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SUHARDIMAN (171052501040)

Video title : Discourse Analysis - Beliefs in Society

Publisher : Adam Walton
Published : 19 May 2016
Duration : 3:58 Minute
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00:00 : Hello and welcome to today's videos.

00:02 : Today's video is going to be a.. very short one.
00:05 : And it's June just to cover a small little section which we've done in Lesson which
is about discourse.. analysis.
00:11 : So this is about discourse and ideology.
00:15 : Now Marxists and feminists.. both believe that inequality creates a dominant
00:20 : And this group then creates ideology which supports their interests.
00:24 : So... we are therefore going to need to utilize a way to understand when how this
ideology is being promoted.
00:33 : Now an alternate approach which can be used is discourse analysis.
00:38 : Who which is enables us to see beliefs.. and how they are creating inequality.
00:44 : Rather than thinking about it the other way where inequality creates those beliefs.
00:49 : Now discourse analysis looks at how people exercise power by writing thinking
and talking about.
00:55 : Something in a certain way.. and in doing so reveal their ideologies.
01:00 : Now discourse analysis has been useful in understanding some racist beliefs.
01:04 : As well as that to understand, how to the recent trends such as Islamophobia, have
really started to emerge within our modern society.
01:12 : So obviously what we can see from these headlines that we're looking at right now
on the slide.
01:17 : It's promoting a... not so very... well.. understood picture about Islam.
01:25 : If we just look at the shocking headlines and the imagery that is used.
01:30 : We can see from this they are promoting the idea that.. within Islam if you are a
Muslim of any variety you are a savage.
01:38 : You are something by which needs to be uncovered and discovered.
01:42 : Which is.. not necessarily the case.
01:44 : Because remember a majority of these fundamentalist beliefs are held by the
minority.. rather than the majority.
01:51 : So therefore, what we could argue here in terms of ideology.
01:55 : There are some very powerful people that want to push this ideology forward.
01:59 : Because they believe, that is what is needed at this time within society.
02:04 : To act as a.. binding.. am... system...
02:11 : Now Edward said and.. is our main key study for this and he looks at Orientalism.
02:18 : Now according to said an Orientalism is it is a discourse involving Western
descriptions of the East or Orient.
02:25 : Now Orientalism sees non-westerners as the other.
02:29 : A person who is alien to the west and very very different.
02:33 : Now Western politicians popular culture and the mass media.
02:37 : Tend to portray Orientals as belligerent, violent, primitive, cunning and
02:43 : This is just simply not the correct image that it should be promoted.
02:47 : Now... recently in the wake of terrorist attacks such as 9/11, Orientalists ideology
has been directed specifically against Islam.. and has helped to create
Islamophobia as a result.
03:00 : Now this is what really started to influence and inform, those headlines that we've
looked at on the previous slide.
03:07 : Now said do not believe that there is any truth in orientalist ideology, but story is
a way of justifying American interval in intervention.. in Islamic countries as a
03:19 : Now the evaluation for discourse analysis.
03:22 : Now discourse analysis succeeds in showing the importance of language and the
way people talk about issues for the exercise of power.
03:29 : It has been very useful in developing an understanding of racism.
03:33 : So therefore we can understand why people act the way in which they do.
03:37 : However sometimes it does not really explain why certain discourses are accepted
and others are not.
03:43 : Marxism feminists argue that discourses of powerful groups are the ones that are
accepted, meanwhile those of the smaller groups are the ones that are rejected.
03:52 : Now that is it for today's video if you've got any questions let me know..

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