Articolo - Geology and Geobiophisics of Brittany - Huelgoat 11 Aug 2010

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Geology and Geobiophysics of Brittany : Huelgoat

Sergio dr.Ing. Berti Expert in Geobiophisical Analysis of Territories

Vice President Associazione Architettura e Geobiologia Studi Integrati Italy


Geology and Geobiophisic are to be able to help us to understand better because in some
areas of earth there is a big concentration of megalithic ,legendary and magic places .We
examined Brittany in France and ,in particular, some of megalithic and magic places in the
legendary Huelgoat forest.

Brittany is a beautiful area of France in which are located important megalithic places very
known in the world. The surface of Brittany is not big but the concentration of megalithic
monuments and “magic” places is very high.

Why ? what may be the reason of this?One possible reply can come from geology and
geobiophisics because the geologic situation of Brittany is particular and so there are possible
different levels of interactions between the man and the environment. A similar situation is in
some parts of Sardinia island where rocks and the idrogeological status are approximately
similar and they are each of megalithic monuments and “magic” places too.

Geology of Brittany
To introduce the geology of Brittany is necessary to understand correlations with surrounding
French area and the relative process of formation. The general geological French situation is
indicated in fig. 1

Fig. 1- French geological status

The french territory holds the presence of large formation episodes of mountain chains :
-ancient chains with high level of erosion ( Hercynic chain )
- recent chains still in formation ( the Pyrenees and the Alps )
The french subsoil permits also today the exploitation of mines for different types of minerals.
In fig.1 is indicated the classical subdivision of french territory in different geologic dominions :
-Hercynic dominion
-Ceno-Mesozoic basins dominions
-Pyrenees and Alps dominions
Brittany is part of Hercynic dominion ( Massif Armoricain )
The armorican territory is divided in two dominions :
-the « Cadomien » dominion in the North
-the « Hercynien » dominion in the South 1
The geological status of Brittany is indicated in Fig. 2

Fig.2-Brittany geological status

The « cadomien » dominion is formed by some parts of the ancient chain « cadomienne » and
it is constituted by granitic proterozoic plutonic rocks(Perros-Guirec,Saint-Brieuc bay,Sartilly
area,Mayenne )with derived main sediments of same chain,therefore detritus ,of precambrian
age ( Cotentin south,Calvados west,Mayenne north,Rance area).To these are jointed paleozoic
sediments with continuity with ancient deposits (central Brittany,from Douarnenez to Angers
across Rennes) or without continuity and they were wrinkled during the hercynic
orogenesis.All this was injected ,during the carboniferous age,by granitic hercynic plutonic
rocks(Boubriac areas,Ploeuc sur Liè and Dinan),and cut by a fault of same age coming from
Brest roadstead to Sarthe (North Armorican shattered area ) .
In the north, we find some gneiss plutonic rocks with age from 2200 millions of years to 1800
millions of years ( « icartienne » orogenesis )and these are the most ancient rocks en France
and may be in world too.We find them also ,in little outcrops,near to Lannion bay,Cap de la
Hague and in Anglo-Normandes islands.

The « Hercynien » dominion forms the main south armorican territories and rocks are manily
hercynic granitic rocks .They were injected along some faults desplaced from Raz bridge to
Loire area and named south armorican shattered zone.

Some sedimentary cambrian , ordovician or silurian areas (Belle ile en mer,Vendèe west
coast,Angers south area,La Grande Brière ) were corrugated by metamorphism during hercynic
orogenesis and,so, they form the paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the region.

Brittany, therefore ,is particular from geological point view because :

-Rocks are very ancient and different from other places in France

-Attendance of rocks mainly intrusive

- Attendance of two important strike faults

-Attendance of normal faults

-Attendance of many secondary faults in different directions

-Particular underwater circulations 2

-Attendance of mines with metallic minerals

This geological characteristic of Brittany can explain the attendance of many powerful places
because it is possible have different levels of interactions between geomasses and biomasses.

Geobiophisics of Brittany

For geological reasons ,Brittany is an important interactive area where is possible to find places
in which it is possible have a big stimulation of sympathetic component of autonomous nervous
system, places in which the stimulation of sympathetic component of autonomous nervous
system is very reduced and other places where the sympathetic component and the
parasympathetic component are well balanced.

The interaction from a territory normally is variable in function of the displacement of persons
and from the age and the sex.

Normally a strike fault may increase or reduce the sympathetic activity depending from their
activity and from the side of fault where is paced the person.

A normal fault may reduce the sympathetic activity both in the man and in the woman.

