Propylene Production: January 2006

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Propylene Production

Chapter · January 2006


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Abdullah M. Aitani
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


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Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing

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Propylene Production
Abdullah M. Aitani
Center for Refining and Petrochemicals , King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ,
Dhahran , Eastern , Saudi Arabia

Published online: 12 Dec 2007

To cite this entry: Abdullah M. Aitani . Propylene Production. In Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing. Taylor and Francis: New
York, Published online: 12 Dec 2007; 2461-2466.

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Propylene Production
Abdullah M. Aitani
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

INTRODUCTION hydrocarbons, which was commercialized in the

1950s. Currently, world capacity of ethylene steam
Propylene is one of the main building blocks for petro- crackers stands at about 112 million tpy and the
chemicals and for clean fuel alkylate blends. It is used amount of propylene coproduced in these steam crack-
in the production of a wide variety of petrochemical pro- ers is about 36 million tpy. The capacity and the
ducts such as polypropylene, acrylonitrile, cumene, throughput of steam crackers are continuously grow-
oxo-alcohols, propylene oxide, acrylic acid, isopropyl ing due to the ever-increasing world demand for poly-
alcohol, and polygas chemicals. Polypropylene accounts mers (polyethylene and polypropylene in particular)
for about half of the world propylene consumption, and other olefin-based derivatives. Ethane, LPG, and
which consequently drives the demand. Other uses of naphtha are the dominant steam cracker feedstocks.
propylene within a refinery include alkylation, catalytic Natural gas condensate is abundant in North America
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polymerization, and dimerization for the production of and the Middle East, while naphtha is commonly used
high-octane gasoline blends. In general, propylene is in Asia and Europe.
supplied in three separate quality grades: refinery Steam cracking reactions are principally bond
( 70%), chemical ( 92 to 96%), and polymer (99.6%). breaking and a substantial amount of energy is needed
The two major commercial sources of propylene are to drive the reaction toward olefin production. The
ethylene steam cracker plants and refinery fluid cataly- reaction is highly endothermic; so it is favored at
tic cracking (FCC). Other routes include olefin metath- higher temperatures and lower pressures. Superheated
esis and propane dehydrogenation. About 68% of steam is used to reduce the partial pressure of the
world propylene is produced as coproduct to ethylene reacting hydrocarbons. It also reduces carbon deposits
by the steam cracking of hydrocarbons and about 29% that are formed by the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons at
is produced as coproduct to gasoline in the FCC of high temperatures. Long chain hydrocarbons crack
gas oils. The remaining 3% is produced via propane more easily than shorter chain compounds and require
dehydrogenation and olefin metathesis.[1,2]. Other lower cracking temperatures.
emerging technologies include catalytic cracking of A typical steam cracker consists of several identical
higher hydrocarbons, olefin interconversion, and pyrolysis furnaces in which the feed is cracked in the
methanol conversion. Table 1 presents a summary of presence of steam as a diluent.[3] The cracked gases
world propylene sources and production data. are quenched and then sent to the demethanizer to
Current global production of propylene stands at remove hydrogen and methane. The effluent is then
about 54 million metric tons per year (tpy) and is treated to remove acetylene, and ethylene is separated
valued roughly at $17 billion.[2] The bulk of propylene in the ethylene fractionator. The bottom fraction is
production and consumption is concentrated in North separated in the de-ethanizer into ethane and C3þ,
America, Western Europe, and Japan. These areas which is sent for further treatment to recover propyl-
represent about 68% of world capacity and 70% of ene and other olefins. Typical operating conditions of
demand. Propylene demand is expected to grow fast ethane steam cracker are 750–800
C, 1–1.2 atm, and
and to nearly double in the next 10 yr, reaching more steam=ethane ratio of 0.5. Liquid feeds are usually
than 91 million tons by 2010 at a growth rate of 4.7%=yr.[2] cracked at lower residence time and higher steam
Because world consumption is forecast to grow faster dilution ratios compared to gaseous feeds. Typical
than production capacity, propylene has been termed as conditions for naphtha cracking are 800
C, 1 atm,
‘‘olefin of the future.’’[1] This increase is driven by the steam=hydrocarbon ratio of 0.6–0.8, and a residence
demand for derivatives, especially polypropylene. time of 0.35 sec. Liquid feedstocks produce a wide
spectrum of coproducts including BTX aromatics that
can be used in the production of variety of chemical
In the cracking furnaces, the achievable propylene
The main route for producing light olefins, especially to ethylene ratio (P=E) is limited to a value of about
ethylene and propylene, is the steam cracking of 0.65, because at higher ratios the total olefin yield
Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing DOI: 10.1081/E-ECHP-120037901
Copyright # 2006 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 2461
2462 Propylene Production

