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Block Kode CDC


 Hypetensive Essensial prymary (I10)
 Hypertensive heart disease (I11)
 Hypertensive heart disease With CHF (HHD) (I11.0)
 Hypertensive renal disease (I12)
 Hypertensive Heart dan renal disease (I13)
 Hypertensive secondary Unspecified (I15.9)
 Angina Pectoris (I20)
 Unstabel Angina (I20.0)
 Acute Myocard Infraction (I21)
 Certain current (komplikasi selnjutnya) Myocard Infraction (I23)
 Other acute Ischaemic heart disease (I24)
 Chronic Ischaemic heart disease (I25)
 Other pulmonary heart disease (CPD) (I27)
 Other disease of pulmonary vessels (I28)
 Cardiomyopathy (I42)
 Acute Myocarditis (I40)
 Atrioventricular and LBBB (I44)
 Cardiac Arrest (henti Jantung) (I46)
 Atrial fluter and Fibrilation (I48)
 Paroxysmal Tachycardia (I47)
 Other Cardiac Arrhythmias (I49)
 Heart Failure (Gagal Jantung) (I50)
 Acute Pericarditis (I30)
 Other diseases of pericardium (I31)
 Acute and subacute Endocarditis (I33)
 Pulmonary Valve disorders (I37)
 Endocarditis valve disorders (I38)
 Atheriosclerosis (I70)
 Atheriosclerosis Of Ateries Of Extremities (I70.2)
 Other Peripheral Vacular diseases (I73)
 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles (I77)
 Diseases of capillaries (I78)
 Phlebitis and Thrombrophlebitis (I80)
 Other venous embolism dan thrombosis (I82)
 Oesophageal Varices (I85)
 Other disorders of veins (I87)
 Other and unspesific disorders of circulatory system (I99)
 Subarachnoid Heamorrhage (I60)
 Intracerebral Heamorrhage (I61)
 Other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage (I62)
 Cerebral Infraction (I63)
 STROKE, not Specified as haemmorrhage or Infarction (I64)
 Other Cerebrovascular diseases (I67)
 Influenza, virus non identifed (J11)
 Pneumonia due to streptococcus pneumonia (J13)
 Pneumonia organism unspecified (J18)
 Acute Bronchitis (J20)
 Acute Bronchiolitis (anak) (J21)
 Unspesified acute lower respiratory infection (J22)
 Bronchitis not specified as acute or chronic (J40)
 Other chronic Obstructive pulmonary diseses (J44)
 Asthma (J45)
 Status Ashmaticus (J46)
 Bronchiectasis (j47)
 Abscess of lung and mediastinum (J85)
 Pleura Effusion (J90)
 Pneumothorax (J93)
 Other pleural conditions (J94)
 Tb of lung Confirm by culture only (A15.1)
 Tb of lung confirm by unspesified means (A15.3
 Tb of Intrathoracal Lymph nodes confirm by Bacteriological and Hystology (A15.4)
 Primary respiratory Tb Confirm By Backterio and Hysto (A15.7)
 Other respiratory Tb Cofirm Bacterio and hysto (A15.8)
 Tb of lung Confirm by Bacteri and Hysto negative (A16.0)
 Tb of Intrathoracal Lymph nodes without by Bacteriological and Hystology (A16.3)
 Other respiratory Tb without mention by Bacterio and hysto (A16.8)
 Tb Meningitis (A17.0)
 Tb of nervous sytem unspesified (A17.9)
 Tb of bones and joints (A18.00)
 Tb peripheral Lymphadenopathy (A18.2)
 Tb of other specified organs (A18.8)
 Acute milliary TB of single site (A19.0)
 Acute milliary TB of double sites (A19.1)
 Acute milliary TB unspecified (A19.2)
 Miliary Tb unspecified (A19.9)
 Whoopin cough due to Bordelian pertussis (A37.0)
 Whooping cough unspecified (A37.9)
4. Endokrin system
 DM Tipe 1 with Coma (E10.0)
 DM Tipe 1With KAD (E10.1)
 DM Tipe1 With Renal Complications (E10.2)
 DM Tipe 1 With Optalmic Complications (E10.3)
 DM Tipe 1 With Other Specified Complications (E.10.6)
 DM Tipe 1 With multiple Complications (E10.7)
 DM Tipe 1 Without Complications (E10.9)
 Dm tipe 2 with Coma (E11.0)
 Dm tpe 2 with KAD (E11.1)
 Dm tipe 2 with renal complication (E11.2)
 Dm tipe 2 with opthalmic complication (E11.3)
 Dm tipe 2 with Neurogical complications (E11.4)
 Dm tipe 2 with multilple complication (E11.7)
 Dm tipe 2 with unspecified complication (E11.8)
 Dm tipe 2 without complication (E11.9)
 Unspecifed DM (E14)
 Thyrotoxicosis (Hypertyroidism) (E05)
 Thyrotoxicosis with Diffuse goither (E05.0)
 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single nodule (E05.1)
 Thyrotoxicosis with multinodular goither (E05.2)
 Thyroid crisis or strom (E05.5)
 Thyrotoxicosis unspecified (E05.9)
 NonToxic Diffuse Goither (E04.0)
 NonToxic single thyroid Nodule (E04.1)
 NonToxic Multinodular goitre (E04.2)
 NonToxic goither unspecified (E04.9)
 Acute Thyroiditis (E06.0)
 Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis (E06.2)
 Drug induced Thyroiditis (E06.4)
 Thyroiditis unspecified (E06.9)
 Hypothyroidism unspecified (E03.9)
 Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goither (E03.0)
 Congenital hypothyroidism without goither (E03.1)
 Hypoparathyroidism (E20)
 Cushing Syndrome (E24)
 Obesity to excess calories (E66.0)
 Obesity drug induced (E66.1)
 Other Obesity (E66.8)