Underwater circulation may increment it in the fertile woman and may reduce the sympathetic
activity in the man ( see fig. 3 and fig. 4 )

Granitic rocks may stimulate the sympathetic activity

Metallic minerals may stimulate or not the sympathetic activity depending from the type

Fig. 3 – HRV analysis-Time trend of Sympathetic activity and some other Heart parameters
for a subject with feminine sex in fertile age,on a underwater layer, with about 15 liters /
second of productivity.

Fig. 4 – HRV analysis-Time trend of Sympathetic activity and some other Heart parameters
for a subject with male sex ,on a underwater layer, with about 15 liters / second of
An increment of sympathetic activity implies :
- Acceleration of heartbeat
- Dilatation of bronchia
- Increment of arterial pressure
- Peripheral vessel constriction
- Pupillar dilatation
- Increment of perspiration
A decrement of sympathetic activity implies :
-Lowering of heartbeat
-Increment of bronchial muscular tone
-Dilatation of blood-vessels
-Lowering of blood pressure
-Lowering of breathing
-Increment of muscular prolapse
-Warming up of hands,feet and genitals

A good level of Sympathetic activity prepares men( and women) to be active,the blood become rich
of hematic component produced by liver ,with help of adrenalin ,and ,so, the muscules are ready to
be used, the humour is good and the optimism too.In these conditions all the body is ready to fight
and the phisical component is predominant respect to the mind.

A low level of Sympathetic activity prepares men ( and women) to be relaxed and the blood
become poor of hematic component and the muscules are not more ready to be used,the humour
may be not good and may predominate the pessimism.In these conditions all the body is not more
activated and the mind is predominant respect to the body and can express their better qualities.

If the man and the woman would do attention to their psico-phisics entities could evaluate their
Sympathetic &Parasympathetic equilibrium and, so, to understand the environmental influences of
Following we will traw some conclusions about the envinromental influences in Huelgoat Finistere

Hypothesis about the influences of territory on
human life in some places around Huelgoat in Brittany
Huelgoat is a beautiful village in Northwestern Brittany very famous for the beauties of
the around nature and ,in particular, for some places inside of its big ancient and
legendary forest .The main places of our interest are :
- La grotte du diable
- La roche Tremblante
- La grotte de Artus
- Le camp d’ Artus
- La gouffre
- Le menhir de Kerampaulven

The geological status of the territory around Huelgoat is indicated in Fig. 5 and is token
from web site

Fig. 5 – Geology of Huelgoat Forest

The Huelgoat area is inside a complex synclinal that forms the internal part of Occidental
Brittany and there are outcrops of granitic rocks derived from erosion of ancient
sedimentary covering rocks .Nature of granitic rocks is plutonic : a part of under magma is
gone up and was made cold inside the stratum of sedimentary devonian rocks that
changed their crystallization by means of metamorphic contact processes that formed also
post-magmathic mineralizations of silver sulphide,lead sulphide and others metals.In the
area there are some no more active mines and ,in particular,for silver extraction.

Sedimentary rocks were eroded and so granitic rocks got to the surface where was
possible,for different reasons, the formation of diaclases in wich gone in water.During
Miocene and Pliocene periods there was in the area a tropical climate and the water
changed granitic rocks ,near diaclases ,with granitic sand forming.During the
quaternary period for water actions the granitic sand disappeared from the area and
remained only the big granitic stones with formation of granitic chaos that is one
important peculiarity of Huelgoat.
In the area we have so granitic plutonic rocks and orthogneiss that have much quartz
inside their composition.Quartz normally do a sympathetic stimulation.

Huelgoat is not far from the main “cadomienne” fault ( North-Armorican Fault) and so in the
territory there are many secondary normal faullts that normally are able to reduce the
sympathetic activity either in the men or in the women.These secondary faults have the trend
to cross.There are some stratigraphic contacts too.An important fault cross is near to village in
the oriental side. 5

Huelgoat and its forest are considered “magic” from tourists and specialized visitors.The acute
and mysterious atmosphere that is possible to respire has inspired many painters and writers:
Charles le Goffic,Paul Sèrusier,Maurice Denis et Victor Segalen.One of legends concerning the
village of Huelgoat says that during an attack to village from the people of Berrien and Plouyè
they loose their forces near to it !Here we are at home of king Artù and river is named Fao
(Fairy ) or Silver river.