Table 1 Sources of propylene and world production data

World production in Annual growth for
Propylene source 2002 (million tpy) Share (%) 2002–2015 (%)
Steam crackers 35.9 68.0 4.3
Refinery FCC units 15.3 29.0 5.0
Metathesis=dehydrogenation 1.6 3.0 6.5
Total 52.8 100.0 4.7
(From Refs. .)

(i.e., the sum of ethylene and propylene) drops to an A schematic flow diagram of a conventional
uneconomically low level. Due to the higher annual FCC unit is shown in Fig. 1. The main FCC sections
growth rates of propylene compared to ethylene, the comprise feed injection system, reactor (riser), stripper,
highest possible P=E in steam crackers is very desir- fractionator, and regenerator. A fluidized catalyst
able. Table 2 shows typical propylene yields from system is used to facilitate catalyst and heat transfer
steam cracking of different hydrocarbon feedstocks, between the reactor and the regenerator. Cracking
and how the C5þ liquid byproducts increase dramati- reactions are endothermic; the heat balance is obtained
cally with heavier feeds.[4] by the combustion of catalyst-deposited coke in the
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regenerator. In general, all cracking reactions are char-

acterized by the production of appreciable amounts of
FLUID CATALYTIC CRACKING corresponding olefins. The propylene yield from FCC
unit is a function of the following parameters:
Fluid catalytic cracking units account for about 97% of
propylene produced at the refineries as a coproduct to  Processing capacity of the FCC unit;
gasoline. Delayed cokers and visbreakers produce the  Type of feedstock;
remaining 3%. In some refineries, a fraction of the pro-  Riser reactor outlet temperature (severity); and
pylene and all light gases are normally diverted into  Fluid catalytic cracking catalyst type and additives.
sweet fuel gas. About 60% of FCC propylene is used
in chemical production and the remaining is used in To achieve higher outputs of light olefins, particu-
the production of high-octane gasoline blends. Fluid larly propylene, the hydrogen content of the feedstock
catalytic cracking is the largest refining process for must be increased and the sulfur content reduced. This
the production of gasoline with a global capacity of can be achieved by the utilization of low sulfur crude
more than 14.2 million bbl=d or 715 million tpy; about oils or using a higher performance feed hydrotreater
50% of this capacity is in North America alone. Fluid upstream of the FCC unit. There are several commer-
catalytic cracking converts heavy oil feedstocks such as cial FCC processes currently employed with major
vacuum gas oil, residues, deasphalted oil into lighter differences in the method of catalyst handling.
products that are largely olefinic for light fractions Currently, it is not economical to build an FCC for
and strongly aromatic for heavy fractions.[5] on-purpose propylene production because of low

Table 2 Product yields from steam cracking of various hydrocarbons

Gaseous feeds Liquid feeds

Product yield (wt% on unit) Ethane Propane Butanes Naphtha Gas oil
H2 and methane 13 28 24 26 23
Ethylene 80 45 37 30 25
Propylene 1.11 14.0 16.4 14.1 14.4
Butadiene 1.4 2 2 4.5 5
Mixed butenes 1.6 1 6.4 8 6
C5 1.6 9 12.6 18.5 32
Propylene=ethylene (wt=wt) 0.03 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6
Propylene (wt% of C3) 86.7 58.3 99.0 98.3 96.7
(From Ref.[3].)
Propylene Production 2463
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Fig. 1 Schematic flow diagram of

a conventional FCC process.

