequences . . . strength”)

 Clines 41–42 (“Also . . . patterns”)

 Dlines 82–84 (“It's still . . . cleanly”)


Question 5
 纠错
 收藏

The author uses the information in the paragraph 5 (lines 29–40) mainly to

 Astress the complexity of the marsupial genetic code.

 Bpoint out inconsistencies in previous research.

 Cexplain the biological basis of the study.

 Dsuggest possible complications to the study.


Question 6
 纠错
 收藏

The main contrast the author draws between "jumping genes" and viruses is in
terms of their
 Astability over time.
 Bresistance to mutation.
 Crates of multiplication.

 Dmethods of transmission.

Question 7
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 37, "locus" most nearly means

 Aposition.

 Bcenter.
 Csize.
 Dcopy.


Question 8
 纠错
 收藏

Based on the passage, the main significance of "jumping genes" to the study is
that they

 Awere identified in an ancient ancestor of the kangaroo.

 Bprovide a consistent means of comparison.

 Ccan easily be divided into three separate types.

 Devolved over the course of millions of years.


Question 9
 纠错
 收藏
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
 Alines 46–51 (“Retroposons . . . ancestor”)

 Blines 59–62 (“Nilsson . . . the two”)

 Clines 62–64 (“They pared . . . each other”)
 Dlines 69–74 (“They then . . . lineage”)


Question 10
 纠错
 收藏

The scientists who conducted the study claim that the South American opossum

 Adescended directly from the kangaroo rather than the other way around.
 Bevolved in Australia at approximately the same time it evolved in South

 Cbranched off from a common ancestor before the kangaroo did.

 Dmigrated from South America to Australia through Gondwana.


Question 11
 纠错
 收藏

The author acknowledges that the study leaves which question unanswered?

 AWhen marsupials arrived in Gondwana

 BWhen the kangaroo split off from the Didelphimorphia lineage
 CWhy the opposum and the kangaroo have a similar genetic structure

DWhy marsupials split into two distinct branches

Question 1
 纠错
 收藏

The main purpose of the first paragraph is to

 Aestablish the distant relationship between Mr. and Mrs.Allen.

 Bshow how claustrophobic and crowded the ballroom is.

 Cdescribe the main characters' belated arrival at the ball.

 Dintroduce the friendship between Catherine and Mrs. Allen.


Question 2
 纠错
 收藏

The narrator implies that Catherine

 Adid not have an enjoyable time at the ball.

 Bwould rather not have to dance with anyone.

 Chad a fine time at the ball in spite of herself.
 Ddoes not like keeping the company of Mrs. Allen.


Question 3
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Alines 3–9 (“With . . . assembly”)

 Blines 12–14 (“It . . . room”)

 Clines 15–20 (“Catherine . . . captives”)

 Dlines 20–25 (“They . . . other”)


Question 4
 纠错
 收藏

In line 11, "ingenuity" most nearly means

 Abrilliance.

 Bdexterity.

 Cinventiveness.
 Dintellect.


Question 5
 纠错
 收藏

The description of Mrs. Allen in lines 26–30 primarily serves to

 Aillustrate her unruffled personality.

 Bhighlight her scrupulousness.
 Cshow her expensive tastes.

 Destablish her sense of vanity.


Question 6
 纠错
 收藏

According to the passage, Catherine is "uncomfortable" because

 Ait is too noisy, crowded, and warm.

 Bthey do not know anyone at the ball.

 Cthey have arrived at the ball very late.

 Dtheir dresses are at risk of being torn.


Question 7
 纠错
 收藏

Which statement best characterizes the relationship between Mrs. Allen

and Catherine?
 ACatherine is irritated by Mrs. Allen but defers to her in conversation

 BCatherine is amused by Mrs. Allen but is frustrated by her lack of social

 CCatherine is impressed by Mrs. Allen and is interested in her social
 DCatherine is angered by Mrs. Allen and believes her social tactics are


Question 8
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Alines 31–34 (“How . . . indeed”)

 Blines 35–39 (“What . . . here”)

 Clines 40–43 (“I . . . now”)

 Dlines 50–52 (“But . . . somebody”)


Question 9
 纠错
 收藏
As used in line 65, "agreeable" most nearly means
 Aenjoyable.

 Bacceptable.
 Ctolerable.
 Dcommon.


Question 10
 纠错
 收藏

Mrs. Allen`s response in lines 53–55 ("I . . . dance") mainly serves to

 Ashow how shunned they are in the midst of the ball.

 Bhighlight her attempts to expand her social circle.

 Cemphasize the goal of finding Catherine a partner.

 Ddemonstrate their inability to mingle with new acquaintances.


Question 11
 纠错
 收藏

The conversation between Mr. Allen and Catherine in lines 64–67 ("Well
. . . yawn") reveals that Catherine is
 Aonly being polite to Mr. Allen to conceal her real feelings.

 Bincredibly tired and therefore not paying attention to Mr. Allen.

 Cextremely bored and doesn’t care if Mr. Allen notices it.
 Doffended by Mr. Allen’s question and answers
Question 1
 纠错
 收藏

Over the course of the passage, the main focus shifts from
 Aa description of one character to an illustration of that character’s
interactions with another character.

 Ba characterization of the upper classes to an exposure of problems

with the social order.
 Ca depiction of a particular place and time to a prediction about one
man’s future.
 Dopinions held by an employer to the views asserted by a potential


Question 2
 纠错
 收藏

The narrator describes the circumstances under which James Forster

was fired most likely in order to
 Aemphasize the standards that Phileas Fogg demands from his

 Bdemonstrate the unfairness of Phileas Fogg’s methods.