Devil’s Cave (La grotte du diable)

The Devil’s cave ( see Fig. 6) is to side the “Chaos du Moulin”,an heaping up of rounded
granitic blocks, by means of a little vertical staircase it is possible to enter where there is no
light and the noise of water river that runs within is

Fig. 6 – The Devil’s Cave

deafening. Legends say it is the door of Hell and when it is brightened with tapers shades of
Devil appear.Visitors say it is an oppressive place where it is difficult to breathe ,to move and
where possible sensations of fatigue and unstable balance are.Devil’s cave is near to the cross
of two normal faults and the around rocks are granitic in presence of underwater circulation.
This geological situation, probably, induce an equilibrium between Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic components at high levels and ,so ,are possible during within displacements
big influences from both components that justify visitor’s sensations.

The Trembling Rock (La Roche Tremblante )

The Trembling Rocks (see Fig. 7 ) is displaced in N-E direction respect to Devil’s Cave for about
some hundreds meters and it is a big granitic rock ,with parallelepiped shape, based on a
compact granitic bottom with a very lightly hump.The weight is about 100 tons. An applied
force in a particular zone of the rock can to cause its trembling . Legend says the trembling
rock is there for protection of Arthur’s treasure.
Fig. 7 – The trembling rock

Legend says the trembling rock is there for protection of Arthur’s treasure.

Visitors are very stimulated to try to move the rock; they do different attempts to tremble it
and when they reach the outcome they shout and jump joyously .

This area is out from the cross of two fault near to Devil’s Cave and the rocks around are
granitic without under water circulation. The people there feel up to doing a similar not easy
action. This implicate an optimist psycho - physics condition.

This geological situation, probably, induce an equilibrium between Sympathetic and

Parasympathetic components with different levels (high for Sympathetic component and
normal for Parasympathetic component ) and ,so ,are possible during around displacements a
good influence from Sympathetic component that justify visitor’s manners.

Arthur ’s Cave ( La Grotte de Artus )

The Arthur’s Cave ( see Fig. 8 )is located in North direction ,about some hundreds meters ,from
Pont Rouge .It is a cave formed by granitic blocks not deep and within it is possible to
distinguish a bed of stones of king Arthur, hero of Brittany, and very known for the Middle Age

One legend says in the Arthur’s Cave there is treasure and it is protected by Korrigans devils.
Another legend says King Arthur sleeps within on the bed of stone and if someone will awake
him,without a valid reason, it will be killed.

There are not special testimonies of the visitors about Arthur’s Cave. This area is out from the
cross of two fault near to Devil’s Cave but is near to a normal fault ; the rocks around are
granitic without under water circulation.

This geological situation, probably, induce an equilibrium between Sympathetic and

Parasympathetic components with similar levels (normal for Sympathetic component and
normal for Parasympathetic component ) and ,so ,is possible during around displacements of
visitors a good stay. Quartz inside the granitic rocks has the trend to stimulate Sympathetic
component but it is compensated by the current normal fault.
Fig. 8 – Arthur’s cave

Arthur ’s Camp (Camp d’ Artus )

After Arthur’s Cave a track leads to Arthur’s Camp ( see Fig.9 ) that was an ancient gallic
system of defence that was built on a rock spur with height of 228 meters. The system have a
double town-walls and it is possible to dominate all around and to see the mounts of Arrèe .

Fig. 9- Arthur’s camp

Legends says it is a place where it is not possible to visit during the night because there are
many devils around to do it the guardian-ship .It is possible ,sometimes, shouts to hear and
supernatural beings there preserve big treasures. There are not special testimonies of the
visitors about Arthur’s camp. This area is out from the cross of two fault near to Devil’s Cave
but is near to two normal fault ( one is evident on the geological map; the other is presumed
from the shape of the hill ) ; the rocks around are granitic without under water circulation. The
two normal faults are almost parallel to the main N-S dimension ( see also Fig. 10 )and not
far from main longitudinal walls.
Fig. 10 –Arthur’s Camp

This geological situation, probably, induces a decrease of Sympathetic component near to

external main longitudinal walls and ,so, enemies may have difficulties to fight when endeavor
to reach the walls from the lower parts and they are subjected to pessimism and panic attacks.
During the night ,in similar places it possible an additional reduction of sympathetic activity
and, so , a big stimulation of the mind and in this situation visions are possible . The
defenders ,on the contrary, have a good Sympathetic stimulation and ,so, can fight better
because the around rocks have big quantity of quartz inside. Quartz inside the granitic rocks,
has the trend to stimulate Sympathetic component and so the optimism too.

The Precipice ( La Gouffre )

The precipice ( see fig. 11 ) , not far from ancient silver mine ,is where the river coming from
Huelgoat lake enters with violence within one deep natural excavation disappearing for about
150 meters .

