Lesson Template 1

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Lesson Plan Template 1

Name(s): Büşra Gözey
Duygu Demirtaş
Hava Karakuş
Merve Koçak
Language Integrated Art Activity (Whole Group)
Unit Title
It is not a stick!
Grade Level
60-72 months

One lesson hour

Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Cognitive Development
Sixty-72 months old children will match at least 5 the pictures to the story that teacher reads via Prezi at the
end of the activity.

Sixty-72 months old children will show at least 3 different ways to use the materials out of its purpose at the
end of the activity.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Book which name is ‘Stick Man’, stick puppet, natural materials which children collect from out like stick,
leaves, potty putty, papers, crayon, adhesive

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Child-centred. Reading. Documenting. Philosophizing.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Teacher reads the Stick Man book in activity. While teacher reads the book, she shows a Prezi presentation,
which includes pictures of the book so that children can follow the story. After that, they pass through the art
activity by using sticks they collected from school garden.
Individual Learning Activities Each child decides which stick they will work and they
draw pictures own by own.
Group Learning Activities They listen and follow the book on Prezi as a whole

After breakfast, teacher meets children with a stick puppet. When they realize it, teacher asks them what can
be, what it looks like. After their predictions, teacher tells that this is a stick man and he has interesting story
which is full of adventure. Do you have any idea or prediction about his story? After their answers, teacher
begins to read a story with the presentation, which is prepared in Prezi. When teacher reads a story, she uses
stick man in some parts which are suitable for using and also stops in some parts and asks questions about
story like what can be happened know, what you did if you were a stick man etc. When the story ends, teacher
talks with children about their thinking and feeling about story, then teacher broaches the topic which is
related to shape and usage of the stick man. In the story, the stick is used for different purpose and with
different ways so teacher draw their attention to this point and want them to remember using way of stick.
After this brainstorming, teacher tells that “I want you to think if you have a stick how you use it, for what
purposes it can be used because now we will go out and collect sticks from the garden. Then we come to class
and continue this activity.” Then, children wear their clothes and shoes and go out to collect sticks. After they
come to class, teacher distribute small papers which written their names and tells that I want you to paste
these papers to your sticks to understand this stick is yours because now we will compare some characteristics
of our sticks like their length and thickness. Then, teacher wants them to put their sticks on a craft which is on
the carpet. When all sticks are on the carpet, teacher wants them to examine and asks questions like which
one is the longest, shortest, thickest, slimmest, wriest (curve), straight, how can you array these sticks from the
tallest to shortest, what are the other characteristics of sticks which we can compare etc. with these questions
and children’s suggestions, they make comparison and teacher gives feedback when it is necessary. After they
finish comparison, teacher wants them to take their sticks and to sit in the chairs and asks them if they
remember or not what teacher said before they go out. Children are expected to remember and teacher tells
that “yes, I said you to think what can be other forms of using sticks and now you have sticks and I want you to
use them for different forms and purposes so I will distribute you papers, crayons, adhesive and potty putt. You
can use these materials as you wish to make your own designs with stick.” Then teacher distributes materials
and children make their designs. After they finish their activity, each child explains their works and teacher
continues with assessment questions.
Measurement & Evaluation

Descriptive Questions
1) Which materials we used in our activities?
2) What happened to the stick man?
Emotional Questions
1) If you were a stick man, what did you do in those situations? (These situations are talked when reading the
2) Is there any part you have difficulty when you design different form of stick?
Questions Related to Objectives and Signs
1) How did we array sticks?
2) What can be other ways of using this stick?
Daily Life Questions
1)Have you ever used stick for this purpose in your life? (purpose is related to child design)
2) Is there any material which you use in different forms?

Measurement & Assessment Activities for After they examine the book with group, they are wanted
Individual Performance to think individually about what they can do with a box.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Children are wanted to examine the book which is ‘ Not a
Group Performance Box!’ as a whole group.
Homework (optional) -

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

Teacher can print the Prezi as a PDF for any in case situations.

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