 Crepresent social conditions that Phileas Fogg perpetuates.
 Dshow Phileas Fogg’s random acts of cruelty.


Question 3
 纠错
 收藏

In paragraph two (lines 11–18), the narrator characterizes Mr. Fogg as

someone who

 Alacks friends and unwillingly spends most of his time in solitude.

 Bhas become jaded and predictable after time spent in the military.

 Chas high standards for both comportment and punctuality.

 Dbecomes bored easily because of his lack of interests.


Question 4
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 23, "advanced" most nearly means

 Apromoted.

 Bapproached.

 Cloaned.
 Dsupported.


Question 5
 纠错
 收藏

In the seventh paragraph (lines 35–42), the words "sweets," "settled,"

and "tranquil" primarily serve to

 Acharacterize Passepartout’s past.

 Breveal Passepartout’s harsh and manipulative side.
 Cdescribe Passepartout’s approach to all of his career choices.

 Ddescribe Passepartout’s ideal work environment.


Question 6
 纠错
 收藏
Mr. Fogg's "conditions" (line 45) can reasonably be inferred to include
 Athe exacting and precise standards he expects of his employees.

 Bhis employee’s willingness to take on a variety of different jobs.

 Cexcellent references from former employers.
 Da name that he finds suitable.


Question 7
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
 Alines 4–5(“Phileas . . . regular”)

 Blines 28–29(“I . . . another”)

 Cline 43(“Passepartout . . . me”)
 Dlines 43–44(“You are . . . you”)


Question 8
 纠错
 收藏

According to the passage, when Mr. Fogg states that Passepartout is

"too slow," he is referring to his belief that

 APassepartout is not answering his question quickly enough.

 BPassepartout is not mentally capable of taking the position.

 CPassepartout’s watch is too slow.

 DPassepartout seems tired and sluggish.


Question 9
 纠错
 收藏

At the end of the passage, the discussion about the time suggests that
Mr. Fogg`s attitude towards his new employee will be

 Astrict and harshly unforgiving.

 Bexacting but initially lenient.

 Cpleasant and constantly relaxed.

 Dannoyed but frequently fatherly.


Question 10
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Aline 51 (“You . . . Fogg”)

 Bline 52(“Pardon . . . impossible”)
 Cline 53(“You . . . slow”)

 Dlines 53–54(“No . . . error”)


Question 11
 纠错
 收藏

In the final two paragraphs (lines 57–63), the description of Mr. Fogg`s
departure mainly serves to

 Ashow that Passepartout already has full control over Fogg’s household.
 Bdemonstrate Fogg’s rudeness towards anyone of a lower class.
 Chighlight the plight of the previous servant.

 Demphasize the abrupt decision Fogg has made to hire Passepartout.

Question 1

 纠错
 收藏

Which choice best summarizes the passage?

 AThe passage provides an explanation of relationships within a family.

 BThe passage presents a revelation about children growing older.

 CThe passage captures a conversation regarding reuniting cousins.

 DThe passage describes an anecdote about traveling by ship.


Question 2
 纠错
 收藏

Over the course of the passage, the attitude of the cousins shifts from

 Apreoccupation to constraint.
 Bapprehension to embarrassment.

 Canticipation to reticence.

 Dcontemplation to diffidence.


Question 3
 纠错
 收藏

Which statement best characterizes the relationship among the reunited


 AThey are excited to get back to their ordinary lives and friendships.
 BThey have changed too dramatically to find anything in common.
 CThe younger cousins help put the older cousins at ease.
 DTheir growing up has put limitations on their relationships.

Question 4
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 3, "vent" most nearly means

 Aopening.

 Boutlet.

 Ccrack.
 Dpassage.


Question 5
 纠错
 收藏

The conversation between the lady and the stranger in lines 7–26 ("They
. . . him") serves primarily to

 Ashow how the town locals tend to gossip about the family.

 Bestablish the relationships among the reuniting family.

 Cintroduce the traits of the family members who are waiting.

 Ddemonstrate the lady’s lack of knowledge about the family.


Question 6
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
 Alines 7–8(“They . . . doctor”)
 Blines 14–15 (“Prince . . . say”)
 Clines 18–20(“The . . . family”)
 Dlines 24–26(“Oh . . . him”)


Question 7
 纠错
 收藏

Archie`s comments in lines 46–48 ("Madonnas . . . beauty") primarily

indicate that he

 Adisagrees strongly with Charlie.

 Bfinds Phebe to be beautiful.

 Cthinks Rose looks like a Madonna.

 Dfeels distracted by Rose and Phebe.


Question 8
 纠错
 收藏

The description (lines 52–56) that follows Mac's comment in lines 51–
52("Dear . . . back") reveals that Mac is
 Anot actually paying attention to his uncle.

 Bunaware of the possibility of falling in the ocean.

 Cmore excited to see his uncle than he is to see Rose.
 Ddistracted by all the excitement in the crowd.


Question 9
 纠错
 收藏
It can be inferred that Rose is "both pleased and pained" when she
views her cousins from the ship because she

 Afeels exhausted and confused after a long journey by sea.

 Bbelieves her cousins don’t recognize her anymore.

 Csenses that her relationship with her cousins has changed.

 Dconcludes that her cousins’ lives have gotten better without her.


Question 10
 纠错
 收藏

Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

 Alines 60–64(“It . . . Charlie”)

 Blines 67–71(“She . . . impartiality”)
 Clines 64–67(“There . . . bear”)

 Dlines 76–79(“No . . . now”)


Question 11
 纠错
 收藏

As used in line 71, the phrase "affectionate impartiality" most nearly

 Arestraint.

 Baloofness.
 Ctenderness.
 Denthusiasm.

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