propylene yield; however, it is economical to recover catalyst additive is increasing to boost propylene
propylene from an FCC unit for chemical uses. Deep production. Processes in various stages of development
catalytic cracking, licensed by Stone & Webster=Shaw include PetroFCC (UOP), High Severity-FCC
Shaw and RIPP=Sinopec, is the only high-olefin FCC (KFUPM, JCCP, Saudi Aramco), Maxofin (KBR,
process that reached the commercialization stage.[5] ExxonMobil), Selective Component Cracking (Lum-
Recent catalyst developments have helped increase mus), and IndMax (Indian Oil). Table 3 presents a
the propylene yield of conventional FCC from 4.5% comparison of the yield structure of conventional
to 10% or greater. In particular, the use of ZSM-5 FCC and selected high-olefin technologies.[5–7]

Table 3 Product yields of conventional and emerging FCC processes

Parameter FCC DCC PetroFCC HS-FCC

Reaction temperature ( C) 500 530 590 600

Product yield (wt%)
Ethylene 1.5 5.4 6.0 2.3
Propylene 4.8 14.3 22.0 15.9
Mixed butanes 6.9 14.7 14.0 17.4
Gasoline 51.5 39.0 28.0 37.8
Heavy and light oils 21.0 15.6 14.5 9.9
Coke 4.5 4.3 5.5 6.5
(From Refs.[5–7].)
2464 Propylene Production

Table 4 Typical properties of commercial propane dehydrogenation processes

Process Licensor Reactor type Catalyst Reaction conditions
Catofin Lummus-Houdry Fixed bed Cr2O3=Al2O3 560–620
C, > 0.5 atm
FBD-3 Snamprogetti-Yarsintez Fluidized bed Cr2O3=Al2O3 540–590
C, 1 atm
Oleflex UOP Moving bed Pt=Al2O3 550–650
C, > 1 atm
PDH Linde-BASF-Statoil Fixed bed Cr2O3=Al2O3 590
C, > 1 atm
STAR Krupp Uhde Fixed bed Pt=Sn=Zn=Al2O3 500
C, 3.5 atm
(From Ref.[8].)

PROPANE DEHYDROGENATION Fig. 2 presents a typical schematic flow diagram for

propane dehydrogenation. In a process with fixed-bed
Propane dehydrogenation is a highly endothermic reactors, at least two reactors must be used so that the
process. High temperatures and relatively low pressures catalyst in one reactor can be regenerated without
are used to get a reasonable conversion of propane. The stopping the process. The advantage with a moving
reaction is equilibrium limited. The amount of olefin bed or a fluidized bed is that the catalyst can be conti-
in the reactor effluent is dependent on the reactor nuously removed from the reactor and be regenerated.
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outlet conditions. Thermal cracking reactions limit The disadvantage is that a separate regeneration unit is
the maximum practical temperature, and pressure, needed.
therefore, becomes the dominant variable.

