CastilloPech PedroPablo M7S4 Proyectointegrador

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My family is my main

motivation to improve every


My life


Pedro Pablo Castillo Pech

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a. What are your personal goals?

1. I’m going to get a better job.

2. I’m going to finish my high school.

b. What are your future plans about your studies?

1. I’m going to continue with my studies because I want to be a lawyer. Then, I’m going to get my

2. In the next four years, I will study hard in order to improve every day, so I will get a better job
working as a lawyer.

c. What are your future plans about your family?

1. I’m going to travel abroad with my family; maybe we’re going to visit Boston.

2. I suppose that I will buy a comfortable house to live better with my family.

d. What are you going to do to be healthier?

1. I’m going to do physical exercise. Also, I’m going to play sports.

2. I’m going to eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables.

e. Write one goal you wish to achieve in the next five years.

- In the next five years I will earn more money.

- I think I will work in my own business project.

f. What will you do to achieve that goal?

- I will improve every day in my studies in order to get a promotion in my job.

- I suppose I will save money in order to work in my own business.

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