5. Intestinal
 GERD (K21.0)
 Ulcer of oesophagus (K22.1)
 Obstruksi Of Oeshophagus (K22.2)
 Perforation Of Oesophagus (K22.3)
 Disease Of Oesophagus Unspecified (K22.9)
 Gastritis ulcer Acute with Hemorrhage (K25.0)
 Gastritis ulcer Acute with Perforasi (K25.1)
 Gastritis ulcer Acute with Both Ulcer and perforasi (K25.2)
 Gastritis ulcer Acute without Ulcer and Perforasi (K25.3)
 Gastritis ulcer chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage (K25.4)
 Gastritis ulcer chronic or unspecified with perforasi (K25.5)
 Gastritis ulcer unspecified acute or chronic without hemorrhage or perforation
 Duodenal ulcer unspecified acute or chronic without hemorrhage or perforation
 Duodenal ulcer Acute with Hemorrhage (K26.0)
 Other acute Gastritis (K29.1)
 Gastritis Alcoholic (K29.2)
 Gastritis Unspesified (K29.7)
 Gastritis Chronic Unspesified (K29.5)
 Dyspepsia (K30)
 Acute App, Other And unspecified (K35.8)
 Unspecified Appendicitis (K37)
 Bilateral hernia Inguinal with Obstruction (K40.0)
 Hernia inguinal Bilateral without Obs. Or gangrene (K40.2)
 Unilateral Hernia Inguinal With Obs. (K40.3)
 Unilateral or unspecified Inguinal Hernia Without Obs (K40.9)
 Bilateral hernia femoral with Obstruction (K41.0)
 Hernia femoral Bilateral without Obs. Or gangrene (K41.2)
 Unilateral Hernia Femoral With Obs. (K41.3)
 Unilateral or unspecified Femoral Hernia Without Obs (K41.9)
 Umbilical Hernia (K42)
 Diaphragmatic hernia (K44)
 Other Specified noninfective Gastroenteritis and colitis (K52.8)
 Noninfection Gastroenteritis and colitis unspecified (K52.9)
 Anal Abscess (K61.0)
 Rectal Abscess (K61.1)
 Rectal Fistula (K60.4)
 Anal Fissure unspecified (K60.2)
 Anal Polyp (K62.0)
 Rectal Polyp (K62.1)
 Haemorrhage of anus and rectum (K62.5)
 Disease of anus and rectum unspecified (K62.9)
 Perforation of Intestine (nontraumatic) (K63.1)
 Polyp Colon (K63.5)
 Diseases of intestine, unspicified (K63.9)
 Illeus Paralyric (K56.0)
 Intussusception / invaginasi (K56.1)
 Volvulus (Puntiran usus) (K56.2)
 Gallstone Illeus (K56.3)
 Other and unspecified intestine Obstruction (K56.6)
 Ileus unspecified (K56.7)
 Peritonitis Acute (K65.0)
 Peritonitis unspecified (K65.9)
 Alcoholic Hepatitis (K70.1)
 Alcoholic Cirrhosis of liver (K70.3)
 Alcoholic hepatic failure (K70.4)
 Hepatic failure unspecified (K72.9)
 Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver (K74.6)
 Obs. Of gallbladder (K82.0)
 MELAENA (K92.1)
 Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Unspecified (K92.2)
 Tuberculous Of intestine, Peritoneum&mesenteric glands (K93.0)


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