Legends say it is a place where sometimes the water river takes a particular “red blood”
colour, that of the Dahut’s lovers, princess of Ys, and king Gradlon ’s daughter. She behad a
debauched life in Huelgoat and every evenings choosed a lover between the local young men
that then threw in the bubbling river waters of precipice before the next morning. It is
possible ,during the night, cries of young men coming from there to hear.
Fig. 11- The Precipice

We have not found special testimonies of the visitors about The Precipice. This area is out from
the cross of two faults near to Devil’s Cave but is long a normal fault where the river changes
direction too ; the rocks around are granitic with under water circulation.

This geological situation, probably, induce a decrease of Sympathetic component in the area
near to The Precipice and persons may be subjected to pessimism and panic attacks. During
the night, in similar places, it possible an additional reduction of sympathetic activity and, so, a
big stimulation of the mind is possible and visions are possible too ,in agreement with local

The Menhir of Kerampaulven

The menhir is not far from Kerampaulven village and it is 5 meters high ( see fig. 12 ). We have
not found special testimonies of the visitors and legends about this menhir.

Fig. 12- The Menhir of Kerampaulven

This area is out from the cross of two faults near to Devil’s Cave but is long a normal fault ( no
so evident in the geological map ) that cross Kerampaulven village too. Normally, an isolated
menhir has an archeoastronomical calendar function and ,to do this ,it uses the length of its
shade sun when it cross on local meridian .Sometimes, it was used to do in the near the area
around a positive influence on the men and women by its shape and its material to
compensate ( in this case ) the influence of local normal fault.

At the end, it is possible to note a correlation between the legends, the visitor’s sensations with
the local geology and with the induced possible geophysical interactions on the living beings.

About this follows a possible conclusion that the areas with particular geological and
hydrological situation and with very ancient rocks were used in the past to carry out places
with high level man-environment interactions.The used methodology of inquiry for the
Huelgoat forest could be pass for other interesting places too with help, where possible, of
Heart Rate Variability measurements and analysis on a suitable sample of persons with
different age and sex.

 S.Berti-Misure dell’Heart Rate Variability (HRV) come indicatore attendibile dell’
interazione tra uomo e ambiente -

 Elemaya srl- Manuale di uso e manutenzione strumento per misura HRV

 H. Curtis- N.S. Barnes – Le scienze biologiche –Edizioni Zanichelli

 S.Berti- Il rilievo geologico-geobiologico del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino:un approccio

scientifico—Convegno presso l’Abbazia Benedettina di Praglia PADOVA 24
Novembre 2007

 S.Berti- M.Zanicchi- Metodologie operative per la esecuzione di determinazioni

strumentali nell’ ambito dei rilievi geologico-geobiologici Convegno presso la Fiera

 S.Berti –D.Ambrosini- I rilievi strumentali applicati alla geobiologia - Terzo

Convegno Nazionale “Bioarchitettura&Geobiologia&Legno” Riomaggiore LA SPEZIA
20 Giugno 2008

 S . Berti- Misura dell’Heart Rate Variability (HRV) come indicatore attendibile delle
interazioni tra uomo e ambiente-4° Salone delle energie rinnovabili e sostenibili
ENERGETHICA 2009 Fiera Genova

 S . Berti- Medicion de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca como indicador fiable

de la interaccion del ser humano con el medio ambiente-GEA Asociacion De
Estudios Geobiologicos

 S.Berti –Metodologie innovative di indagini biofisiche sperimentali – Quarto

Convegno Nazionale “Bioarchitettura&Geobiologia&Legno” EXPO LA SPEZIA 19-20
Giugno 2009

 E.Silvestre Fortea-Geobiologìa y Biohabitabilitad:la salud a travès del hàbitat-

Cuadernos monogràficos GEA 1

 S.Berti-Geobiologia e Geobioedilizia:Metodologie innovative di indagini biofisiche

sperimentali e geologico-geobiologiche-LEZIONI effettuate per il Corso di
perfezionamento in GEOLOGIA MEDICA dell’ UNIVERSITA’ degli Studi di URBINO

 S.Berti-Aplicaciòn de la mediciòn de la variabilidad de la frequencia cardìaca (HRV)

en la bùsqueda de agua en la pràtica de la geobiologìa-Gea Associacion de Estudios

Links :

Photos : Fig. 1 ,Fig. 2 : from

Fig.3,Fig.4 : from Sergio Berti and Marco Zanicchi :

Fig.5 : from

Fig.6 : from

Fig.7,Fig.8,Fig.9,Fig.11,Fig.12: from

Fig.10 : from


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