C3 H8 ) C3 H6 þ H2 DHr;298 K ¼ 129:4 kJ=mol


Side reactions that occur simultaneously with the Olefin metathesis is a useful reaction for the produc-
main reaction cause the formation of some light and tion of propylene from ethylene and butenes using
heavy hydrocarbons that result in the deposition of a certain transition-metal compound catalysts. The two
small amount of coke on the catalyst. Two different main equilibrium reactions that take place simulta-
catalyst systems based on chromium and platinum neously are metathesis and isomerization. Metathesis
are used within a temperature range of 500–650
C. transforms the carbon–carbon double bond, a func-
Because of the fast deactivation by coke formation, tional group that is unreactive toward many reagents
different concepts have been used to enable regenera- that react with many other functional groups. New
tion of the catalyst. carbon–carbon double bonds are formed at or near
Several commercial processes have been developed for room temperature even in aqueous media from starting
the catalytic dehydrogenation of propane to propylene as materials. Because olefin metathesis is a reversible reac-
presented in Table 4.[8] Of the seven commercial propane tion, propylene can be produced from ethylene and
dehydrogenation plants in operation, six use UOP’s butene-2. Metathesis can be added to steam crackers
Oleflex continuous moving-bed process. The other uses to enhance the production of propylene by the trans-
ABB Lummus’ Catofin cyclic multiple-reactor system. formation of ethylene and the cracking of mixed
Other processes include Krupp Uhde’s STAR process, butenes. Fig. 3 shows a schematic flow diagram of a
as well as technologies from Linde and Snamprogetti.[9] typical metathesis process. Examples of metathesis

Fig. 2 Flow diagram of catalytic dehydrogenation of propane to propylene.

Propylene Production 2465

Fig. 3 Typical flow diagram of olefin metathesis process.

processes include the low temperature Meta-4 by configuration. The process can be added to con-
Axens and the Olefins Conversion Technology (OCT) ventional steam cracking plants or FCC units. All
by ABB Lummus (acquired from Phillips). developed processes use shape-selective medium-pore
zeolitic catalysts that crack olefin-rich streams to pre-
dominately ethylene and propylene. The fluidized-bed
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES technologies are based on a reactor=regenerator design
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similar to conventional FCC. Reaction thermo-

Catalytic Cracking of Higher Hydrocarbons dynamics determine the product slate and the selectivity
independent of feedstock sources. Lurgi developed a
A number of nonconventional technologies such as the low-pressure catalytic process known as Propylur that
catalytic cracking of naphtha are being explored as an uses adiabatic fixed-bed technology for converting
alternative conventional steam cracking of hydro- higher olefins to propylene and ethylene in the pre-
carbons. The main objective is to achieve higher yields sence of steam. Other technologies include Atofina=
of light olefins and to lower capital and operating costs. UOP’s olefin cracking process (OCP), Lyondell=
Vniios has developed a conceptually new technology for Kellogg’s fluidized-bed Superflex process, Linde’s fixed-
the catalytic cracking (pyrolysis) of petroleum fractions bed catalytic cracking (FBCC), and ExxonMobil’s
using heterogeneous catalysts. The process key element olefin interconversion (MOI) and fluidized-bed propyl-
is a potassium–vanadium catalyst doped with boron ene catalytic cracking (PCC).
oxide and supported on a robust mullite–corundum
carrier. Despite numerous patents and demonstration
plant trials, none of these processes have been used in Propylene from Methanol
commercial olefin production. However, it is unlikely
that these processes will replace steam cracking for Because the market for olefins currently greatly exceeds
ethylene production in the foreseeable future. that for methanol production, olefin production could
become an important new outlet for the potentially vast
quantities of low-cost methanol. Methanol conversion
Olefin Interconversion produces a mixture of ethylene and propylene of various
ratios or primarily propylene depending on the process.
Several on-purpose propylene production technolo- Currently, there are two processes for the production of
gies are based on the catalytic interconversion of propylene from methanol: the first process is methanol
C4–C8 olefins in a fixed- or fluidized-bed reactor to olefin (MTO) process, developed by UOP and Hydro,

Table 5 Selection criteria for on-purpose propylene production processes

Selection criteria Refinery DCC Dehydrogenation Metathesis Olefin cracking MTO/MTP
Feedstock Gas oils Propane C2–C4 Olefins C4–C8 Olefins Methanol
Steam cracker integration No No Yes Yes No
Investment Moderate High Moderate Moderate Very high
Commercial units Several Several One None None
(From Ref.[1].)
2466 Propylene Production

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